diff --git a/LaunchServer/src/main/resources/pro/gravit/launchserver/defaults/proguard.cfg b/LaunchServer/src/main/resources/pro/gravit/launchserver/defaults/proguard.cfg index 08b511c1..d3f335ad 100644 --- a/LaunchServer/src/main/resources/pro/gravit/launchserver/defaults/proguard.cfg +++ b/LaunchServer/src/main/resources/pro/gravit/launchserver/defaults/proguard.cfg @@ -16,29 +16,17 @@ -keepattributes Signature -adaptresourcefilecontents META-INF/MANIFEST.MF --keeppackagenames com.mojang.**,net.minecraftforge.fml.**,cpw.mods.fml.**,com.google.gson.**,pro.gravit.repackage.**,org.fusesource.**, pro.gravit.launcher.api.** +-keeppackagenames com.mojang.**,net.minecraftforge.fml.**,cpw.mods.fml.**,com.google.gson.**,pro.gravit.repackage.**,org.fusesource.**, pro.gravit.launcher.api.**, pro.gravit.utils.**, pro.gravit.launcher.request.**, pro.gravit.launcher.events.**, pro.gravit.launcher.profiles.** --keep class com.mojang.**,net.minecraftforge.fml.**,cpw.mods.fml.**,com.google.gson.**,pro.gravit.repackage.**,org.fusesource.**, pro.gravit.launcher.api.** { +-keep class com.mojang.**,net.minecraftforge.fml.**,cpw.mods.fml.**,com.google.gson.**,pro.gravit.repackage.**,org.fusesource.**, pro.gravit.launcher.api.**, pro.gravit.utils.**, pro.gravit.launcher.request.**, pro.gravit.launcher.events.**, pro.gravit.launcher.profiles.** { *; } --keepclassmembers @pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI class ** { - ; - ; -} - -keepclassmembers @pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI class ** { ; ; } --keepclassmembers class ** { - @pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI - ; - @pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI - ; -} - -keepclassmembers class ** { @pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI ; diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/JSApplication.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/JSApplication.java index 47937e7c..550914d7 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/JSApplication.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/JSApplication.java @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public abstract class JSApplication extends Application { private static final AtomicReference INSTANCE = new AtomicReference<>(); - @LauncherAPI + public static JSApplication getInstance() { return INSTANCE.get(); } diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherAgent.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherAgent.java index 5309d878..ae8170cb 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherAgent.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherAgent.java @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.jar.JarFile; -@LauncherAPI + public final class LauncherAgent { private static boolean isAgentStarted = false; public static Instrumentation inst; diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherEngine.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherEngine.java index ae9c10f8..7545e6ae 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherEngine.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherEngine.java @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ private LauncherEngine() { } - @LauncherAPI + public void start(String... args) throws Throwable { //Launcher.modulesManager = new ClientModuleManager(this); ClientPreGuiPhase event = new ClientPreGuiPhase(null); diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/NewLauncherSettings.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/NewLauncherSettings.java index b812b3c5..f95be120 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/NewLauncherSettings.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/NewLauncherSettings.java @@ -8,21 +8,17 @@ import java.util.*; public class NewLauncherSettings { - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public Map userSettings = new HashMap<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public List features = new ArrayList<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String consoleUnlockKey; public static class HashedStoreEntry { - @LauncherAPI public final HashedDir hdir; - @LauncherAPI public final String name; - @LauncherAPI public final String fullPath; - @LauncherAPI public transient boolean needSave = false; public HashedStoreEntry(HashedDir hdir, String name, String fullPath) { @@ -32,10 +28,9 @@ public HashedStoreEntry(HashedDir hdir, String name, String fullPath) { } } - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public final transient List lastHDirs = new ArrayList<>(16); - @LauncherAPI public void putHDir(String name, Path path, HashedDir dir) { String fullPath = path.toAbsolutePath().toString(); lastHDirs.removeIf((e) -> e.fullPath.equals(fullPath) && e.name.equals(name)); diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ClientClassLoader.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ClientClassLoader.java index 682d0ec1..4c007042 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ClientClassLoader.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ClientClassLoader.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.client; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.IOHelper; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.JVMHelper; diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ClientLauncher.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ClientLauncher.java index 4e85be4d..4d9e2aef 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ClientLauncher.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ClientLauncher.java @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public final class ClientLauncher { - @LauncherAPI + public static int getClientJVMBits() { return LauncherGuardManager.guard.getClientJVMBits(); } @@ -71,30 +71,30 @@ public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IO public static final class Params extends StreamObject { // Client paths - @LauncherAPI + public final Path assetDir; - @LauncherAPI + public final Path clientDir; // Client params - @LauncherAPI + public final PlayerProfile pp; - @LauncherAPI + public final String accessToken; - @LauncherAPI + public final boolean autoEnter; - @LauncherAPI + public final boolean fullScreen; - @LauncherAPI + public final int ram; - @LauncherAPI + public final int width; - @LauncherAPI + public final int height; - @LauncherAPI + public final long session; - @LauncherAPI + public Params(byte[] launcherDigest, Path assetDir, Path clientDir, PlayerProfile pp, String accessToken, boolean autoEnter, boolean fullScreen, int ram, int width, int height) { // Client paths @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public Params(byte[] launcherDigest, Path assetDir, Path clientDir, PlayerProfil this.session = Request.getSession(); } - @LauncherAPI + public Params(HInput input) throws Exception { session = input.readLong(); // Client paths @@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ public void write(HOutput output) throws IOException { private static ClientClassLoader classLoader; public static class ClientUserProperties { - @LauncherAPI + String[] skinURL; - @LauncherAPI + String[] skinDigest; - @LauncherAPI + String[] cloakURL; - @LauncherAPI + String[] cloakDigest; } @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ private static void addClientArgs(Collection args, ClientProfile profile } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void setJavaBinPath(Path javaBinPath) { JavaBinPath = javaBinPath; } @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ private static void addClientLegacyArgs(Collection args, ClientProfile p Collections.addAll(args, "--assetsDir", params.assetDir.toString()); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void checkJVMBitsAndVersion() { if (JVMHelper.JVM_BITS != JVMHelper.OS_BITS) { String error = String.format("У Вас установлена Java %d, но Ваша система определена как %d. Установите Java правильной разрядности", JVMHelper.JVM_BITS, JVMHelper.OS_BITS); @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public static void checkJVMBitsAndVersion() { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isLaunched() { return Launcher.LAUNCHED.get(); } @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ public static void setClientStarted() { public static PlayerProfile playerProfile; - @LauncherAPI + public static Process launch( HashedDir assetHDir, HashedDir clientHDir, ClientProfile profile, Params params, boolean pipeOutput) throws Throwable { @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ public ClientLaunchContext(Params params, ClientProfile profile, HashedDir asset } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void main(String... args) throws Throwable { LauncherEngine.IS_CLIENT.set(true); LauncherEngine engine = LauncherEngine.clientInstance(); @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ private static void initGson(ClientModuleManager moduleManager) { Launcher.gsonManager.initGson(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void setProfile(ClientProfile profile) { Launcher.profile = profile; LogHelper.debug("New Profile name: %s", profile.getTitle()); diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/DirBridge.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/DirBridge.java index f33fe32e..f9e4c40e 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/DirBridge.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/DirBridge.java @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.client; import pro.gravit.launcher.Launcher; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.IOHelper; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.JVMHelper; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.LogHelper; @@ -17,26 +16,26 @@ public class DirBridge { public static final String CUSTOMDIR_PROPERTY = "launcher.customdir"; public static final String USE_OPTDIR_PROPERTY = "launcher.useoptdir"; - @LauncherAPI + public static Path dir; - @LauncherAPI + public static Path dirStore; - @LauncherAPI + public static Path dirProjectStore; - @LauncherAPI + public static Path dirUpdates; - @LauncherAPI + public static Path defaultUpdatesDir; - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean useLegacyDir; - @LauncherAPI + public static void move(Path newDir) throws IOException { IOHelper.move(dirUpdates, newDir); dirUpdates = newDir; } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path getAppDataDir() throws IOException { boolean isCustomDir = Boolean.getBoolean(System.getProperty(USE_CUSTOMDIR_PROPERTY, "false")); if (isCustomDir) { @@ -66,12 +65,12 @@ public static Path getAppDataDir() throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path getLauncherDir(String projectname) throws IOException { return getAppDataDir().resolve(projectname); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path getStoreDir(String projectname) throws IOException { if (JVMHelper.OS_TYPE == JVMHelper.OS.LINUX) return getAppDataDir().resolve("store"); @@ -81,22 +80,22 @@ else if (JVMHelper.OS_TYPE == JVMHelper.OS.MUSTDIE) return getAppDataDir().resolve("minecraftStore"); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path getProjectStoreDir(String projectname) throws IOException { return getStoreDir(projectname).resolve(projectname); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path getGuardDir() { return dir.resolve("guard"); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path getLegacyLauncherDir(String projectname) { return IOHelper.HOME_DIR.resolve(projectname); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void setUseLegacyDir(boolean b) { useLegacyDir = b; } diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ServerPinger.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ServerPinger.java index 44ef6ae7..43f689d0 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ServerPinger.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/client/ServerPinger.java @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import com.google.gson.JsonObject; import com.google.gson.JsonParser; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.profiles.ClientProfile; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; @@ -24,11 +23,11 @@ public final class ServerPinger { private final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); public static final class Result { - @LauncherAPI + public final int onlinePlayers; - @LauncherAPI + public final int maxPlayers; - @LauncherAPI + public final String raw; public Result(int onlinePlayers, int maxPlayers, String raw) { @@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ public Result(int onlinePlayers, int maxPlayers, String raw) { this.raw = raw; } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isOverfilled() { return onlinePlayers >= maxPlayers; } @@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ private static void writeUTF16String(HOutput output, String s) throws IOExceptio private Instant cacheTime = null; - @LauncherAPI + public ServerPinger(ClientProfile profile) { this.address = Objects.requireNonNull(profile.getServerSocketAddress(), "address"); this.version = Objects.requireNonNull(profile.getVersion(), "version"); @@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ private Result modernPing(HInput input, HOutput output) throws IOException { return new Result(online, max, response); } - @LauncherAPI + public Result ping() throws IOException { Instant now = Instant.now(); synchronized (cacheLock) { diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/managers/HasherStore.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/managers/HasherStore.java index 3dab3a92..57095622 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/managers/HasherStore.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/managers/HasherStore.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.managers; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.FileNameMatcher; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.HashedDir; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.HashedEntry; @@ -19,15 +18,15 @@ public class HasherStore { public Map store; public static class HasherStoreEnity { - @LauncherAPI + public HashedDir hdir; - @LauncherAPI + public Path dir; - @LauncherAPI + public Collection shared; } - @LauncherAPI + public void addProfileUpdateDir(ClientProfile profile, Path dir, HashedDir hdir) { HasherStoreEnity e = new HasherStoreEnity(); e.hdir = hdir; @@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ public void addProfileUpdateDir(ClientProfile profile, Path dir, HashedDir hdir) store.put(profile.getTitle(), e); } - @LauncherAPI + public void copyCompareFilesTo(String name, Path targetDir, HashedDir targetHDir, String[] shared) { store.forEach((key, e) -> { if (key.equals(name)) return; @@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ public void copyCompareFilesTo(String name, Path targetDir, HashedDir targetHDir }); } - @LauncherAPI + public void recurseCopy(String filename, HashedEntry entry, String name, Path targetDir, Path sourceDir) { if (!IOHelper.isDir(targetDir)) { try { diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/managers/SettingsManager.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/managers/SettingsManager.java index edf1dfe6..4d560957 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/managers/SettingsManager.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/managers/SettingsManager.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.managers; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.NewLauncherSettings; import pro.gravit.launcher.client.DirBridge; import pro.gravit.launcher.config.JsonConfigurable; @@ -32,26 +31,26 @@ public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) } - @LauncherAPI + public static NewLauncherSettings settings; public SettingsManager() { super(NewLauncherSettings.class, DirBridge.dir.resolve("settings.json")); } - @LauncherAPI + @Override public NewLauncherSettings getConfig() { return settings; } - @LauncherAPI + @Override public NewLauncherSettings getDefaultConfig() { return new NewLauncherSettings(); } - @LauncherAPI + @Override public void setConfig(NewLauncherSettings config) { settings = config; @@ -63,13 +62,13 @@ public void setConfig(NewLauncherSettings config) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public void loadHDirStore(Path storePath) throws IOException { Files.createDirectories(storePath); IOHelper.walk(storePath, new StoreFileVisitor(), false); } - @LauncherAPI + public void saveHDirStore(Path storeProjectPath) throws IOException { Files.createDirectories(storeProjectPath); for (NewLauncherSettings.HashedStoreEntry e : settings.lastHDirs) { @@ -84,12 +83,12 @@ public void saveHDirStore(Path storeProjectPath) throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public void loadHDirStore() throws IOException { loadHDirStore(DirBridge.dirStore); } - @LauncherAPI + public void saveHDirStore() throws IOException { saveHDirStore(DirBridge.dirProjectStore); } diff --git a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/utils/DirWatcher.java b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/utils/DirWatcher.java index 631ee137..ea0edbbf 100644 --- a/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/utils/DirWatcher.java +++ b/Launcher/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/utils/DirWatcher.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.utils; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.FileNameMatcher; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.HashedDir; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.HashedEntry; @@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ private static Deque toPath(Iterable path) { private final boolean digest; - @LauncherAPI + public DirWatcher(Path dir, HashedDir hdir, FileNameMatcher matcher, boolean digest) throws IOException { this.dir = Objects.requireNonNull(dir, "dir"); this.hdir = Objects.requireNonNull(hdir, "hdir"); @@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ public DirWatcher(Path dir, HashedDir hdir, FileNameMatcher matcher, boolean dig } @Override - @LauncherAPI + public void close() throws IOException { service.close(); } @@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ private void processLoop() throws IOException, InterruptedException { } @Override - @LauncherAPI + public void run() { try { processLoop(); diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/ClientPermissions.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/ClientPermissions.java index 7201063c..db3ddd3a 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/ClientPermissions.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/ClientPermissions.java @@ -8,17 +8,17 @@ public class ClientPermissions { public static final ClientPermissions DEFAULT = new ClientPermissions(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public boolean canAdmin; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public boolean canServer; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public final boolean canUSR1; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public final boolean canUSR2; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public final boolean canUSR3; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public boolean canBot; public ClientPermissions(HInput input) throws IOException { @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public ClientPermissions(long data) { canBot = (data & (1 << 5)) != 0; } - @LauncherAPI + public long toLong() { long result = 0; result |= !canAdmin ? 0 : 1; diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/Launcher.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/Launcher.java index 70dafc79..b9796166 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/Launcher.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/Launcher.java @@ -20,42 +20,42 @@ public final class Launcher { // Authlib constants - @LauncherAPI + public static final String SKIN_URL_PROPERTY = "skinURL"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String SKIN_DIGEST_PROPERTY = "skinDigest"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String CLOAK_URL_PROPERTY = "cloakURL"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String CLOAK_DIGEST_PROPERTY = "cloakDigest"; // Used to determine from clientside is launched from launcher public static final AtomicBoolean LAUNCHED = new AtomicBoolean(false); private static final AtomicReference CONFIG = new AtomicReference<>(); - @LauncherAPI + public static final int PROTOCOL_MAGIC_LEGACY = 0x724724_00 + 24; - @LauncherAPI + public static final int PROTOCOL_MAGIC = 0xA205B064; // e = 2.718281828 // Constants - @LauncherAPI + public static final String RUNTIME_DIR = "runtime"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String GUARD_DIR = "guard"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String CONFIG_FILE = "config.bin"; - @LauncherAPI + public static ClientProfile profile; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String INIT_SCRIPT_FILE = "init.js"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String API_SCRIPT_FILE = "engine/api.js"; public static final String CONFIG_SCRIPT_FILE = "config.js"; private static final Pattern UUID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("-", Pattern.LITERAL); public static GsonManager gsonManager; - @LauncherAPI + public static LauncherConfig getConfig() { LauncherConfig config = CONFIG.get(); if (config == null) { @@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ public static LauncherConfig getConfig() { return config; } - @LauncherAPI + public static void setConfig(LauncherConfig cfg) { CONFIG.set(cfg); } - @LauncherAPI + public static URL getResourceURL(String name) throws IOException { LauncherConfig config = getConfig(); byte[] validDigest = config.runtime.get(name); @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public static URL getResourceURL(String name, String prefix) throws IOException return url; } - @LauncherAPI + public static String toHash(UUID uuid) { return UUID_PATTERN.matcher(uuid.toString()).replaceAll(""); } diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherConfig.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherConfig.java index 037c541f..9efbb4b6 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherConfig.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/LauncherConfig.java @@ -24,16 +24,16 @@ public static AutogenConfig getAutogenConfig() { // Instance public String address; - @LauncherAPI + public final String projectName; public final int clientPort; public String secretKeyClient; public String oemUnlockKey; public final LauncherTrustManager trustManager; - @LauncherAPI + public final ECPublicKey publicKey; - @LauncherAPI + public final Map runtime; public final boolean isWarningMissArchJava; public boolean isNettyEnabled; @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public static AutogenConfig getAutogenConfig() { public final String secureCheckSalt; public final String passwordEncryptKey; - @LauncherAPI + public LauncherConfig(HInput input) throws IOException, InvalidKeySpecException { publicKey = SecurityHelper.toPublicECKey(input.readByteArray(SecurityHelper.CRYPTO_MAX_LENGTH)); secureCheckHash = config.secureCheckHash; @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public LauncherConfig(HInput input) throws IOException, InvalidKeySpecException runtime = Collections.unmodifiableMap(localResources); } - @LauncherAPI + public LauncherConfig(String address, ECPublicKey publicKey, Map runtime, String projectName) { this.address = address; this.publicKey = publicKey; diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/config/JsonConfigurable.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/config/JsonConfigurable.java index 9d7adec5..373fe21e 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/config/JsonConfigurable.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/config/JsonConfigurable.java @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.config; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; - import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.nio.file.Path; @@ -9,7 +7,7 @@ public abstract class JsonConfigurable implements JsonConfigurableInterface { - @LauncherAPI + default void saveConfig() throws IOException { saveConfig(getPath()); } - @LauncherAPI + default void loadConfig() throws IOException { loadConfig(getPath()); } - @LauncherAPI + default void saveConfig(Gson gson, Path configPath) throws IOException { try (BufferedWriter writer = IOHelper.newWriter(configPath)) { gson.toJson(getConfig(), getType(), writer); } } - @LauncherAPI + default void loadConfig(Gson gson, Path configPath) throws IOException { if (generateConfigIfNotExists(configPath)) return; try (BufferedReader reader = IOHelper.newReader(configPath)) { @@ -41,29 +40,29 @@ default void loadConfig(Gson gson, Path configPath) throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + default void saveConfig(Path configPath) throws IOException { saveConfig(Launcher.gsonManager.configGson, configPath); } - @LauncherAPI + default void loadConfig(Path configPath) throws IOException { loadConfig(Launcher.gsonManager.configGson, configPath); } - @LauncherAPI + default void resetConfig() throws IOException { setConfig(getDefaultConfig()); saveConfig(); } - @LauncherAPI + default void resetConfig(Path newPath) throws IOException { setConfig(getDefaultConfig()); saveConfig(newPath); } - @LauncherAPI + default boolean generateConfigIfNotExists(Path path) throws IOException { if (IOHelper.isFile(path)) return false; @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ default boolean generateConfigIfNotExists(Path path) throws IOException { return true; } - @LauncherAPI + default boolean generateConfigIfNotExists() throws IOException { if (IOHelper.isFile(getPath())) return false; @@ -79,16 +78,16 @@ default boolean generateConfigIfNotExists() throws IOException { return true; } - @LauncherAPI + T getConfig(); - @LauncherAPI + T getDefaultConfig(); - @LauncherAPI + void setConfig(T config); - @LauncherAPI + Path getPath(); Type getType(); diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/events/request/VerifySecureTokenRequestEvent.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/events/request/VerifySecureTokenRequestEvent.java index 12a6e7bb..276000b7 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/events/request/VerifySecureTokenRequestEvent.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/events/request/VerifySecureTokenRequestEvent.java @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.events.request; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; +import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.events.RequestEvent; public class VerifySecureTokenRequestEvent extends RequestEvent { - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public final boolean success; @Override diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hwid/OshiHWID.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hwid/OshiHWID.java index 405a2f9c..5fbade47 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hwid/OshiHWID.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hwid/OshiHWID.java @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.hwid; import com.google.gson.Gson; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; +import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.StringJoiner; public class OshiHWID implements HWID { public static Gson gson = new Gson(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public long totalMemory = 0; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String serialNumber; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String HWDiskSerial; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String processorID; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String macAddr; @Override diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/ClientProfile.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/ClientProfile.java index 3530d993..92435b5a 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/ClientProfile.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/ClientProfile.java @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.profiles; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; +import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.FileNameMatcher; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.HashedDir; import pro.gravit.launcher.profiles.optional.OptionalDepend; @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import java.util.*; public final class ClientProfile implements Comparable { - @LauncherAPI + public enum Version { MC125("1.2.5", 29), MC147("1.4.7", 51), @@ -73,54 +73,54 @@ public String toString() { private static final FileNameMatcher ASSET_MATCHER = new FileNameMatcher( new String[0], new String[]{"indexes", "objects"}, new String[0]); // Version - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private String version; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private String assetIndex; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private String dir; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private String assetDir; // Client - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private int sortIndex; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private UUID uuid; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private String title; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private String info; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private String serverAddress; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private int serverPort; // Updater and client watch service - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final List update = new ArrayList<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final List updateExclusions = new ArrayList<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final List updateShared = new ArrayList<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final List updateVerify = new ArrayList<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final Set updateOptional = new HashSet<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private boolean updateFastCheck; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private boolean useWhitelist; // Client launcher - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private String mainClass; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final List jvmArgs = new ArrayList<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final List classPath = new ArrayList<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final List clientArgs = new ArrayList<>(); - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI private final List whitelist = new ArrayList<>(); @Override @@ -128,27 +128,27 @@ public int compareTo(ClientProfile o) { return Integer.compare(getSortIndex(), o.getSortIndex()); } - @LauncherAPI + public String getAssetIndex() { return assetIndex; } - @LauncherAPI + public FileNameMatcher getAssetUpdateMatcher() { return getVersion().compareTo(Version.MC1710) >= 0 ? ASSET_MATCHER : null; } - @LauncherAPI + public String[] getClassPath() { return classPath.toArray(new String[0]); } - @LauncherAPI + public String[] getClientArgs() { return clientArgs.toArray(new String[0]); } - @LauncherAPI + public String getDir() { return dir; } @@ -157,12 +157,12 @@ public void setDir(String dir) { this.dir = dir; } - @LauncherAPI + public String getAssetDir() { return assetDir; } - @LauncherAPI + public FileNameMatcher getClientUpdateMatcher(/*boolean excludeOptional*/) { String[] updateArray = update.toArray(new String[0]); String[] verifyArray = updateVerify.toArray(new String[0]); @@ -179,27 +179,27 @@ public FileNameMatcher getClientUpdateMatcher(/*boolean excludeOptional*/) { return new FileNameMatcher(updateArray, verifyArray, exclusionsArray); } - @LauncherAPI + public String[] getJvmArgs() { return jvmArgs.toArray(new String[0]); } - @LauncherAPI + public String getMainClass() { return mainClass; } - @LauncherAPI + public String getServerAddress() { return serverAddress; } - @LauncherAPI + public Set getOptional() { return updateOptional; } - @LauncherAPI + public void updateOptionalGraph() { for (OptionalFile file : updateOptional) { if (file.dependenciesFile != null) { @@ -217,19 +217,19 @@ public void updateOptionalGraph() { } } - @LauncherAPI + public OptionalFile getOptionalFile(String file, OptionalType type) { for (OptionalFile f : updateOptional) if (f.type.equals(type) && f.name.equals(file)) return f; return null; } - @LauncherAPI + public Collection getShared() { return updateShared; } - @LauncherAPI + public void markOptional(String name, OptionalType type) { OptionalFile file = getOptionalFile(name, type); if (file == null) { @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ public void markOptional(String name, OptionalType type) { markOptional(file); } - @LauncherAPI + public void markOptional(OptionalFile file) { if (file.mark) return; @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ public void markOptional(OptionalFile file) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public void unmarkOptional(String name, OptionalType type) { OptionalFile file = getOptionalFile(name, type); if (file == null) { @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ public void unmarkOptional(String name, OptionalType type) { unmarkOptional(file); } - @LauncherAPI + public void unmarkOptional(OptionalFile file) { if (!file.mark) return; file.mark = false; @@ -330,58 +330,58 @@ public interface pushOptionalClassPathCallback { void run(String[] opt) throws IOException; } - @LauncherAPI + public int getServerPort() { return serverPort; } - @LauncherAPI + public InetSocketAddress getServerSocketAddress() { return InetSocketAddress.createUnresolved(getServerAddress(), getServerPort()); } - @LauncherAPI + public int getSortIndex() { return sortIndex; } - @LauncherAPI + public String getTitle() { return title; } - @LauncherAPI + public String getInfo() { return info; } - @LauncherAPI + public Version getVersion() { return Version.byName(version); } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isUpdateFastCheck() { return updateFastCheck; } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isWhitelistContains(String username) { if (!useWhitelist) return true; return whitelist.stream().anyMatch(profileCaseSensitive ? e -> e.equals(username) : e -> e.equalsIgnoreCase(username)); } - @LauncherAPI + public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } - @LauncherAPI + public void setInfo(String info) { this.info = info; } - @LauncherAPI + public void setVersion(Version version) { this.version = version.name; } @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ public UUID getUUID() { return uuid; } - @LauncherAPI + public void verify() { // Version getVersion(); diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/PlayerProfile.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/PlayerProfile.java index 94f419af..108f0829 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/PlayerProfile.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/PlayerProfile.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.profiles; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream.StreamObject; @@ -12,26 +11,26 @@ import java.util.UUID; public final class PlayerProfile extends StreamObject { - @LauncherAPI + public static PlayerProfile newOfflineProfile(String username) { return new PlayerProfile(offlineUUID(username), username, null, null); } - @LauncherAPI + public static UUID offlineUUID(String username) { return UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(IOHelper.encodeASCII("OfflinePlayer:" + username)); } - @LauncherAPI + public final UUID uuid; - @LauncherAPI + public final String username; - @LauncherAPI + public final Texture skin, cloak; - @LauncherAPI + public PlayerProfile(HInput input) throws IOException { uuid = input.readUUID(); username = VerifyHelper.verifyUsername(input.readString(64)); @@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ public PlayerProfile(HInput input) throws IOException { cloak = input.readBoolean() ? new Texture(input) : null; } - @LauncherAPI + public PlayerProfile(UUID uuid, String username, Texture skin, Texture cloak) { this.uuid = Objects.requireNonNull(uuid, "uuid"); this.username = VerifyHelper.verifyUsername(username); diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/Texture.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/Texture.java index 84869e1d..e836b661 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/Texture.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/Texture.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.profiles; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream.StreamObject; @@ -17,18 +16,18 @@ public final class Texture extends StreamObject { private static final SecurityHelper.DigestAlgorithm DIGEST_ALGO = SecurityHelper.DigestAlgorithm.SHA256; // Instance - @LauncherAPI + public final String url; - @LauncherAPI + public final byte[] digest; - @LauncherAPI + public Texture(HInput input) throws IOException { url = IOHelper.verifyURL(input.readASCII(2048)); digest = input.readByteArray(-DIGEST_ALGO.bytes); } - @LauncherAPI + public Texture(String url, boolean cloak) throws IOException { this.url = IOHelper.verifyURL(url); @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ public Texture(String url, boolean cloak) throws IOException { digest = SecurityHelper.digest(DIGEST_ALGO, new URL(url)); } - @LauncherAPI + public Texture(String url, byte[] digest) { this.url = IOHelper.verifyURL(url); this.digest = Objects.requireNonNull(digest, "digest"); diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalDepend.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalDepend.java index dcae88b7..3283fc03 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalDepend.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalDepend.java @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.profiles.optional; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; +import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; public class OptionalDepend { - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String name; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public OptionalType type; } diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalFile.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalFile.java index e4061f82..43d5f22a 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalFile.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalFile.java @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.profiles.optional; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; +import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.LogHelper; @@ -10,33 +10,33 @@ import java.util.Set; public class OptionalFile { - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String[] list; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public OptionalType type; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public boolean mark; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public final boolean visible = true; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String name; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public String info; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public OptionalDepend[] dependenciesFile; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public OptionalDepend[] conflictFile; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public transient OptionalFile[] dependencies; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public transient OptionalFile[] conflict; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public int subTreeLevel = 1; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public boolean isPreset; - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI public final long permissions = 0L; - @LauncherAPI + public transient Set dependenciesCount; @Override @@ -51,32 +51,32 @@ public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(name); } - @LauncherAPI + public OptionalType getType() { return OptionalType.FILE; } - @LauncherAPI + public String getName() { return name; } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isMark() { return mark; } - @LauncherAPI + public long getPermissions() { return permissions; } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeType(HOutput output) throws IOException { switch (type) { @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public void writeType(HOutput output) throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static OptionalType readType(HInput input) throws IOException { int t = input.readInt(); OptionalType type; diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalType.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalType.java index 5965bdf3..875dc809 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalType.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/profiles/optional/OptionalType.java @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.profiles.optional; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; +import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; -@LauncherAPI public enum OptionalType { - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI FILE, - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI CLASSPATH, - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI JVMARGS, - @LauncherAPI + @LauncherNetworkAPI CLIENTARGS } diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/Request.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/Request.java index b0d11608..b7ef97ce 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/Request.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/Request.java @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request; import pro.gravit.launcher.Launcher; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.websockets.StandartClientWebSocketService; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.websockets.WebSocketRequest; @@ -24,14 +23,14 @@ public static long getSession() { return Request.session; } - @LauncherAPI + public static void requestError(String message) throws RequestException { throw new RequestException(message); } private transient final AtomicBoolean started = new AtomicBoolean(false); - @LauncherAPI + public R request() throws Exception { if (!started.compareAndSet(false, true)) throw new IllegalStateException("Request already started"); @@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ public R request() throws Exception { return requestDo(service); } - @LauncherAPI + public R request(StandartClientWebSocketService service) throws Exception { if (!started.compareAndSet(false, true)) throw new IllegalStateException("Request already started"); diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/RequestException.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/RequestException.java index 5b2fe42f..93285c79 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/RequestException.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/RequestException.java @@ -1,23 +1,21 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; - import java.io.IOException; public final class RequestException extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7558237657082664821L; - @LauncherAPI + public RequestException(String message) { super(message); } - @LauncherAPI + public RequestException(String message, Throwable exc) { super(message, exc); } - @LauncherAPI + public RequestException(Throwable exc) { super(exc); } diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/RequestType.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/RequestType.java index 8c9ed549..1ed05a62 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/RequestType.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/RequestType.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream.EnumSerializer; @@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ public enum RequestType implements EnumSerializer.Itf { CUSTOM(255); // Custom requests private static final EnumSerializer SERIALIZER = new EnumSerializer<>(RequestType.class); - @LauncherAPI + public static RequestType read(HInput input) throws IOException { return SERIALIZER.read(input); } diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/admin/ExecCommandRequest.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/admin/ExecCommandRequest.java index 802bd43b..69cf6f79 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/admin/ExecCommandRequest.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/admin/ExecCommandRequest.java @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request.admin; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.events.request.ExecCommandRequestEvent; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.Request; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.websockets.WebSocketRequest; public class ExecCommandRequest extends Request implements WebSocketRequest { - @LauncherAPI + public final String cmd; public ExecCommandRequest(String cmd) { diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/AuthRequest.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/AuthRequest.java index 327a71d2..2d311294 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/AuthRequest.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/AuthRequest.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request.auth; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.events.request.AuthRequestEvent; import pro.gravit.launcher.hwid.HWID; @@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ public enum ConnectTypes { PROXY } - @LauncherAPI + public AuthRequest(String login, byte[] password, HWID hwid) { this.login = VerifyHelper.verify(login, VerifyHelper.NOT_EMPTY, "Login can't be empty"); this.password = new AuthECPassword(password.clone()); @@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ public AuthRequest(String login, byte[] password, HWID hwid) { authType = ConnectTypes.CLIENT; } - @LauncherAPI + public AuthRequest(String login, byte[] password, HWID hwid, String auth_id) { this.login = VerifyHelper.verify(login, VerifyHelper.NOT_EMPTY, "Login can't be empty"); this.password = new AuthECPassword(password.clone()); @@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ public AuthRequest(String login, byte[] password, HWID hwid, String auth_id) { authType = ConnectTypes.CLIENT; } - @LauncherAPI + public AuthRequest(String login, byte[] password, HWID hwid, String customText, String auth_id) { this.login = VerifyHelper.verify(login, VerifyHelper.NOT_EMPTY, "Login can't be empty"); this.password = new AuthECPassword(password.clone()); diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/CheckServerRequest.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/CheckServerRequest.java index 6c918f4b..84e26e60 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/CheckServerRequest.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/CheckServerRequest.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request.auth; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.events.request.CheckServerRequestEvent; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.Request; @@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ public final class CheckServerRequest extends Request i @LauncherNetworkAPI private final String serverID; - @LauncherAPI + public CheckServerRequest(String username, String serverID) { this.username = VerifyHelper.verifyUsername(username); this.serverID = VerifyHelper.verifyServerID(serverID); diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/JoinServerRequest.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/JoinServerRequest.java index f4ee91cf..031f78db 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/JoinServerRequest.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/auth/JoinServerRequest.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request.auth; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.events.request.JoinServerRequestEvent; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.Request; @@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ public final class JoinServerRequest extends Request imp @LauncherNetworkAPI private final String serverID; - @LauncherAPI + public JoinServerRequest(String username, String accessToken, String serverID) { this.username = VerifyHelper.verifyUsername(username); this.accessToken = accessToken; diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/update/LauncherRequest.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/update/LauncherRequest.java index 91109b14..1ba207ae 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/update/LauncherRequest.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/update/LauncherRequest.java @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request.update; import pro.gravit.launcher.Launcher; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.events.request.LauncherRequestEvent; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.Request; @@ -30,16 +29,16 @@ public final class LauncherRequest extends Request impleme public final String secureSalt; @LauncherNetworkAPI public int launcher_type = EXE_BINARY ? 2 : 1; - @LauncherAPI + public static final Path BINARY_PATH = IOHelper.getCodeSource(Launcher.class); - @LauncherAPI + public static final Path C_BINARY_PATH = BINARY_PATH.getParent().resolve(IOHelper.getFileName(BINARY_PATH) + ".tmp"); - @LauncherAPI + public static final boolean EXE_BINARY = IOHelper.hasExtension(BINARY_PATH, "exe"); - @LauncherAPI + public static void update(LauncherRequestEvent result) throws IOException { List args = new ArrayList<>(8); args.add(IOHelper.resolveJavaBin(null).toString()); @@ -90,7 +89,6 @@ public LauncherRequestEvent requestDo(StandartClientWebSocketService service) th return result; } - @LauncherAPI public LauncherRequest() { Path launcherPath = IOHelper.getCodeSource(LauncherRequest.class); try { diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/uuid/BatchProfileByUsernameRequest.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/uuid/BatchProfileByUsernameRequest.java index cb46318f..356ade33 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/uuid/BatchProfileByUsernameRequest.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/uuid/BatchProfileByUsernameRequest.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request.uuid; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.events.request.BatchProfileByUsernameRequestEvent; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.Request; @@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ static class Entry { @LauncherNetworkAPI private final Entry[] list; - @LauncherAPI + public BatchProfileByUsernameRequest(String... usernames) throws IOException { this.list = new Entry[usernames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < usernames.length; ++i) { diff --git a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/uuid/ProfileByUUIDRequest.java b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/uuid/ProfileByUUIDRequest.java index a5190965..14d0849e 100644 --- a/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/uuid/ProfileByUUIDRequest.java +++ b/LauncherAPI/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/request/uuid/ProfileByUUIDRequest.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.request.uuid; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.events.request.ProfileByUUIDRequestEvent; import pro.gravit.launcher.request.Request; @@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ public final class ProfileByUUIDRequest extends Request path) { private final String[] exclusions; - @LauncherAPI + public FileNameMatcher(String[] update, String[] verify, String[] exclusions) { this.update = update; this.verify = verify; diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedDir.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedDir.java index 1be50e9f..4eca5c70 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedDir.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedDir.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.hasher; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; @@ -19,9 +18,9 @@ public final class HashedDir extends HashedEntry { public static final class Diff { - @LauncherAPI + public final HashedDir mismatch; - @LauncherAPI + public final HashedDir extra; private Diff(HashedDir mismatch, HashedDir extra) { @@ -29,7 +28,7 @@ private Diff(HashedDir mismatch, HashedDir extra) { this.extra = extra; } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isSame() { return mismatch.isEmpty() && extra.isEmpty(); } @@ -105,11 +104,11 @@ public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IO @LauncherNetworkAPI private final Map map = new HashMap<>(32); - @LauncherAPI + public HashedDir() { } - @LauncherAPI + public HashedDir(HInput input) throws IOException { int entriesCount = input.readLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < entriesCount; i++) { @@ -134,19 +133,19 @@ public HashedDir(HInput input) throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public HashedDir(Path dir, FileNameMatcher matcher, boolean allowSymlinks, boolean digest) throws IOException { IOHelper.walk(dir, new HashFileVisitor(dir, matcher, allowSymlinks, digest), true); } - @LauncherAPI + public Diff diff(HashedDir other, FileNameMatcher matcher) { HashedDir mismatch = sideDiff(other, matcher, new LinkedList<>(), true); HashedDir extra = other.sideDiff(this, matcher, new LinkedList<>(), false); return new Diff(mismatch, extra); } - @LauncherAPI + public Diff compare(HashedDir other, FileNameMatcher matcher) { HashedDir mismatch = sideDiff(other, matcher, new LinkedList<>(), true); HashedDir extra = other.sideDiff(this, matcher, new LinkedList<>(), false); @@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ public void removeR(String name) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public HashedEntry getEntry(String name) { return map.get(name); } @@ -200,17 +199,17 @@ public Type getType() { return Type.DIR; } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isEmpty() { return map.isEmpty(); } - @LauncherAPI + public Map map() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } - @LauncherAPI + public HashedEntry resolve(Iterable path) { HashedEntry current = this; for (String pathEntry : path) { diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedEntry.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedEntry.java index 8ae689c1..9291307f 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedEntry.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedEntry.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.hasher; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream.EnumSerializer; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream.StreamObject; @@ -8,7 +7,7 @@ import java.io.IOException; public abstract class HashedEntry extends StreamObject { - @LauncherAPI + public enum Type implements EnumSerializer.Itf { DIR(1), FILE(2); private static final EnumSerializer SERIALIZER = new EnumSerializer<>(Type.class); @@ -29,12 +28,12 @@ public int getNumber() { } } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean flag; // For external usage - @LauncherAPI + public abstract Type getType(); - @LauncherAPI + public abstract long size(); } diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedFile.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedFile.java index d18b3405..e117596f 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedFile.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/hasher/HashedFile.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.hasher; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; @@ -17,23 +16,23 @@ public final class HashedFile extends HashedEntry { public static final DigestAlgorithm DIGEST_ALGO = DigestAlgorithm.MD5; // Instance - @LauncherAPI + public final long size; @LauncherNetworkAPI private final byte[] digest; - @LauncherAPI + public HashedFile(HInput input) throws IOException { this(input.readVarLong(), input.readBoolean() ? input.readByteArray(-DIGEST_ALGO.bytes) : null); } - @LauncherAPI + public HashedFile(long size, byte[] digest) { this.size = VerifyHelper.verifyLong(size, VerifyHelper.L_NOT_NEGATIVE, "Illegal size: " + size); this.digest = digest == null ? null : DIGEST_ALGO.verify(digest).clone(); } - @LauncherAPI + public HashedFile(Path file, long size, boolean digest) throws IOException { this(size, digest ? SecurityHelper.digest(DIGEST_ALGO, file) : null); } @@ -43,12 +42,12 @@ public Type getType() { return Type.FILE; } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isSame(HashedFile o) { return size == o.size && (digest == null || o.digest == null || Arrays.equals(digest, o.digest)); } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isSame(Path file, boolean digest) throws IOException { if (size != IOHelper.readAttributes(file).size()) return false; @@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ public boolean isSame(Path file, boolean digest) throws IOException { return Arrays.equals(this.digest, actualDigest); } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean isSameDigest(byte[] digest) { return this.digest == null || digest == null || Arrays.equals(this.digest, digest); } diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/HInput.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/HInput.java index 56367213..8e456425 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/HInput.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/HInput.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.serialize; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.IOHelper; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; @@ -12,15 +11,15 @@ import java.util.UUID; public final class HInput implements AutoCloseable { - @LauncherAPI + public final InputStream stream; - @LauncherAPI + public HInput(byte[] bytes) { stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } - @LauncherAPI + public HInput(InputStream stream) { this.stream = Objects.requireNonNull(stream, "stream"); } @@ -30,17 +29,17 @@ public void close() throws IOException { stream.close(); } - @LauncherAPI + public String readASCII(int maxBytes) throws IOException { return IOHelper.decodeASCII(readByteArray(maxBytes)); } - @LauncherAPI + public BigInteger readBigInteger(int maxBytes) throws IOException { return new BigInteger(readByteArray(maxBytes)); } - @LauncherAPI + public boolean readBoolean() throws IOException { int b = readUnsignedByte(); switch (b) { @@ -53,41 +52,41 @@ public boolean readBoolean() throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public byte[] readByteArray(int max) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = new byte[readLength(max)]; IOHelper.read(stream, bytes); return bytes; } - @LauncherAPI + public int readInt() throws IOException { return (readUnsignedByte() << 24) + (readUnsignedByte() << 16) + (readUnsignedByte() << 8) + readUnsignedByte(); } - @LauncherAPI + public int readLength(int max) throws IOException { if (max < 0) return -max; return IOHelper.verifyLength(readVarInt(), max); } - @LauncherAPI + public long readLong() throws IOException { return (long) readInt() << 32 | readInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFL; } - @LauncherAPI + public short readShort() throws IOException { return (short) ((readUnsignedByte() << 8) + readUnsignedByte()); } - @LauncherAPI + public String readString(int maxBytes) throws IOException { return IOHelper.decode(readByteArray(maxBytes)); } - @LauncherAPI + public int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException { int b = stream.read(); if (b < 0) @@ -95,17 +94,17 @@ public int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException { return b; } - @LauncherAPI + public int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException { return Short.toUnsignedInt(readShort()); } - @LauncherAPI + public UUID readUUID() throws IOException { return new UUID(readLong(), readLong()); } - @LauncherAPI + public int readVarInt() throws IOException { int shift = 0; int result = 0; @@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ public int readVarInt() throws IOException { throw new IOException("VarInt too big"); } - @LauncherAPI + public long readVarLong() throws IOException { int shift = 0; long result = 0; diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/HOutput.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/HOutput.java index 23669ce3..37ee3dc7 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/HOutput.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/HOutput.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.serialize; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.IOHelper; import java.io.Flushable; @@ -11,10 +10,10 @@ import java.util.UUID; public final class HOutput implements AutoCloseable, Flushable { - @LauncherAPI + public final OutputStream stream; - @LauncherAPI + public HOutput(OutputStream stream) { this.stream = Objects.requireNonNull(stream, "stream"); } @@ -29,28 +28,28 @@ public void flush() throws IOException { stream.flush(); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeASCII(String s, int maxBytes) throws IOException { writeByteArray(IOHelper.encodeASCII(s), maxBytes); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeBigInteger(BigInteger bi, int max) throws IOException { writeByteArray(bi.toByteArray(), max); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeBoolean(boolean b) throws IOException { writeUnsignedByte(b ? 0b1 : 0b0); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeByteArray(byte[] bytes, int max) throws IOException { writeLength(bytes.length, max); stream.write(bytes); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeInt(int i) throws IOException { writeUnsignedByte(i >>> 24 & 0xFF); writeUnsignedByte(i >>> 16 & 0xFF); @@ -58,42 +57,42 @@ public void writeInt(int i) throws IOException { writeUnsignedByte(i & 0xFF); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeLength(int length, int max) throws IOException { IOHelper.verifyLength(length, max); if (max >= 0) writeVarInt(length); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeLong(long l) throws IOException { writeInt((int) (l >> 32)); writeInt((int) l); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeShort(short s) throws IOException { writeUnsignedByte(s >>> 8 & 0xFF); writeUnsignedByte(s & 0xFF); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeString(String s, int maxBytes) throws IOException { writeByteArray(IOHelper.encode(s), maxBytes); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeUnsignedByte(int b) throws IOException { stream.write(b); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeUUID(UUID uuid) throws IOException { writeLong(uuid.getMostSignificantBits()); writeLong(uuid.getLeastSignificantBits()); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeVarInt(int i) throws IOException { while ((i & ~0x7FL) != 0) { writeUnsignedByte(i & 0x7F | 0x80); @@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ public void writeVarInt(int i) throws IOException { writeUnsignedByte(i); } - @LauncherAPI + public void writeVarLong(long l) throws IOException { while ((l & ~0x7FL) != 0) { writeUnsignedByte((int) l & 0x7F | 0x80); diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/SerializeLimits.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/SerializeLimits.java index c1fae7cb..cd4f5551 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/SerializeLimits.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/SerializeLimits.java @@ -1,12 +1,10 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.serialize; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; - public class SerializeLimits { - @LauncherAPI + public static final int MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 128; - @LauncherAPI + public static final byte EXPECTED_BYTE = 0b01010101; - @LauncherAPI + public static final int MAX_DIGEST = 512; } diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/signed/DigestBytesHolder.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/signed/DigestBytesHolder.java index e7af277d..34ae728f 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/signed/DigestBytesHolder.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/signed/DigestBytesHolder.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.signed; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream.StreamObject; @@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ public class DigestBytesHolder extends StreamObject { protected final byte[] bytes; private final byte[] digest; - @LauncherAPI + public DigestBytesHolder(byte[] bytes, byte[] digest, SecurityHelper.DigestAlgorithm algorithm) throws SignatureException { if (Arrays.equals(SecurityHelper.digest(algorithm, bytes), digest)) throw new SignatureException("Invalid digest"); @@ -22,23 +21,23 @@ public DigestBytesHolder(byte[] bytes, byte[] digest, SecurityHelper.DigestAlgor this.digest = digest.clone(); } - @LauncherAPI + public DigestBytesHolder(byte[] bytes, SecurityHelper.DigestAlgorithm algorithm) { this.bytes = bytes.clone(); this.digest = SecurityHelper.digest(algorithm, bytes); } - @LauncherAPI + public DigestBytesHolder(HInput input, SecurityHelper.DigestAlgorithm algorithm) throws IOException, SignatureException { this(input.readByteArray(0), input.readByteArray(-SecurityHelper.RSA_KEY_LENGTH), algorithm); } - @LauncherAPI + public final byte[] getBytes() { return bytes.clone(); } - @LauncherAPI + public final byte[] getDigest() { return digest.clone(); } diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/stream/EnumSerializer.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/stream/EnumSerializer.java index ac6c283f..11cb8000 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/stream/EnumSerializer.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/stream/EnumSerializer.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream.EnumSerializer.Itf; @@ -13,24 +12,24 @@ public final class EnumSerializer & Itf> { @FunctionalInterface public interface Itf { - @LauncherAPI + int getNumber(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void write(HOutput output, Itf itf) throws IOException { output.writeVarInt(itf.getNumber()); } private final Map map = new HashMap<>(16); - @LauncherAPI + public EnumSerializer(Class clazz) { for (E e : clazz.getEnumConstants()) VerifyHelper.putIfAbsent(map, e.getNumber(), e, "Duplicate number for enum constant " + e.name()); } - @LauncherAPI + public E read(HInput input) throws IOException { int n = input.readVarInt(); return VerifyHelper.getMapValue(map, n, "Unknown enum number: " + n); diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/stream/StreamObject.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/stream/StreamObject.java index 561d899f..1190cd26 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/stream/StreamObject.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/launcher/serialize/stream/StreamObject.java @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.stream; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.IOHelper; @@ -13,11 +12,11 @@ public abstract class StreamObject { @FunctionalInterface public interface Adapter { - @LauncherAPI + O convert(HInput input); } - @LauncherAPI + public final byte[] write() throws IOException { try (ByteArrayOutputStream array = IOHelper.newByteArrayOutput()) { try (HOutput output = new HOutput(array)) { @@ -27,6 +26,6 @@ public final byte[] write() throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public abstract void write(HOutput output) throws IOException; } diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/Version.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/Version.java index 78bc7b37..817dfe84 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/Version.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/Version.java @@ -1,19 +1,17 @@ package pro.gravit.utils; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; - import java.util.*; public final class Version { - @LauncherAPI + public final int major; - @LauncherAPI + public final int minor; - @LauncherAPI + public final int patch; - @LauncherAPI + public final int build; - @LauncherAPI + public final Type release; public static final int MAJOR = 5; public static final int MINOR = 1; @@ -21,7 +19,7 @@ public final class Version { public static final int BUILD = 1; public static final Version.Type RELEASE = Type.DEV; - @LauncherAPI + public Version(int major, int minor, int patch) { this.major = major; this.minor = minor; @@ -30,7 +28,7 @@ public Version(int major, int minor, int patch) { release = Type.UNKNOWN; } - @LauncherAPI + public Version(int major, int minor, int patch, int build) { this.major = major; this.minor = minor; @@ -39,7 +37,7 @@ public Version(int major, int minor, int patch, int build) { release = Type.UNKNOWN; } - @LauncherAPI + public Version(int major, int minor, int patch, int build, Type release) { this.major = major; this.minor = minor; @@ -53,7 +51,7 @@ public static Version getVersion() { } @Override - @LauncherAPI + public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; @@ -64,30 +62,30 @@ public boolean equals(Object o) { build == that.build; } - @LauncherAPI + public String getVersionString() { return String.format("%d.%d.%d", major, minor, patch); } @Override - @LauncherAPI + public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(major, minor, patch, build); } - @LauncherAPI + public String getReleaseStatus() { if (release.equals(Type.UNKNOWN)) return ""; return release.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); } @Override - @LauncherAPI + public String toString() { return String.format("%d.%d.%d-%d %s", major, minor, patch, build, getReleaseStatus()); } - @LauncherAPI + public enum Type { LTS, STABLE, diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/CommonHelper.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/CommonHelper.java index 177aaabc..74963375 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/CommonHelper.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/CommonHelper.java @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ package pro.gravit.utils.helper; import com.google.gson.*; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.utils.command.CommandException; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; @@ -16,9 +15,9 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern; public final class CommonHelper { - @LauncherAPI + public static final ScriptEngineManager scriptManager = new ScriptEngineManager(); - @LauncherAPI + public static final ScriptEngineFactory nashornFactory = getEngineFactories(scriptManager); private static ScriptEngineFactory getEngineFactories(ScriptEngineManager manager) { @@ -28,19 +27,19 @@ private static ScriptEngineFactory getEngineFactories(ScriptEngineManager manage return null; } - @LauncherAPI + public static String low(String s) { return s.toLowerCase(Locale.US); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean multiMatches(Pattern[] pattern, String from) { for (Pattern p : pattern) if (p.matcher(from).matches()) return true; return false; } - @LauncherAPI + public static String multiReplace(Pattern[] pattern, String from, String replace) { Matcher m; String tmp = null; @@ -51,12 +50,12 @@ public static String multiReplace(Pattern[] pattern, String from, String replace return tmp != null ? tmp : from; } - @LauncherAPI + public static ScriptEngine newScriptEngine() { return nashornFactory.getScriptEngine(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Thread newThread(String name, boolean daemon, Runnable runnable) { Thread thread = new Thread(runnable); thread.setDaemon(daemon); @@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ public static Thread newThread(String name, boolean daemon, Runnable runnable) { return thread; } - @LauncherAPI + public static String replace(String source, String... params) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i += 2) source = source.replace('%' + params[i] + '%', params[i + 1]); @@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ public static String[] parseCommand(CharSequence line) throws CommandException { return result.toArray(new String[0]); } - @LauncherAPI + public static GsonBuilder newBuilder() { return new GsonBuilder().registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(byte[].class, ByteArrayToBase64TypeAdapter.INSTANCE); diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/IOHelper.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/IOHelper.java index c75bfe0d..f5defefe 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/IOHelper.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/IOHelper.java @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.utils.helper; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; - import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; @@ -77,42 +75,42 @@ public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOExce } // Charset - @LauncherAPI + public static final Charset UNICODE_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; - @LauncherAPI + public static final Charset ASCII_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.US_ASCII; // Constants - @LauncherAPI + public static final int SOCKET_TIMEOUT = VerifyHelper.verifyInt( Integer.parseUnsignedInt(System.getProperty("launcher.socketTimeout", Integer.toString(30000))), VerifyHelper.POSITIVE, "launcher.socketTimeout can't be <= 0"); - @LauncherAPI + public static final int HTTP_TIMEOUT = VerifyHelper.verifyInt( Integer.parseUnsignedInt(System.getProperty("launcher.httpTimeout", Integer.toString(5000))), VerifyHelper.POSITIVE, "launcher.httpTimeout can't be <= 0"); - @LauncherAPI + public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = VerifyHelper.verifyInt( Integer.parseUnsignedInt(System.getProperty("launcher.bufferSize", Integer.toString(4096))), VerifyHelper.POSITIVE, "launcher.bufferSize can't be <= 0"); // Platform-dependent - @LauncherAPI + public static final String CROSS_SEPARATOR = "/"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final FileSystem FS = FileSystems.getDefault(); - @LauncherAPI + public static final String PLATFORM_SEPARATOR = FS.getSeparator(); // Увидел исключение на NetBSD beta добавил - @LauncherAPI + public static final boolean POSIX = FS.supportedFileAttributeViews().contains("posix") || FS.supportedFileAttributeViews().contains("Posix"); // Paths - @LauncherAPI + public static final Path JVM_DIR = Paths.get(System.getProperty("java.home")); - @LauncherAPI + public static final Path HOME_DIR = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home")); - @LauncherAPI + public static final Path WORKING_DIR = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir")); // Open options - as arrays private static final OpenOption[] READ_OPTIONS = {StandardOpenOption.READ}; @@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOExce private static final Pattern PLATFORM_SEPARATOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(PLATFORM_SEPARATOR, Pattern.LITERAL); public static final String USER_AGENT = System.getProperty("launcher.userAgentDefault", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"); - @LauncherAPI + public static void close(AutoCloseable closeable) { try { closeable.close(); @@ -140,7 +138,7 @@ public static void close(AutoCloseable closeable) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void close(InputStream in) { try { in.close(); @@ -148,7 +146,7 @@ public static void close(InputStream in) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void close(OutputStream out) { try { out.flush(); @@ -157,7 +155,7 @@ public static void close(OutputStream out) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static URL convertToURL(String url) { try { return new URL(url); @@ -166,70 +164,70 @@ public static URL convertToURL(String url) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void copy(Path source, Path target) throws IOException { createParentDirs(target); Files.copy(source, target, COPY_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void createParentDirs(Path path) throws IOException { Path parent = path.getParent(); if (parent != null && !isDir(parent)) Files.createDirectories(parent); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String decode(byte[] bytes) { return new String(bytes, UNICODE_CHARSET); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String decodeASCII(byte[] bytes) { return new String(bytes, ASCII_CHARSET); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void deleteDir(Path dir, boolean self) throws IOException { walk(dir, new DeleteDirVisitor(dir, self), true); } - @LauncherAPI + public static byte[] encode(String s) { return s.getBytes(UNICODE_CHARSET); } - @LauncherAPI + public static byte[] encodeASCII(String s) { return s.getBytes(ASCII_CHARSET); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean exists(Path path) { return Files.exists(path, LINK_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path getCodeSource(Class clazz) { return Paths.get(toURI(clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation())); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String getFileName(Path path) { return path.getFileName().toString(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String getIP(SocketAddress address) { return ((InetSocketAddress) address).getAddress().getHostAddress(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static byte[] getResourceBytes(String name) throws IOException { return read(getResourceURL(name)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static URL getResourceURL(String name) throws NoSuchFileException { URL url = IOHelper.class.getResource('/' + name); if (url == null) @@ -237,35 +235,35 @@ public static URL getResourceURL(String name) throws NoSuchFileException { return url; } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean hasExtension(Path file, String extension) { return getFileName(file).endsWith('.' + extension); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isDir(Path path) { return Files.isDirectory(path, LINK_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isEmpty(Path dir) throws IOException { try (DirectoryStream stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir)) { return !stream.iterator().hasNext(); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isFile(Path path) { return Files.isRegularFile(path, LINK_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isValidFileName(String fileName) { return !fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..") && fileName.chars().noneMatch(ch -> ch == '/' || ch == '\\') && isValidPath(fileName); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isValidPath(String path) { try { toPath(path); @@ -275,34 +273,34 @@ public static boolean isValidPath(String path) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isValidTextureBounds(int width, int height, boolean cloak) { return width % 64 == 0 && (height << 1 == width || !cloak && height == width) && width <= 1024 || cloak && width % 22 == 0 && height % 17 == 0 && width / 22 == height / 17; } - @LauncherAPI + public static void move(Path source, Path target) throws IOException { createParentDirs(target); Files.move(source, target, COPY_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static byte[] newBuffer() { return new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; } - @LauncherAPI + public static ByteArrayOutputStream newByteArrayOutput() { return new ByteArrayOutputStream(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static char[] newCharBuffer() { return new char[BUFFER_SIZE]; } - @LauncherAPI + public static URLConnection newConnection(URL url) throws IOException { URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); if (connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) { @@ -316,7 +314,7 @@ public static URLConnection newConnection(URL url) throws IOException { return connection; } - @LauncherAPI + public static HttpURLConnection newConnectionPost(URL url) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) newConnection(url); connection.setDoOutput(true); @@ -324,138 +322,138 @@ public static HttpURLConnection newConnectionPost(URL url) throws IOException { return connection; } - @LauncherAPI + public static Deflater newDeflater() { Deflater deflater = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true); deflater.setStrategy(Deflater.DEFAULT_STRATEGY); return deflater; } - @LauncherAPI + public static Inflater newInflater() { return new Inflater(true); } - @LauncherAPI + public static InputStream newInput(Path file) throws IOException { return Files.newInputStream(file, READ_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static InputStream newBufferedInput(Path file) throws IOException { return new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(file, READ_OPTIONS)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static InputStream newInput(URL url) throws IOException { return newConnection(url).getInputStream(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedInputStream newBufferedInput(URL url) throws IOException { return new BufferedInputStream(newConnection(url).getInputStream()); } - @LauncherAPI + public static OutputStream newOutput(Path file) throws IOException { return newOutput(file, false); } - @LauncherAPI + public static OutputStream newBufferedOutput(Path file) throws IOException { return newBufferedOutput(file, false); } - @LauncherAPI + public static OutputStream newOutput(Path file, boolean append) throws IOException { createParentDirs(file); return Files.newOutputStream(file, append ? APPEND_OPTIONS : WRITE_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static OutputStream newBufferedOutput(Path file, boolean append) throws IOException { createParentDirs(file); return new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(file, append ? APPEND_OPTIONS : WRITE_OPTIONS)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedReader newReader(InputStream input) { return newReader(input, UNICODE_CHARSET); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedReader newReader(InputStream input, Charset charset) { return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input, charset)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedReader newReader(Path file) throws IOException { return Files.newBufferedReader(file, UNICODE_CHARSET); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedReader newReader(URL url) throws IOException { URLConnection connection = newConnection(url); String charset = connection.getContentEncoding(); return newReader(connection.getInputStream(), charset == null ? UNICODE_CHARSET : Charset.forName(charset)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Socket newSocket() throws SocketException { Socket socket = new Socket(); setSocketFlags(socket); return socket; } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedWriter newWriter(FileDescriptor fd) { return newWriter(new FileOutputStream(fd)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedWriter newWriter(OutputStream output) { return new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output, UNICODE_CHARSET)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedWriter newWriter(Path file) throws IOException { return newWriter(file, false); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedWriter newWriter(Path file, boolean append) throws IOException { createParentDirs(file); return Files.newBufferedWriter(file, UNICODE_CHARSET, append ? APPEND_OPTIONS : WRITE_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static ZipEntry newZipEntry(String name) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(name); entry.setTime(0); return entry; } - @LauncherAPI + public static ZipEntry newZipEntry(ZipEntry entry) { return newZipEntry(entry.getName()); } - @LauncherAPI + public static ZipInputStream newZipInput(InputStream input) { return new ZipInputStream(input, UNICODE_CHARSET); } - @LauncherAPI + public static ZipInputStream newZipInput(Path file) throws IOException { return newZipInput(newInput(file)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static ZipInputStream newZipInput(URL url) throws IOException { return newZipInput(newInput(url)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static byte[] read(InputStream input) throws IOException { try (ByteArrayOutputStream output = newByteArrayOutput()) { transfer(input, output); @@ -463,7 +461,7 @@ public static byte[] read(InputStream input) throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void read(InputStream input, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { int offset = 0; while (offset < bytes.length) { @@ -474,7 +472,7 @@ public static void read(InputStream input, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static byte[] read(Path file) throws IOException { long size = readAttributes(file).size(); if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) @@ -490,19 +488,19 @@ public static byte[] read(Path file) throws IOException { return bytes; } - @LauncherAPI + public static byte[] read(URL url) throws IOException { try (InputStream input = newInput(url)) { return read(input); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static BasicFileAttributes readAttributes(Path path) throws IOException { return Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class, LINK_OPTIONS); } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedImage readTexture(Object input, boolean cloak) throws IOException { ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType("image/png").next(); try { @@ -521,19 +519,19 @@ public static BufferedImage readTexture(Object input, boolean cloak) throws IOEx } } - @LauncherAPI + public static String request(URL url) throws IOException { return decode(read(url)).trim(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static InetSocketAddress resolve(InetSocketAddress address) { if (address.isUnresolved()) return new InetSocketAddress(address.getHostString(), address.getPort()); return address; } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path resolveIncremental(Path dir, String name, String extension) { Path original = dir.resolve(name + '.' + extension); if (!exists(original)) @@ -551,7 +549,7 @@ public static Path resolveIncremental(Path dir, String name, String extension) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path resolveJavaBin(Path javaDir) { // Get Java binaries path Path javaBinDir = (javaDir == null ? JVM_DIR : javaDir).resolve("bin"); @@ -577,7 +575,7 @@ public static Path resolveJavaBin(Path javaDir) { throw new RuntimeException("Java binary wasn't found"); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void setSocketFlags(Socket socket) throws SocketException { // Set socket flags socket.setKeepAlive(false); @@ -594,34 +592,34 @@ public static void setSocketFlags(Socket socket) throws SocketException { socket.setPerformancePreferences(1, 0, 2); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String toAbsPathString(Path path) { return toAbsPath(path).toFile().getAbsolutePath(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path toAbsPath(Path path) { return path.normalize().toAbsolutePath(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(in.available()); IOHelper.transfer(in, out); return out.toByteArray(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static Path toPath(String path) { return Paths.get(CROSS_SEPARATOR_PATTERN.matcher(path).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(PLATFORM_SEPARATOR))); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String toString(Path path) { return PLATFORM_SEPARATOR_PATTERN.matcher(path.toString()).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(CROSS_SEPARATOR)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static URI toURI(URL url) { try { return url.toURI(); @@ -630,7 +628,7 @@ public static URI toURI(URL url) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static URL toURL(Path path) { try { return path.toUri().toURL(); @@ -639,14 +637,14 @@ public static URL toURL(Path path) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void transfer(byte[] write, Path file, boolean append) throws IOException { try (OutputStream out = newOutput(file, append)) { out.write(write); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static long transfer(InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws IOException { long transferred = 0; byte[] buffer = newBuffer(); @@ -657,26 +655,26 @@ public static long transfer(InputStream input, OutputStream output) throws IOExc return transferred; } - @LauncherAPI + public static long transfer(InputStream input, Path file) throws IOException { return transfer(input, file, false); } - @LauncherAPI + public static long transfer(InputStream input, Path file, boolean append) throws IOException { try (OutputStream output = newOutput(file, append)) { return transfer(input, output); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void transfer(Path file, OutputStream output) throws IOException { try (InputStream input = newInput(file)) { transfer(input, output); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static String urlDecode(String s) { try { return URLDecoder.decode(s, UNICODE_CHARSET.name()); @@ -685,7 +683,7 @@ public static String urlDecode(String s) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static String urlEncode(String s) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(s, UNICODE_CHARSET.name()); @@ -694,25 +692,25 @@ public static String urlEncode(String s) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static String verifyFileName(String fileName) { return VerifyHelper.verify(fileName, IOHelper::isValidFileName, String.format("Invalid file name: '%s'", fileName)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static int verifyLength(int length, int max) throws IOException { if (length < 0 || max < 0 && length != -max || max > 0 && length > max) throw new IOException("Illegal length: " + length); return length; } - @LauncherAPI + public static BufferedImage verifyTexture(BufferedImage skin, boolean cloak) { return VerifyHelper.verify(skin, i -> isValidTextureBounds(i.getWidth(), i.getHeight(), cloak), String.format("Invalid texture bounds: %dx%d", skin.getWidth(), skin.getHeight())); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String verifyURL(String url) { try { new URL(url).toURI(); @@ -722,12 +720,12 @@ public static String verifyURL(String url) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void walk(Path dir, FileVisitor visitor, boolean hidden) throws IOException { Files.walkFileTree(dir, WALK_OPTIONS, Integer.MAX_VALUE, hidden ? visitor : new SkipHiddenVisitor(visitor)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void write(Path file, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { createParentDirs(file); Files.write(file, bytes, WRITE_OPTIONS); diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/JVMHelper.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/JVMHelper.java index 2c40fa0d..edf607d9 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/JVMHelper.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/JVMHelper.java @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.utils.helper; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; - import java.io.File; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory; @@ -16,7 +14,7 @@ import java.util.Map; public final class JVMHelper { - @LauncherAPI + public enum OS { MUSTDIE("mustdie"), LINUX("linux"), MACOSX("macosx"); @@ -43,16 +41,16 @@ public static OS byName(String name) { public static final OperatingSystemMXBean OPERATING_SYSTEM_MXBEAN = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean(); // System properties - @LauncherAPI + public static final OS OS_TYPE = OS.byName(OPERATING_SYSTEM_MXBEAN.getName()); - @LauncherAPI + public static final String OS_VERSION = OPERATING_SYSTEM_MXBEAN.getVersion(); - @LauncherAPI + public static final int OS_BITS = getCorrectOSArch(); - @LauncherAPI + public static final int JVM_BITS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("sun.arch.data.model")); - @LauncherAPI + public static final SecurityManager SECURITY_MANAGER = System.getSecurityManager(); // Public static fields public static final Runtime RUNTIME = Runtime.getRuntime(); @@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ public static Class firstClass(String... names) throws ClassNotFoundException throw new ClassNotFoundException(Arrays.toString(names)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void fullGC() { RUNTIME.gc(); RUNTIME.runFinalization(); @@ -146,27 +144,27 @@ private static int getCorrectOSArch() { return System.getProperty("os.arch").contains("64") ? 64 : 32; } - @LauncherAPI + public static String getEnvPropertyCaseSensitive(String name) { return System.getenv().get(name); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isJVMMatchesSystemArch() { return JVM_BITS == OS_BITS; } - @LauncherAPI + public static String jvmProperty(String name, String value) { return String.format("-D%s=%s", name, value); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String systemToJvmProperty(String name) { return String.format("-D%s=%s", name, System.getProperties().getProperty(name)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void addSystemPropertyToArgs(Collection args, String name) { String property = System.getProperty(name); if (property != null) diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/LogHelper.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/LogHelper.java index 9767dafc..0c69ced6 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/LogHelper.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/LogHelper.java @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi; import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiConsole; import org.fusesource.jansi.AnsiOutputStream; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherNetworkAPI; import java.io.*; @@ -20,15 +19,15 @@ import java.util.function.Supplier; public final class LogHelper { - @LauncherAPI + public static final String DEBUG_PROPERTY = "launcher.debug"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String DEV_PROPERTY = "launcher.dev"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String STACKTRACE_PROPERTY = "launcher.stacktrace"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final String NO_JANSI_PROPERTY = "launcher.noJAnsi"; - @LauncherAPI + public static final boolean JANSI; // Output settings @@ -63,22 +62,22 @@ public enum OutputTypes { private LogHelper() { } - @LauncherAPI + public static void addOutput(OutputEnity output) { OUTPUTS.add(Objects.requireNonNull(output, "output")); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void addExcCallback(Consumer output) { EXCEPTIONS_CALLBACKS.add(Objects.requireNonNull(output, "output")); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void addOutput(Output output, OutputTypes type) { OUTPUTS.add(new OutputEnity(Objects.requireNonNull(output, "output"), type)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void addOutput(Path file) throws IOException { if (JANSI) { addOutput(new JAnsiOutput(IOHelper.newOutput(file, true)), OutputTypes.JANSI); @@ -87,89 +86,89 @@ public static void addOutput(Path file) throws IOException { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void addOutput(Writer writer) { addOutput(new WriterOutput(writer), OutputTypes.PLAIN); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void debug(String message) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { log(Level.DEBUG, message, false); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void dev(String message) { if (isDevEnabled()) { log(Level.DEV, message, false); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void debug(String format, Object... args) { debug(String.format(format, args)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void dev(String format, Object... args) { if (isDevEnabled()) { dev(String.format(format, args)); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void error(Throwable exc) { EXCEPTIONS_CALLBACKS.forEach(e -> e.accept(exc)); error(isStacktraceEnabled() ? toString(exc) : exc.toString()); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void error(String message) { log(Level.ERROR, message, false); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void error(String format, Object... args) { error(String.format(format, args)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void info(String message) { log(Level.INFO, message, false); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void info(String format, Object... args) { info(String.format(format, args)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isDebugEnabled() { return DEBUG_ENABLED.get(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void setDebugEnabled(boolean debugEnabled) { DEBUG_ENABLED.set(debugEnabled); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isStacktraceEnabled() { return STACKTRACE_ENABLED.get(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isDevEnabled() { return DEV_ENABLED.get(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void setStacktraceEnabled(boolean stacktraceEnabled) { STACKTRACE_ENABLED.set(stacktraceEnabled); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void setDevEnabled(boolean stacktraceEnabled) { DEV_ENABLED.set(stacktraceEnabled); } @@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ public static String getDataTime() { return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.format(LocalDateTime.now()); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void log(Level level, String message, boolean sub) { String dateTime = DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.format(LocalDateTime.now()); String jansiString = null, plainString = null, htmlString = null; @@ -211,12 +210,12 @@ public static void log(Level level, String message, boolean sub) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void rawLog(Supplier plainStr, Supplier jansiStr) { rawLog(plainStr, jansiStr, null); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void rawLog(Supplier plainStr, Supplier jansiStr, Supplier htmlStr) { String jansiString = null, plainString = null, htmlString = null; for (OutputEnity output : OUTPUTS) { @@ -248,7 +247,7 @@ public static void rawLog(Supplier plainStr, Supplier jansiStr, } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void printVersion(String product) { String jansiString = null, plainString = null; for (OutputEnity output : OUTPUTS) { @@ -272,7 +271,7 @@ public static void printVersion(String product) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void printLicense(String product) { String jansiString = null, plainString = null; for (OutputEnity output : OUTPUTS) { @@ -296,61 +295,61 @@ public static void printLicense(String product) { } } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean removeOutput(OutputEnity output) { return OUTPUTS.remove(output); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean removeStdOutput() { return removeOutput(STD_OUTPUT); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void subDebug(String message) { if (isDebugEnabled()) { log(Level.DEBUG, message, true); } } - @LauncherAPI + public static void subDebug(String format, Object... args) { subDebug(String.format(format, args)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void subInfo(String message) { log(Level.INFO, message, true); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void subInfo(String format, Object... args) { subInfo(String.format(format, args)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void subWarning(String message) { log(Level.WARNING, message, true); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void subWarning(String format, Object... args) { subWarning(String.format(format, args)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String toString(Throwable exc) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); exc.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); return sw.toString(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void warning(String message) { log(Level.WARNING, message, false); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void warning(String format, Object... args) { warning(String.format(format, args)); } @@ -425,13 +424,13 @@ private static String formatLog(Level level, String message, String dateTime, bo } } - @LauncherAPI + @FunctionalInterface public interface Output { void println(String message); } - @LauncherAPI + public enum Level { DEV("DEV"), DEBUG("DEBUG"), INFO("INFO"), WARNING("WARN"), ERROR("ERROR"); public final String name; diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/SecurityHelper.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/SecurityHelper.java index 29d4a1f2..062954d4 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/SecurityHelper.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/SecurityHelper.java @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.utils.helper; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; - import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; @@ -266,12 +264,12 @@ public static byte[] randomBytes(Random random, int length) { return bytes; } - @LauncherAPI + public static String randomStringToken() { return randomStringToken(newRandom()); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String randomStringToken(Random random) { return toHex(randomToken(random)); } diff --git a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/VerifyHelper.java b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/VerifyHelper.java index 4db1741b..82fa5ad0 100644 --- a/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/VerifyHelper.java +++ b/LauncherCore/src/main/java/pro/gravit/utils/helper/VerifyHelper.java @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ package pro.gravit.utils.helper; -import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherAPI; - import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.DoublePredicate; @@ -11,95 +9,95 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern; public final class VerifyHelper { - @LauncherAPI + public static final IntPredicate POSITIVE = i -> i > 0; - @LauncherAPI + public static final IntPredicate NOT_NEGATIVE = i -> i >= 0; - @LauncherAPI + public static final LongPredicate L_POSITIVE = l -> l > 0; - @LauncherAPI + public static final LongPredicate L_NOT_NEGATIVE = l -> l >= 0; - @LauncherAPI + public static final Predicate NOT_EMPTY = s -> !s.isEmpty(); - @LauncherAPI + public static final Pattern USERNAME_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("username.russian", "true")) ? "[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9_.\\-]{1,16}" : "[a-zA-Z0-9-_\\\\.]{1,16}"); private static final Pattern SERVERID_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("-?[0-9a-f]{1,40}"); - @LauncherAPI + public static V getMapValue(Map map, K key, String error) { return verify(map.get(key), Objects::nonNull, error); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isValidIDName(String name) { return !name.isEmpty() && name.length() <= 255 && name.chars().allMatch(VerifyHelper::isValidIDNameChar); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isValidIDNameChar(int ch) { return ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' || ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' || ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' || ch == '-' || ch == '_'; } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isValidServerID(CharSequence serverID) { return SERVERID_PATTERN.matcher(serverID).matches(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static boolean isValidUsername(CharSequence username) { return USERNAME_PATTERN.matcher(username).matches(); } - @LauncherAPI + public static void putIfAbsent(Map map, K key, V value, String error) { verify(map.putIfAbsent(key, value), Objects::isNull, error); } - @LauncherAPI + public static IntPredicate range(int min, int max) { return i -> i >= min && i <= max; } - @LauncherAPI + public static T verify(T object, Predicate predicate, String error) { if (predicate.test(object)) return object; throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } - @LauncherAPI + public static double verifyDouble(double d, DoublePredicate predicate, String error) { if (predicate.test(d)) return d; throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String verifyIDName(String name) { return verify(name, VerifyHelper::isValidIDName, String.format("Invalid name: '%s'", name)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static int verifyInt(int i, IntPredicate predicate, String error) { if (predicate.test(i)) return i; throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } - @LauncherAPI + public static long verifyLong(long l, LongPredicate predicate, String error) { if (predicate.test(l)) return l; throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String verifyServerID(String serverID) { return verify(serverID, VerifyHelper::isValidServerID, String.format("Invalid server ID: '%s'", serverID)); } - @LauncherAPI + public static String verifyUsername(String username) { return verify(username, VerifyHelper::isValidUsername, String.format("Invalid username: '%s'", username)); }