[FIX] Починил публикацию в скриптах gradle.

This commit is contained in:
Zaxar163 2019-08-13 14:49:41 +03:00
parent 8b71025896
commit 50a9d96f71
5 changed files with 86 additions and 85 deletions

View file

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ task cleanjar(type: Jar, dependsOn: jar) {
pack project(':LauncherAPI') pack project(':LauncherAPI')
bundle 'org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.1' bundle 'org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.1'
bundle 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.16' bundle 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.16'
bundle 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.6'
bundle 'org.jline:jline:3.11.0' bundle 'org.jline:jline:3.11.0'
bundle 'org.jline:jline-reader:3.11.0' bundle 'org.jline:jline-reader:3.11.0'
bundle 'org.jline:jline-terminal:3.11.0' bundle 'org.jline:jline-terminal:3.11.0'
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ pack project(':LauncherAPI')
bundle 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.12' bundle 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.12'
bundle 'org.javassist:javassist:3.25.0-GA' bundle 'org.javassist:javassist:3.25.0-GA'
bundle 'io.netty:netty-all:4.1.36.Final' bundle 'io.netty:netty-all:4.1.36.Final'
bundle 'org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.4.3.Final' bundle 'org.hibernate:hibernate-core:5.4.4.Final'
bundle 'org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.61' bundle 'org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.61'
bundle 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.25' bundle 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.25'
@ -162,7 +163,6 @@ task dumpClientLibs(type: Copy) {
build.dependsOn tasks.dumpLibs, tasks.dumpCompileOnlyLibs, tasks.dumpClientLibs, tasks.bundle, tasks.cleanjar build.dependsOn tasks.dumpLibs, tasks.dumpCompileOnlyLibs, tasks.dumpClientLibs, tasks.bundle, tasks.cleanjar
publishing { publishing {
publications { publications {
@ -209,6 +209,6 @@ task dumpClientLibs(type: Copy) {
} }
signing { signing {
sign publishing.publications.launchserverapi sign publishing.publications.launchserverapi
} }

View file

@ -59,32 +59,32 @@ task dumpLibs(type: Copy) {
build.dependsOn tasks.genRuntimeJS, tasks.dumpLibs, tasks.shadowJar build.dependsOn tasks.genRuntimeJS, tasks.dumpLibs, tasks.shadowJar
publishing { publishing {
publications { publications {
launcherclientapi(MavenPublication) { launcherclientapi(MavenPublication) {
artifactId = 'launcher-client-api' artifactId = 'launcher-client-api'
artifact jar artifact jar
pom { pom {
name = 'GravitLauncher Client API' name = 'GravitLauncher Client API'
description = 'GravitLauncher Client Module API' description = 'GravitLauncher Client Module API'
url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro' url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro'
licenses { licenses {
license { license {
name = 'GNU General Public License, Version 3.0' name = 'GNU General Public License, Version 3.0'
url = 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html' url = 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html'
} }
} }
scm { scm {
connection = 'scm:git:https://github.com/GravitLauncher/Launcher.git' connection = 'scm:git:https://github.com/GravitLauncher/Launcher.git'
developerConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:GravitLauncher/Launcher.git' developerConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:GravitLauncher/Launcher.git'
url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro/' url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro/'
} }
} }
} }
} }
} }
signing { signing {
sign publishing.publications.launcherclientapi sign publishing.publications.launcherclientapi
} }

View file

@ -11,31 +11,31 @@ compile project(':LauncherCore')
classifier = 'clean' classifier = 'clean'
} }
publishing { publishing {
publications { publications {
launcherwsapi(MavenPublication) { launcherwsapi(MavenPublication) {
artifactId = 'launcher-ws-api' artifactId = 'launcher-ws-api'
artifact jar artifact jar
pom { pom {
name = 'GravitLauncher WebSocket API' name = 'GravitLauncher WebSocket API'
description = 'GravitLauncher WebSocket Module API' description = 'GravitLauncher WebSocket Module API'
url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro' url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro'
licenses { licenses {
license { license {
name = 'GNU General Public License, Version 3.0' name = 'GNU General Public License, Version 3.0'
url = 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html' url = 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html'
} }
} }
scm { scm {
connection = 'scm:git:https://github.com/GravitLauncher/Launcher.git' connection = 'scm:git:https://github.com/GravitLauncher/Launcher.git'
developerConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:GravitLauncher/Launcher.git' developerConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:GravitLauncher/Launcher.git'
url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro/' url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro/'
} }
} }
} }
} }
} }
signing { signing {
sign publishing.publications.launcherwsapi sign publishing.publications.launcherwsapi
} }

View file

@ -13,31 +13,31 @@
classifier = 'clean' classifier = 'clean'
} }
publishing { publishing {
publications { publications {
launchercore(MavenPublication) { launchercore(MavenPublication) {
artifactId = 'launcher-core' artifactId = 'launcher-core'
artifact jar artifact jar
pom { pom {
name = 'GravitLauncher Core Utils' name = 'GravitLauncher Core Utils'
description = 'GravitLauncher Core Utils' description = 'GravitLauncher Core Utils'
url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro' url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro'
licenses { licenses {
license { license {
name = 'GNU General Public License, Version 3.0' name = 'GNU General Public License, Version 3.0'
url = 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html' url = 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html'
} }
} }
scm { scm {
connection = 'scm:git:https://github.com/GravitLauncher/Launcher.git' connection = 'scm:git:https://github.com/GravitLauncher/Launcher.git'
developerConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:GravitLauncher/Launcher.git' developerConnection = 'scm:git:ssh://git@github.com:GravitLauncher/Launcher.git'
url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro/' url = 'https://launcher.gravit.pro/'
} }
} }
} }
} }
} }
signing { signing {
sign publishing.publications.launchercore sign publishing.publications.launchercore
} }

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
id 'maven-publish' id 'maven-publish'
id 'signing' id 'signing'
} }
group = 'pro.gravit.launcher' group = 'pro.gravit.launcher'
version = '5.0.5-SNAPSHOT' version = '5.0.5-SNAPSHOT'
configure(subprojects.findAll { it.name != 'modules' }) { configure(subprojects.findAll { it.name != 'modules' }) {
@ -48,15 +48,16 @@
defaultTasks 'build' defaultTasks 'build'
publishing { if (hasProperty('mavenUsername') && hasProperty('mavenPassword'))
repositories { publishing {
maven { repositories {
// change URLs to point to your repos, e.g. http://my.org/repo maven {
url = version.endsWith('SNAPSHOT') ? mavenSnapshotRepository : mavenReleaseRepository // change URLs to point to your repos, e.g. http://my.org/repo
credentials { url = version.endsWith('SNAPSHOT') ? 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/' : 'https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2/'
username mavenUsername credentials {
password mavenPassword username getProperty('mavenUsername')
password getProperty('mavenPassword')
} }
} }
} }
} }