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synced 2025-03-27 19:48:25 +03:00
[FEATURE] Support HWID in SQLCoreProvider
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 359 additions and 7 deletions
@ -1,11 +1,25 @@
package pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.core;
import pro.gravit.launcher.base.request.secure.HardwareReportRequest;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.LaunchServer;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.AuthProviderPair;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.HikariSQLSourceConfig;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.MySQLSourceConfig;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.SQLSourceConfig;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.core.interfaces.UserHardware;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.core.interfaces.provider.AuthSupportHardware;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.core.interfaces.session.UserSessionSupportHardware;
import pro.gravit.utils.helper.IOHelper;
public class SQLCoreProvider extends AbstractSQLCoreProvider {
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
public class SQLCoreProvider extends AbstractSQLCoreProvider implements AuthSupportHardware {
public HikariSQLSourceConfig holder;
@ -14,14 +28,352 @@ public void close() {
public void init(LaunchServer server, AuthProviderPair pair) {
super.init(server, pair);
public SQLSourceConfig getSQLConfig() {
return holder;
public String hardwareIdColumn;
public String tableHWID = "hwids";
public String tableHWIDLog = "hwidLog";
public double criticalCompareLevel = 1.0;
private transient String sqlFindHardwareByPublicKey;
private transient String sqlFindHardwareByData;
private transient String sqlFindHardwareById;
private transient String sqlCreateHardware;
private transient String sqlCreateHWIDLog;
private transient String sqlUpdateHardwarePublicKey;
private transient String sqlUpdateHardwareBanned;
private transient String sqlUpdateUsers;
private transient String sqlUsersByHwidId;
public void init(LaunchServer server, AuthProviderPair pair) {
super.init(server, pair);
String userInfoCols = makeUserCols();
String hardwareInfoCols = "id, hwDiskId, baseboardSerialNumber, displayId, bitness, totalMemory, logicalProcessors, physicalProcessors, processorMaxFreq, battery, id, graphicCard, banned, publicKey";
if (sqlFindHardwareByPublicKey == null)
sqlFindHardwareByPublicKey = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE publicKey = ?".formatted(hardwareInfoCols, tableHWID);
if (sqlFindHardwareById == null)
sqlFindHardwareById = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE id = ?".formatted(hardwareInfoCols, tableHWID);
if (sqlUsersByHwidId == null)
sqlUsersByHwidId = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = ?".formatted(userInfoCols, table, hardwareIdColumn);
if (sqlFindHardwareByData == null)
sqlFindHardwareByData = "SELECT %s FROM %s".formatted(hardwareInfoCols, tableHWID);
if (sqlCreateHardware == null)
sqlCreateHardware = "INSERT INTO %s (publickey, hwDiskId, baseboardSerialNumber, displayId, bitness, totalMemory, logicalProcessors, physicalProcessors, processorMaxFreq, graphicCard, battery, banned) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '0')".formatted(tableHWID);
if (sqlCreateHWIDLog == null)
sqlCreateHWIDLog = "INSERT INTO %s (hwidId, newPublicKey) VALUES (?, ?)".formatted(tableHWIDLog);
if (sqlUpdateHardwarePublicKey == null)
sqlUpdateHardwarePublicKey = "UPDATE %s SET publicKey = ? WHERE id = ?".formatted(tableHWID);
sqlUpdateHardwareBanned = "UPDATE %s SET banned = ? WHERE id = ?".formatted(tableHWID);
sqlUpdateUsers = "UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE %s = ?".formatted(table, hardwareIdColumn, uuidColumn);
protected String makeUserCols() {
return super.makeUserCols().concat(", ").concat(hardwareIdColumn);
protected SQLUser constructUser(ResultSet set) throws SQLException {
return set.next() ? new SQLUser(UUID.fromString(set.getString(uuidColumn)), set.getString(usernameColumn),
set.getString(accessTokenColumn), set.getString(serverIDColumn), set.getString(passwordColumn), set.getLong(hardwareIdColumn)) : null;
private SQLUserHardware fetchHardwareInfo(ResultSet set) throws SQLException, IOException {
HardwareReportRequest.HardwareInfo hardwareInfo = new HardwareReportRequest.HardwareInfo();
hardwareInfo.hwDiskId = set.getString("hwDiskId");
hardwareInfo.baseboardSerialNumber = set.getString("baseboardSerialNumber");
byte[] displayId = set.getBytes("displayId");
hardwareInfo.displayId = displayId == null ? null : displayId;
hardwareInfo.bitness = set.getInt("bitness");
hardwareInfo.totalMemory = set.getLong("totalMemory");
hardwareInfo.logicalProcessors = set.getInt("logicalProcessors");
hardwareInfo.physicalProcessors = set.getInt("physicalProcessors");
hardwareInfo.processorMaxFreq = set.getLong("processorMaxFreq");
hardwareInfo.battery = set.getBoolean("battery");
hardwareInfo.graphicCard = set.getString("graphicCard");
byte[] publicKey = set.getBytes("publicKey");
long id = set.getLong("id");
boolean banned = set.getBoolean("banned");
return new SQLUserHardware(hardwareInfo, publicKey, id, banned);
private void setUserHardwareId(Connection connection, UUID uuid, long hwidId) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateUsers);
s.setLong(1, hwidId);
s.setString(2, uuid.toString());
public UserHardware getHardwareInfoByPublicKey(byte[] publicKey) {
try (Connection connection = holder.getConnection()) {
PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(sqlFindHardwareByPublicKey);
s.setBytes(1, publicKey);
try (ResultSet set = s.executeQuery()) {
if (set.next()) {
return fetchHardwareInfo(set);
} else {
return null;
} catch (SQLException | IOException throwables) {
logger.error("SQL Error", throwables);
return null;
public UserHardware getHardwareInfoByData(HardwareReportRequest.HardwareInfo info) {
try (Connection connection = holder.getConnection()) {
PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(sqlFindHardwareByData);
try (ResultSet set = s.executeQuery()) {
while (set.next()) {
SQLUserHardware hw = fetchHardwareInfo(set);
AuthSupportHardware.HardwareInfoCompareResult result = compareHardwareInfo(hw.getHardwareInfo(), info);
if (result.compareLevel > criticalCompareLevel) {
return hw;
} else {
} catch (SQLException | IOException throwables) {
logger.error("SQL Error", throwables);
return null;
public UserHardware getHardwareInfoById(String id) {
try (Connection connection = holder.getConnection()) {
PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(sqlFindHardwareById);
s.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(id));
try (ResultSet set = s.executeQuery()) {
if (set.next()) {
return fetchHardwareInfo(set);
} else {
return null;
} catch (SQLException | IOException throwables) {
logger.error("SQL Error", throwables);
return null;
public UserHardware createHardwareInfo(HardwareReportRequest.HardwareInfo hardwareInfo, byte[] publicKey) {
try (Connection connection = holder.getConnection()) {
PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(sqlCreateHardware, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
s.setBytes(1, publicKey);
s.setString(2, hardwareInfo.hwDiskId);
s.setString(3, hardwareInfo.baseboardSerialNumber);
s.setBytes(4, hardwareInfo.displayId == null ? null : hardwareInfo.displayId);
s.setInt(5, hardwareInfo.bitness);
s.setLong(6, hardwareInfo.totalMemory);
s.setInt(7, hardwareInfo.logicalProcessors);
s.setInt(8, hardwareInfo.physicalProcessors);
s.setLong(9, hardwareInfo.processorMaxFreq);
s.setString(10, hardwareInfo.graphicCard);
s.setBoolean(11, hardwareInfo.battery);
try (ResultSet generatedKeys = s.getGeneratedKeys()) {
if (generatedKeys.next()) {
//writeHwidLog(connection, generatedKeys.getLong(1), publicKey);
long id = generatedKeys.getLong(1);
return new SQLUserHardware(hardwareInfo, publicKey, id, false);
return null;
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
logger.error("SQL Error", throwables);
return null;
public void connectUserAndHardware(UserSession userSession, UserHardware hardware) {
AbstractSQLCoreProvider.SQLUserSession SQLUserSession = (AbstractSQLCoreProvider.SQLUserSession) userSession;
SQLUser SQLUser = (SQLUser) SQLUserSession.getUser();
SQLUserHardware SQLUserHardware = (SQLUserHardware) hardware;
if (SQLUser.hwidId == SQLUserHardware.id) return;
SQLUser.hwidId = SQLUserHardware.id;
try (Connection connection = holder.getConnection()) {
setUserHardwareId(connection, SQLUser.getUUID(), SQLUserHardware.id);
} catch (SQLException throwables) {
logger.error("SQL Error", throwables);
public void addPublicKeyToHardwareInfo(UserHardware hardware, byte[] publicKey) {
SQLUserHardware SQLUserHardware = (SQLUserHardware) hardware;
SQLUserHardware.publicKey = publicKey;
try (Connection connection = holder.getConnection()) {
PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateHardwarePublicKey);
s.setBytes(1, publicKey);
s.setLong(2, SQLUserHardware.id);
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.error("SQL error", e);
public Iterable<User> getUsersByHardwareInfo(UserHardware hardware) {
List<User> users = new LinkedList<>();
try (Connection c = holder.getConnection()) {
PreparedStatement s = c.prepareStatement(sqlUsersByHwidId);
s.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(hardware.getId()));
try (ResultSet set = s.executeQuery()) {
while (!set.isLast()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.error("SQL error", e);
return null;
return users;
public void banHardware(UserHardware hardware) {
SQLUserHardware SQLUserHardware = (SQLUserHardware) hardware;
SQLUserHardware.banned = true;
try (Connection connection = holder.getConnection()) {
PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateHardwareBanned);
s.setBoolean(1, true);
s.setLong(2, SQLUserHardware.id);
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.error("SQL Error", e);
public void unbanHardware(UserHardware hardware) {
SQLUserHardware SQLUserHardware = (SQLUserHardware) hardware;
SQLUserHardware.banned = false;
try (Connection connection = holder.getConnection()) {
PreparedStatement s = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateHardwareBanned);
s.setBoolean(1, false);
s.setLong(2, SQLUserHardware.id);
} catch (SQLException e) {
logger.error("SQL error", e);
protected AbstractSQLCoreProvider.SQLUserSession createSession(AbstractSQLCoreProvider.SQLUser user) {
return new SQLUserSession(user);
public class SQLUserSession extends AbstractSQLCoreProvider.SQLUserSession implements UserSessionSupportHardware {
private transient SQLUser SQLUser;
protected transient SQLUserHardware hardware;
public SQLUserSession(AbstractSQLCoreProvider.SQLUser user) {
SQLUser = (SQLUser) user;
public String getHardwareId() {
return SQLUser.hwidId == 0 ? null : String.valueOf(SQLUser.hwidId);
public UserHardware getHardware() {
if(hardware == null) {
hardware = (SQLUserHardware) getHardwareInfoById(String.valueOf(SQLUser.hwidId));
return hardware;
public static class SQLUserHardware implements UserHardware {
private final HardwareReportRequest.HardwareInfo hardwareInfo;
private final long id;
private byte[] publicKey;
private boolean banned;
public SQLUserHardware(HardwareReportRequest.HardwareInfo hardwareInfo, byte[] publicKey, long id, boolean banned) {
this.hardwareInfo = hardwareInfo;
this.publicKey = publicKey;
this.id = id;
this.banned = banned;
public HardwareReportRequest.HardwareInfo getHardwareInfo() {
return hardwareInfo;
public byte[] getPublicKey() {
return publicKey;
public String getId() {
return String.valueOf(id);
public boolean isBanned() {
return banned;
public String toString() {
return "SQLUserHardware{" +
"hardwareInfo=" + hardwareInfo +
", publicKey=" + (publicKey == null ? null : new String(Base64.getEncoder().encode(publicKey))) +
", id=" + id +
", banned=" + banned +
public static class SQLUser extends AbstractSQLCoreProvider.SQLUser {
protected long hwidId;
public SQLUser(UUID uuid, String username, String accessToken, String serverId, String password, long hwidId) {
super(uuid, username, accessToken, serverId, password);
this.hwidId = hwidId;
public String toString() {
return "SQLUser{" +
"uuid=" + uuid +
", username='" + username + '\'' +
", permissions=" + permissions +
", hwidId=" + hwidId +
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