* text=auto eol=lf *.[cC][mM][dD] text eol=crlf *.[bB][aA][tT] text eol=crlf *.[pP][sS]1 text eol=crlf *.[sS][hH] text eol=lf *.patch text eol=lf *.png binary *.lzma binary *.zip binary *.gzip binary *.exe binary *.ico binary *.eot binary *.ttf binary *.woff binary *.woff2 binary *.a binary *.lib binary *.icns binary *.jpg binary *.jpeg binary *.gif binary *.mov binary *.mp4 binary *.mp3 binary *.flv binary *.fla binary *.swf binary *.gz binary *.tar binary *.tar.gz binary *.7z binary *.pyc binary *.gpg binary *.bin binary *.gitattributes text .gitignore text # Java sources *.java text diff=java *.kt text diff=kotlin *.groovy text diff=java *.scala text diff=java *.gradle text diff=java *.gradle.kts text diff=kotlin # These files are text and should be normalized (Convert crlf => lf) *.css text diff=css *.scss text diff=css *.sass text *.df text *.htm text diff=html *.html text diff=html *.js text *.jsp text *.jspf text *.jspx text *.properties text *.tld text *.tag text *.tagx text *.xml text # These files are binary and should be left untouched # (binary is a macro for -text -diff) *.class binary *.dll binary *.ear binary *.jar binary *.so binary *.war binary *.jks binary mvnw text eol=lf gradlew text eol=lf