package pro.gravit.launchserver.manangers; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import pro.gravit.launcher.hasher.HashedDir; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HInput; import pro.gravit.launcher.serialize.HOutput; import pro.gravit.launchserver.LaunchServer; import; import pro.gravit.utils.helper.IOHelper; import; import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import; public class UpdatesManager { private final LaunchServer server; private final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(); private final Path cacheFile; private volatile Map updatesDirMap; public UpdatesManager(LaunchServer server) { this.server = server; this.cacheFile = server.dir.resolve(".updates-cache"); } private void writeCache(Path file) throws IOException { try (HOutput output = new HOutput(IOHelper.newOutput(file))) { output.writeLength(updatesDirMap.size(), 0); for (Map.Entry entry : updatesDirMap.entrySet()) { output.writeString(entry.getKey(), 0); entry.getValue().write(output); } } logger.debug("Saved {} updates to cache", updatesDirMap.size()); } private void readCache(Path file) throws IOException { Map updatesDirMap = new HashMap<>(16); try (HInput input = new HInput(IOHelper.newInput(file))) { int size = input.readLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { String name = input.readString(0); HashedDir dir = new HashedDir(input); updatesDirMap.put(name, dir); } } logger.debug("Found {} updates from cache", updatesDirMap.size()); this.updatesDirMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(updatesDirMap); } public void readUpdatesDir() throws IOException { if (server.config.cacheUpdates) { if (Files.exists(cacheFile)) { try { readCache(cacheFile); return; } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Read updates cache failed", e); } } } syncUpdatesDir(null); } public void syncUpdatesDir(Collection dirs) throws IOException {"Syncing updates dir"); Map newUpdatesDirMap = new HashMap<>(16); try (DirectoryStream dirStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(server.updatesDir)) { for (final Path updateDir : dirStream) { if (Files.isHidden(updateDir)) continue; // Skip hidden // Resolve name and verify is dir String name = IOHelper.getFileName(updateDir); if (!IOHelper.isDir(updateDir)) { if (!IOHelper.isFile(updateDir) && Stream.of(".jar", ".exe", ".hash").noneMatch(e -> updateDir.toString().endsWith(e))) logger.warn("Not update dir: '{}'", name); continue; } // Add from previous map (it's guaranteed to be non-null) if (dirs != null && !dirs.contains(name)) { HashedDir hdir = updatesDirMap.get(name); if (hdir != null) { newUpdatesDirMap.put(name, hdir); continue; } } // Sync and sign update dir"Syncing '{}' update dir", name); HashedDir updateHDir = new HashedDir(updateDir, null, true, true); newUpdatesDirMap.put(name, updateHDir); } } updatesDirMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(newUpdatesDirMap); if (server.config.cacheUpdates) { try { writeCache(cacheFile); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Write updates cache failed", e); } } server.modulesManager.invokeEvent(new LaunchServerUpdatesSyncEvent(server)); } public HashSet getUpdatesList() { HashSet set = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry entry : updatesDirMap.entrySet()) set.add(entry.getKey()); return set; } public HashedDir getUpdate(String name) { return updatesDirMap.get(name); } public void addUpdate(String name, HashedDir dir) { updatesDirMap.put(name, dir); } }