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package pro.gravit.launchserver.components;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.LaunchServer;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.Reconfigurable;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.binary.tasks.LauncherBuildTask;
import pro.gravit.utils.command.Command;
import pro.gravit.utils.command.SubCommand;
import pro.gravit.utils.helper.IOHelper;
import pro.gravit.utils.helper.JVMHelper;
import pro.gravit.utils.helper.SecurityHelper;
import pro.gravit.utils.helper.UnpackHelper;
import proguard.Configuration;
import proguard.ConfigurationParser;
import proguard.ProGuard;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class ProGuardComponent extends Component implements AutoCloseable, Reconfigurable {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();
public String modeAfter = "MainBuild";
public String dir = "proguard";
public boolean enabled = true;
public boolean mappings = true;
public transient ProguardConf proguardConf;
private transient LaunchServer launchServer;
private transient ProGuardBuildTask buildTask;
public static boolean checkFXJMods(Path path) {
if (!IOHelper.exists(path.resolve("javafx.base.jmod")))
return false;
if (!IOHelper.exists(path.resolve("javafx.graphics.jmod")))
return false;
return IOHelper.exists(path.resolve("javafx.controls.jmod"));
public static boolean checkJMods(Path path) {
return IOHelper.exists(path.resolve("java.base.jmod"));
public static Path tryFindOpenJFXPath(Path jvmDir) {
String dirName = jvmDir.getFileName().toString();
Path parent = jvmDir.getParent();
if (parent == null) return null;
Path archJFXPath = parent.resolve(dirName.replace("openjdk", "openjfx")).resolve("jmods");
if (Files.isDirectory(archJFXPath)) {
return archJFXPath;
Path arch2JFXPath = parent.resolve(dirName.replace("jdk", "openjfx")).resolve("jmods");
if (Files.isDirectory(arch2JFXPath)) {
return arch2JFXPath;
if (JVMHelper.OS_TYPE == JVMHelper.OS.LINUX) {
Path debianJfxPath = Paths.get("/usr/share/openjfx/jmods");
if (Files.isDirectory(debianJfxPath)) {
return debianJfxPath;
return null;
public void init(LaunchServer launchServer) {
this.launchServer = launchServer;
proguardConf = new ProguardConf(launchServer, this);
this.buildTask = new ProGuardBuildTask(launchServer, proguardConf, this);
launchServer.launcherBinary.addAfter((v) -> v.getName().startsWith(modeAfter), buildTask);
public void close() {
if (launchServer != null && buildTask != null) {
public Map<String, Command> getCommands() {
Map<String, Command> commands = defaultCommandsMap();
commands.put("reset", new SubCommand("[]", "reset proguard config") {
public void invoke(String... args) throws Exception {
commands.put("regen", new SubCommand("[]", "regenerate proguard dictionary") {
public void invoke(String... args) throws Exception {
commands.put("clean", new SubCommand("[]", "clean proguard mappings") {
public void invoke(String... args) throws Exception {
return null;
public static class ProGuardBuildTask implements LauncherBuildTask {
private final LaunchServer server;
private final ProGuardComponent component;
private final ProguardConf proguardConf;
public ProGuardBuildTask(LaunchServer server, ProguardConf conf, ProGuardComponent component) {
this.server = server;
this.component = component;
this.proguardConf = conf;
public String getName() {
return "ProGuard.".concat(component.componentName);
public Path process(Path inputFile) throws IOException {
Path outputJar = server.launcherBinary.nextLowerPath(this);
if (component.enabled) {
Configuration proguard_cfg = new Configuration();
if (!checkJMods(IOHelper.JVM_DIR.resolve("jmods"))) {
throw new RuntimeException("Java path: %s is not JDK! Please install JDK".formatted(IOHelper.JVM_DIR));
Path jfxPath = tryFindOpenJFXPath(IOHelper.JVM_DIR);
if (checkFXJMods(IOHelper.JVM_DIR.resolve("jmods"))) {
logger.debug("JavaFX jmods resolved in JDK path");
jfxPath = null;
} else if (jfxPath != null && checkFXJMods(jfxPath)) {
logger.debug("JMods resolved in {}", jfxPath.toString());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("JavaFX jmods not found. May be install OpenJFX?");
ConfigurationParser parser = new ConfigurationParser(proguardConf.buildConfig(inputFile, outputJar, jfxPath == null ? new Path[0] : new Path[]{jfxPath}),
proguardConf.proguard.toFile(), System.getProperties());
try {
ProGuard proGuard = new ProGuard(proguard_cfg);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else
IOHelper.copy(inputFile, outputJar);
return outputJar;
public boolean allowDelete() {
return true;
public static class ProguardConf {
public static final String[] JAVA9_OPTS = new String[]{
"-libraryjars '<java.home>/jmods/'"
public static final String[] JAVA8_OPTS = new String[]{
"-libraryjars '<java.home>/lib/rt.jar'",
"-libraryjars '<java.home>/lib/jce.jar'",
"-libraryjars '<java.home>/lib/ext/nashorn.jar'",
"-libraryjars '<java.home>/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar'"
private static final char[] chars = "1aAbBcC2dDeEfF3gGhHiI4jJkKlL5mMnNoO6pPqQrR7sStT8uUvV9wWxX0yYzZ".toCharArray();
public final Path proguard;
public final Path config;
public final Path mappings;
public final Path words;
public transient final LaunchServer srv;
private transient final ProGuardComponent component;
public ProguardConf(LaunchServer srv, ProGuardComponent component) {
this.component = component;
this.proguard = srv.dir.resolve(component.dir);
config = proguard.resolve("proguard.config");
mappings = proguard.resolve("mappings.pro");
words = proguard.resolve("random.pro");
this.srv = srv;
private static String generateString(SecureRandom rand, String lowString, String upString, int il) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Math.max(il, lowString.length()));
for (int i = 0; i < lowString.length(); ++i) {
sb.append(rand.nextBoolean() ? lowString.charAt(i) : upString.charAt(i));
int toI = il - lowString.length();
for (int i = 0; i < toI; i++) sb.append(chars[rand.nextInt(chars.length)]);
return sb.toString();
public String[] buildConfig(Path inputJar, Path outputJar, Path[] jfxPath) {
List<String> confStrs = new ArrayList<>();
if (component.mappings)
confStrs.add("-printmapping '" + mappings.toFile().getName() + "'");
confStrs.add("-obfuscationdictionary '" + words.toFile().getName() + "'");
confStrs.add("-injar '" + inputJar.toAbsolutePath() + "'");
confStrs.add("-outjar '" + outputJar.toAbsolutePath() + "'");
Collections.addAll(confStrs, JAVA9_OPTS);
if (jfxPath != null) {
for (Path path : jfxPath) {
confStrs.add("-libraryjars '%s'".formatted(path.toAbsolutePath()));
.map(e -> "-libraryjars '" + e.toAbsolutePath() + "'")
.map(e -> "-libraryjars '" + e.toAbsolutePath() + "'")
confStrs.add("-classobfuscationdictionary '" + words.toFile().getName() + "'");
return confStrs.toArray(new String[0]);
private void genConfig(boolean force) throws IOException {
if (IOHelper.exists(config) && !force) return;
UnpackHelper.unpack(IOHelper.getResourceURL("pro/gravit/launchserver/defaults/proguard.cfg"), config);
public void genWords(boolean force) throws IOException {
if (IOHelper.exists(words) && !force) return;
SecureRandom rand = SecurityHelper.newRandom();
try (PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(IOHelper.newOutput(words), IOHelper.UNICODE_CHARSET))) {
String projectName = srv.config.projectName.replaceAll("\\W", "");
String lowName = projectName.toLowerCase();
String upName = projectName.toUpperCase();
for (int i = 0; i < Short.MAX_VALUE; i++) out.println(generateString(rand, lowName, upName, 14));
public void prepare(boolean force) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {