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package pro.gravit.launchserver.config;
import io.netty.handler.logging.LogLevel;
import pro.gravit.launcher.Launcher;
import pro.gravit.launcher.LauncherConfig;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.LaunchServer;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.AuthProviderPair;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.handler.MemoryAuthHandler;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.hwid.AcceptHWIDHandler;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.protect.ProtectHandler;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.protect.StdProtectHandler;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.provider.RejectAuthProvider;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.auth.texture.RequestTextureProvider;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.binary.tasks.exe.Launch4JTask;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.components.AuthLimiterComponent;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.components.Component;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.components.RegLimiterComponent;
import pro.gravit.launchserver.dao.provider.DaoProvider;
import pro.gravit.utils.Version;
import pro.gravit.utils.helper.JVMHelper;
import pro.gravit.utils.helper.LogHelper;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public final class LaunchServerConfig {
private transient LaunchServer server = null;
public LaunchServerConfig setLaunchServer(LaunchServer server) {
this.server = server;
return this;
public String projectName;
public String[] mirrors;
public String binaryName;
public boolean copyBinaries = true;
public LauncherConfig.LauncherEnvironment env;
// Handlers & Providers
public AuthProviderPair[] auth;
public DaoProvider dao;
private transient AuthProviderPair authDefault;
public AuthProviderPair getAuthProviderPair(String name) {
for (AuthProviderPair pair : auth) {
if ( return pair;
return null;
public ProtectHandler protectHandler;
public AuthProviderPair getAuthProviderPair() {
if (authDefault != null) return authDefault;
for (AuthProviderPair pair : auth) {
if (pair.isDefault) {
authDefault = pair;
return pair;
throw new IllegalStateException("Default AuthProviderPair not found");
public Map<String, Component> components;
public ExeConf launch4j;
public NettyConfig netty;
public String whitelistRejectString;
public LauncherConf launcher;
public CertificateConf certificate;
public JarSignerConf sign;
public String startScript;
public void setProjectName(String projectName) {
this.projectName = projectName;
public void setBinaryName(String binaryName) {
this.binaryName = binaryName;
public void setEnv(LauncherConfig.LauncherEnvironment env) {
this.env = env;
public void verify() {
if (auth == null || auth[0] == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("AuthHandler must not be null");
boolean isOneDefault = false;
for (AuthProviderPair pair : auth) {
if (pair.isDefault) {
isOneDefault = true;
if (protectHandler == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("ProtectHandler must not be null");
if (!isOneDefault) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No auth pairs declared by default.");
if (env == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Env must not be null");
if (netty == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Netty must not be null");
public void init(LaunchServer.ReloadType type) {
for (AuthProviderPair provider : auth) {
if (dao != null)
if (protectHandler != null) {
if (components != null) {
components.forEach((k, v) -> server.registerObject("component.".concat(k), v));
if (!type.equals(LaunchServer.ReloadType.NO_AUTH)) {
for (AuthProviderPair pair : auth) {
server.registerObject("auth.".concat(".provider"), pair.provider);
server.registerObject("auth.".concat(".handler"), pair.handler);
server.registerObject("auth.".concat(".texture"), pair.textureProvider);
server.registerObject("auth.".concat(".hwid"), pair.hwid);
public void close(LaunchServer.ReloadType type) {
try {
if (!type.equals(LaunchServer.ReloadType.NO_AUTH)) {
for (AuthProviderPair pair : auth) {
server.unregisterObject("auth.".concat(".provider"), pair.provider);
server.unregisterObject("auth.".concat(".handler"), pair.handler);
server.unregisterObject("auth.".concat(".texture"), pair.textureProvider);
server.unregisterObject("auth.".concat(".hwid"), pair.hwid);
if (type.equals(LaunchServer.ReloadType.FULL)) {
components.forEach((k, component) -> {
server.unregisterObject("component.".concat(k), component);
if (component instanceof AutoCloseable) {
try {
((AutoCloseable) component).close();
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
for (AuthProviderPair p : auth) p.close();
} catch (IOException e) {
public static class ExeConf {
public boolean enabled;
public boolean setMaxVersion;
public String maxVersion;
public String minVersion = "1.8.0";
public String supportURL = null;
public String downloadUrl = Launch4JTask.DOWNLOAD_URL;
public String productName;
public String productVer;
public String fileDesc;
public String fileVer;
public String internalName;
public String copyright;
public String trademarks;
public String txtFileVersion;
public String txtProductVersion;
public static class CertificateConf {
public boolean enabled;
public static class JarSignerConf {
public boolean enabled = false;
public String keyStore = "pathToKey";
public String keyStoreType = "JKS";
public String keyStorePass = "mypass";
public String keyAlias = "myname";
public String keyPass = "mypass";
public String metaInfKeyName = "SIGNUMO.RSA";
public String metaInfSfName = "SIGNUMO.SF";
public String signAlgo = "SHA256WITHRSA";
public static class NettyUpdatesBind {
public String url;
public boolean zip;
public static class LauncherConf {
public String guardType;
public boolean attachLibraryBeforeProGuard;
public boolean compress;
public boolean warningMissArchJava;
public boolean enabledProGuard;
public boolean stripLineNumbers;
public boolean deleteTempFiles;
public boolean proguardGenMappings;
public static class NettyConfig {
public boolean fileServerEnabled;
public boolean sendExceptionEnabled;
public boolean ipForwarding;
public boolean showHiddenFiles;
public String launcherURL;
public String downloadURL;
public String launcherEXEURL;
public String address;
public Map<String, LaunchServerConfig.NettyUpdatesBind> bindings = new HashMap<>();
public NettyPerformanceConfig performance;
public NettyBindAddress[] binds;
public LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG;
public static class NettyPerformanceConfig {
public boolean usingEpoll;
public int bossThread;
public int workerThread;
public static class NettyBindAddress {
public String address;
public int port;
public NettyBindAddress(String address, int port) {
this.address = address;
this.port = port;
public static LaunchServerConfig getDefault(LaunchServer.LaunchServerEnv env) {
LaunchServerConfig newConfig = new LaunchServerConfig();
newConfig.mirrors = new String[]{""};
newConfig.launch4j = new LaunchServerConfig.ExeConf();
newConfig.launch4j.enabled = true;
newConfig.launch4j.copyright = "© GravitLauncher Team";
newConfig.launch4j.fileDesc = "GravitLauncher ".concat(Version.getVersion().getVersionString());
newConfig.launch4j.fileVer = Version.getVersion().getVersionString().concat(".").concat(String.valueOf(Version.getVersion().patch));
newConfig.launch4j.internalName = "Launcher";
newConfig.launch4j.trademarks = "This product is licensed under GPLv3";
newConfig.launch4j.txtFileVersion = "%s, build %d";
newConfig.launch4j.txtProductVersion = "%s, build %d";
newConfig.launch4j.productName = "GravitLauncher";
newConfig.launch4j.productVer = newConfig.launch4j.fileVer;
newConfig.launch4j.maxVersion = "1.8.999";
newConfig.env = LauncherConfig.LauncherEnvironment.STD;
newConfig.startScript = JVMHelper.OS_TYPE.equals(JVMHelper.OS.MUSTDIE) ? "." + File.separator + "start.bat" : "." + File.separator + "";
newConfig.auth = new AuthProviderPair[]{new AuthProviderPair(new RejectAuthProvider("Настройте authProvider"),
new MemoryAuthHandler(),
new RequestTextureProvider("", "")
, new AcceptHWIDHandler(), "std")};
newConfig.auth[0].displayName = "Default";
newConfig.protectHandler = new StdProtectHandler();
if (env.equals(LaunchServer.LaunchServerEnv.TEST))
newConfig.binaryName = "Launcher";
newConfig.whitelistRejectString = "Вас нет в белом списке";
newConfig.netty = new NettyConfig();
newConfig.netty.fileServerEnabled = true;
newConfig.netty.binds = new NettyBindAddress[]{new NettyBindAddress("", 9274)};
newConfig.netty.performance = new NettyPerformanceConfig();
try {
newConfig.netty.performance.usingEpoll = Epoll.isAvailable();
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Epoll class line 51+ catch (Exception) but Error will be thrown by System.load
newConfig.netty.performance.usingEpoll = false;
} // such as on ARM
newConfig.netty.performance.bossThread = 2;
newConfig.netty.performance.workerThread = 8;
newConfig.launcher = new LauncherConf();
newConfig.launcher.guardType = "no";
newConfig.launcher.compress = true;
newConfig.launcher.warningMissArchJava = true;
newConfig.launcher.attachLibraryBeforeProGuard = false;
newConfig.launcher.deleteTempFiles = true;
newConfig.launcher.enabledProGuard = true;
newConfig.launcher.stripLineNumbers = true;
newConfig.launcher.proguardGenMappings = true;
newConfig.certificate = new LaunchServerConfig.CertificateConf();
newConfig.certificate.enabled = false;
newConfig.sign = new JarSignerConf();
newConfig.components = new HashMap<>();
AuthLimiterComponent authLimiterComponent = new AuthLimiterComponent();
authLimiterComponent.rateLimit = 3;
authLimiterComponent.rateLimitMillis = 8000;
authLimiterComponent.message = "Превышен лимит авторизаций";
newConfig.components.put("authLimiter", authLimiterComponent);
RegLimiterComponent regLimiterComponent = new RegLimiterComponent();
regLimiterComponent.rateLimit = 3;
regLimiterComponent.rateLimitMillis = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 10; //Блок на 10 часов
regLimiterComponent.message = "Превышен лимит регистраций";
newConfig.components.put("regLimiter", regLimiterComponent);
newConfig.netty.sendExceptionEnabled = true;
return newConfig;