
183 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Chandler\Security;
use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection;
use Chandler\Security\Authorization\Permissions;
use Chandler\Security\Authorization\PermissionBuilder;
use Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow;
use Nette\Database\UniqueConstraintViolationException;
* User class.
* @author kurotsun <>
class User
* @var \Nette\Database\Context DB Explorer
private $db;
* @var \Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow ActiveRow that represents user
private $user;
* @var bool Does this user is not the one who is logged in, but substituted?
private $tainted;
* @param \Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow $user ActiveRow that represents user
* @param bool $tainted Does this user is not the one who is logged in, but substituted?
function __construct(ActiveRow $user, bool $tainted = false)
$this->db = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext();
$this->user = $user;
$this->tainted = $tainted;
* Computes hash for a password.
* @param string $password password
* @return string hash
private function makeHash(string $password): string
$salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(SODIUM_CRYPTO_PWHASH_SALTBYTES);
$hash = sodium_crypto_pwhash(
return bin2hex($hash) . "$" . bin2hex($salt);
* Get user's GUID.
* @return string GUID
function getId(): string
return $this->user->id;
* Get user's DB data as an array.
* @return array DB data in form of associative array
function getAttributes(): array
return (array) $this->user;
* Get Permission Manager object.
* @api
* @see \Chandler\Security\User::can
* @return \Chandler\Security\Authorization\Permissions Permission Manager
function getPermissions(): Permissions
return new Permissions($this);
* Get ActiveRow that represents user
* @return \Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow ActiveRow
function getRaw(): ActiveRow
return $this->user;
* Checks if this user is not the one who is logged in, but substituted
* @return bool Does this user is not the one who is logged in, but substituted?
function isTainted(): bool
return $this->tainted;
* Begins to build permission for checking it's status using Permission Builder.
* To get permission status you should chain methods like this:
* $user->can('do something')->model('\app\Web\Models\MyModel')->whichBelongsTo(10);
* In this case whichBelongsTo will automatically build permission and check if user
* has it. If you need to build permission for something another use {@see \Chandler\Security\User::getPermissions}.
* @api
* @uses \Chandler\Security\Authorization\PermissionBuilder::can
* @return \Chandler\Security\Authorization\Permissions Permission Manager
function can(string $action): PermissionBuilder
$pb = new PermissionBuilder($this->getPermissions());
return $pb->can($action);
* Updates user password.
* If $oldPassword parameter is passed it will update password only if current
* user password (not the new one) matches $oldPassword.
* @api
* @param string $password New Password
* @param string|null $oldPassword Current Password
* @return bool False if token manipulation error has been thrown
function updatePassword(string $password, ?string $oldPassword = NULL): bool
if(!Authenticator::verifyHash($oldPassword, $this->getRaw()->passwordHash))
return false;
$users = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("ChandlerUsers");
$users->where("id", $this->getId())->update([
"passwordHash" => $this->makeHash($password),
return true;
* Creates new user if login has not been taken yet.
* @api
* @param string $login Login (usually an email)
* @param string $password Password
* @return self|null New user if successful, null otherwise
static function create(string $login, string $password): ?User
$users = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("ChandlerUsers");
$hash = self::makeHash($password);
try {
"login" => $login,
"passwordHash" => $hash,
$user = $users->where("login", $login)->fetch();
} catch(UniqueConstraintViolationException $ex) {
return null;
return new static($user);