Auth::userid(), ':cid' => $_GET['kid']))[0]['COUNT(*)']; $countvotes = $count - $uservotes; $contest = DB::query('SELECT * FROM contests WHERE id=:id', array(":id" => $_GET['kid']))[0]; $photo = new Photo($_GET['pid']); if ($contest['status'] != 2) { exit; } if ($photo->i('on_contest') != 1 && $photo->i('contest_id') != $_GET['kid']) { exit; } if ((int)DB::query('SELECT photo_id FROM contests_rates WHERE photo_id=:pid AND user_id=:uid AND contest_id=:cid', array(':uid' => Auth::userid(), ':pid' => $_GET['pid'], ':cid' => $_GET['kid']))[0]['photo_id'] === (int)$_GET['pid']) { DB::query('DELETE FROM contests_rates WHERE user_id=:uid AND photo_id=:pid AND contest_id=:cid', array(':pid' => $_GET['pid'], ':uid' => Auth::userid(), ':cid' => $_GET['kid'])); $status = 0; $newval = $countvotes + 1; } else { $newval = $countvotes - 1; if ($newval >= 0) { DB::query('INSERT INTO contests_rates VALUES (\'0\', :pid, :uid, :cid)', array(':pid' => $_GET['pid'], ':uid' => Auth::userid(), ':cid' => $_GET['kid'])); $status = 1; } } if ($newval < 0) { $text = 'Вы можете выбрать максимум 3 фотографии.'; } else if ($newval === 0) { $text = 'Вы выбрали 3 фотографии. Спасибо за голосование!'; } else { $text = "Вы можете выбрать ещё {$newval} фото."; } echo '[{"' . $_GET['pid'] . '":'.$status.'},"' . $text . '"]'; } }