mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 00:15:19 +03:00
470 lines
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470 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\Web\Models\Entities;
use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection;
use openvk\Web\Util\Shell\Exceptions\UnknownCommandException;
use openvk\Web\Util\Shell\Shell;
* @method setName(string)
* @method setPerformer(string)
* @method setLyrics(string)
* @method setExplicit(bool)
class Audio extends Media
protected $tableName = "audios";
protected $fileExtension = "mpd";
# Taken from winamp :D
const genres = [
'Blues','Big Band','Classic Rock','Chorus','Country','Easy Listening','Dance','Acoustic','Disco','Humour','Funk','Speech','Grunge','Chanson','Hip-Hop','Opera','Jazz','Chamber Music','Metal','Sonata','New Age','Symphony','Oldies','Booty Bass','Other','Primus','Pop','Porn Groove','R&B','Satire','Rap','Slow Jam','Reggae','Club','Rock','Tango','Techno','Samba','Industrial','Folklore','Alternative','Ballad','Ska','Power Ballad','Death Metal','Rhythmic Soul','Pranks','Freestyle','Soundtrack','Duet','Euro-Techno','Punk Rock','Ambient','Drum Solo','Trip-Hop','A Cappella','Vocal','Euro-House','Jazz+Funk','Dance Hall','Fusion','Goa','Trance','Drum & Bass','Classical','Club-House','Instrumental','Hardcore','Acid','Terror','House','Indie','Game','BritPop','Sound Clip','Negerpunk','Gospel','Polsk Punk','Noise','Beat','AlternRock','Christian Gangsta Rap','Bass','Heavy Metal','Soul','Black Metal','Punk','Crossover','Space','Contemporary Christian','Meditative','Christian Rock','Instrumental Pop','Merengue','Instrumental Rock','Salsa','Ethnic','Thrash Metal','Gothic','Anime','Darkwave','JPop','Techno-Industrial','Synthpop','Electronic','Abstract','Pop-Folk','Art Rock','Eurodance','Baroque','Dream','Bhangra','Southern Rock','Big Beat','Comedy','Breakbeat','Cult','Chillout','Gangsta Rap','Downtempo','Top 40','Dub','Christian Rap','EBM','Pop / Funk','Eclectic','Jungle','Electro','Native American','Electroclash','Cabaret','Emo','New Wave','Experimental','Psychedelic','Garage','Rave','Global','Showtunes','IDM','Trailer','Illbient','Lo-Fi','Industro-Goth','Tribal','Jam Band','Acid Punk','Krautrock','Acid Jazz','Leftfield','Polka','Lounge','Retro','Math Rock','Musical','New Romantic','Rock & Roll','Nu-Breakz','Hard Rock','Post-Punk','Folk','Post-Rock','Folk-Rock','Psytrance','National Folk','Shoegaze','Swing','Space Rock','Fast Fusion','Trop Rock','Bebob','World Music','Latin','Neoclassical','Revival','Audiobook','Celtic','Audio Theatre','Bluegrass','Neue Deutsche Welle','Avantgarde','Podcast','Gothic Rock','Indie Rock','Progressive Rock','G-Funk','Psychedelic Rock','Dubstep','Symphonic Rock','Garage Rock','Slow Rock','Psybient','Psychobilly','Touhou'
# Taken from: https://web.archive.org/web/20220322153107/https://dev.vk.com/reference/objects/audio-genres
const vkGenres = [
"Rock" => 1,
"Pop" => 2,
"Rap" => 3,
"Hip-Hop" => 3, # VK API lists №3 as Rap & Hip-Hop, but these genres are distinct in OpenVK
"Easy Listening" => 4,
"House" => 5,
"Dance" => 5,
"Instrumental" => 6,
"Metal" => 7,
"Alternative" => 21,
"Dubstep" => 8,
"Jazz" => 1001,
"Blues" => 1001,
"Drum & Bass" => 10,
"Trance" => 11,
"Chanson" => 12,
"Ethnic" => 13,
"Acoustic" => 14,
"Vocal" => 14,
"Reggae" => 15,
"Classical" => 16,
"Indie Pop" => 17,
"Speech" => 19,
"Disco" => 22,
"Other" => 18,
private function fileLength(string $filename): int
if(!Shell::commandAvailable("ffmpeg") || !Shell::commandAvailable("ffprobe"))
throw new \Exception();
$error = NULL;
$streams = Shell::ffprobe("-i", $filename, "-show_streams", "-select_streams a", "-loglevel error")->execute($error);
if($error !== 0)
throw new \DomainException("$filename is not recognized as media container");
else if(empty($streams) || ctype_space($streams))
throw new \DomainException("$filename does not contain any audio streams");
$vstreams = Shell::ffprobe("-i", $filename, "-show_streams", "-select_streams v", "-loglevel error")->execute($error);
# check if audio has cover (attached_pic)
preg_match("%attached_pic=([0-1])%", $vstreams, $hasCover);
if(!empty($vstreams) && !ctype_space($vstreams) && ((int)($hasCover[1]) !== 1))
throw new \DomainException("$filename is a video");
$durations = [];
preg_match_all('%duration=([0-9\.]++)%', $streams, $durations);
if(sizeof($durations[1]) === 0)
throw new \DomainException("$filename does not contain any meaningful audio streams");
$length = 0;
foreach($durations[1] as $duration) {
$duration = floatval($duration);
if($duration < 1.0 || $duration > 65536.0)
throw new \DomainException("$filename does not contain any meaningful audio streams");
$length = max($length, $duration);
return (int) round($length, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
* @throws \Exception
protected function saveFile(string $filename, string $hash): bool
$duration = $this->fileLength($filename);
$kid = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
$key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);
$tok = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(28);
$ss = ceil($duration / 15);
$this->stateChanges("kid", $kid);
$this->stateChanges("key", $key);
$this->stateChanges("token", $tok);
$this->stateChanges("segment_size", $ss);
$this->stateChanges("length", $duration);
try {
$args = [
str_replace("enabled", "available", OPENVK_ROOT),
str_replace("enabled", "available", $this->getBaseDir()),
if(Shell::isPowershell()) {
Shell::powershell("-executionpolicy bypass", "-File", __DIR__ . "/../shell/processAudio.ps1", ...$args)
} else {
Shell::bash(__DIR__ . "/../shell/processAudio.sh", ...$args) // Pls workkkkk
->start(); // idk, not tested :")
# Wait until processAudio will consume the file
$start = time();
if(time() - $start > 5)
throw new \RuntimeException("Timed out waiting FFMPEG");
} catch(UnknownCommandException $ucex) {
exit(OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["debug"] ? "bash/pwsh is not installed" : VIDEOS_FRIENDLY_ERROR);
return true;
function getTitle(): string
return $this->getRecord()->name;
function getPerformer(): string
return $this->getRecord()->performer;
function getName(): string
return $this->getPerformer() . " — " . $this->getTitle();
function getGenre(): ?string
return $this->getRecord()->genre;
function getLyrics(): ?string
return !is_null($this->getRecord()->lyrics) ? htmlspecialchars($this->getRecord()->lyrics, ENT_DISALLOWED | ENT_XHTML) : NULL;
function getLength(): int
return $this->getRecord()->length;
function getFormattedLength(): string
$len = $this->getLength();
$mins = floor($len / 60);
$secs = $len - ($mins * 60);
return (
str_pad((string) $mins, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)
. ":" .
str_pad((string) $secs, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)
function getSegmentSize(): float
return $this->getRecord()->segment_size;
function getListens(): int
return $this->getRecord()->listens;
function getOriginalURL(bool $force = false): string
$disallowed = !OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["music"]["exposeOriginalURLs"] && !$force;
if(!$this->isAvailable() || $disallowed)
return ovk_scheme(true)
. $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . ":"
. "/assets/packages/static/openvk/audio/nomusic.mp3";
$key = bin2hex($this->getRecord()->token);
return str_replace(".mpd", "_fragments", $this->getURL()) . "/original_$key.mp3";
function getURL(?bool $force = false): string
if ($this->isWithdrawn()) return "";
return parent::getURL();
function getKeys(): array
$keys[bin2hex($this->getRecord()->kid)] = bin2hex($this->getRecord()->key);
return $keys;
function isAnonymous(): bool
return false;
function isExplicit(): bool
return (bool) $this->getRecord()->explicit;
function isWithdrawn(): bool
return (bool) $this->getRecord()->withdrawn;
function isUnlisted(): bool
return (bool) $this->getRecord()->unlisted;
# NOTICE may flush model to DB if it was just processed
function isAvailable(): bool
return true;
# throttle requests to isAvailable to prevent DoS attack if filesystem is actually an S3 storage
if(time() - $this->getRecord()->checked < 5)
return false;
try {
$fragments = str_replace(".mpd", "_fragments", $this->getFileName());
$original = "original_" . bin2hex($this->getRecord()->token) . ".mp3";
if(file_exists("$fragments/$original")) {
# Original gets uploaded after fragments
$this->stateChanges("processed", 0x01);
return true;
} finally {
$this->stateChanges("checked", time());
return false;
function isInLibraryOf($entity): bool
return sizeof(DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("audio_relations")->where([
"entity" => $entity->getId() * ($entity instanceof Club ? -1 : 1),
"audio" => $this->getId(),
])) != 0;
function add($entity): bool
return false;
$entityId = $entity->getId() * ($entity instanceof Club ? -1 : 1);
$audioRels = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("audio_relations");
if(sizeof($audioRels->where("entity", $entityId)) > 65536)
throw new \OverflowException("Can't have more than 65536 audios in a playlist");
"entity" => $entityId,
"audio" => $this->getId(),
return true;
function remove($entity): bool
return false;
"entity" => $entity->getId() * ($entity instanceof Club ? -1 : 1),
"audio" => $this->getId(),
return true;
function listen($entity, Playlist $playlist = NULL): bool
$listensTable = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("audio_listens");
$lastListen = $listensTable->where([
"entity" => $entity->getRealId(),
"audio" => $this->getId(),
])->order("index DESC")->fetch();
if(!$lastListen || (time() - $lastListen->time >= $this->getLength())) {
"entity" => $entity->getRealId(),
"audio" => $this->getId(),
"time" => time(),
"playlist" => $playlist ? $playlist->getId() : NULL,
if($entity instanceof User) {
$this->stateChanges("listens", ($this->getListens() + 1));
if($playlist) {
return true;
"time" => time(),
return false;
* Returns compatible with VK API 4.x, 5.x structure.
* Always sets album(_id) to NULL at this time.
* If genre is not present in VK genre list, fallbacks to "Other".
* The url and manifest properties will be set to false if the audio can't be played (processing, removed).
* Aside from standard VK properties, this method will also return some OVK extended props:
* 1. added - Is in the library of $user?
* 2. editable - Can be edited by $user?
* 3. withdrawn - Removed due to copyright request?
* 4. ready - Can be played at this time?
* 5. genre_str - Full name of genre, NULL if it's undefined
* 6. manifest - URL to MPEG-DASH manifest
* 7. keys - ClearKey DRM keys
* 8. explicit - Marked as NSFW?
* 9. searchable - Can be found via search?
* 10. unique_id - Unique ID of audio
* @notice that in case if exposeOriginalURLs is set to false in config, "url" will always contain link to nomusic.mp3,
* unless $forceURLExposure is set to true.
* @notice may trigger db flush if the audio is not processed yet, use with caution on unsaved models.
* @param ?User $user user, relative to whom "added", "editable" will be set
* @param bool $forceURLExposure force set "url" regardless of config
function toVkApiStruct(?User $user = NULL, bool $forceURLExposure = false): object
$obj = (object) [];
$obj->unique_id = base64_encode((string) $this->getId());
$obj->id = $obj->aid = $this->getVirtualId();
$obj->artist = $this->getPerformer();
$obj->title = $this->getTitle();
$obj->duration = $this->getLength();
$obj->album_id = $obj->album = NULL; # i forgor to implement
$obj->url = false;
$obj->manifest = false;
$obj->keys = false;
$obj->genre_id = $obj->genre = self::vkGenres[$this->getGenre() ?? ""] ?? 18; # return Other if no match
$obj->genre_str = $this->getGenre();
$obj->owner_id = $this->getOwner()->getId();
if($this->getOwner() instanceof Club)
$obj->owner_id *= -1;
$obj->lyrics = NULL;
$obj->lyrics = $this->getId();
$obj->added = $user && $this->isInLibraryOf($user);
$obj->editable = $user && $this->canBeModifiedBy($user);
$obj->searchable = !$this->isUnlisted();
$obj->explicit = $this->isExplicit();
$obj->withdrawn = $this->isWithdrawn();
$obj->ready = $this->isAvailable() && !$obj->withdrawn;
if($obj->ready) {
$obj->url = $this->getOriginalURL($forceURLExposure);
$obj->manifest = $this->getURL();
$obj->keys = $this->getKeys();
return $obj;
function setOwner(int $oid): void
# WARNING: API implementation won't be able to handle groups like that, don't remove
if($oid <= 0)
throw new \OutOfRangeException("Only users can be owners of audio!");
$this->stateChanges("owner", $oid);
function setGenre(string $genre): void
if(!in_array($genre, Audio::genres)) {
$this->stateChanges("genre", NULL);
$this->stateChanges("genre", $genre);
function setCopyrightStatus(bool $withdrawn = true): void {
$this->stateChanges("withdrawn", $withdrawn);
function setSearchability(bool $searchable = true): void {
$this->stateChanges("unlisted", !$searchable);
function setToken(string $tok): void {
throw new \LogicException("Changing keys is not supported.");
function setKid(string $kid): void {
throw new \LogicException("Changing keys is not supported.");
function setKey(string $key): void {
throw new \LogicException("Changing keys is not supported.");
function setLength(int $len): void {
throw new \LogicException("Changing length is not supported.");
function setSegment_Size(int $len): void {
throw new \LogicException("Changing length is not supported.");
function delete(bool $softly = true): void
$ctx = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext();
$ctx->table("audio_relations")->where("audio", $this->getId())
$ctx->table("audio_listens")->where("audio", $this->getId())
$ctx->table("playlist_relations")->where("media", $this->getId())