
964 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
function humanFileSize(bytes, si) {
var thresh = si ? 1000 : 1024;
if(Math.abs(bytes) < thresh) {
return bytes + ' B';
var units = si
? ['kB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB']
: ['KiB','MiB','GiB','TiB','PiB','EiB','ZiB','YiB'];
var u = -1;
do {
bytes /= thresh;
} while(Math.abs(bytes) >= thresh && u < units.length - 1);
return bytes.toFixed(1)+' '+units[u];
function trim(string) {
var newStr = string.substring(0, 10);
if(newStr.length !== string.length)
newStr += "…";
return newStr;
function initGraffiti(id) {
let canvas = null;
let msgbox = MessageBox(tr("draw_graffiti"), "<div id='ovkDraw'></div>", [tr("save"), tr("cancel")], [function() {
canvas.getImage({includeWatermark: false}).toBlob(blob => {
let fName = "Graffiti-" + Math.ceil( + ".jpeg";
let image = new File([blob], fName, {type: "image/jpeg", lastModified: new Date().getTime()});
[WIP] Textarea: Upload multiple pictures (#800) * VKAPI: Fix bug when DELETED user appear if there is no user_ids * Textarea: Make multiple attachments * постмодернистское искусство * Use only attachPic for grabbing pic attachments TODO throw flashFail on bruh moment with pic attachments * draft masonry picture layout in posts xddd где мои опиаты??? * fix funny typos in computeMasonryLayout * Fix video bruh moment in textarea * Posts: add multiple kakahi for microblog * Photo: Add minimal implementation of миниатюра открывашка Co-authored-by: Daniel <> * Photo: Add ability to slide trough photos in one post This also gives ability to easily implement comments and actions * Photo: The Fxck Is This implementation of comments under photo in viewer * FloatingPhotoViewer: Better CSS - Fix that details background issue - Make slide buttons slightly shorter by height * FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better - Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo - Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments * Fix funny typos xddd * Kinda fix poll display in non-microblog posts * Posts: Fix poll display in microblog posts * Add photos picker (#986) * early implementation of photos pickir Добавлен пикер фоточек и быстрая загрузка фото. Так же пофикшен просмотрщик фото в группах. Но, правда, я сломал копипейст, но это ладн. * Fiks fotos viver four coments. * Add picking photos from clubs albums Копипейст и граффити так и не пофикшены * Fix graffiti and copypaste Какого-то хуя копипаста у постов срабатывает два раза. * some fixesx * dragon drop * Fix PHP 8 compatibility * 5 (#988) --------- Co-authored-by: celestora <> Co-authored-by: Daniel <> Co-authored-by: lalka2016 <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <>
2023-10-03 19:40:13 +03:00
fastUploadImage(id, image)
}, "image/jpeg", 0.92);
}, function() {
let watermarkImage = new Image();
watermarkImage.src = "/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/logo_watermark.gif";
msgbox.attr("style", "width: 750px;");
canvas = LC.init(document.querySelector("#ovkDraw"), {
backgroundColor: "#fff",
imageURLPrefix: "/assets/packages/static/openvk/js/node_modules/literallycanvas/lib/img",
watermarkImage: watermarkImage,
imageSize: {
width: 640,
height: 480
[WIP] Textarea: Upload multiple pictures (#800) * VKAPI: Fix bug when DELETED user appear if there is no user_ids * Textarea: Make multiple attachments * постмодернистское искусство * Use only attachPic for grabbing pic attachments TODO throw flashFail on bruh moment with pic attachments * draft masonry picture layout in posts xddd где мои опиаты??? * fix funny typos in computeMasonryLayout * Fix video bruh moment in textarea * Posts: add multiple kakahi for microblog * Photo: Add minimal implementation of миниатюра открывашка Co-authored-by: Daniel <> * Photo: Add ability to slide trough photos in one post This also gives ability to easily implement comments and actions * Photo: The Fxck Is This implementation of comments under photo in viewer * FloatingPhotoViewer: Better CSS - Fix that details background issue - Make slide buttons slightly shorter by height * FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better - Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo - Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments * Fix funny typos xddd * Kinda fix poll display in non-microblog posts * Posts: Fix poll display in microblog posts * Add photos picker (#986) * early implementation of photos pickir Добавлен пикер фоточек и быстрая загрузка фото. Так же пофикшен просмотрщик фото в группах. Но, правда, я сломал копипейст, но это ладн. * Fiks fotos viver four coments. * Add picking photos from clubs albums Копипейст и граффити так и не пофикшены * Fix graffiti and copypaste Какого-то хуя копипаста у постов срабатывает два раза. * some fixesx * dragon drop * Fix PHP 8 compatibility * 5 (#988) --------- Co-authored-by: celestora <> Co-authored-by: Daniel <> Co-authored-by: lalka2016 <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <>
2023-10-03 19:40:13 +03:00
function fastUploadImage(textareaId, file) {
// uploading images
if(!file.type.startsWith('image/')) {
MessageBox(tr("error"), tr("only_images_accepted", escapeHtml(, [tr("ok")], [() => {Function.noop}])
// 🤓🤓🤓
if(file.size > 5 * 1024 * 1024) {
MessageBox(tr("error"), tr("max_filesize", 5), [tr("ok")], [() => {Function.noop}])
let imagesCount = document.querySelector("#post-buttons" + textareaId + " input[name='photos']").value.split(",").length
if(imagesCount > 10) {
MessageBox(tr("error"), tr("too_many_photos"), [tr("ok")], [() => {Function.noop}])
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest
let data = new FormData
data.append("photo_0", file)
data.append("count", 1)
data.append("hash", u("meta[name=csrf]").attr("value"))"POST", "/photos/upload")
xhr.onloadstart = () => {
document.querySelector("#post-buttons"+textareaId+" .upload").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<img id="loader" src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">`)
xhr.onload = () => {
let response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
appendImage(response, textareaId)
// append image after uploading via /photos/upload
function appendImage(response, textareaId) {
if(!response.success) {
MessageBox(tr("error"), (tr("error_uploading_photo") + response.flash.message), [tr("ok")], [() => {Function.noop}])
} else {
let form = document.querySelector("#post-buttons"+textareaId)
let photosInput = form.querySelector("input[name='photos']")
let photosIndicator = form.querySelector(".upload")
for(const phot of {
let id = phot.owner + "_" + phot.vid
photosInput.value += (id + ",")
<div class="upload-item" id="aP" data-id="${id}">
<a class="upload-delete">×</a>
<img src="${phot.url}">
u(photosIndicator.querySelector(`.upload #aP[data-id='${id}'] .upload-delete`)).on("click", () => {
photosInput.value = photosInput.value.replace(id + ",", "")
u(form.querySelector(`.upload #aP[data-id='${id}']`)).remove()
u(`#post-buttons${textareaId} .upload #loader`).remove()
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
u(".post-like-button").on("click", function(e) {
var thisBtn = u(this).first();
var link = u(this).attr("href");
var heart = u(".heart", thisBtn);
var counter = u(".likeCnt", thisBtn);
2021-11-27 16:31:00 +03:00
var likes = counter.text() === "" ? 0 : counter.text();
var isLiked = heart.attr("id") === 'liked';
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
2021-11-27 16:31:00 +03:00
heart.attr("id", isLiked ? '' : 'liked');
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
counter.text(parseInt(likes) + (isLiked ? -1 : 1));
2021-11-27 16:31:00 +03:00
if (counter.text() === "0") {
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
return false;
function setupWallPostInputHandlers(id) {
u("#wall-post-input" + id).on("paste", function(e) {
[WIP] Textarea: Upload multiple pictures (#800) * VKAPI: Fix bug when DELETED user appear if there is no user_ids * Textarea: Make multiple attachments * постмодернистское искусство * Use only attachPic for grabbing pic attachments TODO throw flashFail on bruh moment with pic attachments * draft masonry picture layout in posts xddd где мои опиаты??? * fix funny typos in computeMasonryLayout * Fix video bruh moment in textarea * Posts: add multiple kakahi for microblog * Photo: Add minimal implementation of миниатюра открывашка Co-authored-by: Daniel <> * Photo: Add ability to slide trough photos in one post This also gives ability to easily implement comments and actions * Photo: The Fxck Is This implementation of comments under photo in viewer * FloatingPhotoViewer: Better CSS - Fix that details background issue - Make slide buttons slightly shorter by height * FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better - Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo - Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments * Fix funny typos xddd * Kinda fix poll display in non-microblog posts * Posts: Fix poll display in microblog posts * Add photos picker (#986) * early implementation of photos pickir Добавлен пикер фоточек и быстрая загрузка фото. Так же пофикшен просмотрщик фото в группах. Но, правда, я сломал копипейст, но это ладн. * Fiks fotos viver four coments. * Add picking photos from clubs albums Копипейст и граффити так и не пофикшены * Fix graffiti and copypaste Какого-то хуя копипаста у постов срабатывает два раза. * some fixesx * dragon drop * Fix PHP 8 compatibility * 5 (#988) --------- Co-authored-by: celestora <> Co-authored-by: Daniel <> Co-authored-by: lalka2016 <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <>
2023-10-03 19:40:13 +03:00
// Если вы находитесь на странице с постом с id 11, то копирование произойдёт джва раза.
// Оч ржачный баг, но вот как его исправить, я, если честно, не знаю.
if(e.clipboardData.files.length === 1) {
[WIP] Textarea: Upload multiple pictures (#800) * VKAPI: Fix bug when DELETED user appear if there is no user_ids * Textarea: Make multiple attachments * постмодернистское искусство * Use only attachPic for grabbing pic attachments TODO throw flashFail on bruh moment with pic attachments * draft masonry picture layout in posts xddd где мои опиаты??? * fix funny typos in computeMasonryLayout * Fix video bruh moment in textarea * Posts: add multiple kakahi for microblog * Photo: Add minimal implementation of миниатюра открывашка Co-authored-by: Daniel <> * Photo: Add ability to slide trough photos in one post This also gives ability to easily implement comments and actions * Photo: The Fxck Is This implementation of comments under photo in viewer * FloatingPhotoViewer: Better CSS - Fix that details background issue - Make slide buttons slightly shorter by height * FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better - Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo - Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments * Fix funny typos xddd * Kinda fix poll display in non-microblog posts * Posts: Fix poll display in microblog posts * Add photos picker (#986) * early implementation of photos pickir Добавлен пикер фоточек и быстрая загрузка фото. Так же пофикшен просмотрщик фото в группах. Но, правда, я сломал копипейст, но это ладн. * Fiks fotos viver four coments. * Add picking photos from clubs albums Копипейст и граффити так и не пофикшены * Fix graffiti and copypaste Какого-то хуя копипаста у постов срабатывает два раза. * some fixesx * dragon drop * Fix PHP 8 compatibility * 5 (#988) --------- Co-authored-by: celestora <> Co-authored-by: Daniel <> Co-authored-by: lalka2016 <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <>
2023-10-03 19:40:13 +03:00
fastUploadImage(id, e.clipboardData.files[0])
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
u("#wall-post-input" + id).on("input", function(e) {
var boost = 5;
var textArea =; = "5px";
var newHeight = textArea.scrollHeight; = newHeight + boost + "px";
// revert to original size if it is larger (possibly changed by user)
// = (newHeight > originalHeight ? (newHeight + boost) : originalHeight) + "px";
[WIP] Textarea: Upload multiple pictures (#800) * VKAPI: Fix bug when DELETED user appear if there is no user_ids * Textarea: Make multiple attachments * постмодернистское искусство * Use only attachPic for grabbing pic attachments TODO throw flashFail on bruh moment with pic attachments * draft masonry picture layout in posts xddd где мои опиаты??? * fix funny typos in computeMasonryLayout * Fix video bruh moment in textarea * Posts: add multiple kakahi for microblog * Photo: Add minimal implementation of миниатюра открывашка Co-authored-by: Daniel <> * Photo: Add ability to slide trough photos in one post This also gives ability to easily implement comments and actions * Photo: The Fxck Is This implementation of comments under photo in viewer * FloatingPhotoViewer: Better CSS - Fix that details background issue - Make slide buttons slightly shorter by height * FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better - Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo - Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments * Fix funny typos xddd * Kinda fix poll display in non-microblog posts * Posts: Fix poll display in microblog posts * Add photos picker (#986) * early implementation of photos pickir Добавлен пикер фоточек и быстрая загрузка фото. Так же пофикшен просмотрщик фото в группах. Но, правда, я сломал копипейст, но это ладн. * Fiks fotos viver four coments. * Add picking photos from clubs albums Копипейст и граффити так и не пофикшены * Fix graffiti and copypaste Какого-то хуя копипаста у постов срабатывает два раза. * some fixesx * dragon drop * Fix PHP 8 compatibility * 5 (#988) --------- Co-authored-by: celestora <> Co-authored-by: Daniel <> Co-authored-by: lalka2016 <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <>
2023-10-03 19:40:13 +03:00
u("#wall-post-input" + id).on("dragover", function(e) {
// todo add animation
$("#wall-post-input" + id).on("drop", function(e) {
e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
fastUploadImage(id, e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files[0])
function OpenMiniature(e, photo, post, photo_id, type = "post") {
костыли но смешные однако
if(u(".ovk-photo-view").length > 0) u(".ovk-photo-view-dimmer").remove();
// Значения для переключения фоток
let json;
let imagesCount = 0;
let imagesIndex = 0;
let tempDetailsSection = [];
let dialog = u(
`<div class="ovk-photo-view-dimmer">
<div class="ovk-photo-view">
<div class="photo_com_title">
<text id="photo_com_title_photos">
<img src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">
<a id="ovk-photo-close">${tr("close")}</a>
<center style="margin-bottom: 8pt;">
<div class="ovk-photo-slide-left"></div>
<div class="ovk-photo-slide-right"></div>
<img src="${photo}" style="max-width: 100%; max-height: 60vh; user-select:none;" id="ovk-photo-img">
<div class="ovk-photo-details">
<img src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">
document.querySelector("html").style.overflowY = "hidden"
let button = u("#ovk-photo-close");
button.on("click", function(e) {
let __closeDialog = () => {
document.querySelector("html").style.overflowY = "scroll"
function __reloadTitleBar() {
u("#photo_com_title_photos").last().innerHTML = imagesCount > 1 ? tr("photo_x_from_y", imagesIndex, imagesCount) : tr("photo");
function __loadDetails(photo_id, index) {
if(tempDetailsSection[index] == null) {
u(".ovk-photo-details").last().innerHTML = '<img src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">';
ky("/photo" + photo_id, {
hooks: {
afterResponse: [
async (_request, _options, response) => {
let parser = new DOMParser();
let body = parser.parseFromString(await response.text(), "text/html");
let element = u(body.getElementsByClassName("ovk-photo-details")).last();
tempDetailsSection[index] = element.innerHTML;
if(index == imagesIndex) {
u(".ovk-photo-details").last().innerHTML = element.innerHTML;
document.querySelectorAll(".ovk-photo-details .bsdn").forEach(bsdnInitElement)
document.querySelectorAll(".ovk-photo-details script").forEach(scr => {
// stolen from #953
let newScr = document.createElement('script')
if(scr.src) {
newScr.src = scr.src
} else {
newScr.textContent = scr.textContent
} else {
u(".ovk-photo-details").last().innerHTML = tempDetailsSection[index];
function __slidePhoto(direction) {
/* direction = 1 - right
direction = 0 - left */
if(json == undefined) {
console.log("Да подожди ты. Куда торопишься?");
} else {
if(imagesIndex >= imagesCount && direction == 1) {
imagesIndex = 1;
} else if(imagesIndex <= 1 && direction == 0) {
imagesIndex = imagesCount;
} else if(direction == 1) {
} else if(direction == 0) {
let photoURL = json.body[imagesIndex - 1].url;
u("#ovk-photo-img").last().src = photoURL;
__loadDetails(json.body[imagesIndex - 1].id, imagesIndex);
let slideLeft = u(".ovk-photo-slide-left");
slideLeft.on("click", (e) => {
let slideRight = u(".ovk-photo-slide-right");
slideRight.on("click", (e) => {
let data = new FormData()
data.append('parentType', type);"/iapi/getPhotosFromPost/" + (type == "post" ? post : "1_"+post), {
hooks: {
afterResponse: [
async (_request, _options, response) => {
json = await response.json();
imagesCount = json.body.length;
imagesIndex = 0;
// Это всё придётся правда на 1 прибавлять
json.body.every(element => {
if( == photo_id) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
__loadDetails(json.body[imagesIndex - 1].id, imagesIndex); }
body: data
return u(".ovk-photo-view-dimmer");
u("#write > form").on("keydown", function(event) {
if(event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode === 13)
2022-12-17 02:03:02 +03:00
var tooltipClientTemplate = Handlebars.compile(`
<td width="54" valign="top">
<img src="{{img}}" width="54" />
<td width="1"></td>
<td width="150" valign="top">
{{app_tr}}: <b>{{name}}</b>
2022-12-18 09:25:52 +03:00
<a href="{{url}}">${tr("learn_more")}</a>
2022-12-17 02:03:02 +03:00
var tooltipClientNoInfoTemplate = Handlebars.compile(`
<td width="150" valign="top">
{{app_tr}}: <b>{{name}}</b>
tippy(".client_app", {
theme: "light vk",
content: "⌛",
allowHTML: true,
interactive: true,
interactiveDebounce: 500,
onCreate: async function(that) {
that._resolvedClient = null;
onShow: async function(that) {
let client_tag = that.reference.dataset.appTag;
let client_name = that.reference.dataset.appName;
let client_url = that.reference.dataset.appUrl;
let client_img = that.reference.dataset.appImg;
if(client_name != "") {
let res = {
'name': client_name,
'url': client_url,
'img': client_img,
'app_tr': tr("app")
} else {
let res = {
'name': client_tag,
'app_tr': tr("app")
function addNote(textareaId, nid)
if(nid > 0) {
note.value = nid
let noteObj = document.querySelector("#nd"+nid)
let nortd = document.querySelector("#post-buttons"+textareaId+" .post-has-note"); = "block"
nortd.innerHTML = `${tr("note")} ${escapeHtml(}`
} else {
note.value = "none"
let nortd = document.querySelector("#post-buttons"+textareaId+" .post-has-note"); = "none"
nortd.innerHTML = ""
[WIP] Textarea: Upload multiple pictures (#800) * VKAPI: Fix bug when DELETED user appear if there is no user_ids * Textarea: Make multiple attachments * постмодернистское искусство * Use only attachPic for grabbing pic attachments TODO throw flashFail on bruh moment with pic attachments * draft masonry picture layout in posts xddd где мои опиаты??? * fix funny typos in computeMasonryLayout * Fix video bruh moment in textarea * Posts: add multiple kakahi for microblog * Photo: Add minimal implementation of миниатюра открывашка Co-authored-by: Daniel <> * Photo: Add ability to slide trough photos in one post This also gives ability to easily implement comments and actions * Photo: The Fxck Is This implementation of comments under photo in viewer * FloatingPhotoViewer: Better CSS - Fix that details background issue - Make slide buttons slightly shorter by height * FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better - Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo - Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments * Fix funny typos xddd * Kinda fix poll display in non-microblog posts * Posts: Fix poll display in microblog posts * Add photos picker (#986) * early implementation of photos pickir Добавлен пикер фоточек и быстрая загрузка фото. Так же пофикшен просмотрщик фото в группах. Но, правда, я сломал копипейст, но это ладн. * Fiks fotos viver four coments. * Add picking photos from clubs albums Копипейст и граффити так и не пофикшены * Fix graffiti and copypaste Какого-то хуя копипаста у постов срабатывает два раза. * some fixesx * dragon drop * Fix PHP 8 compatibility * 5 (#988) --------- Co-authored-by: celestora <> Co-authored-by: Daniel <> Co-authored-by: lalka2016 <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <>
2023-10-03 19:40:13 +03:00
document.querySelector("html").style.overflowY = "scroll"
async function attachNote(id)
let notes = await API.Wall.getMyNotes()
let body = ``
if(notes.closed < 1) {
body = `${tr("notes_closed")}`
} else {
if(notes.items.length < 1) {
body = `${tr("no_notes")}`
} else {
body = `
<div id="notesList">`
if(note.value != "none") {
body += `
<div class="ntSelect" onclick="addNote(${id}, 0)">
for(const note of notes.items) {
body += `
<div data-name="${}" class="ntSelect" id="nd${}" onclick="addNote(${id}, ${})">
body += `</div>`
let frame = MessageBox(tr("select_note"), body, [tr("cancel")], [Function.noop]);
document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-body").style.padding = "10px"
async function showArticle(note_id) {
let note = await API.Notes.getNote(note_id);
u("#articleText").html(`<h1 class="articleView_nameHeading">${note.title}</h1>` + note.html);
2023-09-17 19:19:25 +03:00
$(document).on("click", "#videoAttachment", async (e) => {
let body = `
<div class="topGrayBlock">
<div style="padding-top: 11px;padding-left: 12px;">
<a href="/videos/upload">${tr("upload_new_video")}</a>
<input type="text" id="vquery" maxlength="20" placeholder="${tr("header_search")}" style="float: right;width: 160px;margin-right: 17px;margin-top: -2px;">
<div class="videosInsert" style="padding: 5px;height: 287px;overflow-y: scroll;"></div>
let form = e.currentTarget.closest("form")
MessageBox(tr("selecting_video"), body, [tr("close")], [Function.noop]);
// styles for messageboxx
document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-body").style.padding = "0"
document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-cont").style.width = "580px"
document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-body").style.height = "335px"
async function insertVideos(page, query = "") {
document.querySelector(".videosInsert").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<img id="loader" src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">`)
let vidoses
let noVideosText = tr("no_videos")
if(query == "") {
vidoses = await API.Wall.getVideos(page)
} else {
vidoses = await API.Wall.searchVideos(page, query)
noVideosText = tr("no_videos_results")
if(vidoses.count < 1) {
document.querySelector(".videosInsert").innerHTML = `<span>${noVideosText}</span>`
let pagesCount = Math.ceil(Number(vidoses.count) / 8)
let insert = document.querySelector(".videosInsert")
for(const vid of vidoses.items) {
let isAttached = (form.querySelector("input[name='videos']").value.includes(`${}_${},`))
insert.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
<div class="content" style="padding: unset;">
<td valign="top">
<a href="/video${}_${}">
<div class="video-preview" style="height: 75px;width: 133px;overflow: hidden;">
<img src="${[0].url}" alt="${escapeHtml(}" style="max-width: 133px; height: 75px; margin: auto;">
<td valign="top" style="width: 100%">
<a href="/video${}_${}">
${ovk_proc_strtr(escapeHtml(, 30)}
<span>${ovk_proc_strtr(escapeHtml( ?? ""), 140)}</span>
<span><a href="/id${}" target="_blank">${escapeHtml( ?? "")}</a></span>
<td valign="top" class="action_links" style="width: 150px;">
<a class="profile_link" id="attachvid" data-name="${escapeHtml(}" data-attachmentData="${}_${}">${!isAttached ? tr("attach") : tr("detach")}</a>
if(page < pagesCount) {
document.querySelector(".videosInsert").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
<div id="showMoreVideos" data-pagesCount="${pagesCount}" data-page="${page + 1}" style="width: 100%;text-align: center;background: #d5d5d5;height: 22px;padding-top: 9px;cursor:pointer;">
$(".videosInsert").on("click", "#showMoreVideos", (e) => {
insertVideos(Number(, document.querySelector(".topGrayBlock #vquery").value)
$(".topGrayBlock #vquery").on("change", async (e) => {
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
if(e.currentTarget.value === document.querySelector(".topGrayBlock #vquery").value) {
document.querySelector(".videosInsert").innerHTML = ""
insertVideos(1, e.currentTarget.value)
} else {"skipping")
function insertAttachment(id) {
let videos = form.querySelector("input[name='videos']")
if(!videos.value.includes(id + ",")) {
if(videos.value.split(",").length > 10) {
NewNotification(tr("error"), tr("max_attached_videos"))
return false
form.querySelector("input[name='videos']").value += (id + ",") + " attached")
return true
} else {
form.querySelector("input[name='videos']").value = form.querySelector("input[name='videos']").value.replace(id + ",", "") + " detached")
return false
$(".videosInsert").on("click", "#attachvid", (ev) => {
// откреплено от псто
if(!insertAttachment(ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata)) {
u(`.post-has-videos .post-has-video[data-id='${ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata}']`).remove()
ev.currentTarget.innerHTML = tr("attach")
} else {
ev.currentTarget.innerHTML = tr("detach")
form.querySelector(".post-has-videos").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
<div class="post-has-video" id="unattachVideo" data-id="${ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata}">
<span>${tr("video")} <b>"${ovk_proc_strtr(escapeHtml(, 20)}"</b></span>
u(`#unattachVideo[data-id='${ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata}']`).on("click", (e) => {
let id = ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata
form.querySelector("input[name='videos']").value = form.querySelector("input[name='videos']").value.replace(id + ",", "") + " detached")
$(document).on("click", "#editPost", (e) => {
let post = e.currentTarget.closest("table")
let content = post.querySelector(".text")
let text = content.querySelector(".really_text")
if(content.querySelector("textarea") == null) {
content.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `
<div class="editMenu">
<div id="wall-post-input999">
<textarea id="new_content">${text.dataset.text}</textarea>
<input type="button" class="button" value="${tr("save")}" id="endEditing">
<input type="button" class="button" value="${tr("cancel")}" id="cancelEditing">
${e.currentTarget.dataset.nsfw != null ? `
<div class="postOptions">
<label><input type="checkbox" id="nswfw" ${e.currentTarget.dataset.nsfw == 1 ? `checked` : ``}>${tr("contains_nsfw")}</label>
` : ``}
${e.currentTarget.dataset.fromgroup != null ? `
<div class="postOptions">
<label><input type="checkbox" id="fromgroup" ${e.currentTarget.dataset.fromgroup == 1 ? `checked` : ``}>${tr("post_as_group")}</label>
` : ``}
u(content.querySelector("#cancelEditing")).on("click", () => {post.querySelector("#editPost").click()})
u(content.querySelector("#endEditing")).on("click", () => {
let nwcntnt = content.querySelector("#new_content").value
let type = "post"
if(post.classList.contains("comment")) {
type = "comment"
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()"POST", "/wall/edit")
xhr.onloadstart = () => {
xhr.onerror = () => {
MessageBox(tr("error"), "unknown error occured", [tr("ok")], [() => {Function.noop}])
xhr.ontimeout = () => {
MessageBox(tr("error"), "Try to refresh page", [tr("ok")], [() => {Function.noop}])
xhr.onload = () => {
let result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
if(result.error == "no") {
content.querySelector(".really_text").innerHTML = result.new_content
if(post.querySelector(".editedMark") == null) {
post.querySelector(".date").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
<span class="edited editedMark">(${tr("edited_short")})</span>
if(e.currentTarget.dataset.nsfw != null) {
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("data-nsfw", result.nsfw)
if(result.nsfw == 0) {
} else {
if(e.currentTarget.dataset.fromgroup != null) {
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("data-fromgroup", result.from_group)
post.querySelector(".post-author-name").innerHTML =
post.querySelector(".really_text").setAttribute("data-text", result.new_text)
} else {
MessageBox(tr("error"), result.error, [tr("ok")], [Function.noop])
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
"&nsfw="+(content.querySelector("#nswfw") != null ? content.querySelector("#nswfw").checked : 0)+
"&fromgroup="+(content.querySelector("#fromgroup") != null ? content.querySelector("#fromgroup").checked : 0))
u(".editMenu").on("keydown", (e) => {
if(e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 13)
}); = "none"
} else {
u(content.querySelector(".editMenu")).remove() = "block"
[WIP] Textarea: Upload multiple pictures (#800) * VKAPI: Fix bug when DELETED user appear if there is no user_ids * Textarea: Make multiple attachments * постмодернистское искусство * Use only attachPic for grabbing pic attachments TODO throw flashFail on bruh moment with pic attachments * draft masonry picture layout in posts xddd где мои опиаты??? * fix funny typos in computeMasonryLayout * Fix video bruh moment in textarea * Posts: add multiple kakahi for microblog * Photo: Add minimal implementation of миниатюра открывашка Co-authored-by: Daniel <> * Photo: Add ability to slide trough photos in one post This also gives ability to easily implement comments and actions * Photo: The Fxck Is This implementation of comments under photo in viewer * FloatingPhotoViewer: Better CSS - Fix that details background issue - Make slide buttons slightly shorter by height * FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better - Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo - Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments * Fix funny typos xddd * Kinda fix poll display in non-microblog posts * Posts: Fix poll display in microblog posts * Add photos picker (#986) * early implementation of photos pickir Добавлен пикер фоточек и быстрая загрузка фото. Так же пофикшен просмотрщик фото в группах. Но, правда, я сломал копипейст, но это ладн. * Fiks fotos viver four coments. * Add picking photos from clubs albums Копипейст и граффити так и не пофикшены * Fix graffiti and copypaste Какого-то хуя копипаста у постов срабатывает два раза. * some fixesx * dragon drop * Fix PHP 8 compatibility * 5 (#988) --------- Co-authored-by: celestora <> Co-authored-by: Daniel <> Co-authored-by: lalka2016 <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <>
2023-10-03 19:40:13 +03:00
// copypaste from videos picker
$(document).on("click", "#photosAttachments", async (e) => {
let body = `
<div class="topGrayBlock">
<div style="padding-top: 7px;padding-left: 12px;">
<input type="file" multiple accept="image/*" id="fastFotosUplod" style="display:none">
<input type="button" class="button" value="${tr("upload_button")}" onclick="">
<select id="albumSelect" style="width: 154px;float: right;margin-right: 17px;">
<option value="0">${tr("all_photos")}</option>
<div class="photosInsert" style="padding: 5px;height: 287px;overflow-y: scroll;">
<div style="position: fixed;z-index: 1007;width: 92%;background: white;margin-top: -5px;padding-top: 6px;"><h4>${tr("is_x_photos", 0)}</h4></div>
<div class="photosList album-flex" style="margin-top: 20px;"></div>
let form = e.currentTarget.closest("form")
MessageBox(tr("select_photo"), body, [tr("close")], [Function.noop]);
document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-body").style.padding = "0"
document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-cont").style.width = "630px"
document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-body").style.height = "335px"
async function insertPhotos(page, album = 0) {
let insertPlace = document.querySelector(".photosInsert .photosList")
document.querySelector(".photosInsert").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<img id="loader" style="max-height: 8px;max-width: 36px;" src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">`)
let photos;
try {
photos = await API.Photos.getPhotos(page, Number(album))
} catch(e) {
document.querySelector(".photosInsert h4").innerHTML = tr("is_x_photos", -1)
insertPlace.innerHTML = "Invalid album"
document.querySelector(".photosInsert h4").innerHTML = tr("is_x_photos", photos.count)
let pagesCount = Math.ceil(Number(photos.count) / 24)
for(const photo of photos.items) {
let isAttached = (form.querySelector("input[name='photos']").value.includes(`${photo.owner_id}_${},`))
insertPlace.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
<div style="width: 14%;margin-bottom: 7px;margin-left: 13px;" class="album-photo" data-attachmentdata="${photo.owner_id}_${}" data-preview="${photo.photo_130}">
<a href="/photo${photo.owner_id}_${}">
<img class="album-photo--image" src="${photo.photo_130}" alt="..." style="${isAttached ? "background-color: #646464" : ""}">
if(page < pagesCount) {
insertPlace.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
<div id="showMorePhotos" data-pagesCount="${pagesCount}" data-page="${page + 1}" style="width: 100%;text-align: center;background: #f0f0f0;height: 22px;padding-top: 9px;cursor:pointer;">
let albums = await API.Photos.getAlbums(Number( ?? 0))
for(const alb of albums.items) {
let sel = document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-body #albumSelect")
sel.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<option value="${}">${ovk_proc_strtr(escapeHtml(, 20)}</option>`)
$(".photosInsert").on("click", "#showMorePhotos", (e) => {
insertPhotos(Number(, document.querySelector(".topGrayBlock #albumSelect").value)
$(".topGrayBlock #albumSelect").on("change", (evv) => {
document.querySelector(".photosInsert .photosList").innerHTML = ""
insertPhotos(1, evv.currentTarget.value)
function insertAttachment(id) {
let photos = form.querySelector("input[name='photos']")
if(!photos.value.includes(id + ",")) {
if(photos.value.split(",").length > 10) {
NewNotification(tr("error"), tr("max_attached_photos"))
return false
form.querySelector("input[name='photos']").value += (id + ",") + " attached")
return true
} else {
form.querySelector("input[name='photos']").value = form.querySelector("input[name='photos']").value.replace(id + ",", "") + " detached")
return false
$(".photosList").on("click", ".album-photo", (ev) => {
if(!insertAttachment(ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata)) {
u(form.querySelector(`.upload #aP[data-id='${ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata}']`)).remove()
ev.currentTarget.querySelector("img").style.backgroundColor = "white"
} else {
ev.currentTarget.querySelector("img").style.backgroundColor = "#646464"
let id = ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata
<div class="upload-item" id="aP" data-id="${ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata}">
<a class="upload-delete">×</a>
<img src="${ev.currentTarget.dataset.preview}">
u(`.upload #aP[data-id='${ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata}'] .upload-delete`).on("click", () => {
form.querySelector("input[name='photos']").value = form.querySelector("input[name='photos']").value.replace(id + ",", "")
u(form.querySelector(`.upload #aP[data-id='${ev.currentTarget.dataset.attachmentdata}']`)).remove()
u("#fastFotosUplod").on("change", (evn) => {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()"POST", "/photos/upload")
let formdata = new FormData()
let iterator = 0
for(const fille of evn.currentTarget.files) {
if(!fille.type.startsWith('image/')) {
if(fille.size > 5 * 1024 * 1024) {
if(evn.currentTarget.files.length >= 10) {
NewNotification(tr("error"), tr("max_attached_photos"))
formdata.append("photo_"+iterator, fille)
iterator += 1
xhr.onloadstart = () => {
evn.currentTarget.parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<img id="loader" style="max-height: 8px;max-width: 36px;" src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">`)
xhr.onload = () => {
let result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)
if(result.success) {
for(const pht of {
let id = pht.owner + "_" + pht.vid
if(!insertAttachment(id)) {
<div class="upload-item" id="aP" data-id="${pht.owner + "_" + pht.vid}">
<a class="upload-delete">×</a>
<img src="${pht.url}">
u(`.upload #aP[data-id='${pht.owner + "_" + pht.vid}'] .upload-delete`).on("click", () => {
form.querySelector("input[name='photos']").value = form.querySelector("input[name='photos']").value.replace(id + ",", "")
u(form.querySelector(`.upload #aP[data-id='${id}']`)).remove()
document.querySelector("html").style.overflowY = "scroll"
} else {
// todo:
formdata.append("hash", u("meta[name=csrf]").attr("value"))
formdata.append("count", iterator)