2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
< ? php declare ( strict_types = 1 );
namespace openvk\Web\Presenters ;
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\ { Voucher , Gift , GiftCategory , User };
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\ { Users , Clubs , Vouchers , Gifts };
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
final class AdminPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
private $users ;
private $clubs ;
2021-10-07 11:47:30 +03:00
private $vouchers ;
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
private $gifts ;
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
function __construct ( Users $users , Clubs $clubs , Vouchers $vouchers , Gifts $gifts )
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
2021-10-07 11:47:30 +03:00
$this -> users = $users ;
$this -> clubs = $clubs ;
$this -> vouchers = $vouchers ;
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
$this -> gifts = $gifts ;
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
parent :: __construct ();
2021-10-12 12:15:55 +03:00
private function warnIfNoCommerce () : void
if ( ! OPENVK_ROOT_CONF [ " openvk " ][ " preferences " ][ " commerce " ])
$this -> flash ( " warn " , " Коммерция отключена системным администратором " , " Настройки ваучеров и подарков будут сохранены, но не будут оказывать никакого влияния. " );
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
private function searchResults ( object $repo , & $count )
$query = $this -> queryParam ( " q " ) ? ? " " ;
$page = ( int ) ( $this -> queryParam ( " p " ) ? ? 1 );
2021-09-11 13:35:27 +03:00
$count = $repo -> find ( $query ) -> size ();
return $repo -> find ( $query ) -> page ( $page , 20 );
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
2020-06-15 21:25:55 +03:00
function onStartup () : void
2020-07-17 19:26:59 +03:00
parent :: onStartup ();
$this -> assertPermission ( " admin " , " access " , - 1 );
2020-06-15 21:25:55 +03:00
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
function renderIndex () : void
function renderUsers () : void
$this -> template -> users = $this -> searchResults ( $this -> users , $this -> template -> count );
function renderUser ( int $id ) : void
$user = $this -> users -> get ( $id );
if ( ! $user )
$this -> notFound ();
$this -> template -> user = $user ;
if ( $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_METHOD " ] !== " POST " )
return ;
switch ( $_POST [ " act " ] ? ? " info " ) {
default :
case " info " :
2021-09-11 17:39:14 +03:00
$user -> setFirst_Name ( $this -> postParam ( " first_name " ));
$user -> setLast_Name ( $this -> postParam ( " last_name " ));
$user -> setPseudo ( $this -> postParam ( " nickname " ));
$user -> setStatus ( $this -> postParam ( " status " ));
$user -> setVerified ( empty ( $this -> postParam ( " verify " ) ? 0 : 1 ));
if ( $user -> onlineStatus () != $this -> postParam ( " online " )) $user -> setOnline ( intval ( $this -> postParam ( " online " )));
2021-12-31 07:11:29 +03:00
if ( ! $user -> setShortCode ( empty ( $this -> postParam ( " shortcode " )) ? NULL : $this -> postParam ( " shortcode " )))
$this -> flash ( " err " , tr ( " error " ), tr ( " error_shorturl_incorrect " ));
2021-09-11 17:39:14 +03:00
$user -> save ();
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
break ;
function renderClubs () : void
$this -> template -> clubs = $this -> searchResults ( $this -> clubs , $this -> template -> count );
function renderClub ( int $id ) : void
$club = $this -> clubs -> get ( $id );
if ( ! $club )
$this -> notFound ();
2021-09-13 16:47:10 +03:00
$this -> template -> mode = in_array ( $this -> queryParam ( " act " ), [ " main " , " ban " , " followers " ]) ? $this -> queryParam ( " act " ) : " main " ;
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
$this -> template -> club = $club ;
2021-09-11 22:36:17 +03:00
2021-09-13 16:47:10 +03:00
$this -> template -> followers = $this -> template -> club -> getFollowers (( int ) ( $this -> queryParam ( " p " ) ? ? 1 ));
2021-09-11 22:36:17 +03:00
if ( $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_METHOD " ] !== " POST " )
return ;
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
2021-09-13 16:47:10 +03:00
switch ( $this -> queryParam ( " act " )) {
2021-09-11 22:36:17 +03:00
default :
2021-09-13 16:47:10 +03:00
case " main " :
2021-09-11 22:36:17 +03:00
$club -> setOwner ( $this -> postParam ( " id_owner " ));
$club -> setName ( $this -> postParam ( " name " ));
$club -> setAbout ( $this -> postParam ( " about " ));
$club -> setShortCode ( $this -> postParam ( " shortcode " ));
$club -> setVerified ( empty ( $this -> postParam ( " verify " ) ? 0 : 1 ));
2021-09-13 16:47:10 +03:00
$club -> save ();
break ;
case " ban " :
2021-09-11 22:36:17 +03:00
$club -> setBlock_reason ( $this -> postParam ( " ban_reason " ));
$club -> save ();
break ;
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
2021-10-07 11:47:30 +03:00
function renderVouchers () : void
2021-10-12 12:15:55 +03:00
$this -> warnIfNoCommerce ();
2021-10-07 11:47:30 +03:00
$this -> template -> count = $this -> vouchers -> size ();
$this -> template -> vouchers = iterator_to_array ( $this -> vouchers -> enumerate (( int ) ( $this -> queryParam ( " p " ) ? ? 1 )));
function renderVoucher ( int $id ) : void
2021-10-12 12:15:55 +03:00
$this -> warnIfNoCommerce ();
2021-10-07 11:47:30 +03:00
$voucher = NULL ;
$this -> template -> form = ( object ) [];
if ( $id === 0 ) {
$this -> template -> form -> id = 0 ;
$this -> template -> form -> token = NULL ;
$this -> template -> form -> coins = 0 ;
$this -> template -> form -> rating = 0 ;
$this -> template -> form -> usages = - 1 ;
$this -> template -> form -> users = [];
} else {
$voucher = $this -> vouchers -> get ( $id );
if ( ! $voucher )
$this -> notFound ();
$this -> template -> form -> id = $voucher -> getId ();
$this -> template -> form -> token = $voucher -> getToken ();
$this -> template -> form -> coins = $voucher -> getCoins ();
$this -> template -> form -> rating = $voucher -> getRating ();
$this -> template -> form -> usages = $voucher -> getRemainingUsages ();
$this -> template -> form -> users = iterator_to_array ( $voucher -> getUsers ());
if ( $this -> template -> form -> usages === INF )
$this -> template -> form -> usages = - 1 ;
$this -> template -> form -> usages = ( int ) $this -> template -> form -> usages ;
if ( $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_METHOD " ] !== " POST " )
return ;
$voucher ? ? = new Voucher ;
$voucher -> setCoins (( int ) $this -> postParam ( " coins " ));
$voucher -> setRating (( int ) $this -> postParam ( " rating " ));
$voucher -> setRemainingUsages ( $this -> postParam ( " usages " ) === '-1' ? INF : (( int ) $this -> postParam ( " usages " )));
if ( ! empty ( $tok = $this -> postParam ( " token " )) && strlen ( $tok ) === 24 )
$voucher -> setToken ( $tok );
$voucher -> save ();
$this -> redirect ( " /admin/vouchers/id " . $voucher -> getId (), static :: REDIRECT_TEMPORARY );
exit ;
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
function renderGiftCategories () : void
2021-10-12 12:15:55 +03:00
$this -> warnIfNoCommerce ();
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
$this -> template -> act = $this -> queryParam ( " act " ) ? ? " list " ;
$this -> template -> categories = iterator_to_array ( $this -> gifts -> getCategories (( int ) ( $this -> queryParam ( " p " ) ? ? 1 ), NULL , $this -> template -> count ));
function renderGiftCategory ( string $slug , int $id ) : void
2021-10-12 12:15:55 +03:00
$this -> warnIfNoCommerce ();
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
$cat ;
$gen = false ;
if ( $id !== 0 ) {
$cat = $this -> gifts -> getCat ( $id );
if ( ! $cat )
$this -> notFound ();
else if ( $cat -> getSlug () !== $slug )
$this -> redirect ( " /admin/gifts/ " . $cat -> getSlug () . " . " . $id . " .meta " , static :: REDIRECT_TEMPORARY );
} else {
$gen = true ;
$cat = new GiftCategory ;
$this -> template -> form = ( object ) [];
$this -> template -> form -> id = $id ;
$this -> template -> form -> languages = [];
foreach ( getLanguages () as $language ) {
$language = ( object ) $language ;
$this -> template -> form -> languages [ $language -> code ] = ( object ) [];
$this -> template -> form -> languages [ $language -> code ] -> name = $gen ? " " : ( $cat -> getName ( $language -> code , true ) ? ? " " );
$this -> template -> form -> languages [ $language -> code ] -> description = $gen ? " " : ( $cat -> getDescription ( $language -> code , true ) ? ? " " );
$this -> template -> form -> languages [ " master " ] = ( object ) [
" name " => $gen ? " Unknown Name " : $cat -> getName (),
" description " => $gen ? " " : $cat -> getDescription (),
if ( $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_METHOD " ] !== " POST " )
return ;
if ( $gen ) {
$cat -> setAutoQuery ( NULL );
$cat -> save ();
$cat -> setName ( " _ " , $this -> postParam ( " name_master " ));
$cat -> setDescription ( " _ " , $this -> postParam ( " description_master " ));
foreach ( getLanguages () as $language ) {
$code = $language [ " code " ];
if ( ! empty ( $this -> postParam ( " name_ $code " ) ? ? NULL ))
$cat -> setName ( $code , $this -> postParam ( " name_ $code " ));
if ( ! empty ( $this -> postParam ( " description_ $code " ) ? ? NULL ))
$cat -> setDescription ( $code , $this -> postParam ( " description_ $code " ));
$this -> redirect ( " /admin/gifts/ " . $cat -> getSlug () . " . " . $cat -> getId () . " .meta " , static :: REDIRECT_TEMPORARY );
function renderGifts ( string $ catSlug , int $catId ) : void
2021-10-12 12:15:55 +03:00
$this -> warnIfNoCommerce ();
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
$cat = $this -> gifts -> getCat ( $catId );
if ( ! $cat )
$this -> notFound ();
else if ( $cat -> getSlug () !== $catSlug )
$this -> redirect ( " /admin/gifts/ " . $cat -> getSlug () . " . " . $catId . " / " , static :: REDIRECT_TEMPORARY );
$this -> template -> cat = $cat ;
$this -> template -> gifts = iterator_to_array ( $cat -> getGifts (( int ) ( $this -> queryParam ( " p " ) ? ? 1 ), NULL , $this -> template -> count ));
function renderGift ( int $id ) : void
2021-10-12 12:15:55 +03:00
$this -> warnIfNoCommerce ();
2021-10-07 11:48:55 +03:00
$gift = $this -> gifts -> get ( $id );
$act = $this -> queryParam ( " act " ) ? ? " edit " ;
switch ( $act ) {
case " delete " :
$this -> assertNoCSRF ();
if ( ! $gift )
$this -> notFound ();
$gift -> delete ();
$this -> flashFail ( " succ " , " Gift moved successfully " , " This gift will now be in <b>Recycle Bin</b>. " );
break ;
case " copy " :
case " move " :
$this -> assertNoCSRF ();
if ( ! $gift )
$this -> notFound ();
$catFrom = $this -> gifts -> getCat (( int ) ( $this -> queryParam ( " from " ) ? ? 0 ));
$catTo = $this -> gifts -> getCat (( int ) ( $this -> queryParam ( " to " ) ? ? 0 ));
if ( ! $catFrom || ! $catTo || ! $catFrom -> hasGift ( $gift ))
$this -> badRequest ();
if ( $act === " move " )
$catFrom -> removeGift ( $gift );
$catTo -> addGift ( $gift );
$name = $catTo -> getName ();
$this -> flash ( " succ " , " Gift moved successfully " , " This gift will now be in <b> $name </b>. " );
$this -> redirect ( " /admin/gifts/ " . $catTo -> getSlug () . " . " . $catTo -> getId () . " / " , static :: REDIRECT_TEMPORARY );
break ;
default :
case " edit " :
$gen = false ;
if ( ! $gift ) {
$gen = true ;
$gift = new Gift ;
$this -> template -> form = ( object ) [];
$this -> template -> form -> id = $id ;
$this -> template -> form -> name = $gen ? " New Gift (1) " : $gift -> getName ();
$this -> template -> form -> price = $gen ? 0 : $gift -> getPrice ();
$this -> template -> form -> usages = $gen ? 0 : $gift -> getUsages ();
$this -> template -> form -> limit = $gen ? - 1 : ( $gift -> getLimit () === INF ? - 1 : $gift -> getLimit ());
$this -> template -> form -> pic = $gen ? NULL : $gift -> getImage ( Gift :: IMAGE_URL );
if ( $_SERVER [ " REQUEST_METHOD " ] !== " POST " )
return ;
$limit = $this -> postParam ( " limit " ) ? ? $this -> template -> form -> limit ;
$limit = $limit == " -1 " ? INF : ( float ) $limit ;
$gift -> setLimit ( $limit , is_null ( $this -> postParam ( " reset_limit " )) ? Gift :: PERIOD_SET_IF_NONE : Gift :: PERIOD_SET );
$gift -> setName ( $this -> postParam ( " name " ));
$gift -> setPrice (( int ) $this -> postParam ( " price " ));
$gift -> setUsages (( int ) $this -> postParam ( " usages " ));
if ( isset ( $_FILES [ " pic " ]) && $_FILES [ " pic " ][ " error " ] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK ) {
if ( ! $gift -> setImage ( $_FILES [ " pic " ][ " tmp_name " ]))
$this -> flashFail ( " err " , " Н е удалось сохранить подарок" , " Изображение подарка кривое. " );
} else if ( $gen ) {
# If there's no gift pic but it's newly created
$this -> flashFail ( " err " , " Н е удалось сохранить подарок" , " Пожалуйста, загрузите изображение подарка. " );
$gift -> save ();
if ( $gen && ! is_null ( $cat = $this -> postParam ( " _cat " ))) {
$cat = $this -> gifts -> getCat (( int ) $cat );
if ( ! is_null ( $cat ))
$cat -> addGift ( $gift );
$this -> redirect ( " /admin/gifts/id " . $gift -> getId (), static :: REDIRECT_TEMPORARY );
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00
function renderFiles () : void
2020-07-17 19:26:59 +03:00
function renderQuickBan ( int $id ) : void
2020-07-18 11:14:30 +03:00
$this -> assertNoCSRF ();
2020-07-17 19:26:59 +03:00
$user = $this -> users -> get ( $id );
if ( ! $user )
exit ( json_encode ([ " error " => " User does not exist " ]));
$user -> ban ( $this -> queryParam ( " reason " ));
exit ( json_encode ([ " reason " => $this -> queryParam ( " reason " ) ]));
2020-07-17 19:39:34 +03:00
function renderQuickWarn ( int $id ) : void
2020-07-18 11:14:30 +03:00
$this -> assertNoCSRF ();
2020-07-17 19:39:34 +03:00
$user = $this -> users -> get ( $id );
if ( ! $user )
exit ( json_encode ([ " error " => " User does not exist " ]));
$user -> adminNotify ( " ⚠️ " . $this -> queryParam ( " message " ));
exit ( json_encode ([ " message " => $this -> queryParam ( " message " ) ]));
2020-06-07 19:04:43 +03:00