mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 16:28:16 +03:00
Updated strings until line 140
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 345 additions and 201 deletions
@ -1,107 +1,137 @@
"__locale" = "de_DE.utf8";
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%{ Check for https://www.unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html %}
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"welcome" = "Willkommen";
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"registration_date" = "Registrierungsdatum";
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"this_is_you" = "das bist du";
"this_is_you" = "das bist du";
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"was_online_m" = "war online";
%{ For male and female %}
"was_online_f" = "war online";
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"comments_tip" = "Sei der erste, der einen Kommentar schreibt!";
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"no_posts_abstract" = "Niemand hat etwas geschrieben...Hier zumindestens nicht.";
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"my_notes" = "Meine Notizen";
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%{ Friends %}
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"friends_one" = "$1 Freund";
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"friends_other" = "$1 Freunde";
@ -109,161 +139,275 @@
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"group_type_closed" = "This is an closed group. To enter, you must submit an request.";
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"participants_zero" = "No participants";
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%{ Menus %}
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%{ Note that is string need to fit into the "My Page" link %}
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"privacy_setting_see_notes" = "Who can see my notes";
"privacy_setting_see_friends" = "Who can see my friends";
"privacy_setting_add_to_friends" = "Who can add me to friends";
"privacy_setting_write_wall" = "Who can publish post on my wall";
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"video_upload_date" = "Upload date";
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%{ Notifications %}
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"repeat_password" = "Passwort wiederholen";
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"search_for_people" = "Nach Personen suchen";
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"translations" = "Übersetzungen";
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"notifications_repost" = "$1 hat deinen $2Post$3 repostet, veröffentlicht am $4";
"notifications_comment_under" = "$1 hat einen Kommentar bei $2 hinterlassen";
"notifications_under_note" = "deiner $3Notiz$4";
"notifications_under_photo" = "deinem $3Foto$4";
"notifications_under_post" = "deinem $3Post$4, veröffentlicht am $5";
"notifications_under_video" = "deinem $3Video$4";
"notifications_post" = "$1 hat einen $2Post$3 an deiner Pinnwand geliket: $4";
"notifications_appoint" = "$1 hat dich zum Besitzer der Community $2 gemacht";
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"feedback" = "Feedback";
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"unread" = "Unread";
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"archive" = "Archive";
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"notifications_repost" = "$1 shared your $2post$3 from $4";
"date_month_1" = "Januar";
"notifications_comment_under" = "$1 leaved a comment on $2";
"date_month_2" = "Februar";
"notifications_under_note" = "your $3note$4";
"date_month_3" = "März";
"notifications_under_photo" = "your $3photo$4";
"date_month_4" = "April";
"notifications_under_post" = "your $3post$4 from $5";
"date_month_5" = "Mai";
"notifications_under_video" = "your $3video$4";
"date_month_6" = "Juni";
"notifications_post" = "$1 published $2a post$3 on your wall: $4";
"date_month_7" = "Juli";
"notifications_appoint" = "$1 appointed you as community manager $2";
"date_month_8" = "August";
"date_month_9" = "September";
"nt_liked_yours" = "liked yours";
"date_month_10" = "Oktober";
"nt_shared_yours" = "shared yours";
"date_month_11" = "November";
"nt_commented_yours" = "commented yours";
"date_month_12" = "Dezember";
"nt_written_on_your_wall" = "wrote on your wall";
"error_1" = "Ungültige Anfrage";
"nt_made_you_admin" = "appointed you in the community";
"error_2" = "Ungültiger Nutzername oder Passwort";
"error_3" = "Nicht autorisiert";
"nt_from" = "from";
"error_4" = "Dieser Nutzer existiert nicht";
"nt_yours_adjective" = "yours";
"information_-1" = "Operation war erfolgreich";
"nt_yours_feminitive_adjective" = "yours";
"information_-2" = "Erfolgreich angemeldet";
"nt_post_nominative" = "post";
"nt_post_instrumental" = "post";
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%{ Time %}
"time_at_sp" = " at ";
"time_just_now" = "just now";
"time_exactly_five_minutes_ago" = "5 minutes ago";
"time_minutes_ago" = "$1 minutes ago";
"time_today" = "today";
"time_yesterday" = "yesterday";
%{ Errors %}
"error_1" = "Incorrect query";
"error_2" = "Incorrect login and password";
"error_3" = "Non authorized";
"error_4" = "User does not exist";
"information_-1" = "Success";
"information_-2" = "Login success";
"no_data" = "No data";
"no_data_description" = "There is no data.";
"error" = "Error";
"error_shorturl" = "This short address is already owned.";
"error_segmentation" = "Segmentation error";
"error_upload_failed" = "Failed to upload a photo";
"error_old_password" = "Old password does not match";
"error_new_password" = "New password does not match";
"error_shorturl_incorrect" = "The short address has an incorrect format.";
"forbidden" = "Access error";
"forbidden_comment" = "This user\'s privacy settings do not allow you to look at his page.";
"changes_saved" = "Changes saved";
"changes_saved_comment" = "New data will appear on your page";
"photo_saved" = "Photo saved";
"photo_saved_comment" = "New profile picture will appear on your page";
%{ Admin actions %}
"login_as" = "Login as $1";
"ban_user_action" = "Ban user";
"warn_user_action" = "Warn user";
%{ Paginator %}
"paginator_back" = "Back";
"paginator_page" = "Page $1";
"paginator_next" = "Next";
Reference in a new issue