From d15064bfa61d8bcd03d0e563f248d47706024c19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: loliconazter Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 20:20:54 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Create id.strings Indonesian: Added strings --- locales/id.strings | 880 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 880 insertions(+) create mode 100644 locales/id.strings diff --git a/locales/id.strings b/locales/id.strings new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5266e535 --- /dev/null +++ b/locales/id.strings @@ -0,0 +1,880 @@ +"__locale" = "en_ID.UTF-8;Id"; + +/* Check for */ + +/* Main page */ + +"home" = "Home"; +"welcome" = "Selamat datang"; +"to_top" = "Ke awal"; + +/* Login */ + +"log_in" = "Masuk"; +"password" = "Kata Sandi"; +"registration" = "Buat Akun Baru"; +"forgot_password" = "Lupa Kata Sandi?"; + +"login_failed" = "Masuk Gagal"; +"invalid_username_or_password" = "Nama pengguna atau Sandi yang kamu masukan tidak benar. Lupa Kata Sandimu?"; + +"failed_to_register" = "Buat Akun Baru Gagal"; +"referral_link_invalid" = "Tautan rujukan tidak valid."; +"registration_disabled" = "Pendaftaran dinonaktifkan oleh sistem administrator."; +"user_already_exists" = "Pengguna dengan email ini sudah ada."; + +"access_recovery" = "Akses pemulihan"; +"page_access_recovery" = "Pulihkan akses ke halaman"; +"access_recovery_info" = "lupa kata sandimu? Jangan khawatir, masukkan rincianmu dan kami akan mengirimkan email berisi petunjuk tentang bagaimana cara memulihkan akunmu."; +"access_recovery_info_2" = "Masukkan kata sandi barumu. Semua sesi saat ini akan ditangguhkan dan token akses akan dicabut."; +"reset_password" = "Atur Ulang Sandi"; +"2fa_code_2" = "Pengamanan Otentikasi dua faktor"; + +"password_successfully_reset" = "Kata sandimu berhasil diatur ulang."; +"password_reset_email_sent" = "Jika kamu telah terdaftar, kamu akan menerima instruksi melalui surelmu."; +"password_reset_error" = "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengatur ulang kata sandi."; +"password_reset_rate_limit_error" = "Kamu tidak dapat melakukan hal ini terlalu sering,akses ditangguhkan sementara, maaf."; + +"email_sent" = "Pesan ke Surel telah berhasil dikirimkan."; +"email_sent_desc" = "Jika kamu telah terdaftar, kamu akan menerima instruksi melalui surelmu."; +"email_error" = "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengkirimkan pesan ke surel"; +"email_rate_limit_error" = "Kamu tidak dapat melakukan hal ini terlalu sering,akses ditangguhkan sementara, maaf."; + +"email_verify_success" = "Surelmu telah diverifikasi. Selamat bersenang-senang!"; + +"registration_disabled_info" = "Pendaftaran dinonaktifkan oleh sistem administrator . Jika memungkinkan, mintalah undangan dari temanmu lagi, jika dia terdaftar di situs ini."; +"registration_closed" = "Pendaftaran ditutup."; +"invites_you_to" = "$1 mengundangmu ke $2"; + +"register_meta_desc" = "Register in $1 sekarang!"; +"register_referer_meta_title" = "$1 mengundangmu ke $2!"; +"register_referer_meta_desc" = "Join $1 dan banyak pengguna lainnya di $2!"; + +"users" = "Pengguna"; + +/* Profile information */ + +"select_language" = "Pilih Bahasa"; +"edit" = "Sunting"; +"birth_date" = "Tanggal lahir"; +"registration_date" = "Bergabung sejak"; +"hometown" = "Hometown"; +"this_is_you" = "ini kamu"; +"edit_page" = "Edit page"; +"edit_group" = "Edit group"; +"change_status" = "Ubah status"; +"name" = "Nama"; +"surname" = "Nama Belakang"; +"gender" = "Gender"; +"male" = "Pria"; +"female" = "Wanita"; +"description" = "Deskripsi"; +"save" = "Simpan"; +"main_information" = "Informasi Utama"; +"nickname" = "Nama Panggilan"; +"online" = "Aktif"; +"was_online" = "Aktif"; +"was_online_m" = "Aktif"; +"was_online_f" = "Aktif"; +/* For male and female */ +"all_title" = "Semua"; +"information" = "Informasi"; +"status" = "Status"; +"no_information_provided" = "No information provided."; +"deceased_person" = "Deceased person"; +"none" = "nihil"; +"send" = "Kirim"; + +"years_zero" = "berumu 0 tahun"; +"years_one" = "berumur 1 tahun"; +"years_other" = "berumur $1 tahun"; + +"relationship" = "Status Hubungan"; + +"relationship_0" = "Tidak ada yang dipilih"; +"relationship_1" = "Not married"; +"relationship_2" = "Dating"; +"relationship_3" = "Engaged"; +"relationship_4" = "Menikah"; +"relationship_5" = "In a civil marriage"; +"relationship_6" = "In love"; +"relationship_7" = "Rumit"; +"relationship_8" = "Sedang Aktif mencari"; + +"politViews" = "Polit. 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So far."; +"attach_no_longer_available" = "Lampiran ini tidak lagi tersedia."; +"open_post" = "Buka postingan"; +"version_incompatibility" = "Lampiran ini tidak dapat ditampilkan. Mungkin databasenya tidak kompatibel dengan versi OpenVK saat ini ."; + +"reply" = "Balas"; + +/* Friends */ + +"friends" = "Teman"; +"followers" = "Pengikut"; +"follower" = "Pengikut"; +"friends_add" = "Tambahkan sebagai teman"; +"friends_delete" = "Hapus pertemanan"; +"friends_reject" = "Tolak Permintaan"; +"friends_accept" = "Terima Permintaan"; +"send_message" = "Kirim Pesan"; +"incoming_req" = "Pending"; +"outcoming_req" = "Outgoing"; +"req" = "Requests"; + +"req_zero" = "No requests were found..."; +"req_one" = "Found $1 request"; +"req_other" = "Found $1 requests"; + +"friends_zero" = "Tidak ada pertemanan"; +"friends_one" = "$1 teman"; +"friends_other" = "$1 teman"; + +"friends_list_zero" = "You have no friends yet"; +"friends_list_one" = "You have $1 friend"; +"friends_list_other" = "You have $1 friends"; + +"followers_zero" = "No followers"; +"followers_one" = "$1 follower"; +"followers_other" = "$1 followers"; + +"subscriptions_zero" = "No subscriptions"; +"subscriptions_one" = "$1 subscription"; +"subscriptions_other" = "$1 subscriptions"; + +/* Group */ + +"name_group" = "Nama"; +"subscribe" = "Berlangganan"; +"unsubscribe" = "Berhenti berlangganan"; +"subscriptions" = "Langganan"; +"join_community" = "Gabung komunitas"; +"leave_community" = "Tinggalkan Komunitas"; +"check_community" = "Lihat komunitas; +"min_6_community" = "Name of the group must have more that 6 characters"; +"participants" = "Partisipan"; +"groups" = "Grup"; +"meetings" = "Rapat"; +"create_group" = "Buat Grup"; +"group_managers" = "Managers"; +"group_type" = "Tipe Grup"; +"group_type_open" = "This is an open group, anyone can enter it."; +"group_type_closed" = "This is an closed group. To enter, you must submit an request."; +"creator" = "Pembuat"; +"administrators" = "Administrator"; +"add_to_left_menu" = "Add to left menu"; +"remove_from_left_menu" = "Remove from left menu"; +"all_followers" = "All followers"; +"only_administrators" = "Only administrators"; +"website" = "Situs"; +"managed" = "Managed"; +"size" = "Size"; + +"administrators_one" = "$1 administrator"; +"administrators_other" = "$1 administrators"; + +"role" = "Role"; +"administrator" = "Administrator"; +"promote_to_admin" = "Promosikan sebagai admin"; +"promote_to_owner" = "Promosikan sebagai pemilik"; +"devote" = "Devote"; +"set_comment" = "Set comment"; +"hidden_yes" = "Hidden: Yes"; +"hidden_no" = "Hidden: No"; +"group_allow_post_for_everyone" = "Allow posting for everyone"; +"group_hide_from_global_feed" = "Don't display posts in the global feed"; +"statistics" = "Statistik"; +"group_administrators_list" = "Lis Admin"; +"group_display_only_creator" = "Display only group creator"; +"group_display_all_administrators" = "Display all administrators"; +"group_dont_display_administrators_list" = "Display nothing"; + +"group_changeowner_modal_title" = "Owner's permissions transfer"; +"group_changeowner_modal_text" = "Attention! You are transferring owner rights to user $1. This action is irreversible. After the transfer, you will remain an administrator, but you can easily stop being one."; +"group_owner_setted" = "The new owner ($1) has been successfully assigned to the community $2. You have been granted administrator rights in the community. If you want to return the owner role, contact site technical support."; + +"participants_zero" = "No partisipan"; +"participants_one" = "$1 partisipan"; +"participants_other" = "$1 partisipan"; + +"groups_zero" = "No groups"; +"groups_one" = "$1 group"; +"groups_other" = "$1 groups"; + +"groups_list_zero" = "You are not a participant in any group"; +"groups_list_one" = "You are participating in one group"; +"groups_list_other" = "You are a participant of $1 groups"; + +"meetings_zero" = "No meetings"; +"meetings_one" = "$1 meeting"; +"meetings_other" = "$1 meetings"; + +"open_new_group" = "Open a new group"; +"open_group_desc" = "Can't find the right group? Open your own..."; +"search_group" = "Search group"; +"search_by_groups" = "Search by groups"; +"search_group_desc" = "Here you can browse through the existing groups and choose a group to suit your needs..."; + +/* Albums */ + +"create" = "Buat"; +"albums" = "Album"; +"create_album" = "Buat album"; +"edit_album" = "Sunting album"; +"creating_album" = "Membuat album"; +"upload_photo" = "Unggah foto"; +"photo" = "Foto"; +"upload_button" = "Unggah"; + +"open_original" = "Open original"; + +"avatar_album" = "Foto Profil"; +"wall_album" = "Wall photos"; + +"albums_zero" = "No albums"; +"albums_one" = "$1 album"; +"albums_other" = "$1 albums"; + +"albums_list_zero" = "You don't have any albums"; +"albums_list_one" = "You have one album"; +"albums_list_other" = "You have $1 albums"; + +/* Notes */ + +"notes" = "Catatan"; +"note" = "Catatan"; +"name_note" = "Judul"; +"text_note" = "Isi"; +"create_note" = "Tambahkan catatan"; +"edit_note" = "Sunting catatan"; +"actions" = "Aksi"; + +"edited" = "Edited"; 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Halaman Anda dilindungi."; +"two_factor_authentication_login" = "Anda mengaktifkan autentikasi dua faktor, saat masuk masukkan kode yang diterima dalam aplikasi."; + +"two_factor_authentication_settings_1" = "Two-factor authentication via TOTP can be used even without internet. To do this, you need a code generation app. For example, Google Authenticator for Android and iOS or FOSS Aegis and andOTP for Android. Make sure the date and time is set correctly on your phone."; +"two_factor_authentication_settings_2" = "Using the app for two-factor authentication, scan the QR code below:"; +"two_factor_authentication_settings_3" = "or manually enter the given secret key: $1."; +"two_factor_authentication_settings_4" = "Now enter the code that the application gave you and the password for your page so that we can confirm that you really are."; + +"connect" = "Connect"; +"enable" = "Enable"; +"disable" = "Disable"; +"code" = "Code"; +"2fa_code" = "2FA code"; + +"incorrect_password" = "Incorrect password"; +"incorrect_code" = "Incorrect code"; +"incorrect_2fa_code" = "Incorrect two-factor authentication code"; +"two_factor_authentication_enabled_message" = "Two-factor authentication enabled"; +"two_factor_authentication_enabled_message_description" = "Your page has become more difficult to hack. We recommend that you download backup codes"; +"two_factor_authentication_disabled_message" = "Two-factor authentication disabled"; + +"view_backup_codes" = "View backup codes"; +"backup_codes" = "Backup codes for login confirmation"; +"two_factor_authentication_backup_codes_1" = "Backup codes allow you to validate your login when you don't have access to your phone, for example, while traveling."; +"two_factor_authentication_backup_codes_2" = "You have 10 more codes, each code can only be used once. Print them out, put them away in a safe place and use them when you need codes to validate your login."; +"two_factor_authentication_backup_codes_3" = "You can get new codes if they run out. Only the last created backup codes are valid."; + +/* Sorting */ + +"sort_randomly" = "Sort randomly"; +"sort_up" = "Sort by ID up"; +"sort_down" = "Sort by ID down"; + +/* Videos */ + +"videos" = "Videos"; +"video" = "Video"; +"upload_video" = "Upload video"; +"video_uploaded" = "Uploaded"; +"video_updated" = "Updated"; +"video_link_to_yt" = "Link to YouTube"; + +"info_name" = "Title"; +"info_description" = "Description"; +"info_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by"; +"info_upload_date" = "Upload date"; + +"videos_zero" = "No videos"; +"videos_one" = "$1 video"; +"videos_other" = "$1 videos"; + +"view_video" = "View"; + +/* Notifications */ + +"feedback" = "Feedback"; +"unread" = "Belum dibaca"; +"archive" = "Arsip"; + +"notifications_like" = "$1 liked your $2post$3 from $4"; +"notifications_repost" = "$1 shared your $2post$3 from $4"; +"notifications_comment_under" = "$1 leaved a comment on $2"; +"notifications_under_note" = "your $3note$4"; +"notifications_under_photo" = "your $3photo$4"; +"notifications_under_post" = "your $3post$4 from $5"; +"notifications_under_video" = "your $3video$4"; +"notifications_post" = "$1 published $2a post$3 on your wall: $4"; +"notifications_appoint" = "$1 appointed you as community manager $2"; + +"nt_liked_yours" = "liked yours"; +"nt_shared_yours" = "shared yours"; +"nt_commented_yours" = "commented"; +"nt_written_on_your_wall" = "wrote on your wall"; +"nt_made_you_admin" = "appointed you in the community"; + +"nt_from" = "dari"; +"nt_yours_adjective" = "kamu"; +"nt_yours_feminitive_adjective" = "yours"; +"nt_post_nominative" = "post"; +"nt_post_instrumental" = "post"; +"nt_note_instrumental" = "note"; +"nt_photo_instrumental" = "foto"; +"nt_topic_instrumental" = "topik"; + +/* Time */ + +"time_at_sp" = " at "; +"time_just_now" = "just now"; +"time_exactly_five_minutes_ago" = "5 menit yang lalu"; +"time_minutes_ago" = "$1 menit yang lalu"; +"time_today" = "hari ini"; +"time_yesterday" = "kemarin"; + +"points" = "Votes"; +"points_count" = "votes"; +"on_your_account" = "on your account"; + +"vouchers" = "Vouchers"; +"have_voucher" = "Have voucher"; +"voucher_token" = "Voucher token"; +"voucher_activators" = "Users"; +"voucher_explanation" = "Enter the voucher serial number. It is usually listed on the receipt or in the message."; +"voucher_explanation_ex" = "Note that vouchers can expire and can only be used once."; +"invalid_voucher" = "Voucher is invalid"; +"voucher_bad" = "You may have entered the wrong serial number, already used voucher, or the voucher has simply expired."; +"voucher_good" = "Voucher activated"; +"voucher_redeemed" = "The voucher has been successfully activated. You will receive points, but you will no longer be able to activate it with this code."; +"redeem" = "Redeem voucher"; +"deactivate" = "Deactivate"; +"usages_total" = "Number of uses"; +"usages_left" = "Uses left"; + +"points_transfer_dialog_header_1" = "You can send as a gift or transfer part of the votes to another person."; +"points_transfer_dialog_header_2" = "Your current balance:"; + +"points_amount_one" = "1 vote"; +"points_amount_other" = "$1 votes"; + +"transfer_poins" = "Transfer votes"; +"transfer_poins_button" = "Transfer votes"; +"also_you_can_transfer_points" = "You can also transfer votes to another person."; + +"transferred_to_you" = "transferred to you"; + +"receiver_address" = "Receiver address"; +"coins_count" = "Number of votes"; +"message" = "Message"; + +"failed_to_tranfer_points" = "Failed to transfer votes"; + +"points_transfer_successful" = "You have successfully transferred $1 to $3."; +"not_all_information_has_been_entered" = "Not all information has been entered."; +"negative_transfer_value" = "We cannot steal votes from another person, sorry."; +"message_is_too_long" = "The message is too long."; +"receiver_not_found" = "The receiver was not found."; +"you_dont_have_enough_points" = "You don't have enough votes."; + +"increase_rating" = "Increase rating"; +"increase_rating_button" = "Increase"; +"to_whom" = "To whom"; +"increase_by" = "Increase by"; +"price" = "Price"; + +"you_have_unused_votes" = "You have $1 unused votes on your balance."; +"apply_voucher" = "Apply voucher"; + +"failed_to_increase_rating" = "Failed to increase rating"; +"rating_increase_successful" = "You have successfully increased rating of $2 by $3%."; +"negative_rating_value" = "We cannot steal rating from another person, sorry."; + +"increased_your_rating_by" = "increased your rating by"; + +/* Gifts */ + +"gift" = "Gift"; +"gifts" = "Gifts"; +"gifts_zero" = "Zero gifts"; +"gifts_one" = "One gift"; +"gifts_other" = "$1 gifts"; +"gifts_left" = "Gifts left: $1"; +"gifts_left_zero" = "Zero gifts left"; +"gifts_left_one" = "One gift left"; +"gifts_left_other" = "$1 gifts left"; + +"send_gift" = "Send gift"; + +"gift_select" = "Select gift"; +"collections" = "Collections"; +"confirm" = "Konfirmasi"; +"as_anonymous" = "As anonymous"; +"gift_your_message" = "Your message"; + +"free_gift" = "Free"; +"coins" = "Votes"; +"coins_zero" = "0 vote"; +"coins_one" = "One vote"; +"coins_other" = "$1 votes"; + +"users_gifts" = "Gifts"; + +/* Support */ + +"support_opened" = "Opened"; +"support_answered" = "With a response"; +"support_closed" = "Closed"; +"support_ticket" = "Ticket"; +"support_tickets" = "Tickets"; +"support_status_0" = "Issue under consideration"; +"support_status_1" = "There's a response"; +"support_status_2" = "Closed"; +"support_greeting_hi" = "Greetings, $1!"; +"support_greeting_regards" = "Best regards,
$1 support team."; + +"support_faq" = "Frequently Asked Questions"; +"support_list" = "List of tickets"; +"support_new" = "New ticket"; + +"support_faq_title" = "Who is this website for?"; +"support_faq_content" = "The site is designed to find friends and acquaintances, as well as view user data. It is like a city directory, through which people can quickly find relevant information about a person."; + +"support_new_title" = "Enter the topic of your ticket"; +"support_new_content" = "Describe the issue or suggestion"; + +"support_rate_good_answer" = "This is good answer"; +"support_rate_bad_answer" = "This is bad answer"; +"support_good_answer_user" = "You left a positive feedback."; +"support_bad_answer_user" = "You left a negative feedback."; +"support_good_answer_agent" = "User left a positive feedback."; +"support_bad_answer_agent" = "User left a negative feedback."; +"support_rated_good" = "You left a positive feedback about the answer."; +"support_rated_bad" = "You left a negative feedback about the answer."; +"wrong_parameters" = "Invalid request parameters."; + +"fast_answers" = "Balasan Langsung"; + +"comment" = "Komen"; +"sender" = "Pengirim"; + +"author" = "Pembuat"; + +"you_have_not_entered_text" = "Kamu belum memasukkan teks apa pun"; +"you_have_not_entered_name_or_text" = "Kamu tidak memasukkan nama atau teks"; + +"ticket_changed" = "Ticket changed"; +"ticket_changed_comment" = "The changes will take effect in a few seconds."; + +/* Invite */ + +"invite" = "Undang"; +"you_can_invite" = "You can invite your friends or acquaintances to the network using an individual link:"; +"you_can_invite_2" = "Attach this link to your post. When the user signs up, he will immediately appear in your friends."; + +/* Banned */ + +"banned_title" = "You are banned"; +"banned_header" = "You are banned"; +"banned_alt" = "The user is blocked."; +"banned_1" = "Sorry $1, but you have been banned."; +"banned_2" = "And the reason for this is simple: $1. Unfortunately, this time we had to block you forever."; +"banned_3" = "You can still write to the support if you think there was an error or logout."; + +/* Registration confirm */ + +"ec_header" = "Konfirmasi Pendaftaran"; +"ec_title" = "Terima kasih!"; +"ec_1" = "$1, your registration is almost done. In a few minutes you should receive an mail with a link to confirm your email address."; +"ec_2" = "If for some reason you don't get the mail, check your spam folder. If you don't find the email there, you can resend it."; +"ec_resend" = "Kirim ulang"; + +/* Discussions */ + +"discussions" = "Diskusi"; + +"messages_one" = "Satu Pesan"; +"messages_other" = "$1 Pesan"; + +"topic_messages_count_zero" = "Topic has no messages"; +"topic_messages_count_one" = "There are one message in the topic"; +"topic_messages_count_other" = "There are $1 messages in the topic"; + +"replied" = "balas"; +"create_topic" = "Buat topik"; + +"new_topic" = "Topik baru"; +"title" = "Judul"; +"text" = "Teks"; + +"view_topic" = "Lihat topik"; +"edit_topic_action" = "Sunting topik"; +"edit_topic" = "Sunting topik"; +"topic_settings" = "Topic settings"; +"pin_topic" = "Pin topic"; +"close_topic" = "Tutup topik"; +"delete_topic" = "Hapus topik"; + +"topics_one" = "Satu topik"; +"topics_other" = "$1 topik"; + +"created" = "Dibuat"; + +"everyone_can_create_topics" = "Everyone can create topics"; +"display_list_of_topics_above_wall" = "Display a list of topics above the wall"; + +"topic_changes_saved_comment" = "The updated title and settings will appear on the topic page."; + +"failed_to_create_topic" = "Failed to create topic"; +"failed_to_change_topic" = "Failed to change topic"; +"no_title_specified" = "No title specified."; + +/* Errors */ + +"error_1" = "Incorrect query"; +"error_2" = "Incorrect login and password"; +"error_3" = "Non authorized"; +"error_4" = "User does not exist"; +"information_-1" = "Sukses"; +"information_-2" = "Masuk sukses"; + +"no_data" = "No data"; +"no_data_description" = "There is nothing here... yet..."; + +"error" = "Error"; +"error_shorturl" = "This short address is already owned."; +"error_segmentation" = "Segmentation error"; +"error_upload_failed" = "Gagal mengunggah foto"; +"error_old_password" = "Kata sandi lama tidak cocok"; +"error_new_password" = "Kata sandi baru tidak cocok"; +"error_shorturl_incorrect" = "The short address has an incorrect format."; +"error_repost_fail" = "Gagal membagikan postingan"; + +"forbidden" = "Access error"; +"forbidden_comment" = "This user\'s privacy settings do not allow you to look at his page."; + +"changes_saved" = "Changes saved"; +"changes_saved_comment" = "Data baru akan muncul di halamanmu"; + +"photo_saved" = "Photo saved"; +"photo_saved_comment" = "New profile picture will appear on your page"; + +"shared_succ" = "The post will appear on your wall. Click on the notification to go to your wall."; + +"invalid_email_address" = "Invalid Email address"; +"invalid_email_address_comment" = "The Email you entered is not correct."; + +"invalid_real_name" = "Please, enter your real name. It'll be easier for your friends to find you like this."; + +"invalid_birth_date" = "Invalid date of birth"; +"invalid_birth_date_comment" = "The date of birth you entered is not correct."; + +"invalid_telegram_name" = "Invalid Telegram account name"; +"invalid_telegram_name_comment" = "The Telegram account name you entered is not correct."; + +"token_manipulation_error" = "Token manipulation error"; +"token_manipulation_error_comment" = "The token is invalid or expired"; + +"profile_changed" = "Profile changed"; +"profile_changed_comment" = "Your active profile has been changed."; +"profile_not_found" = "User is not found."; + +"suspicious_registration_attempt" = "Suspicious registration attempt"; +"suspicious_registration_attempt_comment" = "You tried to register from a suspicious location."; + +"rate_limit_error" = "Choomba, are you completely fucked up?"; +"rate_limit_error_comment" = "Go to the brainwrap, drink the wheels. In $1, you cannot drop shitposts as often. Exception code: $2."; + +"not_enough_permissions" = "Not enough permissions"; +"not_enough_permissions_comment" = "You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action."; + +"login_required_error" = "Not enough permissions"; +"login_required_error_comment" = "To view this page, you need to sign in to your account."; + +"captcha_error" = "Incorrect characters entered"; +"captcha_error_comment" = "Please make sure you fill in the captcha field correctly."; + +"failed_to_publish_post" = "Gagal mempostingan postingan"; +"failed_to_delete_post" = "Gagal menghapus postingan"; + +"media_file_corrupted" = "The media content file is corrupted."; +"media_file_corrupted_or_too_large" = "The media content file is corrupted or too large."; +"post_is_empty_or_too_big" = "The post is empty or too big."; +"post_is_too_big" = "The post is too big."; + +/* Admin actions */ + +"login_as" = "Masuk sebagai $1"; +"manage_user_action" = "Atur pengguna"; +"manage_group_action" = "Atur grup"; +"ban_user_action" = "Ban pengguna"; +"warn_user_action" = "Warn pengguna"; + +/* Paginator (deprecated) */ + +"paginator_back" = "Back"; +"paginator_page" = "Page $1"; +"paginator_next" = "Next"; + +/* About */ + +"about_openvk" = "Tentang OpenVK"; + +"about_this_instance" = "About this instance"; +"rules" = "Rules"; +"most_popular_groups" = "Most popular groups"; +"on_this_instance_are" = "On this instance are:"; + +"about_users_one" = "1 pengguna"; +"about_users_other" = "$1 pengguna"; + +"about_online_users_one" = "1 online user"; +"about_online_users_other" = "$1 online users"; + +"about_active_users_one" = "1 active user"; +"about_active_users_other" = "$1 active users"; + +"about_groups_one" = "1 grup"; +"about_groups_other" = "$1 grup"; + +"about_wall_posts_one" = "1 wall post"; +"about_wall_posts_other" = "$1 wall posts"; + +/* Dialogs */ + +"ok" = "OK"; +"yes" = "Ya"; +"no" = "Tidak"; +"cancel" = "Batal"; +"edit_action" = "Ubah"; +"transfer" = "Transfer"; +"close" = "Tutup"; + +"warning" = "Peringatan"; +"question_confirm" = "Tindakan ini tidak dapat diurungkan. Apakah kamu yakin ?"; + +/* User alerts */ + +"user_alert_scam" = "Akun ini telah banyak dilaporkan melakukan penipuan. Berhati-hatilah, terutama jika ia meminta uang."; From e4b7e34e8447a46ac9e614da32b15ae9631e9387 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: loliconazter Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 13:50:32 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Update id.strings Indonesian: Fixed typo --- locales/id.strings | 508 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 254 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/id.strings b/locales/id.strings index 5266e535..d67de1e3 100644 --- a/locales/id.strings +++ b/locales/id.strings @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "login_failed" = "Masuk Gagal"; "invalid_username_or_password" = "Nama pengguna atau Sandi yang kamu masukan tidak benar. Lupa Kata Sandimu?"; -"failed_to_register" = "Buat Akun Baru Gagal"; +"failed_to_register" = "Pendaftaran Akun Baru Gagal"; "referral_link_invalid" = "Tautan rujukan tidak valid."; "registration_disabled" = "Pendaftaran dinonaktifkan oleh sistem administrator."; "user_already_exists" = "Pengguna dengan email ini sudah ada."; @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "register_meta_desc" = "Register in $1 sekarang!"; "register_referer_meta_title" = "$1 mengundangmu ke $2!"; -"register_referer_meta_desc" = "Join $1 dan banyak pengguna lainnya di $2!"; +"register_referer_meta_desc" = "Bergabunglah $1 dan banyak pengguna lainnya di $2!"; "users" = "Pengguna"; @@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ "edit" = "Sunting"; "birth_date" = "Tanggal lahir"; "registration_date" = "Bergabung sejak"; -"hometown" = "Hometown"; +"hometown" = "Tempat Asal"; "this_is_you" = "ini kamu"; -"edit_page" = "Edit page"; -"edit_group" = "Edit group"; +"edit_page" = "Sunting halaman"; +"edit_group" = "Sunting grup"; "change_status" = "Ubah status"; "name" = "Nama"; "surname" = "Nama Belakang"; -"gender" = "Gender"; +"gender" = "Jenis kelamin"; "male" = "Pria"; "female" = "Wanita"; "description" = "Deskripsi"; @@ -73,27 +73,27 @@ "main_information" = "Informasi Utama"; "nickname" = "Nama Panggilan"; "online" = "Aktif"; -"was_online" = "Aktif"; -"was_online_m" = "Aktif"; -"was_online_f" = "Aktif"; +"was_online" = "Terakhir kali terlihat"; +"was_online_m" = "Terakhir kali terlihat"; +"was_online_f" = "Terakhir kali terlihat"; /* For male and female */ "all_title" = "Semua"; "information" = "Informasi"; "status" = "Status"; -"no_information_provided" = "No information provided."; -"deceased_person" = "Deceased person"; +"no_information_provided" = "Tidak ada informasi yang diberikan."; +"deceased_person" = "mendiang"; "none" = "nihil"; "send" = "Kirim"; -"years_zero" = "berumu 0 tahun"; +"years_zero" = "berumur 0 tahun"; "years_one" = "berumur 1 tahun"; "years_other" = "berumur $1 tahun"; "relationship" = "Status Hubungan"; "relationship_0" = "Tidak ada yang dipilih"; -"relationship_1" = "Not married"; -"relationship_2" = "Dating"; +"relationship_1" = "Belum Menikah"; +"relationship_2" = "Berpacaran"; "relationship_3" = "Engaged"; "relationship_4" = "Menikah"; "relationship_5" = "In a civil marriage"; @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ "relationship_7" = "Rumit"; "relationship_8" = "Sedang Aktif mencari"; -"politViews" = "Polit. Views"; +"politViews" = "Pandangan Politik"; "politViews_0" = "Tidak ada yang dipilih"; "politViews_1" = "Indifferent"; @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ "city" = "Kota"; "address" = "Alamat"; -"personal_information" = "Personal information"; +"personal_information" = "Informasi personal "; "interests" = "Minat"; "favorite_music" = "Musik favorit"; @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ "favorite_shows" = "Acara TV favorit"; "favorite_books" = "Buku favorit"; "favorite_quotes" = "Kutipan favorit"; -"information_about" = "Tentang"; +"information_about" = "Personalia"; "updated_at" = "Diperbarui pada $1"; @@ -140,29 +140,29 @@ /* Wall */ -"feed" = "Berita"; +"feed" = "Beranda"; -"post_writes_m" = "wrote"; -"post_writes_f" = "wrote"; -"post_writes_g" = "published"; -"wall" = "Wall"; +"post_writes_m" = "Kirim"; +"post_writes_f" = "Kirim"; +"post_writes_g" = "Kirim"; +"wall" = "dinding"; "post" = "Post"; -"write" = "Write"; -"publish" = "Publish"; +"write" = "tulis"; +"publish" = "publikasikan""; "delete" = "Hapus"; "comments" = "Komentar"; -"share" = "Share"; -"pin" = "Pin"; -"unpin" = "Unpin"; -"pinned" = "pinned"; +"share" = "Bagikan"; +"pin" = "sematkan"; +"unpin" = "batalkan sematkan"; +"pinned" = "disematkan"; "comments_tip" = "Jadilah yang pertama yang berkomentar,pada postingan ini!"; "your_comment" = "Komentarmu"; -"shown" = "Shown"; +"shown" = "Tampil"; "x_out_of" = "$1 dari"; "wall_zero" = "tidak ada postingan"; "wall_one" = "$1 postingan"; "wall_other" = "$1 postingan"; -"publish_post" = "Add post"; +"publish_post" = "Tambah"; "view_other_comments" = "Lihat komentar lain."; "no_comments" = "Tidak ada Komentar"; @@ -171,18 +171,18 @@ "posts_per_page" = "Number of posts per page"; "attachment" = "Lampiran"; -"post_as_group" = "Post as group"; -"comment_as_group" = "Comment as group"; -"add_signature" = "Add signature"; +"post_as_group" = "Post sebagai grup"; +"comment_as_group" = "Komen sebagai group"; +"add_signature" = "Tambahkan Teken"; /* ^ can be translated as "author's signature". ^ */ -"contains_nsfw" = "Contains NSFW content"; -"nsfw_warning" = "This post may have NSFW-content"; +"contains_nsfw" = "Konten Dewasa (NSFW)"; +"nsfw_warning" = "Postingan ini mungkin terdapat konten Dewasa (NSFW)"; "report" = "Lapor"; "attach" = "Lampiran"; -"attach_photo" = "Lampirankan foto"; -"attach_video" = "Lampirankan video"; +"attach_photo" = "Lampirkan foto"; +"attach_video" = "Lampirkan video"; "draw_graffiti" = "Lampirankan graffiti"; -"no_posts_abstract" = "Nobody wrote anything here... So far."; +"no_posts_abstract" = "belum ada yang tertulis disini..."; "attach_no_longer_available" = "Lampiran ini tidak lagi tersedia."; "open_post" = "Buka postingan"; "version_incompatibility" = "Lampiran ini tidak dapat ditampilkan. Mungkin databasenya tidak kompatibel dengan versi OpenVK saat ini ."; @@ -199,29 +199,29 @@ "friends_reject" = "Tolak Permintaan"; "friends_accept" = "Terima Permintaan"; "send_message" = "Kirim Pesan"; -"incoming_req" = "Pending"; -"outcoming_req" = "Outgoing"; -"req" = "Requests"; +"incoming_req" = "Menunggu"; +"outcoming_req" = "Keluar"; +"req" = "Permintaan"; -"req_zero" = "No requests were found..."; -"req_one" = "Found $1 request"; -"req_other" = "Found $1 requests"; +"req_zero" = "Tidak ada permintaan ditemukan..."; +"req_one" = "Terdapat $1 permintaan"; +"req_other" = "Terdapat $1 permintaan"; "friends_zero" = "Tidak ada pertemanan"; "friends_one" = "$1 teman"; "friends_other" = "$1 teman"; -"friends_list_zero" = "You have no friends yet"; -"friends_list_one" = "You have $1 friend"; -"friends_list_other" = "You have $1 friends"; +"friends_list_zero" = "Kamu belum memiliki pertemanan"; +"friends_list_one" = "Kamu memiliki $1 pertemanan"; +"friends_list_other" = "Kamu memiliki $1 pertemanan"; -"followers_zero" = "No followers"; -"followers_one" = "$1 follower"; -"followers_other" = "$1 followers"; +"followers_zero" = "Tidak ada pengikut"; +"followers_one" = "$1 pengikut"; +"followers_other" = "$1 pengikut"; -"subscriptions_zero" = "No subscriptions"; -"subscriptions_one" = "$1 subscription"; -"subscriptions_other" = "$1 subscriptions"; +"subscriptions_zero" = "Tidak ada Langganan"; +"subscriptions_one" = "$1 Langganan"; +"subscriptions_other" = "$1 Langganan"; /* Group */ @@ -232,12 +232,12 @@ "join_community" = "Gabung komunitas"; "leave_community" = "Tinggalkan Komunitas"; "check_community" = "Lihat komunitas; -"min_6_community" = "Name of the group must have more that 6 characters"; +"min_6_community" = "Nama grup setidaknya minimal memiliki 6 digit huruf"; "participants" = "Partisipan"; "groups" = "Grup"; "meetings" = "Rapat"; "create_group" = "Buat Grup"; -"group_managers" = "Managers"; +"group_managers" = "Pengurus"; "group_type" = "Tipe Grup"; "group_type_open" = "This is an open group, anyone can enter it."; "group_type_closed" = "This is an closed group. To enter, you must submit an request."; @@ -245,54 +245,54 @@ "administrators" = "Administrator"; "add_to_left_menu" = "Add to left menu"; "remove_from_left_menu" = "Remove from left menu"; -"all_followers" = "All followers"; -"only_administrators" = "Only administrators"; +"all_followers" = "Seluruh pengikut"; +"only_administrators" = "Hanya administrator"; "website" = "Situs"; "managed" = "Managed"; -"size" = "Size"; +"size" = "Jumlah"; "administrators_one" = "$1 administrator"; -"administrators_other" = "$1 administrators"; +"administrators_other" = "$1 administrator"; "role" = "Role"; "administrator" = "Administrator"; "promote_to_admin" = "Promosikan sebagai admin"; "promote_to_owner" = "Promosikan sebagai pemilik"; "devote" = "Devote"; -"set_comment" = "Set comment"; -"hidden_yes" = "Hidden: Yes"; -"hidden_no" = "Hidden: No"; -"group_allow_post_for_everyone" = "Allow posting for everyone"; +"set_comment" = "Atur Komentar"; +"hidden_yes" = "Sembunyikan: Ya"; +"hidden_no" = "Sembunyikan: No"; +"group_allow_post_for_everyone" = "Izinkan semua dapat memposting"; "group_hide_from_global_feed" = "Don't display posts in the global feed"; "statistics" = "Statistik"; "group_administrators_list" = "Lis Admin"; -"group_display_only_creator" = "Display only group creator"; -"group_display_all_administrators" = "Display all administrators"; -"group_dont_display_administrators_list" = "Display nothing"; +"group_display_only_creator" = "Tampilkan hanya pembuat grup"; +"group_display_all_administrators" = "Tampilkan seluruh administrator"; +"group_dont_display_administrators_list" = "Jangan tampilkan apapun"; "group_changeowner_modal_title" = "Owner's permissions transfer"; "group_changeowner_modal_text" = "Attention! You are transferring owner rights to user $1. This action is irreversible. After the transfer, you will remain an administrator, but you can easily stop being one."; "group_owner_setted" = "The new owner ($1) has been successfully assigned to the community $2. You have been granted administrator rights in the community. If you want to return the owner role, contact site technical support."; -"participants_zero" = "No partisipan"; +"participants_zero" = "Tidak ada partisipan"; "participants_one" = "$1 partisipan"; "participants_other" = "$1 partisipan"; -"groups_zero" = "No groups"; -"groups_one" = "$1 group"; -"groups_other" = "$1 groups"; +"groups_zero" = "Tidak ada grup"; +"groups_one" = "$1 grup"; +"groups_other" = "$1 grup"; -"groups_list_zero" = "You are not a participant in any group"; -"groups_list_one" = "You are participating in one group"; -"groups_list_other" = "You are a participant of $1 groups"; +"groups_list_zero" = "Kamu belum berpatisipasi dalam grup manapun"; +"groups_list_one" = "Kamu berpatisipasi dalam satu grup"; +"groups_list_other" = "Kamu berpatisipasi dalam of $1 grup"; -"meetings_zero" = "No meetings"; -"meetings_one" = "$1 meeting"; -"meetings_other" = "$1 meetings"; +"meetings_zero" = "tidak terdapat rapat/pertemuan"; +"meetings_one" = "$1 rapat/pertemuan"; +"meetings_other" = "$1 rapat/pertemuan"; "open_new_group" = "Open a new group"; "open_group_desc" = "Can't find the right group? Open your own..."; -"search_group" = "Search group"; +"search_group" = "Cari grup"; "search_by_groups" = "Search by groups"; "search_group_desc" = "Here you can browse through the existing groups and choose a group to suit your needs..."; @@ -307,18 +307,18 @@ "photo" = "Foto"; "upload_button" = "Unggah"; -"open_original" = "Open original"; +"open_original" = "Buka ukuran file asli"; "avatar_album" = "Foto Profil"; -"wall_album" = "Wall photos"; +"wall_album" = "Foto dingdings"; -"albums_zero" = "No albums"; +"albums_zero" = "tidak ada album"; "albums_one" = "$1 album"; -"albums_other" = "$1 albums"; +"albums_other" = "$1 album"; -"albums_list_zero" = "You don't have any albums"; -"albums_list_one" = "You have one album"; -"albums_list_other" = "You have $1 albums"; +"albums_list_zero" = "Kamu belum mempunya album apapun"; +"albums_list_one" = "Kamu hanya memiliki satu album"; +"albums_list_other" = "Kamu memiliki $1 album"; /* Notes */ @@ -330,11 +330,11 @@ "edit_note" = "Sunting catatan"; "actions" = "Aksi"; -"edited" = "Edited"; +"edited" = "Tersunting"; -"notes_zero" = "No notes"; -"notes_one" = "$1 note"; -"notes_other" = "$1 notes"; +"notes_zero" = "Tidak ada catatan"; +"notes_one" = "$1 catatan"; +"notes_other" = "$1 catatan"; "notes_start_screen" = "With notes, you can share your events with friends and see what's going on with them."; "notes_list_zero" = "No notes found"; @@ -346,16 +346,16 @@ /* Note that is string need to fit into the "My Page" link */ "edit_button" = "sunting"; -"my_page" = "My Page"; -"my_friends" = "My Friends"; -"my_photos" = "My Photos"; -"my_videos" = "My Videos"; -"my_messages" = "My Messages"; -"my_notes" = "My Notes"; -"my_groups" = "My Groups"; -"my_feed" = "My Feed"; -"my_feedback" = "My Feedback"; -"my_settings" = "My Settings"; +"my_page" = "Halamanku"; +"my_friends" = "Pertemanan"; +"my_photos" = "Foto"; +"my_videos" = "Video"; +"my_messages" = "Perpesanan"; +"my_notes" = "Catatan"; +"my_groups" = "Grup"; +"my_feed" = "Beranda"; +"my_feedback" = "Pemberandaan"; +"my_settings" = "Pengaturan"; "bug_tracker" = "Bug-tracker"; "menu_login" = "Masuk"; @@ -365,9 +365,9 @@ "menu_logout" = "Keluar"; "menu_support" = "Dukungan"; -"header_home" = "home"; +"header_home" = "beranda"; "header_groups" = "grup"; -"header_people" = "people"; +"header_people" = "orang"; "header_invite" = "undang"; "header_help" = "bantuan"; "header_log_out" = "keluar"; @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ "left_menu_donate" = "Donasi"; -"footer_about_instance" = "about instance"; +"footer_about_instance" = "Tentang"; "footer_blog" = "blog"; "footer_help" = "bantuan"; "footer_developers" = "developers"; @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ "cut" = "Kotak"; "round_avatars" = "Bulat"; -"apply_style_for_this_device" = "Apply style only for this device"; +"apply_style_for_this_device" = "Hanya terapkan gaya ini pada perangkat ini"; "search_for_groups" = "Cari grup"; "search_for_people" = "Cari orang"; @@ -441,12 +441,12 @@ "privacy_value_nobody" = "Tidak ada"; "your_email_address" = "Alamat Surelmu"; -"your_page_address" = "Your address page"; +"your_page_address" = "Alamat halamanmu"; "page_address" = "Address page"; -"current_email_address" = "Current email address"; +"current_email_address" = "Alamat surel sekarang"; "page_id" = "ID Halaman"; -"you_can_also" = "You can also"; -"delete_your_page" = "delete your page"; +"you_can_also" = "Kamu juga dapat"; +"delete_your_page" = "hapus halamanmu"; "delete_album" = "hapus album"; "ui_settings_interface" = "Antarmuka"; @@ -455,8 +455,8 @@ "ui_settings_rating_show" = "Tampilkan"; "ui_settings_rating_hide" = "Sembunyikan"; -"additional_links" = "Additional links"; -"ad_poster" = "Ad poster"; +"additional_links" = "Tautan tambahan"; +"ad_poster" = "Periklanan"; /* Two-factor authentication */ @@ -470,20 +470,20 @@ "two_factor_authentication_settings_3" = "or manually enter the given secret key: $1."; "two_factor_authentication_settings_4" = "Now enter the code that the application gave you and the password for your page so that we can confirm that you really are."; -"connect" = "Connect"; -"enable" = "Enable"; -"disable" = "Disable"; -"code" = "Code"; -"2fa_code" = "2FA code"; +"connect" = "Hubungkan"; +"enable" = "Aktifkan"; +"disable" = "nonaktifkan"; +"code" = "Kode"; +"2fa_code" = "Kode 2FA"; -"incorrect_password" = "Incorrect password"; -"incorrect_code" = "Incorrect code"; -"incorrect_2fa_code" = "Incorrect two-factor authentication code"; +"incorrect_password" = "kata sandi tidak sesuai"; +"incorrect_code" = "kode tidak sesuai"; +"incorrect_2fa_code" = "Keamanan autentikasi dua faktor tidak sesuai"; "two_factor_authentication_enabled_message" = "Two-factor authentication enabled"; "two_factor_authentication_enabled_message_description" = "Your page has become more difficult to hack. We recommend that you download backup codes"; -"two_factor_authentication_disabled_message" = "Two-factor authentication disabled"; +"two_factor_authentication_disabled_message" = "Keamanan autentikasi dua faktor dinon-aktifkan"; -"view_backup_codes" = "View backup codes"; +"view_backup_codes" = "lihat kode cadang"; "backup_codes" = "Backup codes for login confirmation"; "two_factor_authentication_backup_codes_1" = "Backup codes allow you to validate your login when you don't have access to your phone, for example, while traveling."; "two_factor_authentication_backup_codes_2" = "You have 10 more codes, each code can only be used once. Print them out, put them away in a safe place and use them when you need codes to validate your login."; @@ -491,33 +491,33 @@ /* Sorting */ -"sort_randomly" = "Sort randomly"; -"sort_up" = "Sort by ID up"; -"sort_down" = "Sort by ID down"; +"sort_randomly" = "Urutkan secara acak"; +"sort_up" = "Urutkan berdasarkan ID terawal"; +"sort_down" = "Urutkan berdasarkan ID terakhir"; /* Videos */ -"videos" = "Videos"; +"videos" = "Video"; "video" = "Video"; -"upload_video" = "Upload video"; +"upload_video" = "Unggah video"; "video_uploaded" = "Uploaded"; "video_updated" = "Updated"; -"video_link_to_yt" = "Link to YouTube"; +"video_link_to_yt" = "Pintaskan ke YouTube"; -"info_name" = "Title"; -"info_description" = "Description"; -"info_uploaded_by" = "Uploaded by"; -"info_upload_date" = "Upload date"; +"info_name" = "Judul"; +"info_description" = "Deskripsi"; +"info_uploaded_by" = "Diunggah oleh"; +"info_upload_date" = "Tanggal unggah"; -"videos_zero" = "No videos"; +"videos_zero" = "Tidak ada video"; "videos_one" = "$1 video"; -"videos_other" = "$1 videos"; +"videos_other" = "$1 video"; -"view_video" = "View"; +"view_video" = "Lihat Video"; /* Notifications */ -"feedback" = "Feedback"; +"feedback" = "Pemberandaan"; "unread" = "Belum dibaca"; "archive" = "Arsip"; @@ -539,17 +539,17 @@ "nt_from" = "dari"; "nt_yours_adjective" = "kamu"; -"nt_yours_feminitive_adjective" = "yours"; +"nt_yours_feminitive_adjective" = "kamu"; "nt_post_nominative" = "post"; "nt_post_instrumental" = "post"; -"nt_note_instrumental" = "note"; +"nt_note_instrumental" = "catatan"; "nt_photo_instrumental" = "foto"; "nt_topic_instrumental" = "topik"; /* Time */ -"time_at_sp" = " at "; -"time_just_now" = "just now"; +"time_at_sp" = " pada "; +"time_just_now" = "baru saja"; "time_exactly_five_minutes_ago" = "5 menit yang lalu"; "time_minutes_ago" = "$1 menit yang lalu"; "time_today" = "hari ini"; @@ -557,55 +557,55 @@ "points" = "Votes"; "points_count" = "votes"; -"on_your_account" = "on your account"; +"on_your_account" = "Pada akunmu"; -"vouchers" = "Vouchers"; -"have_voucher" = "Have voucher"; +"vouchers" = "Voucher"; +"have_voucher" = "voucher dimiliki"; "voucher_token" = "Voucher token"; -"voucher_activators" = "Users"; -"voucher_explanation" = "Enter the voucher serial number. It is usually listed on the receipt or in the message."; -"voucher_explanation_ex" = "Note that vouchers can expire and can only be used once."; -"invalid_voucher" = "Voucher is invalid"; -"voucher_bad" = "You may have entered the wrong serial number, already used voucher, or the voucher has simply expired."; -"voucher_good" = "Voucher activated"; -"voucher_redeemed" = "The voucher has been successfully activated. You will receive points, but you will no longer be able to activate it with this code."; -"redeem" = "Redeem voucher"; -"deactivate" = "Deactivate"; -"usages_total" = "Number of uses"; -"usages_left" = "Uses left"; +"voucher_activators" = "Pengguna"; +"voucher_explanation" = "Masukkan nomor seri pada voucher. Biasanya tercantum pada tanda terima atau dalam suatu pesan."; +"voucher_explanation_ex" = "Perlu diketahui bahwa voucher dapat kedaluwarsa dan hanya dapat digunakan sekali."; +"invalid_voucher" = "Voucher tidak valid"; +"voucher_bad" = "Kamu mungkin memasukkan nomor seri yang tidak valid atau voucher sudah digunakan, atau juga voucher sudah kedaluwarsa."; +"voucher_good" = "Voucher telah diaktifkan"; +"voucher_redeemed" = "Voucher telah berhasil diaktifkan.poin akan segera diterima, tetapi kamu tidak lagi dapat mengaktifkannya dengan kode ini."; +"redeem" = "Gunakan voucher"; +"deactivate" = "Nonaktifkan"; +"usages_total" = "Total telah digunakan"; +"usages_left" = "Sisa penggunaan"; "points_transfer_dialog_header_1" = "You can send as a gift or transfer part of the votes to another person."; "points_transfer_dialog_header_2" = "Your current balance:"; "points_amount_one" = "1 vote"; -"points_amount_other" = "$1 votes"; +"points_amount_other" = "$1 vote"; -"transfer_poins" = "Transfer votes"; -"transfer_poins_button" = "Transfer votes"; -"also_you_can_transfer_points" = "You can also transfer votes to another person."; +"transfer_poins" = "Transfer vote"; +"transfer_poins_button" = "Transfer vote"; +"also_you_can_transfer_points" = "Kamu juga dapat membagikan voteke orang lain."; "transferred_to_you" = "transferred to you"; "receiver_address" = "Receiver address"; -"coins_count" = "Number of votes"; -"message" = "Message"; +"coins_count" = "Jumlah of vote"; +"message" = "Pesan"; -"failed_to_tranfer_points" = "Failed to transfer votes"; +"failed_to_tranfer_points" = "Gagal mentransfer vote"; "points_transfer_successful" = "You have successfully transferred $1 to $3."; -"not_all_information_has_been_entered" = "Not all information has been entered."; -"negative_transfer_value" = "We cannot steal votes from another person, sorry."; -"message_is_too_long" = "The message is too long."; -"receiver_not_found" = "The receiver was not found."; -"you_dont_have_enough_points" = "You don't have enough votes."; +"not_all_information_has_been_entered" = "Informasi tidak lengkap"; +"negative_transfer_value" = "Maaf,kami tidak bisa mencuri atau menggelapkan votes dari orang lain."; +"message_is_too_long" = "Pesan terlalu panjang"; +"receiver_not_found" = "Penerima tidak ditemukan / tidak ada"; +"you_dont_have_enough_points" = "Kamu tidak memiliki cukup vote"; "increase_rating" = "Increase rating"; "increase_rating_button" = "Increase"; -"to_whom" = "To whom"; +"to_whom" = "Kepada "; "increase_by" = "Increase by"; -"price" = "Price"; +"price" = "Harga"; -"you_have_unused_votes" = "You have $1 unused votes on your balance."; +"you_have_unused_votes" = "Kamu memiliki $1 vote yang belum digunakan."; "apply_voucher" = "Apply voucher"; "failed_to_increase_rating" = "Failed to increase rating"; @@ -616,66 +616,66 @@ /* Gifts */ -"gift" = "Gift"; -"gifts" = "Gifts"; -"gifts_zero" = "Zero gifts"; -"gifts_one" = "One gift"; -"gifts_other" = "$1 gifts"; -"gifts_left" = "Gifts left: $1"; -"gifts_left_zero" = "Zero gifts left"; -"gifts_left_one" = "One gift left"; -"gifts_left_other" = "$1 gifts left"; +"gift" = "Hadiah"; +"gifts" = "Hadiah"; +"gifts_zero" = "0 Hadiah"; +"gifts_one" = "1 Hadiah"; +"gifts_other" = "$1 Hadiah"; +"gifts_left" = "Hadiah tersedia: $1"; +"gifts_left_zero" = "tidak ada Hadiah tersedia"; +"gifts_left_one" = "satu Hadiah tersedia"; +"gifts_left_other" = "$1 Hadiah tersisa"; -"send_gift" = "Send gift"; +"send_gift" = "Beri Hadiah"; -"gift_select" = "Select gift"; -"collections" = "Collections"; +"gift_select" = "Pilih Hadiah"; +"collections" = "Koleksi"; "confirm" = "Konfirmasi"; -"as_anonymous" = "As anonymous"; -"gift_your_message" = "Your message"; +"as_anonymous" = "sebagai anonim"; +"gift_your_message" = "Pesanmu"; -"free_gift" = "Free"; -"coins" = "Votes"; +"free_gift" = "Gratis"; +"coins" = "Vote"; "coins_zero" = "0 vote"; -"coins_one" = "One vote"; -"coins_other" = "$1 votes"; +"coins_one" = "1 vote"; +"coins_other" = "$1 vote"; -"users_gifts" = "Gifts"; +"users_gifts" = "Hadiah"; /* Support */ "support_opened" = "Opened"; "support_answered" = "With a response"; "support_closed" = "Closed"; -"support_ticket" = "Ticket"; -"support_tickets" = "Tickets"; +"support_ticket" = "Tiket"; +"support_tickets" = "Tiket"; "support_status_0" = "Issue under consideration"; "support_status_1" = "There's a response"; "support_status_2" = "Closed"; "support_greeting_hi" = "Greetings, $1!"; "support_greeting_regards" = "Best regards,
$1 support team."; -"support_faq" = "Frequently Asked Questions"; -"support_list" = "List of tickets"; -"support_new" = "New ticket"; +"support_faq" = "Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan"; +"support_list" = "Lis tiket"; +"support_new" = "Tiket baru"; "support_faq_title" = "Who is this website for?"; "support_faq_content" = "The site is designed to find friends and acquaintances, as well as view user data. It is like a city directory, through which people can quickly find relevant information about a person."; -"support_new_title" = "Enter the topic of your ticket"; -"support_new_content" = "Describe the issue or suggestion"; +"support_new_title" = "Masukkkan topik tiketmu"; +"support_new_content" = "Deskripsikan keluh kesahmu atau sugesti ataupun kritik dan saranmu"; -"support_rate_good_answer" = "This is good answer"; -"support_rate_bad_answer" = "This is bad answer"; -"support_good_answer_user" = "You left a positive feedback."; -"support_bad_answer_user" = "You left a negative feedback."; -"support_good_answer_agent" = "User left a positive feedback."; -"support_bad_answer_agent" = "User left a negative feedback."; -"support_rated_good" = "You left a positive feedback about the answer."; -"support_rated_bad" = "You left a negative feedback about the answer."; -"wrong_parameters" = "Invalid request parameters."; +"support_rate_good_answer" = "Jawaban yang baik"; +"support_rate_bad_answer" = "Jawaban yang tidak baik"; +"support_good_answer_user" = "Kamu memberikan umpan balik positif."; +"support_bad_answer_user" = "Kamu memberikan umpan balik negatif."; +"support_good_answer_agent" = "Pengguna memberikan umpan balik positif."; +"support_bad_answer_agent" = "Pengguna memberikan umpan balik negatif."; +"support_rated_good" = "Kamu memberikan umpan balik positif terhadap jawabannya."; +"support_rated_bad" = "Kamu memberikan umpan balik negatif terhadap jawabannya."; +"wrong_parameters" = "Parameter permintaan tidak valid."; -"fast_answers" = "Balasan Langsung"; +"fast_answers" = "Balasan cepat"; "comment" = "Komen"; "sender" = "Pengirim"; @@ -685,8 +685,8 @@ "you_have_not_entered_text" = "Kamu belum memasukkan teks apa pun"; "you_have_not_entered_name_or_text" = "Kamu tidak memasukkan nama atau teks"; -"ticket_changed" = "Ticket changed"; -"ticket_changed_comment" = "The changes will take effect in a few seconds."; +"ticket_changed" = "Tiket diubah"; +"ticket_changed_comment" = "Perubahan akan berlaku dalam beberapa saat."; /* Invite */ @@ -696,19 +696,19 @@ /* Banned */ -"banned_title" = "You are banned"; -"banned_header" = "You are banned"; -"banned_alt" = "The user is blocked."; -"banned_1" = "Sorry $1, but you have been banned."; -"banned_2" = "And the reason for this is simple: $1. Unfortunately, this time we had to block you forever."; -"banned_3" = "You can still write to the support if you think there was an error or logout."; +"banned_title" = "Kamu dibanned"; +"banned_header" = "Kamu dibanned"; +"banned_alt" = "Pengguna diblokir."; +"banned_1" = "Maaf $1, tapi kamu telah dibanned."; +"banned_2" = "dan alasannya cukup sederhana: $1. namun, saat ini kamu diblokir selamanya."; +"banned_3" = "Kamu masih dapat menulis dukungan,masukkan,atau banding jika kamu berpikir bahwa itu adalah kesalahan atau kamu bisa keluar."; /* Registration confirm */ "ec_header" = "Konfirmasi Pendaftaran"; "ec_title" = "Terima kasih!"; -"ec_1" = "$1, your registration is almost done. In a few minutes you should receive an mail with a link to confirm your email address."; -"ec_2" = "If for some reason you don't get the mail, check your spam folder. If you don't find the email there, you can resend it."; +"ec_1" = "$1, pendaftaranmu hampir selesai. Dalam beberapa saat kamu akan menerima pesan pada surel dengan tautan untuk mengonfirmasi alamat surelmnu."; +"ec_2" = "Apabila kamu dengan alasan tertentu tidak menerima pesan ke surelmu, coba periksa folder spam surelmu.namun apabila tidak menemukan pesan apapun, kamu dapat mengirimnya ulang."; "ec_resend" = "Kirim ulang"; /* Discussions */ @@ -732,8 +732,8 @@ "view_topic" = "Lihat topik"; "edit_topic_action" = "Sunting topik"; "edit_topic" = "Sunting topik"; -"topic_settings" = "Topic settings"; -"pin_topic" = "Pin topic"; +"topic_settings" = "Pengaturan topik"; +"pin_topic" = "Sematkan Topik"; "close_topic" = "Tutup topik"; "delete_topic" = "Hapus topik"; @@ -742,13 +742,13 @@ "created" = "Dibuat"; -"everyone_can_create_topics" = "Everyone can create topics"; +"everyone_can_create_topics" = "Siapa saja dapat membuat topik"; "display_list_of_topics_above_wall" = "Display a list of topics above the wall"; "topic_changes_saved_comment" = "The updated title and settings will appear on the topic page."; -"failed_to_create_topic" = "Failed to create topic"; -"failed_to_change_topic" = "Failed to change topic"; +"failed_to_create_topic" = "Pembuatan topik gagal"; +"failed_to_change_topic" = "Pergantian topik gagal"; "no_title_specified" = "No title specified."; /* Errors */ @@ -760,69 +760,69 @@ "information_-1" = "Sukses"; "information_-2" = "Masuk sukses"; -"no_data" = "No data"; -"no_data_description" = "There is nothing here... yet..."; +"no_data" = "Tidaka ada data"; +"no_data_description" = "Belum ada apa-apa disini... "; "error" = "Error"; -"error_shorturl" = "This short address is already owned."; -"error_segmentation" = "Segmentation error"; +"error_shorturl" = "Alamat tidak tersedia atau telah dimiliki."; +"error_segmentation" = "terjadi kesalahan"; "error_upload_failed" = "Gagal mengunggah foto"; "error_old_password" = "Kata sandi lama tidak cocok"; "error_new_password" = "Kata sandi baru tidak cocok"; -"error_shorturl_incorrect" = "The short address has an incorrect format."; +"error_shorturl_incorrect" = "Alamat singkat memiliki format yang salah."; "error_repost_fail" = "Gagal membagikan postingan"; "forbidden" = "Access error"; "forbidden_comment" = "This user\'s privacy settings do not allow you to look at his page."; -"changes_saved" = "Changes saved"; +"changes_saved" = "Perubahan tersimpan"; "changes_saved_comment" = "Data baru akan muncul di halamanmu"; -"photo_saved" = "Photo saved"; -"photo_saved_comment" = "New profile picture will appear on your page"; +"photo_saved" = "Foto berhasil disimpan"; +"photo_saved_comment" = "Gambar / foto profil baru akan muncul di halamanmu"; -"shared_succ" = "The post will appear on your wall. Click on the notification to go to your wall."; +"shared_succ" = "Postingan akan tampil pada dindingmu,klik notifikasi untuk menuju dinding halamanmu."; -"invalid_email_address" = "Invalid Email address"; -"invalid_email_address_comment" = "The Email you entered is not correct."; +"invalid_email_address" = "Alamat sural tidak valid"; +"invalid_email_address_comment" = "Surel yang kamu masukkan tidak benar atau tidak sesuai penulisan yang benar."; -"invalid_real_name" = "Please, enter your real name. It'll be easier for your friends to find you like this."; +"invalid_real_name" = "Silakan, masukkan nama aslimu. Akan lebih mudah bagi temanmu atau kenalanmu untuk menemukanmu seperti ini."; -"invalid_birth_date" = "Invalid date of birth"; -"invalid_birth_date_comment" = "The date of birth you entered is not correct."; +"invalid_birth_date" = "Tanggal lahir tidak valid"; +"invalid_birth_date_comment" = "Tanggal lahir yang kamu masukkan tidak benar atau tidak sesuai penulisan yang benar."; -"invalid_telegram_name" = "Invalid Telegram account name"; -"invalid_telegram_name_comment" = "The Telegram account name you entered is not correct."; +"invalid_telegram_name" = "Akun Telegram tidak valid"; +"invalid_telegram_name_comment" = "Akun Telegram yang kamu masukkan tidak benar atau tidak sesuai penulisan yang benar."; "token_manipulation_error" = "Token manipulation error"; "token_manipulation_error_comment" = "The token is invalid or expired"; "profile_changed" = "Profile changed"; "profile_changed_comment" = "Your active profile has been changed."; -"profile_not_found" = "User is not found."; +"profile_not_found" = "Pengguna tidak ditemukan."; -"suspicious_registration_attempt" = "Suspicious registration attempt"; -"suspicious_registration_attempt_comment" = "You tried to register from a suspicious location."; +"suspicious_registration_attempt" = "Upaya yang mencurigakan / asing"; +"suspicious_registration_attempt_comment" = "Kamu mencoba mendaftar dari lokasi yang mencurigakan atau sesuai dengan kebijakan"; "rate_limit_error" = "Choomba, are you completely fucked up?"; "rate_limit_error_comment" = "Go to the brainwrap, drink the wheels. In $1, you cannot drop shitposts as often. Exception code: $2."; -"not_enough_permissions" = "Not enough permissions"; -"not_enough_permissions_comment" = "You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action."; +"not_enough_permissions" = "izin / akses diperlukan"; +"not_enough_permissions_comment" = "Kamu tidak memiliki izin / akses yang memadai untuk melakukan tindakan ini."; -"login_required_error" = "Not enough permissions"; -"login_required_error_comment" = "To view this page, you need to sign in to your account."; +"login_required_error" = "Akses masuk diperlukan"; +"login_required_error_comment" = "Untuk melihat halaman ini, kamu harus masuk terlebih dahulu."; -"captcha_error" = "Incorrect characters entered"; -"captcha_error_comment" = "Please make sure you fill in the captcha field correctly."; +"captcha_error" = "captcha error"; +"captcha_error_comment" = "Pastikan Kamu mengisi kolom captcha dengan benar."; -"failed_to_publish_post" = "Gagal mempostingan postingan"; +"failed_to_publish_post" = "Gagal memposting postingan"; "failed_to_delete_post" = "Gagal menghapus postingan"; -"media_file_corrupted" = "The media content file is corrupted."; -"media_file_corrupted_or_too_large" = "The media content file is corrupted or too large."; -"post_is_empty_or_too_big" = "The post is empty or too big."; -"post_is_too_big" = "The post is too big."; +"media_file_corrupted" = "File konten media rusak / korup."; +"media_file_corrupted_or_too_large" = "File konten media rusak atau terlalu besar."; +"post_is_empty_or_too_big" = "Postingan nihil atau ukurannya terlalu besar."; +"post_is_too_big" = "ukuran postingan terlalu besar"; /* Admin actions */ @@ -830,13 +830,13 @@ "manage_user_action" = "Atur pengguna"; "manage_group_action" = "Atur grup"; "ban_user_action" = "Ban pengguna"; -"warn_user_action" = "Warn pengguna"; +"warn_user_action" = "peringatkan pengguna"; /* Paginator (deprecated) */ -"paginator_back" = "Back"; -"paginator_page" = "Page $1"; -"paginator_next" = "Next"; +"paginator_back" = "Sebelumnya"; +"paginator_page" = "Halaman $1"; +"paginator_next" = "Selanjutnya"; /* About */ @@ -850,11 +850,11 @@ "about_users_one" = "1 pengguna"; "about_users_other" = "$1 pengguna"; -"about_online_users_one" = "1 online user"; -"about_online_users_other" = "$1 online users"; +"about_online_users_one" = "1 pengguna aktif"; +"about_online_users_other" = "$1 pengguna aktif"; -"about_active_users_one" = "1 active user"; -"about_active_users_other" = "$1 active users"; +"about_active_users_one" = "1 pengguna aktif"; +"about_active_users_other" = "$1 pengguna aktif"; "about_groups_one" = "1 grup"; "about_groups_other" = "$1 grup";