mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 10:48:14 +03:00
Репост в группу (#873)
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 197 additions and 42 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\ServiceAPI;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\User;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Clubs;
class Groups implements Handler
protected $user;
protected $groups;
function __construct(?User $user)
$this->user = $user;
$this->groups = new Clubs;
function getWriteableClubs(callable $resolve, callable $reject)
$clubs = [];
$wclubs = $this->groups->getWriteableClubs($this->user->getId());
$count = $this->groups->getWriteableClubsCount($this->user->getId());
if(!$count) {
$reject("You don't have any groups with write access");
foreach($wclubs as $club) {
$clubs[] = [
"name" => $club->getName(),
"id" => $club->getId(),
"avatar" => $club->getAvatarUrl() # если в овк когда-нибудь появится крутой список с аватарками, то можно использовать это поле
@ -453,25 +453,38 @@ final class Wall extends VKAPIRequestHandler
return (object)["post_id" => $post->getVirtualId()];
function repost(string $object, string $message = "") {
function repost(string $object, string $message = "", int $group_id = 0) {
if(preg_match('/wall((?:-?)[0-9]+)_([0-9]+)/', $object, $postArray) == 0)
$this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: object is incorrect");
$post = (new PostsRepo)->getPostById((int) $postArray[1], (int) $postArray[2]);
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted()) $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid");
$nPost = new Post;
if($group_id > 0) {
$club = (new ClubsRepo)->get($group_id);
$this->fail(42, "Invalid group");
$this->fail(16, "Access to group denied");
$nPost->setWall($group_id * -1);
} else {
if($post->getOwner(false)->getId() !== $this->user->getId() && !($post->getOwner() instanceof Club))
(new RepostNotification($post->getOwner(false), $post, $this->user->identity))->emit();
@ -483,6 +496,7 @@ final class Wall extends VKAPIRequestHandler
function getComments(int $owner_id, int $post_id, bool $need_likes = true, int $offset = 0, int $count = 10, string $fields = "sex,screen_name,photo_50,photo_100,online_info,online", string $sort = "asc", bool $extended = false) {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\Web\Models\Repositories;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Club;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Aliases;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\{Club, Manager};
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\{Aliases, Users};
use Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow;
use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection;
@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ class Clubs
private $context;
private $clubs;
private $coadmins;
function __construct()
$this->context = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext();
$this->clubs = $this->context->table("groups");
$this->context = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext();
$this->clubs = $this->context->table("groups");
$this->coadmins = $this->context->table("group_coadmins");
private function toClub(?ActiveRow $ar): ?Club
@ -70,6 +72,26 @@ class Clubs
function getWriteableClubs(int $id): \Traversable
$result = $this->clubs->where("owner", $id);
$coadmins = $this->coadmins->where("user", $id);
foreach($result as $entry) {
yield new Club($entry);
foreach($coadmins as $coadmin) {
$cl = new Manager($coadmin);
yield $cl->getClub();
function getWriteableClubsCount(int $id): int
return sizeof($this->clubs->where("owner", $id)) + sizeof($this->coadmins->where("user", $id));
use \Nette\SmartObject;
@ -363,21 +363,52 @@ final class WallPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
$post = $this->posts->getPostById($wall, $post_id);
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted()) $this->notFound();
if(!$post || $post->isDeleted())
$where = $this->postParam("type") ?? "wall";
$groupId = NULL;
$flags = 0;
if($where == "group")
$groupId = $this->postParam("groupId");
if(!is_null($this->user)) {
$nPost = new Post;
if($where == "wall") {
} elseif($where == "group") {
$club = (new Clubs)->get((int)$groupId);
if(!$club || !$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity))
if($this->postParam("asGroup") == 1)
$flags |= 0b10000000;
if($this->postParam("signed") == 1)
$flags |= 0b01000000;
$nPost->setWall($groupId * -1);
if($post->getOwner(false)->getId() !== $this->user->identity->getId() && !($post->getOwner() instanceof Club))
(new RepostNotification($post->getOwner(false), $post, $this->user->identity))->emit();
$this->returnJson(["wall_owner" => $this->user->identity->getId()]);
"wall_owner" => $where == "wall" ? $this->user->identity->getId() : $groupId * -1
function renderDelete(int $wall, int $post_id): void
@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
<a n:if="!($forceNoCommentsLink ?? false) && $commentsCount == 0" href="javascript:expand_comment_textarea({$commentTextAreaId})">{_comment}</a>
<div class="like_wrap">
<a n:if="!($forceNoShareLink ?? false)" class="post-share-button" href="javascript:repostPost('{$post->getPrettyId()}', '{rawurlencode($csrfToken)}')">
<a n:if="!($forceNoShareLink ?? false)" id="reposts{$post->getPrettyId()}" class="post-share-button" href="javascript:repostPost('{$post->getPrettyId()}', '{rawurlencode($csrfToken)}')">
<div class="repost-icon" style="opacity: 0.4;"></div>
<span class="likeCnt">{if $post->getRepostCount() > 0}{$post->getRepostCount()}{/if}</span>
<span class="likeCnt" id="repostsCount{$post->getPrettyId()}">{if $post->getRepostCount() > 0}{$post->getRepostCount()}{/if}</span>
{if !($forceNoLike ?? false)}
@ -111,10 +111,10 @@
<a n:if="!($forceNoShareLink ?? false)" class="post-share-button" {ifset $thisUser} href="javascript:repostPost('{$post->getPrettyId()}', '{rawurlencode($csrfToken)}')"{/ifset}>
<a n:if="!($forceNoShareLink ?? false)" id="reposts{$post->getPrettyId()}" class="post-share-button" {ifset $thisUser} href="javascript:repostPost('{$post->getPrettyId()}', '{rawurlencode($csrfToken)}')"{/ifset}>
{if $post->getRepostCount() > 0}
(<b id="repostsCount{$post->getPrettyId()}">{$post->getRepostCount()}</b>)
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
function expand_wall_textarea(id) {
var el = document.getElementById('post-buttons'+id);
var wi = document.getElementById('wall-post-input'+id);
@ -65,7 +66,6 @@ function toggleMenu(id) {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { //BEGIN
u("#_photoDelete").on("click", function(e) {
@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { //BEGIN
return e.preventDefault();
/* @rem-pai why this func wasn't named as "#_deleteDialog"? It looks universal IMO */
u("#_noteDelete").on("click", function(e) {
@ -170,28 +169,72 @@ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { //BEGIN
function repostPost(id, hash) {
uRepostMsgTxt = tr('your_comment') + ": <textarea id='uRepostMsgInput_"+id+"'></textarea><br/><br/>";
MessageBox(tr('share'), uRepostMsgTxt, [tr('send'), tr('cancel')], [
(function() {
text = document.querySelector("#uRepostMsgInput_"+id).value;
hash = encodeURIComponent(hash);
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "/wall"+id+"/repost?hash="+hash, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.onload = (function() {
async function repostPost(id, hash) {
uRepostMsgTxt = `
<b>${tr('auditory')}:</b> <br/>
<input type="radio" name="type" onchange="signs.setAttribute('hidden', 'hidden');document.getElementById('groupId').setAttribute('hidden', 'hidden')" value="wall" checked>${tr("in_wall")}<br/>
<input type="radio" name="type" onchange="signs.removeAttribute('hidden');document.getElementById('groupId').removeAttribute('hidden')" value="group" id="group">${tr("in_group")}<br/>
<select style="width:50%;" id="groupId" name="groupId" hidden>
<textarea id='uRepostMsgInput_${id}'></textarea>
<div id="signs" hidden>
<label><input onchange="signed.checked ? signed.checked = false : null" type="checkbox" id="asgroup" name="asGroup">${tr('post_as_group')}</label><br>
<label><input onchange="asgroup.checked = true" type="checkbox" id="signed" name="signed">${tr('add_signature')}</label>
let clubs = [];
repostsCount = document.getElementById("repostsCount"+id)
prevVal = repostsCount != null ? Number(repostsCount.innerHTML) : 0;
MessageBox(tr('share'), uRepostMsgTxt, [tr('send'), tr('cancel')], [
(function() {
text = document.querySelector("#uRepostMsgInput_"+id).value;
type = "user";
radios = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="type"]')
for(const r of radios)
type = r.value;
groupId = document.querySelector("#groupId").value;
asGroup = asgroup.checked == true ? 1 : 0;
signed = signed.checked == true ? 1 : 0;
hash = encodeURIComponent(hash);
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "/wall"+id+"/repost?hash="+hash, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xhr.onload = (function() {
if(xhr.responseText.indexOf("wall_owner") === -1)
MessageBox(tr('error'), tr('error_repost_fail'), [tr('ok')], [Function.noop]);
else {
let jsonR = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
MessageBox(tr('error'), tr('error_repost_fail'), [tr('ok')], [Function.noop]);
else {
let jsonR = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
NewNotification(tr('information_-1'), tr('shared_succ'), null, () => {window.location.href = "/wall" + jsonR.wall_owner});
xhr.send('text=' + encodeURI(text));
repostsCount != null ?
repostsCount.innerHTML = prevVal+1 :
document.getElementById("reposts"+id).insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "(<b id='repostsCount"+id+"'>1</b>)") //для старого вида постов
xhr.send('text='+encodeURI(text) + '&type='+type + '&groupId='+groupId + "&asGroup="+asGroup + "&signed="+signed);
clubs = await API.Groups.getWriteableClubs();
for(const el of clubs) {
document.getElementById("groupId").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<option value="${el.id}">${escapeHtml(el.name)}</option>`)
} catch(rejection) {
document.getElementById("group").setAttribute("disabled", "disabled")
function setClubAdminComment(clubId, adminId, hash) {
@ -535,4 +578,4 @@ $(document).on("scroll", () => {
}, 250);
@ -175,6 +175,9 @@
"pinned" = "pinned";
"comments_tip" = "Be first, who leaves a comment at this post!";
"your_comment" = "Your comment";
"auditory" = "Auditory";
"in_wall" = "to user's wall";
"in_group" = "to group";
"shown" = "Shown";
"x_out_of" = "$1 of";
"wall_zero" = "no posts";
@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
"pinned" = "закреплено";
"comments_tip" = "Будьте первым, кто оставит комментарий!";
"your_comment" = "Ваш комментарий";
"auditory" = "Аудитория";
"in_wall" = "на стену";
"in_group" = "в группу";
"shown" = "Показано";
"x_out_of" = "$1 из";
"wall_zero" = "нет записей";
Reference in a new issue