mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 10:48:14 +03:00
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:openvk/openvk
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 198 additions and 110 deletions
@ -1,67 +1,72 @@
h1. <img align="right" src="https://github.com/openvk/openvk/raw/master/Web/static/img/logo.png" alt="openvk" title="openvk" width="15%">OpenVK
*OpenVK* is an attempt to create a simple CMS that -cosplays- imitates old VK. Code provided here is not stable yet.
VKontakte belongs to Pavel Durov and VK Group.
To be honest, we don't even know whether it even works. However, this version is maintained and we will be happy to accept your bugreports "in our bug-tracker":https://github.com/openvk/openvk/projects/1. You should also be able to submit them using "ticketing system":https://openvk.su/support?act=new (you will need an OVK account for this).
h2. When's the release?
Please use the master branch, as it has the most changes.
Updating the source code is done with this command: @git pull --recurse-submodules@
h2. Instances
* *"openvk.su":https://openvk.su/*
* "openvk.zavsc.pw":http://openvk.zavsc.pw/
h2. Can I create my own OpenVK instance?
Yes! And you're very welcome to.
However, OVK makes use of Chandler Application Server. This software requires extensions, that may not be provided by your hosting provider (namely, sodium and yaml. this extensions are available on most of ISPManager hostings).
Simply put, we would recommend you to use latest CentOS (running on your own VDS/Dedicated) with latest PHP from EPEL. We used to have this configuration on our "main instance":https://openvk.su/ and thus will be able to provide quicker support for OVK running in this environment.
If you want, you can add your instance to the list above so that people can register there.
h3. Installation procedure
"samukhin":https://github.com/samukhin is working on a Docker container that contains a microblog version of OpenVK, see "#76":https://github.com/openvk/openvk/pull/76 for details. (Experimental)
# Install PHP 7, web-server, Composer, Node.js, Yarn and "Chandler":https://github.com/openvk/chandler
PHP 8 has *not* yet been tested, so you should not expect it to work.
# Install "commitcaptcha":https://github.com/openvk/commitcaptcha and OpenVK as Chandler extensions like this:
@git clone --recursive https://github.com/openvk/openvk /path/to/chandler/extensions/available/openvk@
@git clone https://github.com/openvk/commitcaptcha /path/to/chandler/extensions/available/commitcaptcha@
# And enable them:
@ln -s /path/to/chandler/extensions/available/commitcaptcha /path/to/chandler/extensions/enabled/@
@ln -s /path/to/chandler/extensions/available/openvk /path/to/chandler/extensions/enabled/@
# Import @install/init-static-db.sql@ to *same database* you installed Chandler to
# Import @install/init-event-db.sql@ to *separate database*
# Copy @openvk-example.yml@ to @openvk.yml@ and change options
# Run @composer install@ in OpenVK directory
# Move to @Web/static/js@ and execute @yarn install@
# Set @openvk@ as your root app in @chandler.yml@
*Note*: If OVK submodules were not downloaded beforehand (i.e. @--recursive@ was not used during cloning), this command *must be* executed in the @openvk@ folder: @git submodule update --init@
Once you are done, you can login as a system administrator on the network itself (no registration required):
* *Login*: admin@localhost.localdomain6
* *Password*: admin
It is recommended to change the password before using the built-in account.
h3. If my website uses OpenVK, should I publish it's sources?
You are encouraged to do so. We don't enforce this though. You can keep your sources to yourself (unless you distribute your OpenVK distro to other people).
You also not required to publish source texts of your themepacks and plugins.
h2. Where can I get assistance?
You may reach out to us via:
* "Bug-tracker":https://github.com/openvk/openvk/projects/1
* "Ticketing system":https://openvk.su/support?act=new
* Telegram chat: Go to "our channel":https://t.me/openvkch and open discussion in our channel menu.
* "Reddit":https://www.reddit.com/r/openvk/
* "Discussions":https://github.com/openvk/openvk/discussions
*Attention*: bug tracker and telegram chat are public places. And ticketing system is being served by volunteers. If you need to report something, that shouldn't be immediately disclosed to general public (for instance, vulnerability report), *please use contact us directly*:
* *Head of OpenVK Security Commitee*: stingray@jill.pl or "@id155":https://t.me/id155
* *Backend developer*: "@saddyteirusu":https://t.me/saddyteirusu
h1. <img align="right" src="https://github.com/openvk/openvk/raw/master/Web/static/img/logo.png" alt="openvk" title="openvk" width="15%">OpenVK
*OpenVK* is an attempt to create a simple CMS that -cosplays- imitates old VK. Code provided here is not stable yet.
VKontakte belongs to Pavel Durov and VK Group.
To be honest, we don't even know whether it even works. However, this version is maintained and we will be happy to accept your bugreports "in our bug-tracker":https://github.com/openvk/openvk/projects/1. You should also be able to submit them using "ticketing system":https://openvk.su/support?act=new (you will need an OVK account for this).
h2. When's the release?
Please use the master branch, as it has the most changes.
Updating the source code is done with this command: @git pull --recurse-submodules@
h2. Instances
* *"openvk.su":https://openvk.su/*
* "openvk.zavsc.pw":http://openvk.zavsc.pw/
h2. Can I create my own OpenVK instance?
Yes! And you're very welcome to.
However, OVK makes use of Chandler Application Server. This software requires extensions, that may not be provided by your hosting provider (namely, sodium and yaml. this extensions are available on most of ISPManager hostings).
Simply put, we would recommend you to use latest CentOS (running on your own VDS/Dedicated) with latest PHP from EPEL. We used to have this configuration on our "main instance":https://openvk.su/ and thus will be able to provide quicker support for OVK running in this environment.
If you want, you can add your instance to the list above so that people can register there.
h3. Installation procedure
"samukhin":https://github.com/samukhin is working on a Docker container that contains a microblog version of OpenVK, see "#76":https://github.com/openvk/openvk/pull/76 for details. (Experimental)
# Install PHP 7, web-server, Composer, Node.js, Yarn and "Chandler":https://github.com/openvk/chandler
PHP 8 has *not* yet been tested, so you should not expect it to work.
# Install "commitcaptcha":https://github.com/openvk/commitcaptcha and OpenVK as Chandler extensions like this:
@git clone --recursive https://github.com/openvk/openvk /path/to/chandler/extensions/available/openvk@
@git clone https://github.com/openvk/commitcaptcha /path/to/chandler/extensions/available/commitcaptcha@
# And enable them:
@ln -s /path/to/chandler/extensions/available/commitcaptcha /path/to/chandler/extensions/enabled/@
@ln -s /path/to/chandler/extensions/available/openvk /path/to/chandler/extensions/enabled/@
# Import @install/init-static-db.sql@ to *same database* you installed Chandler to
# Import @install/init-event-db.sql@ to *separate database*
# Copy @openvk-example.yml@ to @openvk.yml@ and change options
# Run @composer install@ in OpenVK directory
# Move to @Web/static/js@ and execute @yarn install@
# Set @openvk@ as your root app in @chandler.yml@
*Note*: If OVK submodules were not downloaded beforehand (i.e. @--recursive@ was not used during cloning), this command *must be* executed in the @openvk@ folder: @git submodule update --init@
Once you are done, you can login as a system administrator on the network itself (no registration required):
* *Login*: admin@localhost.localdomain6
* *Password*: admin
It is recommended to change the password before using the built-in account.
h3. If my website uses OpenVK, should I publish it's sources?
You are encouraged to do so. We don't enforce this though. You can keep your sources to yourself (unless you distribute your OpenVK distro to other people).
You also not required to publish source texts of your themepacks and plugins.
h2. Where can I get assistance?
You may reach out to us via:
* "Bug-tracker":https://github.com/openvk/openvk/projects/1
* "Ticketing system":https://openvk.su/support?act=new
* Telegram chat: Go to "our channel":https://t.me/openvkch and open discussion in our channel menu.
* "Reddit":https://www.reddit.com/r/openvk/
* "Discussions":https://github.com/openvk/openvk/discussions
*Attention*: bug tracker and telegram chat are public places. And ticketing system is being served by volunteers. If you need to report something, that shouldn't be immediately disclosed to general public (for instance, vulnerability report), *please use contact us directly*:
* *Head of OpenVK Security Commitee*: stingray@jill.pl or "@id155":https://t.me/id155
* *Backend developer*: "@saddyteirusu":https://t.me/saddyteirusu
Codeberg repository clone:
<a href="https://codeberg.org/OpenVK/openvk">
<img alt="Get it on Codeberg" src="https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/GetItOnCodeberg/media/branch/main/get-it-on-blue-on-white.png" height="60">
@ -204,6 +204,11 @@ class User extends RowModel
return $this->getRecord()->shortcode;
function getAlert(): ?string
return $this->getRecord()->alert;
function getBanReason(): ?string
return $this->getRecord()->block_reason;
@ -214,10 +219,10 @@ class User extends RowModel
return $this->getRecord()->type;
function getCoins(): int
function getCoins(): float
return 0;
return 0.0;
return $this->getRecord()->coins;
@ -563,6 +568,11 @@ class User extends RowModel
return !is_null($this->getBanReason());
function isOnline(): bool
return time() - $this->getRecord()->online <= 300;
function prefersNotToSeeRating(): bool
return !((bool) $this->getRecord()->show_rating);
@ -30,18 +30,14 @@ final class UserPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
if(parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], PHP_URL_PATH) !== "/" . $user->getShortCode())
$this->redirect("/" . $user->getShortCode(), static::REDIRECT_TEMPORARY_PRESISTENT);
$then = date_create("@" . $user->getOnline()->timestamp());
$now = date_create();
$diff = date_diff($now, $then);
$this->template->albums = (new Albums)->getUserAlbums($user);
$this->template->albumsCount = (new Albums)->getUserAlbumsCount($user);
$this->template->videos = (new Videos)->getByUser($user, 1, 2);
$this->template->videosCount = (new Videos)->getUserVideosCount($user);
$this->template->notes = (new Notes)->getUserNotes($user, 1, 4);
$this->template->notesCount = (new Notes)->getUserNotesCount($user);
$this->template->user = $user;
$this->template->diff = $diff;
@ -48,7 +48,10 @@ final class WallPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
$canPost = false;
else if($user > 0)
$canPost = $owner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->user->identity);
$canPost = $owner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->user->identity);
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), "Ошибка доступа");
else if($user < 0)
$canPost = true;
@ -165,7 +168,10 @@ final class WallPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
$wallOwner = ($wall > 0 ? (new Users)->get($wall) : (new Clubs)->get($wall * -1))
?? $this->flashFail("err", "Не удалось опубликовать пост", "Такого пользователя не существует.");
if($wall > 0)
$canPost = $wallOwner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->user->identity);
$canPost = $wallOwner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->user->identity);
$this->flashFail("err", "Ошибка доступа", "Вам нельзя писать на эту стену.");
else if($wall < 0)
$canPost = true;
@ -245,10 +251,11 @@ final class WallPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
$this->logPostView($post, $wall);
$this->template->post = $post;
if ($post->getTargetWall() > 0)
if ($post->getTargetWall() > 0) {
$this->template->wallOwner = (new Users)->get($post->getTargetWall());
$this->template->isWallOfGroup = false;
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), "Ошибка доступа");
} else {
$this->template->wallOwner = (new Clubs)->get(abs($post->getTargetWall()));
$this->template->isWallOfGroup = true;
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
<a href="/language" class="link">{_footer_choose_language}</a>
<a href="/privacy" class="link">{_footer_privacy}</a>
<p>OpenVK <a href="/about:openvk2">{php echo OPENVK_VERSION}</a> | PHP: {phpversion()} | DB: {$dbVersion}</p>
<p>OpenVK <a href="/about:openvk">{php echo OPENVK_VERSION}</a> | PHP: {phpversion()} | DB: {$dbVersion}</p>
<p n:ifcontent="ifcontent">
{php echo OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["appearance"]["motd"]}
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
#ovkLogo {
float: right;
border: 0;
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
padding-top: 6px;
position: relative;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<tr class="h">
<h1 class="p" style="float: left;">OpenVK {=OPENVK_VERSION}</h1>
<img id="ovkLogo" src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/logo.svg" alt="OpenVK Logo" />
<img id="ovkLogo" src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/logo_full.svg" alt="OpenVK Logo" />
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
<!-- DEBUG: ONLINE REPORT: static {$user->getOnline()->timestamp()}s adjusted {$user->getOnline()->timestamp() + 2505600}s real {time()}s -->
<div n:if="$user->getOnline()->timestamp() + 2505600 > time()" style="float:right;">
{if $diff->i <= 5}
{if $user->isOnline()}
<span>{_was_online} {$user->getOnline()}</span>
<span>{_was_online} {$user->getOnline()}</span>
<div n:if="$user->onlineStatus() == 2" style="float:right;">
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@
{if $thisUser->getChandlerUser()->can("access")->model("admin")->whichBelongsTo(NULL)}
<a href="/admin/users/id{$user->getId()}" class="profile_link">
<a href="javascript:banUser()" class="profile_link">
@ -349,7 +352,7 @@
<div class="right_big_block">
<div class="page_info">
<div n:if="!is_null($alert = $user->getAlert())" class="user-alert">{$alert}</div>
<div class="accountInfo clearFix">
<div class="profileName">
@ -7,12 +7,10 @@
width="{ifset $compact}25{else}50{/ifset}" />
{if !$post->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() && !$compact}
<span n:if="$author->getOnline()->timestamp() + 2505600 > time()" class="post-online">
{if $diff->i <= 5}
{if !$post->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() && !$compact}
<span n:if="$author->isOnline()" class="post-online">
<td width="100%" valign="top">
@ -7,13 +7,11 @@
width="50" />
{if !$post->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() && !$compact}
<span n:if="$author->getOnline()->timestamp() + 2505600 > time()" class="post-online">
{if $diff->i <= 5}
{if !$post->isPostedOnBehalfOfGroup() && !$compact}
<span n:if="$author->isOnline()" class="post-online">
<td width="100%" valign="top">
<div class="post-author">
@ -1432,4 +1432,14 @@ body.scrolled .toTop:hover {
#ovkDraw .literally .lc-picker .toolbar-button:hover:not(.disabled), #ovkDraw .literally .horz-toolbar .square-toolbar-button:hover:not(.disabled) {
border-color: #cdcdcd;
.user-alert {
margin-left: 8px;
margin-bottom: 8px;
padding: 4px;
border: 1px solid #c3a476;
font-weight: 900;
background-color: #f3ddbd;
color: #58462a;
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
After Width: | Height: | Size: 52 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
After Width: | Height: | Size: 7.7 KiB |
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 5.1 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 10 KiB |
@ -125,9 +125,16 @@ isomorphic-fetch@^2.1.1:
whatwg-fetch ">=0.10.0"
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version "1.13.0"
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jquery ">=1.8.0 <4.0.0"
"jquery@>=1.8.0 <4.0.0":
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version "3.6.2"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# OpenVK AutoInstallation Script for FreeBSD 12 # /( )` #
# ------------------------------------------------------------- # \ \___ / | #
# # /- _ `-/ ' #
# This script installs OpenVK 2 on an empty FreeBSD 12 box. # (/\/ \ \ /\ #
# This script installs OpenVK on an empty FreeBSD 12 box. # (/\/ \ \ /\ #
# Copyright (c) 2020 OpenVK contributors # / / | ` \ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------- # O O ) / | #
# # `-^--'`< ' #
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
ALTER TABLE `profiles` CHANGE `coins` `coins` REAL(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 0c50ecdd77ac6643c7e5a29dcfff8ad84706ec3f
Subproject commit 12998df6df2a28489ba2e65a9f255af115eb83de
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: "OpenVK 2 Electric Boogalo"
description: "Yet another OpenVK social network"
author: "OpenVK contributors"
version: "2.0"
name: "OpenVK"
description: "Not-yet-federated open source social network inspired by VK"
author: "OpenVK Team"
version: "0.1.0-tp3"
init: "bootstrap.php"
Reference in a new issue