<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\Web\Presenters;
use Chandler\Security\Authenticator;
use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection as DB;
use openvk\VKAPI\Exceptions\APIErrorException;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\{User, APIToken};
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\{Users, APITokens};
use lfkeitel\phptotp\{Base32, Totp};
use WhichBrowser;

final class VKAPIPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
    private function logRequest(string $object, string $method): void
        $date   = date(DATE_COOKIE);
        $params = json_encode($_REQUEST);
        $log    = "[$date] $object.$method called with $params\r\n";
        file_put_contents(OPENVK_ROOT . "/VKAPI/debug.log", $log, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
    private function fail(int $code, string $message, string $object, string $method): void
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad API Call");
        header("Content-Type: application/json");
        $payload = [
            "error_code"     => $code,
            "error_msg"      => $message,
            "request_params" => [
                    "key"   => "method",
                    "value" => "$object.$method",
                    "key"   => "oauth",
                    "value" => 1,
        foreach($_GET as $key => $value)
            array_unshift($payload["request_params"], [ "key" => $key, "value" => $value ]);

    private function twofaFail(int $userId): void
        header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");
        header("Content-Type: application/json");
        $payload = [
            "error"             => "need_validation",
            "error_description" => "use app code",
            "validation_type"   => "2fa_app",
            "validation_sid"    => "2fa_".$userId."_2839041_randommessdontread",
            "phone_mask"        => "+374 ** *** 420",
            "redirect_url"      => "https://http.cat/418", // Not implemented yet :( So there is a photo of cat :3
            "validation_resend" => "nowhere"
    private function badMethod(string $object, string $method): void
        $this->fail(3, "Unknown method passed.", $object, $method);
    private function badMethodCall(string $object, string $method, string $param): void
        $this->fail(100, "Required parameter '$param' missing.", $object, $method);
    function onStartup(): void
        # idk, but in case we will ever support non-standard HTTP credential authflow
        $origin = "*";
        if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"])) {
            $refOrigin = parse_url($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], PHP_URL_SCHEME) . "://" . parse_url($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], PHP_URL_HOST);
            if($refOrigin !== false)
                $origin = $refOrigin;
            $origin .= ":" . ((int) $this->queryParam("requestPort"));
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $origin");
        if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "OPTIONS") {
            header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, PUT, DELETE");
            header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: " . $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS"]);
            header("Access-Control-Max-Age: -1");
            exit; # Terminate request processing as this is definitely a CORS preflight request.

    function renderPhotoUpload(string $signature): void
        $secret            = CHANDLER_ROOT_CONF["security"]["secret"];
        $queryString       = rawurldecode($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
        $computedSignature = hash_hmac("sha3-224", $queryString, $secret);
        if(!(strlen($signature) == 56 && sodium_memcmp($signature, $computedSignature) == 0)) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity");
            exit("Try harder <3");

        $data = unpack("vDOMAIN/Z10FIELD/vMF/vMP/PTIME/PUSER/PGROUP", base64_decode($queryString));
        if((time() - $data["TIME"]) > 600) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity");

        $folder   = __DIR__ . "/../../tmp/api-storage/photos";
        $maxSize  = OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["uploads"]["api"]["maxFileSize"];
        $maxFiles = OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["uploads"]["api"]["maxFilesPerDomain"];
        $usrFiles = sizeof(glob("$folder/$data[USER]_*.oct"));
        if($usrFiles >= $maxFiles) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 507 Insufficient Storage");
            exit("There are $maxFiles pending already. Please save them before uploading more :3");

        # Not multifile
        if($data["MF"] === 0) {
            $file = $_FILES[$data["FIELD"]];
            if(!$file) {
                header("HTTP/1.0 400");
                exit("No file");
            } else if($file["error"] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
                header("HTTP/1.0 500");
                exit("File could not be consumed");
            } else if($file["size"] > $maxSize) {
                header("HTTP/1.0 507 Insufficient Storage");
                exit("File is too big");

            move_uploaded_file($file["tmp_name"], "$folder/$data[USER]_" . ($usrFiles + 1) . ".oct");
            header("HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted");

            $photo = $data["USER"] . "|" . ($usrFiles + 1) . "|" . $data["GROUP"];
                "server" => "ephemeral",
                "photo"  => $photo,
                "hash"   => hash_hmac("sha3-224", $photo, $secret),

        $files = [];
        for($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
            $file = $_FILES[$data["FIELD"] . $i] ?? NULL;
            if (!$file || $file["error"] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK || $file["size"] > $maxSize) {
            } else if((sizeof($files) + $usrFiles) > $maxFiles) {
                # Clear uploaded files since they can't be saved anyway
                foreach($files as $f)

                header("HTTP/1.1 507 Insufficient Storage");
                exit("There are $maxFiles pending already. Please save them before uploading more :3");

            $files[++$usrFiles] = move_uploaded_file($file["tmp_name"], "$folder/$data[USER]_$usrFiles.oct");

        if(sizeof($files) === 0) {
            header("HTTP/1.0 400");
            exit("No file");

        $filesManifest = [];
        foreach($files as $id => $file)
            $filesManifest[] = ["keyholder" => $data["USER"], "resource" => $id, "club" => $data["GROUP"]];

        $filesManifest = json_encode($filesManifest);
        $manifestHash  = hash_hmac("sha3-224", $filesManifest, $secret);
        header("HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted");
            "server"      => "ephemeral",
            "photos_list" => $filesManifest,
            "album_id"    => "undefined",
            "hash"        => $manifestHash,
    function renderRoute(string $object, string $method): void
        $authMechanism = $this->queryParam("auth_mechanism") ?? "token";
        if($authMechanism === "roaming") {
                $this->fail(5, "User authorization failed: roaming mechanism is selected, but user is not logged in.", $object, $method);
                $identity = $this->user->identity;
        } else {
            if(is_null($this->requestParam("access_token"))) {
                $identity = NULL;
            } else {
                $token = (new APITokens)->getByCode($this->requestParam("access_token"));
                if(!$token) {
                    $identity = NULL;
                } else {
                    $identity = $token->getUser();
                    $platform = $token->getPlatform();
        if(!is_null($identity) && $identity->isBanned())
            $this->fail(18, "User account is deactivated", $object, $method);
        $object       = ucfirst(strtolower($object));
        $handlerClass = "openvk\\VKAPI\\Handlers\\$object";
            $this->badMethod($object, $method);
        $handler = new $handlerClass($identity, $platform);
        if(!is_callable([$handler, $method]))
            $this->badMethod($object, $method);
        $route  = new \ReflectionMethod($handler, $method);
        $params = [];
        foreach($route->getParameters() as $parameter) {
            $val = $this->requestParam($parameter->getName());
            if(is_null($val)) {
                    $val = NULL;
                else if($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable())
                    $val = $parameter->getDefaultValue();
                else if($parameter->isOptional())
                    $val = NULL;
                    $this->badMethodCall($object, $method, $parameter->getName());
            try {
                // Проверка типа параметра
                $type = $parameter->getType();
                if (($type && !$type->isBuiltin()) || is_null($val)) {
                    $params[] = $val; 
                } else {
                    settype($val, $parameter->getType()->getName());
                    $params[] = $val;
            } catch (\Throwable $e) {
                // Just ignore the exception, since
                // some args are intended for internal use
        define("VKAPI_DECL_VER", $this->requestParam("v") ?? "4.100", false);
        try {
            $res = $handler->{$method}(...$params);
        } catch(APIErrorException $ex) {
            $this->fail($ex->getCode(), $ex->getMessage(), $object, $method);
        $result = json_encode([
            "response" => $res,
        $size = strlen($result);
        header("Content-Type: application/json");
        header("Content-Length: $size");
    function renderTokenLogin(): void
        if($this->requestParam("grant_type") !== "password")
            $this->fail(7, "Invalid grant type", "internal", "acquireToken");
        else if(is_null($this->requestParam("username")) || is_null($this->requestParam("password")))
            $this->fail(100, "Password and username not passed", "internal", "acquireToken");
        $chUser = DB::i()->getContext()->table("ChandlerUsers")->where("login", $this->requestParam("username"))->fetch();
            $this->fail(28, "Invalid username or password", "internal", "acquireToken");
        $auth = Authenticator::i();
        if(!$auth->verifyCredentials($chUser->id, $this->requestParam("password")))
            $this->fail(28, "Invalid username or password", "internal", "acquireToken");
        $uId  = $chUser->related("profiles.user")->fetch()->id;
        $user = (new Users)->get($uId);

        $code = $this->requestParam("code");
        if($user->is2faEnabled() && !($code === (new Totp)->GenerateToken(Base32::decode($user->get2faSecret())) || $user->use2faBackupCode((int) $code))) {
            if($this->requestParam("2fa_supported") == "1")
                $this->fail(28, "Invalid 2FA code", "internal", "acquireToken");
        $token        = NULL;
        $tokenIsStale = true;
        $platform     = $this->requestParam("client_name");
        $acceptsStale = $this->requestParam("accepts_stale");
        if($acceptsStale == "1") {
                $this->fail(101, "accepts_stale can only be used with explicitly set client_name", "internal", "acquireToken");
            $token = (new APITokens)->getStaleByUser($uId, $platform);
        if(is_null($token)) {
            $tokenIsStale = false;
            $token = new APIToken;
            $token->setPlatform($platform ?? (new WhichBrowser\Parser(getallheaders()))->toString());
        $payload = json_encode([
            "access_token" => $token->getFormattedToken(),
            "expires_in"   => 0,
            "user_id"      => $uId,
            "is_stale"     => $tokenIsStale,
        $size = strlen($payload);
        header("Content-Type: application/json");
        header("Content-Length: $size");
    function renderOAuthLogin() {
        $client  = $this->queryParam("client_name");
        $postmsg = $this->queryParam("prefers_postMessage") ?? '0';
        $stale   = $this->queryParam("accepts_stale") ?? '0';
        $origin  = NULL;
        $url     = $this->queryParam("redirect_uri");
        if(is_null($url) || is_null($client))
            exit("<b>Error:</b> redirect_uri and client_name params are required.");
        if($url != "about:blank") {
            if(!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
                exit("<b>Error:</b> Invalid URL passed to redirect_uri.");
            $parsedUrl = (object) parse_url($url);
            if($parsedUrl->scheme != 'https' && $parsedUrl->scheme != 'http')
                exit("<b>Error:</b> redirect_uri should either point to about:blank or to a web resource.");
            $origin = "$parsedUrl->scheme://$parsedUrl->host";
            if(!is_null($parsedUrl->port ?? NULL))
                $origin .= ":$parsedUrl->port";
            $url .= strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';
        } else {
            $url .= "#";
            if($postmsg == '1') {
                exit("<b>Error:</b> prefers_postMessage can only be set if redirect_uri is not about:blank");
        $this->template->clientName     = $client;
        $this->template->usePostMessage = $postmsg == '1';
        $this->template->acceptsStale   = $stale == '1';
        $this->template->origin         = $origin;
        $this->template->redirectUri    = $url;