<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE latte PUBLIC "-//LATTE//Latte plugin XML V0.0.1//EN" "Latte.dtd"> <latte vendor="latte" version="1"> <tags> <tag name="_" type="AUTO_EMPTY" allowedFilters="true"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="=" type="UNPAIRED" allowedFilters="true"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="block" type="AUTO_EMPTY" allowedFilters="true" multiLine="true"> <arguments> <argument name="name" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="breakIf" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="condition" types="PHP_CONDITION" validType="bool" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="capture" type="PAIR" allowedFilters="true" multiLine="true"> <arguments> <argument name="variable" types="VARIABLE_DEFINITION" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="case" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="condition" types="PHP_CONDITION" required="true" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="catch" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="condition" types="PHP_CONDITION" validType="bool" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="contentType" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="content-type" types="CONTENT_TYPE" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="continueIf" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="condition" types="PHP_CONDITION" validType="bool" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="debugbreak" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="default" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="variable" types="VARIABLE_DEFINITION_EXPRESSION" required="true" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="define" type="PAIR" multiLine="true"> <arguments> <argument name="name" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION" required="true" /> <argument name="variable" types="VARIABLE_DEFINITION_ITEM" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="do" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="dump" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="else" type="UNPAIRED_ATTR" /> <tag name="elseif" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="condition" types="PHP_CONDITION" validType="bool" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="elseifset" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="var" types="VARIABLE,BLOCK" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="extends" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="file" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION,NONE" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="first" type="PAIR"> <arguments> <argument name="width" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="int" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="for" type="PAIR" arguments="initialization; condition; afterthought" multiLine="true" /> <tag name="foreach" type="PAIR" arguments="expression as [$key =>] $value" allowedFilters="true" multiLine="true" /> <tag name="if" type="PAIR"> <arguments> <argument name="condition" types="PHP_CONDITION" validType="bool" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="ifset" type="PAIR"> <arguments> <argument name="var" types="VARIABLE,BLOCK,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="import" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="file" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="include" type="UNPAIRED" allowedFilters="true"> <arguments> <argument name="file" types="BLOCK,IDENTIFIER,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> <argument name="arguments" types="KEY_VALUE" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="includeblock" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="file" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="l" type="UNPAIRED" /> <tag name="last" type="PAIR"> <arguments> <argument name="width" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="int" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="layout" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="file" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION,NONE" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="class" type="ATTR_ONLY" arguments="class" /> <tag name="attr" type="ATTR_ONLY" arguments="attr" /> <tag name="ifcontent" type="ATTR_ONLY" /> <tag name="php" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="r" type="UNPAIRED" /> <tag name="sandbox" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="file" types="BLOCK,PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> <argument name="key-value" types="KEY_VALUE" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="sep" type="PAIR"> <arguments> <argument name="width" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="int" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="snippet" type="PAIR" multiLine="true"> <arguments> <argument name="name" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="snippetArea" type="PAIR" multiLine="true"> <arguments> <argument name="name" types="PHP_IDENTIFIER,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="spaceless" type="PAIR" /> <tag name="switch" type="PAIR" multiLine="true"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="syntax" type="PAIR" arguments="off | double | latte" multiLine="true" /> <tag name="templatePrint" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="class-name" types="PHP_CLASS_NAME" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="templateType" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="class-name" types="PHP_CLASS_NAME" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="try" type="PAIR" /> <tag name="rollback" type="UNPAIRED" /> <tag name="tag" type="ATTR_ONLY"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" required="true" validType="string" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="ifchanged" type="PAIR"> <arguments> <argument name="expression" types="PHP_EXPRESSION" required="true" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="skipIf" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="condition" types="PHP_CONDITION" validType="bool" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="var" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="variable" types="VARIABLE_DEFINITION_EXPRESSION" required="true" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="trace" type="UNPAIRED" /> <tag name="varPrint" type="UNPAIRED" arguments="all" /> <tag name="varType" type="UNPAIRED"> <arguments> <argument name="file" types="PHP_TYPE" required="true" /> <argument name="variable" types="VARIABLE_DEFINITION" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="while" type="PAIR" multiLine="true"> <arguments> <argument name="condition" types="PHP_CONDITION" validType="bool" required="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <tag name="iterateWhile" type="PAIR" multiLine="true" /> <tag name="embed" type="PAIR" multiLine="true"> <arguments> <argument name="file" types="BLOCK_USAGE,PHP_IDENTIFIER,VARIABLE,PHP_EXPRESSION" validType="string" required="true" /> <argument name="key-value" types="KEY_VALUE" repeatable="true" /> </arguments> </tag> <!-- @deprecated - latte --> <tag name="assign" type="UNPAIRED" arguments="$variable = expr" /> <tag name="truncate" type="UNPAIRED" arguments="expression" deprecatedMessage="Tag {? ...} is deprecated in Latte 2.4. For variable definitions use {var ...} or {php ...} in other cases." /> </tags> <filters> <filter name="truncate" arguments=":($length, $append = '…')" description="shortens the length preserving whole words" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="substr" arguments=":($offset [, $length])" description="returns part of the string" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="trim" arguments=":($charset = mezery)" description="strips whitespace or other characters from the beginning and end of the string" /> <filter name="stripHtml" arguments="" description="removes HTML tags and converts HTML entities to text" /> <filter name="strip" arguments="" description="removes whitespace" /> <filter name="indent" arguments=":($level = 1, $char = '\t')" description="indents the text from left with number of tabs" /> <filter name="replace" arguments=":($search, $replace = '')" description="replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="replaceRE" arguments=":($pattern, $replace = '')" description="replaces all occurrences according to regular expression" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="padLeft" arguments=":($length, $pad = ' ')" description="completes the string to given length from left" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="padRight" arguments=":($length, $pad = ' ')" description="completes the string to given length from right" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="repeat" arguments=":($count)" description="repeats the string" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="implode" arguments=":($glue = '')" description="joins an array to a string" /> <filter name="webalize" description="adjusts the UTF-8 string to the shape used in the URL" /> <filter name="breaklines" description="inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines" /> <filter name="reverse" description="reverse an UTF-8 string or array" /> <filter name="length" description="returns length of a string or array" /> <filter name="sort" description="simply sorts array" /> <filter name="reverse" description="array sorted in reverse order (used with |sort)" /> <filter name="batch" arguments=":($array, $length [, $item])" description="returns length of a string or array" insertColons="::" /> <filter name="clamp" description="returns value clamped to the inclusive range of min and max." insertColons="::" /> <filter name="lower" description="makes a string lower case" /> <filter name="upper" description="makes a string upper case" /> <filter name="firstUpper" description="makes the first letter upper case" /> <filter name="capitalize" description="lower case, the first letter of each word upper case" /> <filter name="date" arguments=":($format)" description="formats date" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="number" arguments=":($decimals = 0, $decPoint = '.', $thousandsSep = ',')" description="format number" /> <filter name="bytes" arguments=":($precision = 2)" description="formats size in bytes" /> <filter name="dataStream" arguments=":($mimetype = 'detect')" description="Data URI protocol conversion" /> <filter name="noescape" description="prints a variable without escaping" /> <filter name="escapeurl" description="escapes parameter in URL" /> <filter name="nocheck" description="prevents automatic URL sanitization" /> <filter name="checkurl" description="sanitizes string for use inside href attribute" /> <filter name="query" description="generates a query string in the URL" /> <filter name="ceil" arguments=":(int $precision = 0)" description="rounds a number up to a given precision" /> <filter name="explode" arguments=":(string $separator = '')" description="splits a string by the given delimiter" /> <filter name="first" description="returns first element of array or character of string" /> <filter name="floor" arguments=":(int $precision = 0)" description="rounds a number down to a given precision" /> <filter name="join" arguments=":(string $glue = '')" description="joins an array to a string" /> <filter name="last" description="returns last element of array or character of string" /> <filter name="random" description="returns random element of array or character of string" /> <filter name="round" arguments=":(int $precision = 0)" description="rounds a number to a given precision" /> <filter name="slice" arguments=":(int $start, int $length = null, bool $preserveKeys = false)" description="extracts a slice of an array or a string" insertColons=":" /> <filter name="spaceless" description="removes whitespace" /> <filter name="split" arguments=":(string $separator = '')" description="splits a string by the given delimiter" /> </filters> <functions> <function name="clamp" returnType="int|float" arguments="(int|float $value, int|float $min, int|float $max)" description="clamps value to the inclusive range of min and max" /> <function name="divisibleBy" returnType="bool" arguments="(int $value)" description="checks if a variable is divisible by a number" /> <function name="even" returnType="bool" arguments="(int $value)" description="checks if the given number is even" /> <function name="first" returnType="mixed" arguments="(string|array $value)" description="returns first element of array or character of string" /> <function name="last" returnType="mixed" arguments="(string|array $value)" description="returns last element of array or character of string" /> <function name="odd" returnType="bool" arguments="(int $value)" description="checks if the given number is odd" /> <function name="slice" returnType="string|array" arguments="(string|array $value, int $start, int $length = null, bool $preserveKeys = false)" description="extracts a slice of an array or a string" /> </functions> </latte>