## @section Global parameters ## Global Docker image parameters ## Please, note that this will override the image parameters, including dependencies, configured to use the global value ## Current available global Docker image parameters: imageRegistry, imagePullSecrets and storageClass ## @param global.imageRegistry Global Docker image registry ## @param global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array ## @param global.storageClass Global StorageClass for Persistent Volume(s) ## global: imageRegistry: "" ## E.g. ## imagePullSecrets: ## - myRegistryKeySecretName ## imagePullSecrets: [] storageClass: "" ## @section Common parameters ## @param kubeVersion Override Kubernetes version ## kubeVersion: "" ## @param nameOverride String to partially override common.names.fullname ## nameOverride: "" ## @param fullnameOverride String to fully override common.names.fullname ## fullnameOverride: "" ## @param clusterDomain Default Kubernetes cluster domain ## clusterDomain: cluster.local ## @param commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects ## commonLabels: {} ## @param commonAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects ## commonAnnotations: {} ## @param extraDeploy Array of extra objects to deploy with the release ## extraDeploy: [] ## Enable diagnostic mode in the statefulset ## diagnosticMode: ## @param diagnosticMode.enabled Enable diagnostic mode (all probes will be disabled and the command will be overridden) ## enabled: false ## @param diagnosticMode.command Command to override all containers in the statefulset ## command: - sleep ## @param diagnosticMode.args Args to override all containers in the statefulset ## args: - infinity ## @section Kafka parameters ## Bitnami Kafka image version ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/kafka/tags/ ## @param image.registry Kafka image registry ## @param image.repository Kafka image repository ## @param image.tag Kafka image tag (immutable tags are recommended) ## @param image.digest Kafka image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag ## @param image.pullPolicy Kafka image pull policy ## @param image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array ## @param image.debug Specify if debug values should be set ## image: registry: docker.io repository: bitnami/kafka tag: 3.2.3-debian-11-r1 digest: "" ## Specify a imagePullPolicy ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent' ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#pre-pulling-images ## pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets. ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ ## e.g: ## pullSecrets: ## - myRegistryKeySecretName ## pullSecrets: [] ## Set to true if you would like to see extra information on logs ## debug: false ## @param config Configuration file for Kafka. Auto-generated based on other parameters when not specified ## Specify content for server.properties ## NOTE: This will override any KAFKA_CFG_ environment variables (including those set by the chart) ## The server.properties is auto-generated based on other parameters when this parameter is not specified ## e.g: ## config: |- ## broker.id=-1 ## listeners=PLAINTEXT://:9092 ## advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://KAFKA_IP:9092 ## num.network.threads=3 ## num.io.threads=8 ## socket.send.buffer.bytes=102400 ## socket.receive.buffer.bytes=102400 ## socket.request.max.bytes=104857600 ## log.dirs=/bitnami/kafka/data ## num.partitions=1 ## num.recovery.threads.per.data.dir=1 ## offsets.topic.replication.factor=1 ## transaction.state.log.replication.factor=1 ## transaction.state.log.min.isr=1 ## log.flush.interval.messages=10000 ## log.flush.interval.ms=1000 ## log.retention.hours=168 ## log.retention.bytes=1073741824 ## log.segment.bytes=1073741824 ## log.retention.check.interval.ms=300000 ## zookeeper.connect=ZOOKEEPER_SERVICE_NAME ## zookeeper.connection.timeout.ms=6000 ## group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms=0 ## config: "" ## @param existingConfigmap ConfigMap with Kafka Configuration ## NOTE: This will override `config` AND any KAFKA_CFG_ environment variables ## existingConfigmap: "" ## @param log4j An optional log4j.properties file to overwrite the default of the Kafka brokers ## An optional log4j.properties file to overwrite the default of the Kafka brokers ## ref: https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/config/log4j.properties ## log4j: "" ## @param existingLog4jConfigMap The name of an existing ConfigMap containing a log4j.properties file ## The name of an existing ConfigMap containing a log4j.properties file ## NOTE: this will override `log4j` ## existingLog4jConfigMap: "" ## @param heapOpts Kafka Java Heap size ## heapOpts: -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m ## @param deleteTopicEnable Switch to enable topic deletion or not ## deleteTopicEnable: false ## @param autoCreateTopicsEnable Switch to enable auto creation of topics. Enabling auto creation of topics not recommended for production or similar environments ## autoCreateTopicsEnable: true ## @param logFlushIntervalMessages The number of messages to accept before forcing a flush of data to disk ## logFlushIntervalMessages: _10000 ## @param logFlushIntervalMs The maximum amount of time a message can sit in a log before we force a flush ## logFlushIntervalMs: 1000 ## @param logRetentionBytes A size-based retention policy for logs ## logRetentionBytes: _1073741824 ## @param logRetentionCheckIntervalMs The interval at which log segments are checked to see if they can be deleted ## logRetentionCheckIntervalMs: 300000 ## @param logRetentionHours The minimum age of a log file to be eligible for deletion due to age ## logRetentionHours: 168 ## @param logSegmentBytes The maximum size of a log segment file. When this size is reached a new log segment will be created ## logSegmentBytes: _1073741824 ## @param logsDirs A comma separated list of directories in which kafka's log data is kept ## ref: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#brokerconfigs_log.dirs logsDirs: /bitnami/kafka/data ## @param maxMessageBytes The largest record batch size allowed by Kafka ## maxMessageBytes: _1000012 ## @param defaultReplicationFactor Default replication factors for automatically created topics ## defaultReplicationFactor: 1 ## @param offsetsTopicReplicationFactor The replication factor for the offsets topic ## offsetsTopicReplicationFactor: 1 ## @param transactionStateLogReplicationFactor The replication factor for the transaction topic ## transactionStateLogReplicationFactor: 1 ## @param transactionStateLogMinIsr Overridden min.insync.replicas config for the transaction topic ## transactionStateLogMinIsr: 1 ## @param numIoThreads The number of threads doing disk I/O ## numIoThreads: 8 ## @param numNetworkThreads The number of threads handling network requests ## numNetworkThreads: 3 ## @param numPartitions The default number of log partitions per topic ## numPartitions: 1 ## @param numRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir The number of threads per data directory to be used for log recovery at startup and flushing at shutdown ## numRecoveryThreadsPerDataDir: 1 ## @param socketReceiveBufferBytes The receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) used by the socket server ## socketReceiveBufferBytes: 102400 ## @param socketRequestMaxBytes The maximum size of a request that the socket server will accept (protection against OOM) ## socketRequestMaxBytes: _104857600 ## @param socketSendBufferBytes The send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) used by the socket server ## socketSendBufferBytes: 102400 ## @param zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs Timeout in ms for connecting to ZooKeeper ## zookeeperConnectionTimeoutMs: 6000 ## @param zookeeperChrootPath Path which puts data under some path in the global ZooKeeper namespace ## ref: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#brokerconfigs_zookeeper.connect ## zookeeperChrootPath: "" ## @param authorizerClassName The Authorizer is configured by setting authorizer.class.name=kafka.security.authorizer.AclAuthorizer in server.properties ## authorizerClassName: "" ## @param allowEveryoneIfNoAclFound By default, if a resource has no associated ACLs, then no one is allowed to access that resource except super users ## allowEveryoneIfNoAclFound: true ## @param superUsers You can add super users in server.properties ## superUsers: User:admin ## Authentication parameters ## https://github.com/bitnami/containers/tree/main/bitnami/kafka#security ## auth: ## Authentication protocol for client and inter-broker communications ## This table shows the security provided on each protocol: ## | Method | Authentication | Encryption via TLS | ## | plaintext | None | No | ## | tls | None | Yes | ## | mtls | Yes (two-way authentication) | Yes | ## | sasl | Yes (via SASL) | No | ## | sasl_tls | Yes (via SASL) | Yes | ## @param auth.clientProtocol Authentication protocol for communications with clients. Allowed protocols: `plaintext`, `tls`, `mtls`, `sasl` and `sasl_tls` ## @param auth.externalClientProtocol Authentication protocol for communications with external clients. Defaults to value of `auth.clientProtocol`. Allowed protocols: `plaintext`, `tls`, `mtls`, `sasl` and `sasl_tls` ## @param auth.interBrokerProtocol Authentication protocol for inter-broker communications. Allowed protocols: `plaintext`, `tls`, `mtls`, `sasl` and `sasl_tls` ## clientProtocol: plaintext # Note: empty by default for backwards compatibility reasons, find more information at # https://github.com/bitnami/charts/pull/8902/ externalClientProtocol: "" interBrokerProtocol: plaintext ## SASL configuration ## sasl: ## @param auth.sasl.mechanisms SASL mechanisms when either `auth.interBrokerProtocol`, `auth.clientProtocol` or `auth.externalClientProtocol` are `sasl`. Allowed types: `plain`, `scram-sha-256`, `scram-sha-512` ## mechanisms: plain,scram-sha-256,scram-sha-512 ## @param auth.sasl.interBrokerMechanism SASL mechanism for inter broker communication. ## interBrokerMechanism: plain ## JAAS configuration for SASL authentication. ## jaas: ## @param auth.sasl.jaas.clientUsers Kafka client user list ## ## clientUsers: ## - user1 ## - user2 ## clientUsers: - user ## @param auth.sasl.jaas.clientPasswords Kafka client passwords. This is mandatory if more than one user is specified in clientUsers ## ## clientPasswords: ## - password1 ## - password2" ## clientPasswords: [] ## @param auth.sasl.jaas.interBrokerUser Kafka inter broker communication user for SASL authentication ## interBrokerUser: admin ## @param auth.sasl.jaas.interBrokerPassword Kafka inter broker communication password for SASL authentication ## interBrokerPassword: "" ## @param auth.sasl.jaas.zookeeperUser Kafka ZooKeeper user for SASL authentication ## zookeeperUser: "" ## @param auth.sasl.jaas.zookeeperPassword Kafka ZooKeeper password for SASL authentication ## zookeeperPassword: "" ## @param auth.sasl.jaas.existingSecret Name of the existing secret containing credentials for clientUsers, interBrokerUser and zookeeperUser ## Create this secret running the command below where SECRET_NAME is the name of the secret you want to create: ## kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME --from-literal=client-passwords=CLIENT_PASSWORD1,CLIENT_PASSWORD2 --from-literal=inter-broker-password=INTER_BROKER_PASSWORD --from-literal=zookeeper-password=ZOOKEEPER_PASSWORD ## existingSecret: "" ## TLS configuration ## tls: ## @param auth.tls.type Format to use for TLS certificates. Allowed types: `jks` and `pem` ## type: jks ## @param auth.tls.pemChainIncluded Flag to denote that the Certificate Authority (CA) certificates are bundled with the endpoint cert. ## Certificates must be in proper order, where the top certificate is the leaf and the bottom certificate is the top-most intermediate CA. ## pemChainIncluded: false ## @param auth.tls.existingSecrets Array existing secrets containing the TLS certificates for the Kafka brokers ## When using 'jks' format for certificates, each secret should contain a truststore and a keystore. ## Create these secrets following the steps below: ## 1) Generate your truststore and keystore files. Helpful script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/confluentinc/confluent-platform-security-tools/master/kafka-generate-ssl.sh ## 2) Rename your truststore to `kafka.truststore.jks`. ## 3) Rename your keystores to `kafka-X.keystore.jks` where X is the ID of each Kafka broker. ## 4) Run the command below one time per broker to create its associated secret (SECRET_NAME_X is the name of the secret you want to create): ## kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME_0 --from-file=kafka.truststore.jks=./kafka.truststore.jks --from-file=kafka.keystore.jks=./kafka-0.keystore.jks ## kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME_1 --from-file=kafka.truststore.jks=./kafka.truststore.jks --from-file=kafka.keystore.jks=./kafka-1.keystore.jks ## ... ## ## When using 'pem' format for certificates, each secret should contain a public CA certificate, a public certificate and one private key. ## Create these secrets following the steps below: ## 1) Create a certificate key and signing request per Kafka broker, and sign the signing request with your CA ## 2) Rename your CA file to `kafka.ca.crt`. ## 3) Rename your certificates to `kafka-X.tls.crt` where X is the ID of each Kafka broker. ## 3) Rename your keys to `kafka-X.tls.key` where X is the ID of each Kafka broker. ## 4) Run the command below one time per broker to create its associated secret (SECRET_NAME_X is the name of the secret you want to create): ## kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME_0 --from-file=ca.crt=./kafka.ca.crt --from-file=tls.crt=./kafka-0.tls.crt --from-file=tls.key=./kafka-0.tls.key ## kubectl create secret generic SECRET_NAME_1 --from-file=ca.crt=./kafka.ca.crt --from-file=tls.crt=./kafka-1.tls.crt --from-file=tls.key=./kafka-1.tls.key ## ... ## existingSecrets: [] ## @param auth.tls.autoGenerated Generate automatically self-signed TLS certificates for Kafka brokers. Currently only supported if `auth.tls.type` is `pem` ## Note: ignored when using 'jks' format or `auth.tls.existingSecrets` is not empty ## autoGenerated: false ## @param auth.tls.password Password to access the JKS files or PEM key when they are password-protected. ## Note: ignored when using 'existingSecret'. ## password: "" ## @param auth.tls.existingSecret Name of the secret containing the password to access the JKS files or PEM key when they are password-protected. (`key`: `password`) ## existingSecret: "" ## @param auth.tls.jksTruststoreSecret Name of the existing secret containing your truststore if truststore not existing or different from the ones in the `auth.tls.existingSecrets` ## Note: ignored when using 'pem' format for certificates. ## jksTruststoreSecret: "" ## @param auth.tls.jksKeystoreSAN The secret key from the `auth.tls.existingSecrets` containing the keystore with a SAN certificate ## The SAN certificate in it should be issued with Subject Alternative Names for all headless services: ## - kafka-0.kafka-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local ## - kafka-1.kafka-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local ## - kafka-2.kafka-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local ## Note: ignored when using 'pem' format for certificates. ## jksKeystoreSAN: "" ## @param auth.tls.jksTruststore The secret key from the `auth.tls.existingSecrets` or `auth.tls.jksTruststoreSecret` containing the truststore ## Note: ignored when using 'pem' format for certificates. ## jksTruststore: "" ## @param auth.tls.endpointIdentificationAlgorithm The endpoint identification algorithm to validate server hostname using server certificate ## Disable server host name verification by setting it to an empty string. ## ref: https://docs.confluent.io/current/kafka/authentication_ssl.html#optional-settings ## endpointIdentificationAlgorithm: https ## Zookeeper client configuration for kafka brokers ## zookeeper: ## TLS configuration ## tls: ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.enabled Enable TLS for Zookeeper client connections. ## enabled: false ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.type Format to use for TLS certificates. Allowed types: `jks` and `pem`. ## type: jks ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.verifyHostname Hostname validation. ## verifyHostname: true ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.existingSecret Name of the existing secret containing the TLS certificates for ZooKeeper client communications. ## existingSecret: "" ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.existingSecretKeystoreKey The secret key from the auth.zookeeper.tls.existingSecret containing the Keystore. ## existingSecretKeystoreKey: zookeeper.keystore.jks ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.existingSecretTruststoreKey The secret key from the auth.zookeeper.tls.existingSecret containing the Truststore. ## existingSecretTruststoreKey: zookeeper.truststore.jks ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.passwordsSecret Existing secret containing Keystore and Truststore passwords. ## passwordsSecret: "" ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.passwordsSecretKeystoreKey The secret key from the auth.zookeeper.tls.passwordsSecret containing the password for the Keystore. ## passwordsSecretKeystoreKey: keystore-password ## @param auth.zookeeper.tls.passwordsSecretTruststoreKey The secret key from the auth.zookeeper.tls.passwordsSecret containing the password for the Truststore. ## passwordsSecretTruststoreKey: truststore-password ## @param listeners The address(es) the socket server listens on. Auto-calculated it's set to an empty array ## When it's set to an empty array, the listeners will be configured ## based on the authentication protocols (auth.clientProtocol, auth.externalClientProtocol and auth.interBrokerProtocol parameters) ## listeners: [] ## @param advertisedListeners The address(es) (hostname:port) the broker will advertise to producers and consumers. Auto-calculated it's set to an empty array ## When it's set to an empty array, the advertised listeners will be configured ## based on the authentication protocols (auth.clientProtocol, auth.externalClientProtocol and auth.interBrokerProtocol parameters) ## advertisedListeners: [] ## @param listenerSecurityProtocolMap The protocol->listener mapping. Auto-calculated it's set to nil ## When it's nil, the listeners will be configured based on the authentication protocols (auth.clientProtocol, auth.externalClientProtocol and auth.interBrokerProtocol parameters) ## listenerSecurityProtocolMap: "" ## @param allowPlaintextListener Allow to use the PLAINTEXT listener ## allowPlaintextListener: true ## @param interBrokerListenerName The listener that the brokers should communicate on ## interBrokerListenerName: INTERNAL ## @param command Override Kafka container command ## command: - /scripts/setup.sh ## @param args Override Kafka container arguments ## args: [] ## @param extraEnvVars Extra environment variables to add to Kafka pods ## ref: https://github.com/bitnami/containers/tree/main/bitnami/kafka#configuration ## e.g: ## extraEnvVars: ## - name: KAFKA_CFG_BACKGROUND_THREADS ## value: "10" ## extraEnvVars: [] ## @param extraEnvVarsCM ConfigMap with extra environment variables ## extraEnvVarsCM: "" ## @param extraEnvVarsSecret Secret with extra environment variables ## extraEnvVarsSecret: "" ## @section Statefulset parameters ## @param replicaCount Number of Kafka nodes ## replicaCount: 1 ## @param minBrokerId Minimal broker.id value, nodes increment their `broker.id` respectively ## Brokers increment their ID starting at this minimal value. ## E.g., with `minBrokerId=100` and 3 nodes, IDs will be 100, 101, 102 for brokers 0, 1, and 2, respectively. ## minBrokerId: 0 ## @param containerPorts.client Kafka client container port ## @param containerPorts.internal Kafka inter-broker container port ## @param containerPorts.external Kafka external container port ## containerPorts: client: 9092 internal: 9093 external: 9094 ## Configure extra options for Kafka containers' liveness, readiness and startup probes ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/#configure-probes ## @param livenessProbe.enabled Enable livenessProbe on Kafka containers ## @param livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for livenessProbe ## @param livenessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for livenessProbe ## @param livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for livenessProbe ## @param livenessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for livenessProbe ## @param livenessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for livenessProbe ## livenessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 3 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 ## @param readinessProbe.enabled Enable readinessProbe on Kafka containers ## @param readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for readinessProbe ## @param readinessProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for readinessProbe ## @param readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for readinessProbe ## @param readinessProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for readinessProbe ## @param readinessProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for readinessProbe ## readinessProbe: enabled: true initialDelaySeconds: 5 failureThreshold: 6 timeoutSeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 ## @param startupProbe.enabled Enable startupProbe on Kafka containers ## @param startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay seconds for startupProbe ## @param startupProbe.periodSeconds Period seconds for startupProbe ## @param startupProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout seconds for startupProbe ## @param startupProbe.failureThreshold Failure threshold for startupProbe ## @param startupProbe.successThreshold Success threshold for startupProbe ## startupProbe: enabled: false initialDelaySeconds: 30 periodSeconds: 10 timeoutSeconds: 1 failureThreshold: 15 successThreshold: 1 ## @param customLivenessProbe Custom livenessProbe that overrides the default one ## customLivenessProbe: {} ## @param customReadinessProbe Custom readinessProbe that overrides the default one ## customReadinessProbe: {} ## @param customStartupProbe Custom startupProbe that overrides the default one ## customStartupProbe: {} ## @param lifecycleHooks lifecycleHooks for the Kafka container to automate configuration before or after startup ## lifecycleHooks: {} ## Kafka resource requests and limits ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## @param resources.limits The resources limits for the container ## @param resources.requests The requested resources for the container ## resources: limits: {} requests: {} ## Kafka pods' Security Context ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod ## @param podSecurityContext.enabled Enable security context for the pods ## @param podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set Kafka pod's Security Context fsGroup ## podSecurityContext: enabled: true fsGroup: 1001 ## Kafka containers' Security Context ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container ## @param containerSecurityContext.enabled Enable Kafka containers' Security Context ## @param containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Kafka containers' Security Context runAsUser ## @param containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set Kafka containers' Security Context runAsNonRoot ## @param containerSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation Force the child process to be run as nonprivilege ## e.g: ## containerSecurityContext: ## enabled: true ## capabilities: ## drop: ["NET_RAW"] ## readOnlyRootFilesystem: true ## containerSecurityContext: enabled: true runAsUser: 1001 runAsNonRoot: true allowPrivilegeEscalation: false ## @param hostAliases Kafka pods host aliases ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/add-entries-to-pod-etc-hosts-with-host-aliases/ ## hostAliases: [] ## @param hostNetwork Specify if host network should be enabled for Kafka pods ## hostNetwork: false ## @param hostIPC Specify if host IPC should be enabled for Kafka pods ## hostIPC: false ## @param podLabels Extra labels for Kafka pods ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ ## podLabels: {} ## @param podAnnotations Extra annotations for Kafka pods ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/ ## podAnnotations: {} ## @param podAffinityPreset Pod affinity preset. Ignored if `affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard` ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity ## podAffinityPreset: "" ## @param podAntiAffinityPreset Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if `affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard` ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity ## podAntiAffinityPreset: soft ## Node affinity preset ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#node-affinity ## nodeAffinityPreset: ## @param nodeAffinityPreset.type Node affinity preset type. Ignored if `affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard` ## type: "" ## @param nodeAffinityPreset.key Node label key to match Ignored if `affinity` is set. ## E.g. ## key: "kubernetes.io/e2e-az-name" ## key: "" ## @param nodeAffinityPreset.values Node label values to match. Ignored if `affinity` is set. ## E.g. ## values: ## - e2e-az1 ## - e2e-az2 ## values: [] ## @param affinity Affinity for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity ## Note: podAffinityPreset, podAntiAffinityPreset, and nodeAffinityPreset will be ignored when it's set ## affinity: {} ## @param nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## @param tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## @param topologySpreadConstraints Topology Spread Constraints for pod assignment spread across your cluster among failure-domains. Evaluated as a template ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/#spread-constraints-for-pods ## topologySpreadConstraints: [] ## @param terminationGracePeriodSeconds Seconds the pod needs to gracefully terminate ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/container-lifecycle-hooks/#hook-handler-execution ## terminationGracePeriodSeconds: "" ## @param podManagementPolicy StatefulSet controller supports relax its ordering guarantees while preserving its uniqueness and identity guarantees. There are two valid pod management policies: OrderedReady and Parallel ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/stateful-application/basic-stateful-set/#pod-management-policy ## podManagementPolicy: Parallel ## @param priorityClassName Name of the existing priority class to be used by kafka pods ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/ ## priorityClassName: "" ## @param schedulerName Name of the k8s scheduler (other than default) ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/ ## schedulerName: "" ## @param updateStrategy.type Kafka statefulset strategy type ## @param updateStrategy.rollingUpdate Kafka statefulset rolling update configuration parameters ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#update-strategies ## updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate rollingUpdate: {} ## @param extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for the Kafka pod(s) ## e.g: ## extraVolumes: ## - name: kafka-jaas ## secret: ## secretName: kafka-jaas ## extraVolumes: [] ## @param extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for the Kafka container(s) ## extraVolumeMounts: ## - name: kafka-jaas ## mountPath: /bitnami/kafka/config/kafka_jaas.conf ## subPath: kafka_jaas.conf ## extraVolumeMounts: [] ## @param sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the Kafka pod(s) ## e.g: ## sidecars: ## - name: your-image-name ## image: your-image ## imagePullPolicy: Always ## ports: ## - name: portname ## containerPort: 1234 ## sidecars: [] ## @param initContainers Add additional Add init containers to the Kafka pod(s) ## e.g: ## initContainers: ## - name: your-image-name ## image: your-image ## imagePullPolicy: Always ## ports: ## - name: portname ## containerPort: 1234 ## initContainers: [] ## Kafka Pod Disruption Budget ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/disruptions/ ## @param pdb.create Deploy a pdb object for the Kafka pod ## @param pdb.minAvailable Maximum number/percentage of unavailable Kafka replicas ## @param pdb.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of unavailable Kafka replicas ## pdb: create: false minAvailable: "" maxUnavailable: 1 ## @section Traffic Exposure parameters ## Service parameters ## service: ## @param service.type Kubernetes Service type ## type: ClusterIP ## @param service.ports.client Kafka svc port for client connections ## @param service.ports.internal Kafka svc port for inter-broker connections ## @param service.ports.external Kafka svc port for external connections ## ports: client: 9092 internal: 9093 external: 9094 ## @param service.nodePorts.client Node port for the Kafka client connections ## @param service.nodePorts.external Node port for the Kafka external connections ## NOTE: choose port between <30000-32767> ## nodePorts: client: "" external: "" ## @param service.sessionAffinity Control where client requests go, to the same pod or round-robin ## Values: ClientIP or None ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/ ## sessionAffinity: None ## @param service.sessionAffinityConfig Additional settings for the sessionAffinity ## sessionAffinityConfig: ## clientIP: ## timeoutSeconds: 300 ## sessionAffinityConfig: {} ## @param service.clusterIP Kafka service Cluster IP ## e.g.: ## clusterIP: None ## clusterIP: "" ## @param service.loadBalancerIP Kafka service Load Balancer IP ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#type-loadbalancer ## loadBalancerIP: "" ## @param service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Kafka service Load Balancer sources ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-cloud-provider-firewall/#restrict-access-for-loadbalancer-service ## e.g: ## loadBalancerSourceRanges: ## - ## loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] ## @param service.externalTrafficPolicy Kafka service external traffic policy ## ref https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip ## externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ## @param service.annotations Additional custom annotations for Kafka service ## annotations: {} ## Headless service properties ## headless: ## @param service.headless.annotations Annotations for the headless service. ## annotations: {} ## @param service.headless.labels Labels for the headless service. ## labels: {} ## @param service.extraPorts Extra ports to expose in the Kafka service (normally used with the `sidecar` value) ## extraPorts: [] ## External Access to Kafka brokers configuration ## externalAccess: ## @param externalAccess.enabled Enable Kubernetes external cluster access to Kafka brokers ## enabled: false ## External IPs auto-discovery configuration ## An init container is used to auto-detect LB IPs or node ports by querying the K8s API ## Note: RBAC might be required ## autoDiscovery: ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.enabled Enable using an init container to auto-detect external IPs/ports by querying the K8s API ## enabled: false ## Bitnami Kubectl image ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/kubectl/tags/ ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image.registry Init container auto-discovery image registry ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image.repository Init container auto-discovery image repository ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image.tag Init container auto-discovery image tag (immutable tags are recommended) ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image.digest Petete image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image.pullPolicy Init container auto-discovery image pull policy ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.image.pullSecrets Init container auto-discovery image pull secrets ## image: registry: docker.io repository: bitnami/kubectl tag: 1.25.1-debian-11-r1 digest: "" ## Specify a imagePullPolicy ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent' ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#pre-pulling-images ## pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets (secrets must be manually created in the namespace) ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ ## e.g: ## pullSecrets: ## - myRegistryKeySecretName ## pullSecrets: [] ## Init Container resource requests and limits ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.resources.limits The resources limits for the auto-discovery init container ## @param externalAccess.autoDiscovery.resources.requests The requested resources for the auto-discovery init container ## resources: limits: {} requests: {} ## Parameters to configure K8s service(s) used to externally access Kafka brokers ## Note: A new service per broker will be created ## service: ## @param externalAccess.service.type Kubernetes Service type for external access. It can be NodePort, LoadBalancer or ClusterIP ## type: LoadBalancer ## @param externalAccess.service.ports.external Kafka port used for external access when service type is LoadBalancer ## ports: external: 9094 ## @param externalAccess.service.loadBalancerIPs Array of load balancer IPs for each Kafka broker. Length must be the same as replicaCount ## e.g: ## loadBalancerIPs: ## - X.X.X.X ## - Y.Y.Y.Y ## loadBalancerIPs: [] ## @param externalAccess.service.loadBalancerNames Array of load balancer Names for each Kafka broker. Length must be the same as replicaCount ## e.g: ## loadBalancerNames: ## - broker1.external.example.com ## - broker2.external.example.com ## loadBalancerNames: [] ## @param externalAccess.service.loadBalancerAnnotations Array of load balancer annotations for each Kafka broker. Length must be the same as replicaCount ## e.g: ## loadBalancerAnnotations: ## - external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: broker1.external.example.com. ## - external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: broker2.external.example.com. ## loadBalancerAnnotations: [] ## @param externalAccess.service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Address(es) that are allowed when service is LoadBalancer ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/configure-cloud-provider-firewall/#restrict-access-for-loadbalancer-service ## e.g: ## loadBalancerSourceRanges: ## - ## loadBalancerSourceRanges: [] ## @param externalAccess.service.nodePorts Array of node ports used for each Kafka broker. Length must be the same as replicaCount ## e.g: ## nodePorts: ## - 30001 ## - 30002 ## nodePorts: [] ## @param externalAccess.service.useHostIPs Use service host IPs to configure Kafka external listener when service type is NodePort ## useHostIPs: false ## @param externalAccess.service.usePodIPs using the MY_POD_IP address for external access. ## usePodIPs: false ## @param externalAccess.service.domain Domain or external ip used to configure Kafka external listener when service type is NodePort or ClusterIP ## NodePort: If not specified, the container will try to get the kubernetes node external IP ## ClusterIP: Must be specified, ingress IP or domain where tcp for external ports is configured ## domain: "" ## @param externalAccess.service.labels Service labels for external access ## labels: {} ## @param externalAccess.service.annotations Service annotations for external access ## annotations: {} ## @param externalAccess.service.extraPorts Extra ports to expose in the Kafka external service ## extraPorts: [] ## Network policies ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/ ## networkPolicy: ## @param networkPolicy.enabled Specifies whether a NetworkPolicy should be created ## enabled: false ## @param networkPolicy.allowExternal Don't require client label for connections ## When set to false, only pods with the correct client label will have network access to the port Kafka is ## listening on. When true, zookeeper accept connections from any source (with the correct destination port). ## allowExternal: true ## @param networkPolicy.explicitNamespacesSelector A Kubernetes LabelSelector to explicitly select namespaces from which traffic could be allowed ## If explicitNamespacesSelector is missing or set to {}, only client Pods that are in the networkPolicy's namespace ## and that match other criteria, the ones that have the good label, can reach the kafka. ## But sometimes, we want the kafka to be accessible to clients from other namespaces, in this case, we can use this ## LabelSelector to select these namespaces, note that the networkPolicy's namespace should also be explicitly added. ## ## e.g: ## explicitNamespacesSelector: ## matchLabels: ## role: frontend ## matchExpressions: ## - {key: role, operator: In, values: [frontend]} ## explicitNamespacesSelector: {} ## @param networkPolicy.externalAccess.from customize the from section for External Access on tcp-external port ## e.g: ## - ipBlock: ## cidr: ## except: ## - ## externalAccess: from: [] ## @param networkPolicy.egressRules.customRules [object] Custom network policy rule ## egressRules: ## Additional custom egress rules ## e.g: ## customRules: ## - to: ## - namespaceSelector: ## matchLabels: ## label: example customRules: [] ## @section Persistence parameters ## Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/ ## persistence: ## @param persistence.enabled Enable Kafka data persistence using PVC, note that ZooKeeper persistence is unaffected ## enabled: true ## @param persistence.existingClaim A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim ## If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ## The value is evaluated as a template ## existingClaim: "" ## @param persistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for Kafka data volume ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is ## set, choosing the default provisioner. ## storageClass: "" ## @param persistence.accessModes Persistent Volume Access Modes ## accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce ## @param persistence.size PVC Storage Request for Kafka data volume ## size: 8Gi ## @param persistence.annotations Annotations for the PVC ## annotations: {} ## @param persistence.labels Labels for the PVC ## labels: {} ## @param persistence.selector Selector to match an existing Persistent Volume for Kafka data PVC. If set, the PVC can't have a PV dynamically provisioned for it ## selector: ## matchLabels: ## app: my-app ## selector: {} ## @param persistence.mountPath Mount path of the Kafka data volume ## mountPath: /bitnami/kafka ## Log Persistence parameters ## logPersistence: ## @param logPersistence.enabled Enable Kafka logs persistence using PVC, note that ZooKeeper persistence is unaffected ## enabled: false ## @param logPersistence.existingClaim A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim ## If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound ## The value is evaluated as a template ## existingClaim: "" ## @param logPersistence.storageClass PVC Storage Class for Kafka logs volume ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is ## set, choosing the default provisioner. ## storageClass: "" ## @param logPersistence.accessModes Persistent Volume Access Modes ## accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce ## @param logPersistence.size PVC Storage Request for Kafka logs volume ## size: 8Gi ## @param logPersistence.annotations Annotations for the PVC ## annotations: {} ## @param logPersistence.selector Selector to match an existing Persistent Volume for Kafka log data PVC. If set, the PVC can't have a PV dynamically provisioned for it ## selector: ## matchLabels: ## app: my-app ## selector: {} ## @param logPersistence.mountPath Mount path of the Kafka logs volume ## mountPath: /opt/bitnami/kafka/logs ## @section Volume Permissions parameters ## ## Init containers parameters: ## volumePermissions: Change the owner and group of the persistent volume(s) mountpoint(s) to 'runAsUser:fsGroup' on each node ## volumePermissions: ## @param volumePermissions.enabled Enable init container that changes the owner and group of the persistent volume ## enabled: false ## @param volumePermissions.image.registry Init container volume-permissions image registry ## @param volumePermissions.image.repository Init container volume-permissions image repository ## @param volumePermissions.image.tag Init container volume-permissions image tag (immutable tags are recommended) ## @param volumePermissions.image.digest Init container volume-permissions image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag ## @param volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy Init container volume-permissions image pull policy ## @param volumePermissions.image.pullSecrets Init container volume-permissions image pull secrets ## image: registry: docker.io repository: bitnami/bitnami-shell tag: 11-debian-11-r37 digest: "" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets. ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace. ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ ## Example: ## pullSecrets: ## - myRegistryKeySecretName ## pullSecrets: [] ## Init container resource requests and limits ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## @param volumePermissions.resources.limits Init container volume-permissions resource limits ## @param volumePermissions.resources.requests Init container volume-permissions resource requests ## resources: limits: {} requests: {} ## Init container' Security Context ## Note: the chown of the data folder is done to containerSecurityContext.runAsUser ## and not the below volumePermissions.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser ## @param volumePermissions.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser User ID for the init container ## containerSecurityContext: runAsUser: 0 ## @section Other Parameters ## ServiceAccount for Kafka ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/ ## serviceAccount: ## @param serviceAccount.create Enable creation of ServiceAccount for Kafka pods ## create: true ## @param serviceAccount.name The name of the service account to use. If not set and `create` is `true`, a name is generated ## If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the kafka.serviceAccountName template ## name: "" ## @param serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Allows auto mount of ServiceAccountToken on the serviceAccount created ## Can be set to false if pods using this serviceAccount do not need to use K8s API ## automountServiceAccountToken: true ## @param serviceAccount.annotations Additional custom annotations for the ServiceAccount ## annotations: {} ## Role Based Access Control ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/authorization/rbac/ ## rbac: ## @param rbac.create Whether to create & use RBAC resources or not ## binding Kafka ServiceAccount to a role ## that allows Kafka pods querying the K8s API ## create: false ## @section Metrics parameters ## Prometheus Exporters / Metrics ## metrics: ## Prometheus Kafka exporter: exposes complimentary metrics to JMX exporter ## kafka: ## @param metrics.kafka.enabled Whether or not to create a standalone Kafka exporter to expose Kafka metrics ## enabled: false ## Bitnami Kafka exporter image ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/kafka-exporter/tags/ ## @param metrics.kafka.image.registry Kafka exporter image registry ## @param metrics.kafka.image.repository Kafka exporter image repository ## @param metrics.kafka.image.tag Kafka exporter image tag (immutable tags are recommended) ## @param metrics.kafka.image.digest Kafka exporter image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag ## @param metrics.kafka.image.pullPolicy Kafka exporter image pull policy ## @param metrics.kafka.image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array ## image: registry: docker.io repository: bitnami/kafka-exporter tag: 1.6.0-debian-11-r10 digest: "" ## Specify a imagePullPolicy ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent' ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#pre-pulling-images ## pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets (secrets must be manually created in the namespace) ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ ## e.g: ## pullSecrets: ## - myRegistryKeySecretName ## pullSecrets: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.certificatesSecret Name of the existing secret containing the optional certificate and key files ## for Kafka exporter client authentication ## certificatesSecret: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.tlsCert The secret key from the certificatesSecret if 'client-cert' key different from the default (cert-file) ## tlsCert: cert-file ## @param metrics.kafka.tlsKey The secret key from the certificatesSecret if 'client-key' key different from the default (key-file) ## tlsKey: key-file ## @param metrics.kafka.tlsCaSecret Name of the existing secret containing the optional ca certificate for Kafka exporter client authentication ## tlsCaSecret: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.tlsCaCert The secret key from the certificatesSecret or tlsCaSecret if 'ca-cert' key different from the default (ca-file) ## tlsCaCert: ca-file ## @param metrics.kafka.extraFlags Extra flags to be passed to Kafka exporter ## e.g: ## extraFlags: ## tls.insecure-skip-tls-verify: "" ## web.telemetry-path: "/metrics" ## extraFlags: {} ## @param metrics.kafka.command Override Kafka exporter container command ## command: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.args Override Kafka exporter container arguments ## args: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.containerPorts.metrics Kafka exporter metrics container port ## containerPorts: metrics: 9308 ## Kafka exporter resource requests and limits ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## @param metrics.kafka.resources.limits The resources limits for the container ## @param metrics.kafka.resources.requests The requested resources for the container ## resources: limits: {} requests: {} ## Kafka exporter pods' Security Context ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod ## @param metrics.kafka.podSecurityContext.enabled Enable security context for the pods ## @param metrics.kafka.podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set Kafka exporter pod's Security Context fsGroup ## podSecurityContext: enabled: true fsGroup: 1001 ## Kafka exporter containers' Security Context ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container ## @param metrics.kafka.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enable Kafka exporter containers' Security Context ## @param metrics.kafka.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Kafka exporter containers' Security Context runAsUser ## @param metrics.kafka.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set Kafka exporter containers' Security Context runAsNonRoot ## e.g: ## containerSecurityContext: ## enabled: true ## capabilities: ## drop: ["NET_RAW"] ## readOnlyRootFilesystem: true ## containerSecurityContext: enabled: true runAsUser: 1001 runAsNonRoot: true ## @param metrics.kafka.hostAliases Kafka exporter pods host aliases ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/add-entries-to-pod-etc-hosts-with-host-aliases/ ## hostAliases: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.podLabels Extra labels for Kafka exporter pods ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ ## podLabels: {} ## @param metrics.kafka.podAnnotations Extra annotations for Kafka exporter pods ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/ ## podAnnotations: {} ## @param metrics.kafka.podAffinityPreset Pod affinity preset. Ignored if `metrics.kafka.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard` ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity ## podAffinityPreset: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.podAntiAffinityPreset Pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if `metrics.kafka.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard` ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity ## podAntiAffinityPreset: soft ## Node metrics.kafka.affinity preset ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#node-affinity ## nodeAffinityPreset: ## @param metrics.kafka.nodeAffinityPreset.type Node affinity preset type. Ignored if `metrics.kafka.affinity` is set. Allowed values: `soft` or `hard` ## type: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.nodeAffinityPreset.key Node label key to match Ignored if `metrics.kafka.affinity` is set. ## E.g. ## key: "kubernetes.io/e2e-az-name" ## key: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.nodeAffinityPreset.values Node label values to match. Ignored if `metrics.kafka.affinity` is set. ## E.g. ## values: ## - e2e-az1 ## - e2e-az2 ## values: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.affinity Affinity for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity ## Note: metrics.kafka.podAffinityPreset, metrics.kafka.podAntiAffinityPreset, and metrics.kafka.nodeAffinityPreset will be ignored when it's set ## affinity: {} ## @param metrics.kafka.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ ## nodeSelector: {} ## @param metrics.kafka.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.schedulerName Name of the k8s scheduler (other than default) for Kafka exporter ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/ ## schedulerName: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.priorityClassName Kafka exporter pods' priorityClassName ## priorityClassName: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.topologySpreadConstraints Topology Spread Constraints for pod assignment ## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/ ## The value is evaluated as a template ## topologySpreadConstraints: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for the Kafka exporter pod(s) ## e.g: ## extraVolumes: ## - name: kafka-jaas ## secret: ## secretName: kafka-jaas ## extraVolumes: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for the Kafka exporter container(s) ## extraVolumeMounts: ## - name: kafka-jaas ## mountPath: /bitnami/kafka/config/kafka_jaas.conf ## subPath: kafka_jaas.conf ## extraVolumeMounts: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the Kafka exporter pod(s) ## e.g: ## sidecars: ## - name: your-image-name ## image: your-image ## imagePullPolicy: Always ## ports: ## - name: portname ## containerPort: 1234 ## sidecars: [] ## @param metrics.kafka.initContainers Add init containers to the Kafka exporter pods ## e.g: ## initContainers: ## - name: your-image-name ## image: your-image ## imagePullPolicy: Always ## ports: ## - name: portname ## containerPort: 1234 ## initContainers: [] ## Kafka exporter service configuration ## service: ## @param metrics.kafka.service.ports.metrics Kafka exporter metrics service port ## ports: metrics: 9308 ## @param metrics.kafka.service.clusterIP Static clusterIP or None for headless services ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#choosing-your-own-ip-address ## clusterIP: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.service.sessionAffinity Control where client requests go, to the same pod or round-robin ## Values: ClientIP or None ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/ ## sessionAffinity: None ## @param metrics.kafka.service.annotations [object] Annotations for the Kafka exporter service ## annotations: prometheus.io/scrape: "true" prometheus.io/port: "{{ .Values.metrics.kafka.service.ports.metrics }}" prometheus.io/path: "/metrics" ## Kafka exporter pods ServiceAccount ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/ ## serviceAccount: ## @param metrics.kafka.serviceAccount.create Enable creation of ServiceAccount for Kafka exporter pods ## create: true ## @param metrics.kafka.serviceAccount.name The name of the service account to use. If not set and `create` is `true`, a name is generated ## If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the kafka.metrics.kafka.serviceAccountName template ## name: "" ## @param metrics.kafka.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Allows auto mount of ServiceAccountToken on the serviceAccount created ## Can be set to false if pods using this serviceAccount do not need to use K8s API ## automountServiceAccountToken: true ## Prometheus JMX exporter: exposes the majority of Kafkas metrics ## jmx: ## @param metrics.jmx.enabled Whether or not to expose JMX metrics to Prometheus ## enabled: false ## Bitnami JMX exporter image ## ref: https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/jmx-exporter/tags/ ## @param metrics.jmx.image.registry JMX exporter image registry ## @param metrics.jmx.image.repository JMX exporter image repository ## @param metrics.jmx.image.tag JMX exporter image tag (immutable tags are recommended) ## @param metrics.jmx.image.digest JMX exporter image digest in the way sha256:aa.... Please note this parameter, if set, will override the tag ## @param metrics.jmx.image.pullPolicy JMX exporter image pull policy ## @param metrics.jmx.image.pullSecrets Specify docker-registry secret names as an array ## image: registry: docker.io repository: bitnami/jmx-exporter tag: 0.17.1-debian-11-r3 digest: "" ## Specify a imagePullPolicy ## Defaults to 'Always' if image tag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent' ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/images/#pre-pulling-images ## pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ## Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets (secrets must be manually created in the namespace) ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/ ## e.g: ## pullSecrets: ## - myRegistryKeySecretName ## pullSecrets: [] ## Prometheus JMX exporter containers' Security Context ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container ## @param metrics.jmx.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enable Prometheus JMX exporter containers' Security Context ## @param metrics.jmx.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Prometheus JMX exporter containers' Security Context runAsUser ## @param metrics.jmx.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set Prometheus JMX exporter containers' Security Context runAsNonRoot ## e.g: ## containerSecurityContext: ## enabled: true ## capabilities: ## drop: ["NET_RAW"] ## readOnlyRootFilesystem: true ## containerSecurityContext: enabled: true runAsUser: 1001 runAsNonRoot: true ## @param metrics.jmx.containerPorts.metrics Prometheus JMX exporter metrics container port ## containerPorts: metrics: 5556 ## Prometheus JMX exporter resource requests and limits ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## @param metrics.jmx.resources.limits The resources limits for the JMX exporter container ## @param metrics.jmx.resources.requests The requested resources for the JMX exporter container ## resources: limits: {} requests: {} ## Prometheus JMX exporter service configuration ## service: ## @param metrics.jmx.service.ports.metrics Prometheus JMX exporter metrics service port ## ports: metrics: 5556 ## @param metrics.jmx.service.clusterIP Static clusterIP or None for headless services ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#choosing-your-own-ip-address ## clusterIP: "" ## @param metrics.jmx.service.sessionAffinity Control where client requests go, to the same pod or round-robin ## Values: ClientIP or None ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/ ## sessionAffinity: None ## @param metrics.jmx.service.annotations [object] Annotations for the Prometheus JMX exporter service ## annotations: prometheus.io/scrape: "true" prometheus.io/port: "{{ .Values.metrics.jmx.service.ports.metrics }}" prometheus.io/path: "/" ## @param metrics.jmx.whitelistObjectNames Allows setting which JMX objects you want to expose to via JMX stats to JMX exporter ## Only whitelisted values will be exposed via JMX exporter. They must also be exposed via Rules. To expose all metrics ## (warning its crazy excessive and they aren't formatted in a prometheus style) (1) `whitelistObjectNames: []` ## (2) commented out above `overrideConfig`. ## whitelistObjectNames: - kafka.controller:* - kafka.server:* - java.lang:* - kafka.network:* - kafka.log:* ## @param metrics.jmx.config [string] Configuration file for JMX exporter ## Specify content for jmx-kafka-prometheus.yml. Evaluated as a template ## ## Credits to the incubator/kafka chart for the JMX configuration. ## https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/incubator/kafka ## config: |- jmxUrl: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// lowercaseOutputName: true lowercaseOutputLabelNames: true ssl: false {{- if .Values.metrics.jmx.whitelistObjectNames }} whitelistObjectNames: ["{{ join "\",\"" .Values.metrics.jmx.whitelistObjectNames }}"] {{- end }} ## @param metrics.jmx.existingConfigmap Name of existing ConfigMap with JMX exporter configuration ## NOTE: This will override metrics.jmx.config ## existingConfigmap: "" ## @param metrics.jmx.extraRules Add extra rules to JMX exporter configuration ## e.g: ## extraRules: |- ## - pattern: kafka.server<type=socket-server-metrics, listener=(.+), networkProcessor=(.+)><>(connection-count) ## name: kafka_server_socket_server_metrics_$3 ## labels: ## listener: $1 extraRules: "" ## Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor configuration ## serviceMonitor: ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled if `true`, creates a Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor (requires `metrics.kafka.enabled` or `metrics.jmx.enabled` to be `true`) ## enabled: false ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace Namespace in which Prometheus is running ## namespace: "" ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.interval Interval at which metrics should be scraped ## ref: https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md#endpoint ## interval: "" ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout Timeout after which the scrape is ended ## ref: https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/api.md#endpoint ## scrapeTimeout: "" ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.labels Additional labels that can be used so ServiceMonitor will be discovered by Prometheus ## labels: {} ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.selector Prometheus instance selector labels ## ref: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/master/bitnami/prometheus-operator#prometheus-configuration ## selector: {} ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelings RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping ## relabelings: [] ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion ## metricRelabelings: [] ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.honorLabels Specify honorLabels parameter to add the scrape endpoint ## honorLabels: false ## @param metrics.serviceMonitor.jobLabel The name of the label on the target service to use as the job name in prometheus. ## jobLabel: "" prometheusRule: ## @param metrics.prometheusRule.enabled if `true`, creates a Prometheus Operator PrometheusRule (requires `metrics.kafka.enabled` or `metrics.jmx.enabled` to be `true`) ## enabled: false ## @param metrics.prometheusRule.namespace Namespace in which Prometheus is running ## namespace: "" ## @param metrics.prometheusRule.labels Additional labels that can be used so PrometheusRule will be discovered by Prometheus ## labels: {} ## @param metrics.prometheusRule.groups Prometheus Rule Groups for Kafka ## groups: [] ## @section Kafka provisioning parameters ## Kafka provisioning ## provisioning: ## @param provisioning.enabled Enable kafka provisioning Job ## enabled: false ## @param provisioning.numPartitions Default number of partitions for topics when unspecified ## numPartitions: 1 ## @param provisioning.replicationFactor Default replication factor for topics when unspecified ## replicationFactor: 1 ## @param provisioning.topics Kafka topics to provision ## - name: topic-name ## partitions: 1 ## replicationFactor: 1 ## ## https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#topicconfigs ## config: ## max.message.bytes: 64000 ## flush.messages: 1 ## topics: [] ## @param provisioning.tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ ## tolerations: [] ## @param provisioning.extraProvisioningCommands Extra commands to run to provision cluster resources ## - echo "Allow user to consume from any topic" ## - >- ## /opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-acls.sh ## --bootstrap-server $KAFKA_SERVICE ## --command-config $CLIENT_CONF ## --add ## --allow-principal User:user ## --consumer --topic '*' ## - "/opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/kafka-acls.sh ## --bootstrap-server $KAFKA_SERVICE ## --command-config $CLIENT_CONF ## --list" ## extraProvisioningCommands: [] ## @param provisioning.parallel Number of provisioning commands to run at the same time ## parallel: 1 ## @param provisioning.preScript Extra bash script to run before topic provisioning. $CLIENT_CONF is path to properties file with most needed configurations ## preScript: "" ## @param provisioning.postScript Extra bash script to run after topic provisioning. $CLIENT_CONF is path to properties file with most needed configurations ## postScript: "" ## Auth Configuration for kafka provisioning Job ## auth: ## TLS configuration for kafka provisioning Job ## tls: ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.type Format to use for TLS certificates. Allowed types: `jks` and `pem`. ## Note: ignored if auth.tls.clientProtocol different from one of these values: "tls" "mtls" "sasl_tls". ## type: jks ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.certificatesSecret Existing secret containing the TLS certificates for the Kafka provisioning Job. ## When using 'jks' format for certificates, the secret should contain a truststore and a keystore. ## When using 'pem' format for certificates, the secret should contain a public CA certificate, a public certificate and one private key. ## certificatesSecret: "" ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.cert The secret key from the certificatesSecret if 'cert' key different from the default (tls.crt) ## cert: tls.crt ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.key The secret key from the certificatesSecret if 'key' key different from the default (tls.key) ## key: tls.key ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.caCert The secret key from the certificatesSecret if 'caCert' key different from the default (ca.crt) ## caCert: ca.crt ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.keystore The secret key from the certificatesSecret if 'keystore' key different from the default (keystore.jks) ## keystore: keystore.jks ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.truststore The secret key from the certificatesSecret if 'truststore' key different from the default (truststore.jks) ## truststore: truststore.jks ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.passwordsSecret Name of the secret containing passwords to access the JKS files or PEM key when they are password-protected. ## It should contain two keys called "keystore-password" and "truststore-password", or "key-password" if using a password-protected PEM key. ## passwordsSecret: "" ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.keyPasswordSecretKey The secret key from the passwordsSecret if 'keyPasswordSecretKey' key different from the default (key-password) ## Note: must not be used if `passwordsSecret` is not defined. ## keyPasswordSecretKey: key-password ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.keystorePasswordSecretKey The secret key from the passwordsSecret if 'keystorePasswordSecretKey' key different from the default (keystore-password) ## Note: must not be used if `passwordsSecret` is not defined. ## keystorePasswordSecretKey: keystore-password ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.truststorePasswordSecretKey The secret key from the passwordsSecret if 'truststorePasswordSecretKey' key different from the default (truststore-password) ## Note: must not be used if `passwordsSecret` is not defined. ## truststorePasswordSecretKey: truststore-password ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.keyPassword Password to access the password-protected PEM key if necessary. Ignored if 'passwordsSecret' is provided. ## keyPassword: "" ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.keystorePassword Password to access the JKS keystore. Ignored if 'passwordsSecret' is provided. ## keystorePassword: "" ## @param provisioning.auth.tls.truststorePassword Password to access the JKS truststore. Ignored if 'passwordsSecret' is provided. ## truststorePassword: "" ## @param provisioning.command Override provisioning container command ## command: [] ## @param provisioning.args Override provisioning container arguments ## args: [] ## @param provisioning.extraEnvVars Extra environment variables to add to the provisioning pod ## e.g: ## extraEnvVars: ## - name: KAFKA_CFG_BACKGROUND_THREADS ## value: "10" ## extraEnvVars: [] ## @param provisioning.extraEnvVarsCM ConfigMap with extra environment variables ## extraEnvVarsCM: "" ## @param provisioning.extraEnvVarsSecret Secret with extra environment variables ## extraEnvVarsSecret: "" ## @param provisioning.podAnnotations Extra annotations for Kafka provisioning pods ## podAnnotations: {} ## @param provisioning.podLabels Extra labels for Kafka provisioning pods ## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ ## podLabels: {} ## Kafka provisioning resource requests and limits ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ ## @param provisioning.resources.limits The resources limits for the Kafka provisioning container ## @param provisioning.resources.requests The requested resources for the Kafka provisioning container ## resources: limits: {} requests: {} ## Kafka provisioning pods' Security Context ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-pod ## @param provisioning.podSecurityContext.enabled Enable security context for the pods ## @param provisioning.podSecurityContext.fsGroup Set Kafka provisioning pod's Security Context fsGroup ## podSecurityContext: enabled: true fsGroup: 1001 ## Kafka provisioning containers' Security Context ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/#set-the-security-context-for-a-container ## @param provisioning.containerSecurityContext.enabled Enable Kafka provisioning containers' Security Context ## @param provisioning.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser Set Kafka provisioning containers' Security Context runAsUser ## @param provisioning.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot Set Kafka provisioning containers' Security Context runAsNonRoot ## e.g: ## containerSecurityContext: ## enabled: true ## capabilities: ## drop: ["NET_RAW"] ## readOnlyRootFilesystem: true ## containerSecurityContext: enabled: true runAsUser: 1001 runAsNonRoot: true ## @param provisioning.schedulerName Name of the k8s scheduler (other than default) for kafka provisioning ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/configure-multiple-schedulers/ ## schedulerName: "" ## @param provisioning.extraVolumes Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for the Kafka provisioning pod(s) ## e.g: ## extraVolumes: ## - name: kafka-jaas ## secret: ## secretName: kafka-jaas ## extraVolumes: [] ## @param provisioning.extraVolumeMounts Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for the Kafka provisioning container(s) ## extraVolumeMounts: ## - name: kafka-jaas ## mountPath: /bitnami/kafka/config/kafka_jaas.conf ## subPath: kafka_jaas.conf ## extraVolumeMounts: [] ## @param provisioning.sidecars Add additional sidecar containers to the Kafka provisioning pod(s) ## e.g: ## sidecars: ## - name: your-image-name ## image: your-image ## imagePullPolicy: Always ## ports: ## - name: portname ## containerPort: 1234 ## sidecars: [] ## @param provisioning.initContainers Add additional Add init containers to the Kafka provisioning pod(s) ## e.g: ## initContainers: ## - name: your-image-name ## image: your-image ## imagePullPolicy: Always ## ports: ## - name: portname ## containerPort: 1234 ## initContainers: [] ## @param provisioning.waitForKafka If true use an init container to wait until kafka is ready before starting provisioning ## waitForKafka: true ## @section ZooKeeper chart parameters ## ZooKeeper chart configuration ## https://github.com/bitnami/charts/blob/master/bitnami/zookeeper/values.yaml ## zookeeper: ## @param zookeeper.enabled Switch to enable or disable the ZooKeeper helm chart ## enabled: true ## @param zookeeper.replicaCount Number of ZooKeeper nodes ## replicaCount: 1 ## ZooKeeper authenticaiton ## auth: client: ## @param zookeeper.auth.client.enabled Enable ZooKeeper auth ## enabled: false ## @param zookeeper.auth.client.clientUser User that will use ZooKeeper clients to auth ## clientUser: "" ## @param zookeeper.auth.client.clientPassword Password that will use ZooKeeper clients to auth ## clientPassword: "" ## @param zookeeper.auth.client.serverUsers Comma, semicolon or whitespace separated list of user to be created. Specify them as a string, for example: "user1,user2,admin" ## serverUsers: "" ## @param zookeeper.auth.client.serverPasswords Comma, semicolon or whitespace separated list of passwords to assign to users when created. Specify them as a string, for example: "pass4user1, pass4user2, pass4admin" ## serverPasswords: "" ## ZooKeeper Persistence parameters ## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/persistent-volumes/ ## @param zookeeper.persistence.enabled Enable persistence on ZooKeeper using PVC(s) ## @param zookeeper.persistence.storageClass Persistent Volume storage class ## @param zookeeper.persistence.accessModes Persistent Volume access modes ## @param zookeeper.persistence.size Persistent Volume size ## persistence: enabled: true storageClass: "" accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce size: 8Gi ## External Zookeeper Configuration ## All of these values are only used if `zookeeper.enabled=false` ## externalZookeeper: ## @param externalZookeeper.servers List of external zookeeper servers to use. Typically used in combination with 'zookeeperChrootPath'. ## servers: []