<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Notifications; use openvk\Web\Models\RowModel; use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\{User}; use openvk\Web\Util\DateTime; use RdKafka\{Conf, Producer}; class Notification { private $recipient; private $originModel; private $targetModel; private $time; private $data; protected $actionCode = NULL; protected $threshold = -1; function __construct(User $recipient, $originModel, $targetModel, ?int $time = NULL, string $data = "") { $this->recipient = $recipient; $this->originModel = $originModel; $this->targetModel = $targetModel; $this->time = $time ?? time(); $this->data = $data; } private function encodeType(object $model): int { return (int) json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/../../../../data/modelCodes.json"), true)[get_class($model)]; } function reverseModelOrder(): bool { return false; } function getActionCode(): int { return $this->actionCode; } function setActionCode(int $code): void { $this->actionCode = $this->actionCode ?? $code; } function getTemplatePath(): string { return implode("_", [ "./../components/notifications/$this->actionCode/", $this->encodeType($this->originModel), $this->encodeType($this->targetModel), ".xml" ]); } function getRecipient(): User { return $this->recipient; } function getModel(int $index): RowModel { switch($index) { case 0: return $this->originModel; case 1: return $this->targetModel; } } function getData(): string { return $this->data; } function getDateTime(): DateTime { return new DateTime($this->time); } function emit(): bool { if(!($e = eventdb())) return false; $data = [ "recipient" => $this->recipient->getId(), "originModelType" => $this->encodeType($this->originModel), "originModelId" => $this->originModel->getId(), "targetModelType" => $this->encodeType($this->targetModel), "targetModelId" => $this->targetModel->getId(), "actionCode" => $this->actionCode, "additionalPayload" => $this->data, "timestamp" => $this->time, ]; $edb = $e->getConnection(); if($this->threshold !== -1) { # Event is thersholded, check if there is similar event $query = <<<'QUERY' SELECT * FROM `notifications` WHERE `recipientType`=0 AND `recipientId`=? AND `originModelType`=? AND `originModelId`=? AND `targetModelType`=? AND `targetModelId`=? AND `modelAction`=? AND `additionalData`=? AND `timestamp` > (? - ?) QUERY; $result = $edb->query($query, ...array_merge(array_values($data), [ $this->threshold ])); if($result->getRowCount() > 0) return false; } $edb->query("INSERT INTO notifications VALUES (0, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", ...array_values($data)); $kafkaConf = OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["credentials"]["notificationsBroker"]; if($kafkaConf["enable"]) { $kafkaConf = $kafkaConf["kafka"]; $brokerConf = new Conf(); $brokerConf->set("log_level", (string) LOG_DEBUG); $brokerConf->set("debug", "all"); $producer = new Producer($brokerConf); $producer->addBrokers($kafkaConf["addr"] . ":" . $kafkaConf["port"]); $descriptor = implode(",", [ str_replace("\\", ".", get_class($this)), $this->recipient->getId(), base64_encode(serialize((object) $data)), ]); $notifTopic = $producer->newTopic($kafkaConf["topic"]); $notifTopic->produce(RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA, RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK, $descriptor); $producer->flush(100); } return true; } }