openvk: debug: true appearance: name: "OpenVK" motd: "Yet another OpenVK instance" preferences: femaleGenderPriority: true nginxCacheTime: null uploads: disableLargeUploads: false mode: "basic" api: maxFilesPerDomain: 10 maxFileSize: 25000000 shortcodes: minLength: 3 # won't affect existing short urls or the ones set via admin panel forbiddenNames: - "index.php" photos: upgradeStructure: false photoSaving: "quick" videos: disableUploading: false docs: maxSize: 10 # in megabytes allowedFormats: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "psd", "aep", "docx", "doc", "odt", "txt", "pptx", "ppt", "xls", "xlsx", "pdf", "djvu", "fb2", "ps", "apk", "zip", "7z", "mp4", "avi", "mp3", "flac"] apps: withdrawTax: 8 security: requireEmail: false requirePhone: false forcePhoneVerification: false forceEmailVerification: false forceStrongPassword: false disablePasswordRestoring: true # turn this off if you have configured e-mail sending correctly enableSu: true rateLimits: actions: 5 time: 20 maxViolations: 50 maxViolationsAge: 120 autoban: true blacklists: limit: 100 applyToAdmins: true registration: enable: true disablingReason: "" support: supportName: "Agent" adminAccount: 1 # Change this ok fastAnswers: - "This is a list of quick answers to common questions for support. Post your responses here and agents can send it quickly with just 3 clicks" - "There can be as many answers as you want, but it is best to have a maximum of 10.\n\nYou can also remove all answers from the list to disable this feature" - "Good luck filling! If you are a regular support agent, inform the administrator that he forgot to fill the config" messages: strict: false music: exposeOriginalURLs: true newsfeed: ignoredSourcesLimit: 50 wall: christian: false anonymousPosting: enable: false account: 100 postSizes: maxAttachments: 10 maxSize: 60000 processingLimit: 3000 emojiProcessingLimit: 1000 commerce: false susLinks: warnings: true showReason: true maintenanceMode: all: false photos: false videos: false messenger: false user: false group: false comment: false gifts: false apps: false notes: false notification: false support: false topics: false ton: enabled: false address: "🅿" testnet: false # Only for testing purposes. rate: 0.02 # TONs per 1 coin regex: "ovk=([0-9]+)" hint: "ovk=$1" # Please read docs to understand how to turn on automatic checking for new translations menu: links: - name: "@left_menu_donate" url: "/donate" about: links: - name: "Link caption" url: "" adPoster: enable: false src: "" caption: "Ad caption" link: "" bellsAndWhistles: testLabel: false defaultMobileTheme: "" defaultFeaturePhoneTheme: "" logs: true news: show: false groupId: 1 telemetry: plausible: enable: false domain: "" server: "" piwik: enable: false container: "" site: "" layer: "dataLayer" matomo: enable: false container: "" site: "" credentials: smsc: enable: false client: "" secret: "SECRET_KEY_HERE" telegram: enable: false token: "TOKEN_HERE" helpdeskChat: "" eventDB: enable: true database: dsn: "mysql:unix_host=localhost;dbname=openvk-eventdb" # or unix_socket=/tmp/mysql.sock user: "root" password: "DATABASE_PASSWORD" notificationsBroker: enable: false kafka: addr: "" port: 9092 topic: "OvkEvents"