<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\Web\Models\Repositories; use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Document; use Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow; use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Util\EntityStream; class Documents { private $context; private $documents; function __construct() { $this->context = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext(); $this->documents = $this->context->table("documents"); } private function toDocument(?ActiveRow $ar): ?Document { return is_null($ar) ? NULL : new Document($ar); } function get(int $id): ?Document { return $this->toDocument($this->documents->get($id)); } # By "Virtual ID" and "Absolute ID" (to not leak owner's id). function getDocumentById(int $virtual_id, int $real_id, string $access_key = NULL): ?Document { $doc = $this->documents->where(['virtual_id' => $virtual_id, 'id' => $real_id]); /*if($access_key) { $doc->where("access_key", $access_key); }*/ $doc = $doc->fetch(); if(is_null($doc)) return NULL; $n_doc = new Document($doc); if(!$n_doc->checkAccessKey($access_key)) return NULL; return $n_doc; } function getDocumentByIdUnsafe(int $virtual_id, int $real_id): ?Document { $doc = $this->documents->where(['virtual_id' => $virtual_id, 'id' => $real_id]); $doc = $doc->fetch(); if(is_null($doc)) return NULL; $n_doc = new Document($doc); return $n_doc; } function getDocumentsByOwner(int $owner, int $order = 0, int $type = -1): EntityStream { $search = $this->documents->where([ "owner" => $owner, "unlisted" => 0, "deleted" => 0, ]); if(in_array($type, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])) { $search->where("type", $type); } switch($order) { case 0: $search->order("id DESC"); break; case 1: $search->order("name DESC"); break; case 2: $search->order("filesize DESC"); break; } return new EntityStream("Document", $search); } function getTypes(int $owner_id): array { $result = DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query("SELECT `type`, COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `documents` WHERE `owner` = ? AND `deleted` = 0 AND `unlisted` = 0 GROUP BY `type` ORDER BY `type`", $owner_id); $response = []; foreach($result as $res) { if($res->count < 1 || $res->type == 0) continue; $name = tr("document_type_".$res->type); $response[] = [ "count" => $res->count, "type" => $res->type, "name" => $name, ]; } return $response; } function getTags(int $owner_id, ?int $type = 0): array { $query = "SELECT `tags` FROM `documents` WHERE `owner` = ? AND `deleted` = 0 AND `unlisted` = 0 "; if($type > 0 && $type < 9) { $query .= "AND `type` = $type"; } $query .= " AND `tags` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `id`"; $result = DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query($query, $owner_id); $tags = []; foreach($result as $res) { $tags[] = $res->tags; } $imploded_tags = implode(",", $tags); $exploded_tags = array_values(array_unique(explode(",", $imploded_tags))); if($exploded_tags[0] == "") return []; return array_slice($exploded_tags, 0, 50); } function find(string $query, array $params = [], array $order = ['type' => 'id', 'invert' => false]): Util\EntityStream { $result = $this->documents->where("name LIKE ?", "%$query%")->where([ "deleted" => 0, "folder_id != " => 0, ]); $order_str = 'id'; switch($order['type']) { case 'id': $order_str = 'created ' . ($order['invert'] ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'); break; } foreach($params as $paramName => $paramValue) { switch($paramName) { case "type": if($paramValue < 1 || $paramValue > 8) continue; $result->where("type", $paramValue); break; case "tags": $result->where("tags LIKE ?", "%$paramValue%"); break; case "from_me": $result->where("owner", $paramValue); break; } } if($order_str) $result->order($order_str); return new Util\EntityStream("Document", $result); } }