<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\ServiceAPI; use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\User; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Applications; class Apps implements Handler { private $user; private $apps; public function __construct(?User $user) { $this->user = $user; $this->apps = new Applications; } function getUserInfo(callable $resolve, callable $reject): void { $hexId = dechex($this->user->getId()); $sign = hash_hmac("sha512/224", $hexId, CHANDLER_ROOT_CONF["security"]["secret"], true); $marketingId = $hexId . "_" . base64_encode($sign); $resolve([ "id" => $this->user->getId(), "marketing_id" => $marketingId, "name" => [ "first" => $this->user->getFirstName(), "last" => $this->user->getLastName(), "full" => $this->user->getFullName(), ], "ava" => $this->user->getAvatarUrl(), ]); } function updatePermission(int $app, string $perm, string $state, callable $resolve, callable $reject): void { $app = $this->apps->get($app); if(!$app || !$app->isEnabled()) { $reject("No application with this id found"); return; } if(!$app->setPermission($this->user, $perm, $state == "yes")) $reject("Invalid permission $perm"); $resolve(1); } function pay(int $appId, float $amount, callable $resolve, callable $reject): void { $app = $this->apps->get($appId); if(!$app || !$app->isEnabled()) { $reject("No application with this id found"); return; } $coinsLeft = $this->user->getCoins() - $amount; if($coinsLeft < 0) { $reject(41, "Not enough money"); return; } $this->user->setCoins($coinsLeft); $this->user->save(); $app->addCoins($amount); $t = time(); $resolve($t . "," . hash_hmac("whirlpool", "$appId:$amount:$t", CHANDLER_ROOT_CONF["security"]["secret"])); } function withdrawFunds(int $appId, callable $resolve, callable $reject): void { $app = $this->apps->get($appId); if(!$app) { $reject("No application with this id found"); return; } else if($app->getOwner()->getId() != $this->user->getId()) { $reject("You don't have rights to edit this app"); return; } $coins = $app->getBalance(); $app->withdrawCoins(); $resolve($coins); } }