<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\VKAPI\Handlers; use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Posts as PostsRepo; use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\User; use openvk\VKAPI\Handlers\Wall; final class Newsfeed extends VKAPIRequestHandler { function get(string $fields = "", int $start_from = 0, int $start_time = 0, int $end_time = 0, int $offset = 0, int $count = 30, int $extended = 0, int $forGodSakePleaseDoNotReportAboutMyOnlineActivity = 0) { $this->requireUser(); if($forGodSakePleaseDoNotReportAboutMyOnlineActivity == 0) { $this->getUser()->updOnline($this->getPlatform()); } $id = $this->getUser()->getId(); $subs = DatabaseConnection::i() ->getContext() ->table("subscriptions") ->where("follower", $id); $ids = array_map(function($rel) { return $rel->target * ($rel->model === "openvk\Web\Models\Entities\User" ? 1 : -1); }, iterator_to_array($subs)); $ids[] = $this->getUser()->getId(); $posts = DatabaseConnection::i() ->getContext() ->table("posts") ->select("id") ->where("wall IN (?)", $ids) ->where("deleted", 0) ->where("id < (?)", empty($start_from) ? PHP_INT_MAX : $start_from) ->where("? <= created", empty($start_time) ? 0 : $start_time) ->where("? >= created", empty($end_time) ? PHP_INT_MAX : $end_time) ->order("created DESC"); $rposts = []; foreach($posts->page((int) ($offset + 1), $count) as $post) $rposts[] = (new PostsRepo)->get($post->id)->getPrettyId(); $response = (new Wall)->getById(implode(',', $rposts), $extended, $fields, $this->getUser()); $response->next_from = end(end($posts->page((int) ($offset + 1), $count))); // ну и костыли пиздец конечно) return $response; } function getGlobal(string $fields = "", int $start_from = 0, int $start_time = 0, int $end_time = 0, int $offset = 0, int $count = 30, int $extended = 0) { $this->requireUser(); $queryBase = "FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN `groups` ON GREATEST(`posts`.`wall`, 0) = 0 AND `groups`.`id` = ABS(`posts`.`wall`) LEFT JOIN `profiles` ON LEAST(`posts`.`wall`, 0) = 0 AND `profiles`.`id` = ABS(`posts`.`wall`)"; $queryBase .= "WHERE (`groups`.`hide_from_global_feed` = 0 OR `groups`.`name` IS NULL) AND (`profiles`.`profile_type` = 0 OR `profiles`.`first_name` IS NULL) AND `posts`.`deleted` = 0 AND `posts`.`suggested` = 0"; if($this->getUser()->getNsfwTolerance() === User::NSFW_INTOLERANT) $queryBase .= " AND `nsfw` = 0"; $start_from = empty($start_from) ? PHP_INT_MAX : $start_from; $start_time = empty($start_time) ? 0 : $start_time; $end_time = empty($end_time) ? PHP_INT_MAX : $end_time; $posts = DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query("SELECT `posts`.`id` " . $queryBase . " AND `posts`.`id` <= " . $start_from . " AND " . $start_time . " <= `posts`.`created` AND `posts`.`created` <= " . $end_time . " ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT " . $count . " OFFSET " . $offset); $rposts = []; $ids = []; foreach($posts as $post) { $rposts[] = (new PostsRepo)->get($post->id)->getPrettyId(); $ids[] = $post->id; } $response = (new Wall)->getById(implode(',', $rposts), $extended, $fields, $this->getUser()); $response->next_from = end($ids); return $response; } }