function initGraffiti(event) { let canvas = null; const msgbox = new CMessageBox({ title: tr("draw_graffiti"), body: "
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`, [tr('transfer'), tr('cancel')], [ () => { $("#transfer-owner-permissions-form").attr("action", action); document.querySelector("#transfer-owner-permissions-form").submit(); }, Function.noop ]); } async function withdraw(id) { let coins = await API.Apps.withdrawFunds(id); if(coins == 0) MessageBox(tr('app_withdrawal'), tr('app_withdrawal_empty'), ["OK"], [Function.noop]); else MessageBox(tr('app_withdrawal'), tr("app_withdrawal_created", window.coins), ["OK"], [Function.noop]); } function toggleMaritalStatus(e) { let elem = $("#maritalstatus-user"); $("#maritalstatus-user-select").empty(); if ([0, 1, 8].includes(Number(e.value))) { elem.hide(); } else {; } } u(document).on("paste", ".vouncher_input", function(event) { const vouncher = event.clipboardData.getData("text"); let segments; if(vouncher.length === 27) { segments = vouncher.split("-"); if(segments.length !== 4) segments = undefined; } else if(vouncher.length === 24) { segments = chunkSubstr(vouncher, 6); } if(segments !== undefined) { document.vouncher_form.key0.value = segments[0]; document.vouncher_form.key1.value = segments[1]; document.vouncher_form.key2.value = segments[2]; document.vouncher_form.key3.value = segments[3]; document.vouncher_form.key3.focus(); } event.preventDefault(); }); // Migrated from inline end var tooltipClientTemplate = Handlebars.compile(`
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