getPostCountOnUserWall((int) $owner_id); foreach ($posts->getPostsFromUsersWall((int)$owner_id, 1, $count, $offset) as $post) { $from_id = get_class($post->getOwner()) == "openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Club" ? $post->getOwner()->getId() * (-1) : $post->getOwner()->getId(); $items[] = (object)[ "id" => $post->getVirtualId(), "from_id" => $from_id, "owner_id" => $post->getTargetWall(), "date" => $post->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(), "post_type" => "post", "text" => $post->getText(), "can_edit" => 0, // TODO "can_delete" => $post->canBeDeletedBy($this->getUser()), "can_pin" => $post->canBePinnedBy($this->getUser()), "can_archive" => false, // TODO MAYBE "is_archived" => false, "is_pinned" => $post->isPinned(), "post_source" => (object)["type" => "vk"], "comments" => (object)[ "count" => $post->getCommentsCount(), "can_post" => 1 ], "likes" => (object)[ "count" => $post->getLikesCount(), "user_likes" => (int) $post->hasLikeFrom($this->getUser()), "can_like" => 1, "can_publish" => 1, ], "reposts" => (object)[ "count" => $post->getRepostCount(), "user_reposted" => 0 ] ]; if ($from_id > 0) $profiles[] = $from_id; else $groups[] = $from_id * -1; } if($extended == 1) { $profiles = array_unique($profiles); $groups = array_unique($groups); $profilesFormatted = []; $groupsFormatted = []; foreach ($profiles as $prof) { $user = (new UsersRepo)->get($prof); $profilesFormatted[] = (object)[ "first_name" => $user->getFirstName(), "id" => $user->getId(), "last_name" => $user->getLastName(), "can_access_closed" => false, "is_closed" => false, "sex" => $user->isFemale() ? 1 : 2, "screen_name" => $user->getShortCode(), "photo_50" => $user->getAvatarUrl(), "photo_100" => $user->getAvatarUrl(), "online" => $user->isOnline() ]; } foreach($groups as $g) { $group = (new ClubsRepo)->get($g); $groupsFormatted[] = (object)[ "id" => $group->getId(), "name" => $group->getName(), "screen_name" => $group->getShortCode(), "is_closed" => 0, "type" => "group", "photo_50" => $group->getAvatarUrl(), "photo_100" => $group->getAvatarUrl(), "photo_200" => $group->getAvatarUrl(), ]; } return (object)[ "count" => $count, "items" => (array)$items, "profiles" => (array)$profilesFormatted, "groups" => (array)$groupsFormatted ]; } else return (object)[ "count" => $count, "items" => (array)$items ]; } function post(string $owner_id, string $message, int $from_group = 0, int $signed = 0): object { $this->requireUser(); $owner_id = intval($owner_id); $wallOwner = ($owner_id > 0 ? (new UsersRepo)->get($owner_id) : (new ClubsRepo)->get($owner_id * -1)) ?? $this->fail(18, "User was deleted or banned"); if($owner_id > 0) $canPost = $wallOwner->getPrivacyPermission("wall.write", $this->getUser()); else if($owner_id < 0) if($wallOwner->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) $canPost = true; else $canPost = $wallOwner->canPost(); else $canPost = false; if($canPost == false) $this->fail(15, "Access denied"); $anon = OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["wall"]["anonymousPosting"]["enable"]; if($wallOwner instanceof Club && $from_group == 1 && $signed != 1 && $anon) { $manager = $wallOwner->getManager($this->getUser()); if($manager) $anon = $manager->isHidden(); elseif($this->getUser()->getId() === $wallOwner->getOwner()->getId()) $anon = $wallOwner->isOwnerHidden(); } else { $anon = false; } $flags = 0; if($from_group == 1) $flags |= 0b10000000; if($signed == 1) $flags |= 0b01000000; // TODO: Compatible implementation of this try { $photo = null; $video = null; if($_FILES["photo"]["error"] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { $album = null; if(!$anon && $owner_id > 0 && $owner_id === $this->getUser()->getId()) $album = (new AlbumsRepo)->getUserWallAlbum($wallOwner); $photo = Photo::fastMake($this->getUser()->getId(), $message, $_FILES["photo"], $album, $anon); } if($_FILES["video"]["error"] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) $video = Video::fastMake($this->getUser()->getId(), $message, $_FILES["video"], $anon); } catch(\DomainException $ex) { $this->fail(-156, "The media file is corrupted"); } catch(ISE $ex) { $this->fail(-156, "The media file is corrupted or too large "); } try { $post = new Post; $post->setOwner($this->getUser()->getId()); $post->setWall($owner_id); $post->setCreated(time()); $post->setContent($message); $post->setFlags($flags); $post->save(); } catch(\LogicException $ex) { $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid"); } if(!is_null($photo)) $post->attach($photo); if(!is_null($video)) $post->attach($video); if($wall > 0 && $wall !== $this->user->identity->getId()) (new WallPostNotification($wallOwner, $post, $this->user->identity))->emit(); return (object)["post_id" => $post->getVirtualId()]; } }