requireUser(); if($user_id == 0) { foreach($this->getUser()->getClubs($offset, false, $count, true) as $club) $clbs[] = $club; $clbsCount = $this->getUser()->getClubCount(); } else { $users = new UsersRepo; $user = $users->get($user_id); if(is_null($user)) $this->fail(15, "Access denied"); foreach($user->getClubs($offset, false, $count, true) as $club) $clbs[] = $club; $clbsCount = $user->getClubCount(); } $rClubs; $ic = sizeof($clbs); if(sizeof($clbs) > $count) $ic = $count; if(!empty($clbs)) { for($i=0; $i < $ic; $i++) { $usr = $clbs[$i]; if(is_null($usr)) { } else { $rClubs[$i] = (object) [ "id" => $usr->getId(), "name" => $usr->getName(), "screen_name" => $usr->getShortCode(), "is_closed" => false, "can_access_closed" => true, ]; $flds = explode(',', $fields); foreach($flds as $field) { switch($field) { case "verified": $rClubs[$i]->verified = intval($usr->isVerified()); break; case "has_photo": $rClubs[$i]->has_photo = is_null($usr->getAvatarPhoto()) ? 0 : 1; break; case "photo_max_orig": $rClubs[$i]->photo_max_orig = $usr->getAvatarURL(); break; case "photo_max": $rClubs[$i]->photo_max = $usr->getAvatarURL("original"); // ORIGINAL ANDREI CHINITEL 🥵🥵🥵🥵 break; case "photo_50": $rClubs[$i]->photo_50 = $usr->getAvatarURL(); break; case "photo_100": $rClubs[$i]->photo_100 = $usr->getAvatarURL("tiny"); break; case "photo_200": $rClubs[$i]->photo_200 = $usr->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "photo_200_orig": $rClubs[$i]->photo_200_orig = $usr->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "photo_400_orig": $rClubs[$i]->photo_400_orig = $usr->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "members_count": $rClubs[$i]->members_count = $usr->getFollowersCount(); break; case "can_suggest": $rClubs[$i]->can_suggest = !$usr->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()) && $usr->getWallType() == 2; break; # unstandard feild case "suggested_count": if($usr->getWallType() != 2) { $rClubs[$i]->suggested_count = NULL; break; } $rClubs[$i]->suggested_count = $usr->getSuggestedPostsCount($this->getUser()); break; } } } } } else { $rClubs = []; } return (object) [ "count" => $clbsCount, "items" => $rClubs ]; } function getById(string $group_ids = "", string $group_id = "", string $fields = "", int $offset = 0, int $count = 500): ?array { /* Both offset and count SHOULD be used only in OpenVK code, not in your app or script, since it's not oficially documented by VK */ $clubs = new ClubsRepo; if(empty($group_ids) && !empty($group_id)) $group_ids = $group_id; if(empty($group_ids) && empty($group_id)) $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: group_ids is undefined"); $clbs = explode(',', $group_ids); $response = array(); $ic = sizeof($clbs); if(sizeof($clbs) > $count) $ic = $count; $clbs = array_slice($clbs, $offset * $count); for($i=0; $i < $ic; $i++) { if($i > 500 || $clbs[$i] == 0) break; if($clbs[$i] < 0) $this->fail(100, "ты ошибся чутка, у айди группы убери минус"); $clb = $clubs->get((int) $clbs[$i]); if(is_null($clb)) { $response[$i] = (object)[ "id" => intval($clbs[$i]), "name" => "DELETED", "screen_name" => "club".intval($clbs[$i]), "type" => "group", "description" => "This group was deleted or it doesn't exist" ]; } else if($clbs[$i] == NULL) { } else { $response[$i] = (object)[ "id" => $clb->getId(), "name" => $clb->getName(), "screen_name" => $clb->getShortCode() ?? "club".$clb->getId(), "is_closed" => false, "type" => "group", "is_member" => !is_null($this->getUser()) ? (int) $clb->getSubscriptionStatus($this->getUser()) : 0, "can_access_closed" => true, ]; $flds = explode(',', $fields); foreach($flds as $field) { switch($field) { case "verified": $response[$i]->verified = intval($clb->isVerified()); break; case "has_photo": $response[$i]->has_photo = is_null($clb->getAvatarPhoto()) ? 0 : 1; break; case "photo_max_orig": $response[$i]->photo_max_orig = $clb->getAvatarURL(); break; case "photo_max": $response[$i]->photo_max = $clb->getAvatarURL(); break; case "photo_50": $response[$i]->photo_50 = $clb->getAvatarURL(); break; case "photo_100": $response[$i]->photo_100 = $clb->getAvatarURL("tiny"); break; case "photo_200": $response[$i]->photo_200 = $clb->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "photo_200_orig": $response[$i]->photo_200_orig = $clb->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "photo_400_orig": $response[$i]->photo_400_orig = $clb->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "members_count": $response[$i]->members_count = $clb->getFollowersCount(); break; case "site": $response[$i]->site = $clb->getWebsite(); break; case "description": $response[$i]->description = $clb->getDescription(); break; case "can_suggest": $response[$i]->can_suggest = !$clb->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()) && $clb->getWallType() == 2; break; # unstandard feild case "suggested_count": if($clb->getWallType() != 2) { $response[$i]->suggested_count = NULL; break; } $response[$i]->suggested_count = $clb->getSuggestedPostsCount($this->getUser()); break; case "contacts": $contacts; $contactTmp = $clb->getManagers(1, true); foreach($contactTmp as $contact) $contacts[] = array( "user_id" => $contact->getUser()->getId(), "desc" => $contact->getComment() ); $response[$i]->contacts = $contacts; break; case "can_post": if(!is_null($this->getUser())) if($clb->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) $response[$i]->can_post = true; else $response[$i]->can_post = $clb->canPost(); break; } } } } return $response; } function search(string $q, int $offset = 0, int $count = 100) { $clubs = new ClubsRepo; $array = []; $find = $clubs->find($q); foreach ($find as $group) $array[] = $group->getId(); return (object) [ "count" => $find->size(), "items" => $this->getById(implode(',', $array), "", "is_admin,is_member,is_advertiser,photo_50,photo_100,photo_200", $offset, $count) /* * As there is no thing as "fields" by the original documentation * i'll just bake this param by the example shown here: */ ]; } function join(int $group_id) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $club = (new ClubsRepo)->get($group_id); $isMember = !is_null($this->getUser()) ? (int) $club->getSubscriptionStatus($this->getUser()) : 0; if($isMember == 0) $club->toggleSubscription($this->getUser()); return 1; } function leave(int $group_id) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $club = (new ClubsRepo)->get($group_id); $isMember = !is_null($this->getUser()) ? (int) $club->getSubscriptionStatus($this->getUser()) : 0; if($isMember == 1) $club->toggleSubscription($this->getUser()); return 1; } function create(string $title, string $description = "", string $type = "group", int $public_category = 1, int $public_subcategory = 1, int $subtype = 1) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $club = new Club; $club->setName($title); $club->setAbout($description); $club->setOwner($this->getUser()->getId()); $club->save(); $club->toggleSubscription($this->getUser()); return $this->getById((string)$club->getId()); } function edit( int $group_id, string $title = NULL, string $description = NULL, string $screen_name = NULL, string $website = NULL, int $wall = -1, int $topics = NULL, int $adminlist = NULL, int $topicsAboveWall = NULL, int $hideFromGlobalFeed = NULL) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $club = (new ClubsRepo)->get($group_id); if(!$club) $this->fail(203, "Club not found"); if(!$club || !$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) $this->fail(15, "You can't modify this group."); if(!empty($screen_name) && !$club->setShortcode($screen_name)) $this->fail(103, "Invalid shortcode."); !empty($title) ? $club->setName($title) : NULL; !empty($description) ? $club->setAbout($description) : NULL; !empty($screen_name) ? $club->setShortcode($screen_name) : NULL; !empty($website) ? $club->setWebsite((!parse_url($website, PHP_URL_SCHEME) ? "https://" : "") . $website) : NULL; try { $wall != -1 ? $club->setWall($wall) : NULL; } catch(\Exception $e) { $this->fail(50, "Invalid wall value"); } !empty($topics) ? $club->setEveryone_Can_Create_Topics($topics) : NULL; !empty($adminlist) ? $club->setAdministrators_List_Display($adminlist) : NULL; !empty($topicsAboveWall) ? $club->setDisplay_Topics_Above_Wall($topicsAboveWall) : NULL; !empty($hideFromGlobalFeed) ? $club->setHide_From_Global_Feed($hideFromGlobalFeed) : NULL; try { $club->save(); } catch(\TypeError $e) { $this->fail(15, "Nothing changed"); } catch(\Exception $e) { $this->fail(18, "An unknown error occurred: maybe you set an incorrect value?"); } return 1; } function getMembers(string $group_id, string $sort = "id_asc", int $offset = 0, int $count = 100, string $fields = "", string $filter = "any") { # bdate,can_post,can_see_all_posts,can_see_audio,can_write_private_message,city,common_count,connections,contacts,country,domain,education,has_mobile,last_seen,lists,online,online_mobile,photo_100,photo_200,photo_200_orig,photo_400_orig,photo_50,photo_max,photo_max_orig,relation,relatives,schools,sex,site,status,universities $club = (new ClubsRepo)->get((int) $group_id); if(!$club) $this->fail(125, "Invalid group id"); $sorter = "follower ASC"; switch($sort) { default: case "time_asc": case "id_asc": $sorter = "follower ASC"; break; case "time_desc": case "id_desc": $sorter = "follower DESC"; break; } $members = array_slice(iterator_to_array($club->getFollowers(1, $count, $sorter)), $offset); $arr = (object) [ "count" => count($members), "items" => array()]; $filds = explode(",", $fields); $i = 0; foreach($members as $member) { if($i > $count) { break; } $arr->items[] = (object) [ "id" => $member->getId(), "first_name" => $member->getFirstName(), "last_name" => $member->getLastName(), ]; foreach($filds as $fild) { switch($fild) { case "bdate": $arr->items[$i]->bdate = $member->getBirthday()->format('%e.%m.%Y'); break; case "can_post": $arr->items[$i]->can_post = $club->canBeModifiedBy($member); break; case "can_see_all_posts": $arr->items[$i]->can_see_all_posts = 1; break; case "can_see_audio": $arr->items[$i]->can_see_audio = 0; break; case "can_write_private_message": $arr->items[$i]->can_write_private_message = 0; break; case "common_count": $arr->items[$i]->common_count = 420; break; case "connections": $arr->items[$i]->connections = 1; break; case "contacts": $arr->items[$i]->contacts = $member->getContactEmail(); break; case "country": $arr->items[$i]->country = 1; break; case "domain": $arr->items[$i]->domain = ""; break; case "education": $arr->items[$i]->education = ""; break; case "has_mobile": $arr->items[$i]->has_mobile = false; break; case "last_seen": $arr->items[$i]->last_seen = $member->getOnline()->timestamp(); break; case "lists": $arr->items[$i]->lists = ""; break; case "online": $arr->items[$i]->online = $member->isOnline(); break; case "online_mobile": $arr->items[$i]->online_mobile = $member->getOnlinePlatform() == "android" || $member->getOnlinePlatform() == "iphone" || $member->getOnlinePlatform() == "mobile"; break; case "photo_100": $arr->items[$i]->photo_100 = $member->getAvatarURL("tiny"); break; case "photo_200": $arr->items[$i]->photo_200 = $member->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "photo_200_orig": $arr->items[$i]->photo_200_orig = $member->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "photo_400_orig": $arr->items[$i]->photo_400_orig = $member->getAvatarURL("normal"); break; case "photo_max": $arr->items[$i]->photo_max = $member->getAvatarURL("original"); break; case "photo_max_orig": $arr->items[$i]->photo_max_orig = $member->getAvatarURL(); break; case "relation": $arr->items[$i]->relation = $member->getMaritalStatus(); break; case "relatives": $arr->items[$i]->relatives = 0; break; case "schools": $arr->items[$i]->schools = 0; break; case "sex": $arr->items[$i]->sex = $member->isFemale() ? 1 : 2; break; case "site": $arr->items[$i]->site = $member->getWebsite(); break; case "status": $arr->items[$i]->status = $member->getStatus(); break; case "universities": $arr->items[$i]->universities = 0; break; } } $i++; } return $arr; } function getSettings(string $group_id) { $this->requireUser(); $club = (new ClubsRepo)->get((int)$group_id); if(!$club || !$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) $this->fail(15, "You can't get settings of this group."); $arr = (object) [ "title" => $club->getName(), "description" => $club->getDescription() != NULL ? $club->getDescription() : "", "address" => $club->getShortcode(), "wall" => $club->getWallType(), # отличается от вкшных но да ладно "photos" => 1, "video" => 0, "audio" => 0, "docs" => 0, "topics" => $club->isEveryoneCanCreateTopics() == true ? 1 : 0, "wiki" => 0, "messages" => 0, "obscene_filter" => 0, "obscene_stopwords" => 0, "obscene_words" => "", "access" => 1, "subject" => 1, "subject_list" => [ 0 => "в", 1 => "опенвк", 2 => "нет", 3 => "категорий", 4 => "групп", ], "rss" => "/club".$club->getId()."/rss", "website" => $club->getWebsite(), "age_limits" => 0, "market" => [], ]; return $arr; } function isMember(string $group_id, int $user_id, string $user_ids = "", bool $extended = false) { $this->requireUser(); $id = $user_id != NULL ? $user_id : explode(",", $user_ids); if($group_id < 0) $this->fail(228, "Remove the minus from group_id"); $club = (new ClubsRepo)->get((int)$group_id); $usver = (new UsersRepo)->get((int)$id); if(!$club || $group_id == 0) $this->fail(203, "Invalid club"); if(!$usver || $usver->isDeleted() || $user_id == 0) $this->fail(30, "Invalid user"); if($extended == false) { return $club->getSubscriptionStatus($usver) ? 1 : 0; } else { return (object) [ "member" => $club->getSubscriptionStatus($usver) ? 1 : 0, "request" => 0, "invitation" => 0, "can_invite" => 0, "can_recall" => 0 ]; } } function remove(int $group_id, int $user_id) { $this->requireUser(); $this->fail(501, "Not implemented"); } }