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"; MessageBox(tr('share'), uRepostMsgTxt, [tr('send'), tr('cancel')], [ (function() { text = document.querySelector("#uRepostMsgInput_"+id).value; hash = encodeURIComponent(hash); xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "/wall"+id+"/repost?hash="+hash, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.onload = (function() { if(xhr.responseText.indexOf("wall_owner") === -1) MessageBox(tr('error'), tr('error_repost_fail'), tr('ok'), [Function.noop]); else { let jsonR = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); NewNotification(tr('information_-1'), tr('shared_succ'), null, () => {window.location.href = "/wall" + jsonR.wall_owner}); } }); xhr.send('text=' + encodeURI(text)); }), Function.noop ]); } function setClubAdminComment(clubId, adminId, hash) { MessageBox("Изменить комментарий к администратору", `

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