audios = $audios; } public function renderPopular(): void { $this->renderList(null, "popular"); } public function renderNew(): void { $this->renderList(null, "new"); } public function renderList(?int $owner = null, ?string $mode = "list"): void { $this->assertUserLoggedIn(); $this->template->_template = "Audio/List.xml"; $page = (int) ($this->queryParam("p") ?? 1); $audios = []; if ($mode === "list") { $entity = null; if ($owner < 0) { $entity = (new Clubs())->get($owner * -1); if (!$entity || $entity->isBanned()) { $this->redirect("/audios" . $this->user->id); } $audios = $this->audios->getByClub($entity, $page, 10); $audiosCount = $this->audios->getClubCollectionSize($entity); } else { $entity = (new Users())->get($owner); if (!$entity || $entity->isDeleted() || $entity->isBanned()) { $this->redirect("/audios" . $this->user->id); } if (!$entity->getPrivacyPermission("", $this->user->identity)) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("forbidden_comment")); } $audios = $this->audios->getByUser($entity, $page, 10); $audiosCount = $this->audios->getUserCollectionSize($entity); } if (!$entity) { $this->notFound(); } $this->template->owner = $entity; $this->template->ownerId = $owner; $this->template->club = $owner < 0 ? $entity : null; $this->template->isMy = ($owner > 0 && ($entity->getId() === $this->user->id)); $this->template->isMyClub = ($owner < 0 && $entity->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)); } elseif ($mode === "new") { $audios = $this->audios->getNew(); $audiosCount = $audios->size(); } elseif ($mode === "playlists") { if ($owner < 0) { $entity = (new Clubs())->get(abs($owner)); if (!$entity || $entity->isBanned()) { $this->redirect("/playlists" . $this->user->id); } $playlists = $this->audios->getPlaylistsByClub($entity, $page, OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE); $playlistsCount = $this->audios->getClubPlaylistsCount($entity); } else { $entity = (new Users())->get($owner); if (!$entity || $entity->isDeleted() || $entity->isBanned()) { $this->redirect("/playlists" . $this->user->id); } if (!$entity->getPrivacyPermission("", $this->user->identity)) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("forbidden_comment")); } $playlists = $this->audios->getPlaylistsByUser($entity, $page, OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE); $playlistsCount = $this->audios->getUserPlaylistsCount($entity); } $this->template->playlists = iterator_to_array($playlists); $this->template->playlistsCount = $playlistsCount; $this->template->owner = $entity; $this->template->ownerId = $owner; $this->template->club = $owner < 0 ? $entity : null; $this->template->isMy = ($owner > 0 && ($entity->getId() === $this->user->id)); $this->template->isMyClub = ($owner < 0 && $entity->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)); } elseif ($mode === 'alone_audio') { $audios = [$this->template->alone_audio]; $audiosCount = 1; $this->template->owner = $this->user->identity; $this->template->ownerId = $this->user->id; } // $this->renderApp("owner=$owner"); if ($audios !== []) { $this->template->audios = iterator_to_array($audios); $this->template->audiosCount = $audiosCount; } $this->template->mode = $mode; $this->template->page = $page; if (in_array($mode, ["list", "new", "popular"]) && $this->user->identity && $page < 2) { $this->template->friendsAudios = $this->user->identity->getBroadcastList("all", true); } } public function renderEmbed(int $owner, int $id): void { $audio = $this->audios->getByOwnerAndVID($owner, $id); if (!$audio) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); exit("" . tr("audio_embed_not_found") . "."); } elseif ($audio->isDeleted()) { header("HTTP/1.1 410 Not Found"); exit("" . tr("audio_embed_deleted") . "."); } elseif ($audio->isWithdrawn()) { header("HTTP/1.1 451 Unavailable for legal reasons"); exit("" . tr("audio_embed_withdrawn") . "."); } elseif (!$audio->canBeViewedBy(null)) { header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"); exit("" . tr("audio_embed_forbidden") . "."); } elseif (!$audio->isAvailable()) { header("HTTP/1.1 425 Too Early"); exit("" . tr("audio_embed_processing") . "."); } $this->template->audio = $audio; } public function renderUpload(): void { $this->assertUserLoggedIn(); $group = null; $playlist = null; $isAjax = $this->postParam("ajax", false) == 1; if (!is_null($this->queryParam("gid")) && !is_null($this->queryParam("playlist"))) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("not_enough_permissions_comment"), null, $isAjax); } if (!is_null($this->queryParam("gid"))) { $gid = (int) $this->queryParam("gid"); $group = (new Clubs())->get($gid); if (!$group) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("not_enough_permissions_comment"), null, $isAjax); } if (!$group->canUploadAudio($this->user->identity)) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("not_enough_permissions_comment"), null, $isAjax); } } if (!is_null($this->queryParam("playlist"))) { $playlist_id = (int) $this->queryParam("playlist"); $playlist = (new Audios())->getPlaylist($playlist_id); if (!$playlist || $playlist->isDeleted()) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("not_enough_permissions_comment"), null, $isAjax); } if (!$playlist->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("not_enough_permissions_comment"), null, $isAjax); } $this->template->playlist = $playlist; $this->template->owner = $playlist->getOwner(); } $this->template->group = $group; if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] !== "POST") { return; } $upload = $_FILES["blob"]; if (isset($upload) && file_exists($upload["tmp_name"])) { if ($upload["size"] > self::MAX_AUDIO_SIZE) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("media_file_corrupted_or_too_large"), null, $isAjax); } } else { $err = !isset($upload) ? 65536 : $upload["error"]; $err = str_pad(dechex($err), 9, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $readableError = tr("error_generic"); switch ($upload["error"]) { default: case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $readableError = tr("file_too_big"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $readableError = tr("file_loaded_partially"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $readableError = tr("file_not_uploaded"); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: $readableError = "Missing a temporary folder."; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: $readableError = "Failed to write file to disk. "; break; } $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), $readableError . " " . tr("error_code", $err), null, $isAjax); } $performer = $this->postParam("performer"); $name = $this->postParam("name"); $lyrics = $this->postParam("lyrics"); $genre = empty($this->postParam("genre")) ? "Other" : $this->postParam("genre"); $nsfw = ($this->postParam("explicit") ?? "off") === "on"; $is_unlisted = ($this->postParam("unlisted") ?? "off") === "on"; if (empty($performer) || empty($name) || iconv_strlen($performer . $name) > 128) { # FQN of audio must not be more than 128 chars $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("error_insufficient_info"), null, $isAjax); } $audio = new Audio(); $audio->setOwner($this->user->id); $audio->setName($name); $audio->setPerformer($performer); $audio->setLyrics(empty($lyrics) ? null : $lyrics); $audio->setGenre($genre); $audio->setExplicit($nsfw); $audio->setUnlisted($is_unlisted); try { $audio->setFile($upload); } catch (\DomainException $ex) { $e = $ex->getMessage(); $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("media_file_corrupted_or_too_large") . " $e.", null, $isAjax); } catch (\RuntimeException $ex) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("ffmpeg_timeout"), null, $isAjax); } catch (\BadMethodCallException $ex) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), "хз", null, $isAjax); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("ffmpeg_not_installed"), null, $isAjax); } $audio->save(); if ($playlist) { $playlist->add($audio); } else { $audio->add($group ?? $this->user->identity); } if (!$isAjax) { $this->redirect(is_null($group) ? "/audios" . $this->user->id : "/audios-" . $group->getId()); } else { $redirectLink = "/audios"; if (!is_null($group)) { $redirectLink .= $group->getRealId(); } else { $redirectLink .= $this->user->id; } if ($playlist) { $redirectLink = "/playlist" . $playlist->getPrettyId(); } $this->returnJson([ "success" => true, "redirect_link" => $redirectLink, ]); } } public function renderAloneAudio(int $owner_id, int $audio_id): void { $this->assertUserLoggedIn(); $found_audio = $this->audios->get($audio_id); if (!$found_audio || $found_audio->isDeleted() || !$found_audio->canBeViewedBy($this->user->identity)) { $this->notFound(); } $this->template->alone_audio = $found_audio; $this->renderList(null, 'alone_audio'); } public function renderListen(int $id): void { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") { $this->assertNoCSRF(); if (is_null($this->user)) { $this->returnJson(["success" => false]); } $audio = $this->audios->get($id); if ($audio && !$audio->isDeleted() && !$audio->isWithdrawn()) { if (!empty($this->postParam("playlist"))) { $playlist = (new Audios())->getPlaylist((int) $this->postParam("playlist")); if (!$playlist || $playlist->isDeleted() || !$playlist->canBeViewedBy($this->user->identity) || !$playlist->hasAudio($audio)) { $playlist = null; } } $listen = $audio->listen($this->user->identity, $playlist); $returnArr = ["success" => $listen]; if ($playlist) { $returnArr["new_playlists_listens"] = $playlist->getListens(); } $this->returnJson($returnArr); } $this->returnJson(["success" => false]); } else { $this->redirect("/"); } } public function renderSearch(): void { $this->redirect("/search?section=audios"); } public function renderNewPlaylist(): void { $this->assertUserLoggedIn(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(true); $owner = $this->user->id; if ($this->requestParam("gid")) { $club = (new Clubs())->get((int) abs((int) $this->requestParam("gid"))); if (!$club || $club->isBanned() || !$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) { $this->redirect("/audios" . $this->user->id); } $owner = ($club->getId() * -1); $this->template->club = $club; } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST") { $title = $this->postParam("title"); $description = $this->postParam("description"); $is_unlisted = (int) $this->postParam('is_unlisted'); $is_ajax = (int) $this->postParam('ajax') == 1; $audios = array_slice(explode(",", $this->postParam("audios")), 0, 1000); if (empty($title) || iconv_strlen($title) < 1) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("set_playlist_name"), null, $is_ajax); } $playlist = new Playlist(); $playlist->setOwner($owner); $playlist->setName(substr($title, 0, 125)); $playlist->setDescription(substr($description, 0, 2045)); if ($is_unlisted == 1) { $playlist->setUnlisted(true); } if ($_FILES["cover"]["error"] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { if (!str_starts_with($_FILES["cover"]["type"], "image")) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("not_a_photo"), null, $is_ajax); } try { $playlist->fastMakeCover($this->user->id, $_FILES["cover"]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("invalid_cover_photo"), null, $is_ajax); } } $playlist->save(); foreach ($audios as $audio) { $audio = $this->audios->get((int) $audio); if (!$audio || $audio->isDeleted()) { continue; } $playlist->add($audio); } $playlist->bookmark($club ?? $this->user->identity); if ($is_ajax) { $this->returnJson([ 'success' => true, 'redirect' => '/playlist' . $owner . "_" . $playlist->getId(), ]); } $this->redirect("/playlist" . $owner . "_" . $playlist->getId()); } else { $this->template->owner = $owner; } } public function renderPlaylistAction(int $id) { $this->assertUserLoggedIn(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(true); $this->assertNoCSRF(); if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] !== "POST") { header("HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed"); $this->redirect("/"); } $playlist = $this->audios->getPlaylist($id); if (!$playlist || $playlist->isDeleted()) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("invalid_playlist"), null, true); } switch ($this->queryParam("act")) { case "bookmark": if (!$playlist->isBookmarkedBy($this->user->identity)) { $playlist->bookmark($this->user->identity); } else { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("playlist_already_bookmarked"), null, true); } break; case "unbookmark": if ($playlist->isBookmarkedBy($this->user->identity)) { $playlist->unbookmark($this->user->identity); } else { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("playlist_not_bookmarked"), null, true); } break; case "delete": if ($playlist->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) { $tmOwner = $playlist->getOwner(); $playlist->delete(); } else { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("access_denied"), null, true); } $this->returnJson(["success" => true, "id" => $tmOwner->getRealId()]); break; default: break; } $this->returnJson(["success" => true]); } public function renderEditPlaylist(int $owner_id, int $virtual_id) { $this->assertUserLoggedIn(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $playlist = $this->audios->getPlaylistByOwnerAndVID($owner_id, $virtual_id); if (!$playlist || $playlist->isDeleted() || !$playlist->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) { $this->notFound(); } $this->template->playlist = $playlist; $audios = iterator_to_array($playlist->fetch(1, $playlist->size())); $this->template->audios = array_slice($audios, 0, 1000); $this->template->ownerId = $owner_id; $this->template->owner = $playlist->getOwner(); if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] !== "POST") { return; } $is_ajax = (int) $this->postParam('ajax') == 1; $title = $this->postParam("title"); $description = $this->postParam("description"); $is_unlisted = (int) $this->postParam('is_unlisted'); $new_audios = !empty($this->postParam("audios")) ? explode(",", rtrim($this->postParam("audios"), ",")) : []; if (empty($title) || iconv_strlen($title) < 1) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("set_playlist_name")); } $playlist->setName(ovk_proc_strtr($title, 125)); $playlist->setDescription(ovk_proc_strtr($description, 2045)); $playlist->setEdited(time()); $playlist->resetLength(); $playlist->setUnlisted((bool) $is_unlisted); if ($_FILES["cover"]["error"] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { if (!str_starts_with($_FILES["cover"]["type"], "image")) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("not_a_photo")); } try { $playlist->fastMakeCover($this->user->id, $_FILES["cover"]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("invalid_cover_photo")); } } $playlist->save(); DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("playlist_relations")->where([ "collection" => $playlist->getId(), ])->delete(); foreach ($new_audios as $new_audio) { $audio = (new Audios())->get((int) $new_audio); if (!$audio || $audio->isDeleted()) { continue; } $playlist->add($audio); } if ($is_ajax) { $this->returnJson([ 'success' => true, 'redirect' => '/playlist' . $playlist->getPrettyId(), ]); } $this->redirect("/playlist" . $playlist->getPrettyId()); } public function renderPlaylist(int $owner_id, int $virtual_id): void { $this->assertUserLoggedIn(); $playlist = $this->audios->getPlaylistByOwnerAndVID($owner_id, $virtual_id); $page = (int) ($this->queryParam("p") ?? 1); if (!$playlist || $playlist->isDeleted()) { $this->notFound(); } $this->template->playlist = $playlist; $this->template->page = $page; $this->template->cover = $playlist->getCoverPhoto(); $this->template->cover_url = $this->template->cover ? $this->template->cover->getURL() : "/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/song.jpg"; $this->template->audios = iterator_to_array($playlist->fetch($page, 10)); $this->template->ownerId = $owner_id; $this->template->owner = $playlist->getOwner(); $this->template->isBookmarked = $this->user->identity && $playlist->isBookmarkedBy($this->user->identity); $this->template->isMy = $this->user->identity && $playlist->getOwner()->getId() === $this->user->id; $this->template->canEdit = $this->user->identity && $playlist->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity); $this->template->count = $playlist->size(); } public function renderAction(int $audio_id): void { $this->assertUserLoggedIn(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(true); $this->assertNoCSRF(); if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] !== "POST") { header("HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed"); $this->redirect("/"); } $audio = $this->audios->get($audio_id); if (!$audio || $audio->isDeleted()) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("invalid_audio"), null, true); } switch ($this->queryParam("act")) { case "add": if ($audio->isWithdrawn()) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("invalid_audio"), null, true); } if (!$audio->isInLibraryOf($this->user->identity)) { $audio->add($this->user->identity); } else { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("do_have_audio"), null, true); } break; case "remove": if ($audio->isInLibraryOf($this->user->identity)) { $audio->remove($this->user->identity); } else { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("do_not_have_audio"), null, true); } break; case "remove_club": $club = (new Clubs())->get((int) $this->postParam("club")); if (!$club || !$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("access_denied"), null, true); } if ($audio->isInLibraryOf($club)) { $audio->remove($club); } else { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("group_hasnt_audio"), null, true); } break; case "add_to_club": $detailed = []; if ($audio->isWithdrawn()) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("invalid_audio"), null, true); } if (empty($this->postParam("clubs"))) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", 'clubs not passed', null, true); } $clubs_arr = explode(',', $this->postParam("clubs")); $count = sizeof($clubs_arr); if ($count < 1 || $count > 10) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr('too_many_or_to_lack'), null, true); } foreach ($clubs_arr as $club_id) { $club = (new Clubs())->get((int) $club_id); if (!$club || !$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) { continue; } if (!$audio->isInLibraryOf($club)) { $detailed[$club_id] = true; $audio->add($club); } else { $detailed[$club_id] = false; continue; } } $this->returnJson(["success" => true, 'detailed' => $detailed]); break; case "add_to_playlist": $detailed = []; if ($audio->isWithdrawn()) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("invalid_audio"), null, true); } if (empty($this->postParam("playlists"))) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", 'playlists not passed', null, true); } $playlists_arr = explode(',', $this->postParam("playlists")); $count = sizeof($playlists_arr); if ($count < 1 || $count > 10) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr('too_many_or_to_lack'), null, true); } foreach ($playlists_arr as $playlist_id) { $pid = explode('_', $playlist_id); $playlist = (new Audios())->getPlaylistByOwnerAndVID((int) $pid[0], (int) $pid[1]); if (!$playlist || !$playlist->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) { continue; } if (!$playlist->hasAudio($audio)) { $playlist->add($audio); $detailed[$playlist_id] = true; } else { $detailed[$playlist_id] = false; continue; } } $this->returnJson(["success" => true, 'detailed' => $detailed]); break; case "delete": if ($audio->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) { $audio->delete(); } else { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("access_denied"), null, true); } break; case "edit": $audio = $this->audios->get($audio_id); if (!$audio || $audio->isDeleted() || $audio->isWithdrawn()) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("invalid_audio"), null, true); } if ($audio->getOwner()->getId() !== $this->user->id) { $this->flashFail("err", "error", tr("access_denied"), null, true); } $performer = $this->postParam("performer"); $name = $this->postParam("name"); $lyrics = $this->postParam("lyrics"); $genre = empty($this->postParam("genre")) ? "undefined" : $this->postParam("genre"); $nsfw = (int) ($this->postParam("explicit") ?? 0) === 1; $unlisted = (int) ($this->postParam("unlisted") ?? 0) === 1; if (empty($performer) || empty($name) || iconv_strlen($performer . $name) > 128) { # FQN of audio must not be more than 128 chars $this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("error_insufficient_info"), null, true); } $audio->setName($name); $audio->setPerformer($performer); $audio->setLyrics(empty($lyrics) ? null : $lyrics); $audio->setGenre($genre); $audio->setExplicit($nsfw); $audio->setSearchability($unlisted); $audio->setEdited(time()); $audio->save(); $this->returnJson(["success" => true, "new_info" => [ "name" => ovk_proc_strtr($audio->getTitle(), 40), "performer" => ovk_proc_strtr($audio->getPerformer(), 40), "lyrics" => nl2br($audio->getLyrics() ?? ""), "lyrics_unformatted" => $audio->getLyrics() ?? "", "explicit" => $audio->isExplicit(), "genre" => $audio->getGenre(), "unlisted" => $audio->isUnlisted(), ]]); break; default: break; } $this->returnJson(["success" => true]); } public function renderPlaylists(int $owner) { $this->renderList($owner, "playlists"); } public function renderApiGetContext() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] !== "POST") { header("HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed"); $this->redirect("/"); } $ctx_type = $this->postParam("context"); $ctx_id = (int) ($this->postParam("context_entity")); $page = (int) ($this->postParam("page") ?? 1); $perPage = 10; switch ($ctx_type) { default: case "entity_audios": if ($ctx_id >= 0) { $entity = $ctx_id != 0 ? (new Users())->get($ctx_id) : $this->user->identity; if (!$entity || !$entity->getPrivacyPermission("", $this->user->identity)) { $this->flashFail("err", "Error", "Can't get queue", 80, true); } $audios = $this->audios->getByUser($entity, $page, $perPage); $audiosCount = $this->audios->getUserCollectionSize($entity); } else { $entity = (new Clubs())->get(abs($ctx_id)); if (!$entity || $entity->isBanned()) { $this->flashFail("err", "Error", "Can't get queue", 80, true); } $audios = $this->audios->getByClub($entity, $page, $perPage); $audiosCount = $this->audios->getClubCollectionSize($entity); } break; case "new_audios": $audios = $this->audios->getNew(); $audiosCount = $audios->size(); break; case "popular_audios": $audios = $this->audios->getPopular(); $audiosCount = $audios->size(); break; case "playlist_context": $playlist = $this->audios->getPlaylist($ctx_id); if (!$playlist || $playlist->isDeleted()) { $this->flashFail("err", "Error", "Can't get queue", 80, true); } $audios = $playlist->fetch($page, 10); $audiosCount = $playlist->size(); break; case "search_context": $stream = $this->audios->search($this->postParam("query"), 2, $this->postParam("type") === "by_performer"); $audios = $stream->page($page, 10); $audiosCount = $stream->size(); break; case "classic_search_context": $data = json_decode($this->postParam("context_entity"), true); $params = []; $order = [ "type" => $data['order'] ?? 'id', "invert" => (int) $data['invert'] == 1 ? true : false, ]; if ($data['genre'] && $data['genre'] != 'any') { $params['genre'] = $data['genre']; } if ($data['only_performers'] && (int) $data['only_performers'] == 1) { $params['only_performers'] = '1'; } if ($data['with_lyrics'] && (int) $data['with_lyrics'] == 1) { $params['with_lyrics'] = '1'; } $stream = $this->audios->find($data['query'], $params, $order); $audios = $stream->page($page, 10); $audiosCount = $stream->size(); break; case 'alone_audio': $found_audio = $this->audios->get($ctx_id); if (!$found_audio || $found_audio->isDeleted() || !$found_audio->canBeViewedBy($this->user->identity)) { $this->flashFail("err", "Error", "Not found", 89, true); } $audios = [$found_audio]; $audiosCount = 1; break; } $pagesCount = ceil($audiosCount / $perPage); # костылёк для получения плееров в пикере аудиозаписей if ((int) ($this->postParam("returnPlayers")) === 1) { $this->template->audios = $audios; $this->template->page = $page; $this->template->pagesCount = $pagesCount; $this->template->count = $audiosCount; return 0; } $audiosArr = []; foreach ($audios as $audio) { $output_array = []; $output_array['id'] = $audio->getId(); $output_array['name'] = $audio->getTitle(); $output_array['performer'] = $audio->getPerformer(); if (!$audio->isWithdrawn()) { $output_array['keys'] = $audio->getKeys(); $output_array['url'] = $audio->getUrl(); } $output_array['length'] = $audio->getLength(); $output_array['available'] = $audio->isAvailable(); $output_array['withdrawn'] = $audio->isWithdrawn(); $audiosArr[] = $output_array; } $resultArr = [ "success" => true, "page" => $page, "perPage" => $perPage, "pagesCount" => $pagesCount, "count" => $audiosCount, "items" => $audiosArr, ]; $this->returnJson($resultArr); } }