<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\Web\Models\Entities; use Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow; use openvk\Web\Util\DateTime; use openvk\Web\Models\RowModel; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Clubs; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Util\EntityStream; use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection; abstract class MediaCollection extends RowModel { protected $relTableName; protected $entityTableName; protected $entityClassName; protected $allowDuplicates = true; protected $specialNames = []; protected $relations; /** * Maximum amount of items Collection can have */ const MAX_ITEMS = INF; /** * Maximum amount of Collections with same "owner" allowed */ const MAX_COUNT = INF; function __construct(?ActiveRow $ar = NULL) { parent::__construct($ar); $this->relations = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table($this->relTableName); } private function entitySuitable(RowModel $entity): bool { if(($class = get_class($entity)) !== $this->entityClassName) throw new \UnexpectedValueException("This MediaCollection can only store '$this->entityClassName' (not '$class')."); return true; } function getOwner(): RowModel { $oid = $this->getRecord()->owner; if($oid > 0) return (new Users)->get($oid); else return (new Clubs)->get($oid * -1); } function getPrettyId(): string { return $this->getRecord()->owner . "_" . $this->getRecord()->id; } function getName(): string { $special = $this->getRecord()->special_type; if($special === 0) return $this->getRecord()->name; $sName = $this->specialNames[$special]; if(!$sName) return $this->getRecord()->name; if($sName[0] === "_") $sName = tr(substr($sName, 1)); return $sName; } function getDescription(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->description; } abstract function getCoverURL(): ?string; function fetchClassic(int $offset = 0, ?int $limit = NULL): \Traversable { $related = $this->getRecord()->related("$this->relTableName.collection") ->limit($limit ?? OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE, $offset) ->order("media ASC"); foreach($related as $rel) { $media = $rel->ref($this->entityTableName, "media"); if(!$media) continue; yield new $this->entityClassName($media); } } function fetch(int $page = 1, ?int $perPage = NULL): \Traversable { $page = max(1, $page); $perPage ??= OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE; return $this->fetchClassic($perPage * ($page - 1), $perPage); } function size(): int { return sizeof($this->getRecord()->related("$this->relTableName.collection")); } function getCreationTime(): DateTime { return new DateTime($this->getRecord()->created); } function getPublicationTime(): DateTime { return $this->getCreationTime(); } function getEditTime(): ?DateTime { $edited = $this->getRecord()->edited; if(is_null($edited)) return NULL; return new DateTime($edited); } function isCreatedBySystem(): bool { return $this->getRecord()->special_type !== 0; } function add(RowModel $entity): bool { $this->entitySuitable($entity); if(!$this->allowDuplicates) if($this->has($entity)) return false; if(self::MAX_ITEMS != INF) if(sizeof($this->relations->where("collection", $this->getId())) > self::MAX_ITEMS) throw new \OutOfBoundsException("Collection is full"); $this->relations->insert([ "collection" => $this->getId(), "media" => $entity->getId(), ]); return true; } function remove(RowModel $entity): bool { $this->entitySuitable($entity); return $this->relations->where([ "collection" => $this->getId(), "media" => $entity->getId(), ])->delete() > 0; } function has(RowModel $entity): bool { $this->entitySuitable($entity); $rel = $this->relations->where([ "collection" => $this->getId(), "media" => $entity->getId(), ])->fetch(); return !is_null($rel); } function save(?bool $log = false): void { $thisTable = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table($this->tableName); if(self::MAX_COUNT != INF) if(isset($this->changes["owner"])) if(sizeof($thisTable->where("owner", $this->changes["owner"])) > self::MAX_COUNT) throw new \OutOfBoundsException("Maximum amount of collections"); if(is_null($this->getRecord())) if(!isset($this->changes["created"])) $this->stateChanges("created", time()); else $this->stateChanges("edited", time()); parent::save($log); } function delete(bool $softly = true): void { if(!$softly) { $this->relations->where("collection", $this->getId()) ->delete(); } parent::delete($softly); } use Traits\TOwnable; }