user = $user; $this->platform = $platform; } protected function fail(int $code, string $message): never { throw new APIErrorException($message, $code); } protected function getUser(): ?User { return $this->user; } protected function getPlatform(): ?string { return $this->platform ?? ""; } protected function userAuthorized(): bool { return !is_null($this->getUser()); } protected function requireUser(): void { if (!$this->userAuthorized()) { $this->fail(5, "User authorization failed: no access_token passed."); } } protected function willExecuteWriteAction(): void { $ip = (new IPs())->get(CONNECTING_IP); $res = $ip->rateLimit(); if (!($res === IP::RL_RESET || $res === IP::RL_CANEXEC)) { if ($res === IP::RL_BANNED && OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["security"]["rateLimits"]["autoban"]) { $this->user->ban("User account has been suspended for breaking API terms of service", false); $this->fail(18, "User account has been suspended due to repeated violation of API rate limits."); } $this->fail(29, "You have been rate limited."); } } }