<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\VKAPI\Handlers; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users as UsersRepo; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Gifts as GiftsRepo; use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Notifications\GiftNotification; final class Gifts extends VKAPIRequestHandler { function get(int $user_id = NULL, int $count = 10, int $offset = 0) { $this->requireUser(); $i = 0; $i += $offset; $server_url = ovk_scheme(true) . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; if($user_id) $user = (new UsersRepo)->get($user_id); else $user = $this->getUser(); if(!$user || $user->isDeleted()) $this->fail(177, "Invalid user"); if(!$user->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser())) $this->fail(15, "Access denied"); /* if(!$user->getPrivacyPermission('gifts.read', $this->getUser())) $this->fail(15, "Access denied: this user chose to hide his gifts");*/ if(!$user->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser())) $this->fail(15, "Access denied"); $gift_item = []; $userGifts = array_slice(iterator_to_array($user->getGifts(1, $count, false)), $offset); if(sizeof($userGifts) < 0) { return NULL; } foreach($userGifts as $gift) { if($i < $count) { $gift_item[] = [ "id" => $i, "from_id" => $gift->anon == true ? 0 : $gift->sender->getId(), "message" => $gift->caption == NULL ? "" : $gift->caption, "date" => $gift->sent->timestamp(), "gift" => [ "id" => $gift->gift->getId(), "thumb_256" => $server_url. $gift->gift->getImage(2), "thumb_96" => $server_url . $gift->gift->getImage(2), "thumb_48" => $server_url . $gift->gift->getImage(2) ], "privacy" => 0 ]; } $i+=1; } return $gift_item; } function send(int $user_ids, int $gift_id, string $message = "", int $privacy = 0) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $user = (new UsersRepo)->get((int) $user_ids); if(!OPENVK_ROOT_CONF['openvk']['preferences']['commerce']) $this->fail(105, "Commerce is disabled on this instance"); if(!$user || $user->isDeleted()) $this->fail(177, "Invalid user"); if(!$user->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser())) $this->fail(15, "Access denied"); $gift = (new GiftsRepo)->get($gift_id); if(!$gift) $this->fail(165, "Invalid gift"); $price = $gift->getPrice(); $coinsLeft = $this->getUser()->getCoins() - $price; if(!$gift->canUse($this->getUser())) return (object) [ "success" => 0, "user_ids" => $user_ids, "error" => "You don't have any more of these gifts." ]; if($coinsLeft < 0) return (object) [ "success" => 0, "user_ids" => $user_ids, "error" => "You don't have enough voices." ]; $user->gift($this->getUser(), $gift, $message); $gift->used(); $this->getUser()->setCoins($coinsLeft); $this->getUser()->save(); $notification = new GiftNotification($user, $this->getUser(), $gift, $message); $notification->emit(); return (object) [ "success" => 1, "user_ids" => $user_ids, "withdraw_votes" => $price ]; } function delete() { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $this->fail(501, "Not implemented"); } # в vk кстати называется gifts.getCatalog function getCategories(bool $extended = false, int $page = 1) { $cats = (new GiftsRepo)->getCategories($page); $categ = []; $i = 0; $server_url = ovk_scheme(true) . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; if(!OPENVK_ROOT_CONF['openvk']['preferences']['commerce']) $this->fail(105, "Commerce is disabled on this instance"); foreach($cats as $cat) { $categ[$i] = [ "name" => $cat->getName(), "description" => $cat->getDescription(), "id" => $cat->getId(), "thumbnail" => $server_url . $cat->getThumbnailURL(), ]; if($extended == true) { $categ[$i]["localizations"] = []; foreach(getLanguages() as $lang) { $code = $lang["code"]; $categ[$i]["localizations"][$code] = [ "name" => $cat->getName($code), "desc" => $cat->getDescription($code), ]; } } $i++; } return $categ; } function getGiftsInCategory(int $id, int $page = 1) { $this->requireUser(); if(!OPENVK_ROOT_CONF['openvk']['preferences']['commerce']) $this->fail(105, "Commerce is disabled on this instance"); if(!(new GiftsRepo)->getCat($id)) $this->fail(177, "Category not found"); $giftz = ((new GiftsRepo)->getCat($id))->getGifts($page); $gifts = []; foreach($giftz as $gift) { $gifts[] = [ "name" => $gift->getName(), "image" => $gift->getImage(2), "usages_left" => (int)$gift->getUsagesLeft($this->getUser()), "price" => $gift->getPrice(), "is_free" => $gift->isFree() ]; } return $gifts; } }