context = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext(); $this->users = $this->context->table("profiles"); $this->aliases = $this->context->table("aliases"); } private function toUser(?ActiveRow $ar): ?User { return is_null($ar) ? null : new User($ar); } public function get(int $id): ?User { return $this->toUser($this->users->get($id)); } public function getByIds(array $ids = []): array { $users = $this->users->select('*')->where('id IN (?)', $ids); $users_array = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $users_array[] = $this->toUser($user); } return $users_array; } public function getByShortURL(string $url): ?User { $shortcode = $this->toUser($this->users->where("shortcode", $url)->fetch()); if ($shortcode) { return $shortcode; } $alias = (new Aliases())->getByShortcode($url); if (!$alias) { return null; } if ($alias->getType() !== "user") { return null; } return $alias->getUser(); } public function getByChandlerUserId(string $cid): ?User { return $this->toUser($this->users->where("user", $cid)->fetch()); } public function getByChandlerUser(?ChandlerUser $user): ?User { return $user ? $this->getByChandlerUserId($user->getId()) : null; } public function find(string $query, array $params = [], array $order = ['type' => 'id', 'invert' => false]): Util\EntityStream { $query = "%$query%"; $result = $this->users->where("CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name, pseudo, shortcode) LIKE ?", $query)->where("deleted", 0); $order_str = 'id'; switch ($order['type']) { case 'id': case 'reg_date': $order_str = 'id ' . ($order['invert'] ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'); break; case 'rating': $order_str = 'rating DESC'; break; } foreach ($params as $paramName => $paramValue) { if (is_null($paramValue) || $paramValue == '') { continue; } switch ($paramName) { case "hometown": $result->where("hometown LIKE ?", "%$paramValue%"); break; case "city": $result->where("city LIKE ?", "%$paramValue%"); break; case "marital_status": $result->where("marital_status ?", $paramValue); break; case "polit_views": $result->where("polit_views ?", $paramValue); break; case "is_online": $result->where("online >= ?", time() - 900); break; case "fav_mus": $result->where("fav_music LIKE ?", "%$paramValue%"); break; case "fav_films": $result->where("fav_films LIKE ?", "%$paramValue%"); break; case "fav_shows": $result->where("fav_shows LIKE ?", "%$paramValue%"); break; case "fav_books": $result->where("fav_books LIKE ?", "%$paramValue%"); break; case "before": $result->where("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(since) < ?", $paramValue); break; case "after": $result->where("UNIX_TIMESTAMP(since) > ?", $paramValue); break; case "gender": if ((int) $paramValue == 3) { break; } $result->where("sex ?", (int) $paramValue); break; case "ignore_id": $result->where("id != ?", $paramValue); break; case "ignore_private": $result->where("profile_type", 0); break; } } if ($order_str) { $result->order($order_str); } return new Util\EntityStream("User", $result); } public function getStatistics(): object { return (object) [ "all" => (clone $this->users)->count('*'), "active" => (clone $this->users)->where("online >= ?", time() - MONTH)->count('*'), "online" => (clone $this->users)->where("online >= ?", time() - 900)->count('*'), ]; } public function getByAddress(string $address): ?User { if (substr_compare($address, "/", -1) === 0) { $address = substr($address, 0, iconv_strlen($address) - 1); } $serverUrl = ovk_scheme(true) . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; if (strpos($address, $serverUrl . "/") === 0) { $address = substr($address, iconv_strlen($serverUrl) + 1); } if (strpos($address, "id") === 0) { $user = $this->get((int) substr($address, 2)); if ($user) { return $user; } } return $this->getByShortUrl($address); } /** * If you need to check if the user is an instance administrator, use `$user->getChandlerUser()->can("access")->model("admin")->whichBelongsTo(NULL)`. * This method is more suitable for instance administrators lists */ public function getInstanceAdmins(bool $excludeHidden = true): \Traversable { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT(`profiles`.`id`) FROM `ChandlerACLRelations` JOIN `profiles` ON `ChandlerACLRelations`.`user` = `profiles`.`user` COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci WHERE `ChandlerACLRelations`.`group` IN (SELECT `group` FROM `ChandlerACLGroupsPermissions` WHERE `model` = \"admin\" AND `permission` = \"access\")"; if ($excludeHidden) { $query .= " AND `ChandlerACLRelations`.`user` NOT IN (SELECT `user` FROM `ChandlerACLRelations` WHERE `group` IN (SELECT `group` FROM `ChandlerACLGroupsPermissions` WHERE `model` = \"hidden_admin\" AND `permission` = \"be\"))"; } $query .= " ORDER BY `profiles`.`id`;"; $result = DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query($query); foreach ($result as $entry) { yield $this->get($entry->id); } } }