<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\VKAPI\Handlers; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users as UsersRepo; final class Friends extends VKAPIRequestHandler { function get(int $user_id = 0, string $fields = "", int $offset = 0, int $count = 100): object { $i = 0; $offset++; $friends = []; $users = new UsersRepo; $this->requireUser(); if ($user_id == 0) { $user_id = $this->getUser()->getId(); } $user = $users->get($user_id); if(!$user || $user->isDeleted()) $this->fail(100, "Invalid user"); if(!$user->getPrivacyPermission("friends.read", $this->getUser())) $this->fail(15, "Access denied: this user chose to hide his friends."); foreach($user->getFriends($offset, $count) as $friend) { $friends[$i] = $friend->getId(); $i++; } $response = $friends; $usersApi = new Users($this->getUser()); if(!is_null($fields)) $response = $usersApi->get(implode(',', $friends), $fields, 0, $count); # FIXME return (object) [ "count" => $users->get($user_id)->getFriendsCount(), "items" => $response ]; } function getLists(): object { $this->requireUser(); return (object) [ "count" => 0, "items" => (array)[] ]; } function deleteList(): int { $this->requireUser(); return 1; } function edit(): int { $this->requireUser(); return 1; } function editList(): int { $this->requireUser(); return 1; } function add(string $user_id): int { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $users = new UsersRepo; $user = $users->get(intval($user_id)); if(is_null($user)) { $this->fail(177, "Cannot add this user to friends as user not found"); } else if($user->getId() == $this->getUser()->getId()) { $this->fail(174, "Cannot add user himself as friend"); } switch($user->getSubscriptionStatus($this->getUser())) { case 0: $user->toggleSubscription($this->getUser()); return 1; case 1: $user->toggleSubscription($this->getUser()); return 2; case 3: return 2; default: return 1; } } function delete(string $user_id): int { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $users = new UsersRepo; $user = $users->get(intval($user_id)); switch($user->getSubscriptionStatus($this->getUser())) { case 3: $user->toggleSubscription($this->getUser()); return 1; default: $this->fail(15, "Access denied: No friend or friend request found."); } } function areFriends(string $user_ids): array { $this->requireUser(); $users = new UsersRepo; $friends = explode(',', $user_ids); $response = []; for($i=0; $i < sizeof($friends); $i++) { $friend = $users->get(intval($friends[$i])); $response[] = (object)[ "friend_status" => $friend->getSubscriptionStatus($this->getUser()), "user_id" => $friend->getId() ]; } return $response; } function getRequests(string $fields = "", int $out = 0, int $offset = 0, int $count = 100, int $extended = 0): object { if ($count >= 1000) $this->fail(100, "One of the required parameters was not passed or is invalid."); $this->requireUser(); $i = 0; $offset++; $followers = []; if ($out != 0) { foreach($this->getUser()->getFollowers($offset, $count) as $follower) { $followers[$i] = $follower->getId(); $i++; } } else { foreach($this->getUser()->getRequests($offset, $count) as $follower) { $followers[$i] = $follower->getId(); $i++; } } $response = $followers; $usersApi = new Users($this->getUser()); $response = $usersApi->get(implode(',', $followers), $fields, 0, $count); foreach($response as $user) $user->user_id = $user->id; return (object) [ "count" => $this->getUser()->getFollowersCount(), "items" => $response ]; } }