<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\Web\Models\Entities; use MessagePack\MessagePack; use Nette\Utils\ImageException; use Nette\Utils\UnknownImageFileException; use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Album; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Albums; use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection as DB; use Nette\InvalidStateException as ISE; use Nette\Utils\Image; class Photo extends Media { protected $tableName = "photos"; protected $fileExtension = "jpeg"; const ALLOWED_SIDE_MULTIPLIER = 7; /** * @throws \ImagickException * @throws ImageException * @throws UnknownImageFileException */ private function resizeImage(\Imagick $image, string $outputDir, \SimpleXMLElement $size): array { $res = [false]; $requiresProportion = ((string) $size["requireProp"]) != "none"; if($requiresProportion) { $props = explode(":", (string) $size["requireProp"]); $px = (int) $props[0]; $py = (int) $props[1]; if(($image->getImageWidth() / $image->getImageHeight()) > ($px / $py)) { $height = (int) ceil(($px * $image->getImageWidth()) / $py); $image->cropImage($image->getImageWidth(), $height, 0, 0); $res[0] = true; } } if(isset($size["maxSize"])) { $maxSize = (int) $size["maxSize"]; $sizes = Image::calculateSize($image->getImageWidth(), $image->getImageHeight(), $maxSize, $maxSize, Image::SHRINK_ONLY | Image::FIT); $image->resizeImage($sizes[0], $sizes[1], \Imagick::FILTER_HERMITE, 1); } else if(isset($size["maxResolution"])) { $resolution = explode("x", (string) $size["maxResolution"]); $sizes = Image::calculateSize( $image->getImageWidth(), $image->getImageHeight(), (int) $resolution[0], (int) $resolution[1], Image::SHRINK_ONLY | Image::FIT ); $image->resizeImage($sizes[0], $sizes[1], \Imagick::FILTER_HERMITE, 1); } else { throw new \RuntimeException("Malformed size description: " . (string) $size["id"]); } $res[1] = $image->getImageWidth(); $res[2] = $image->getImageHeight(); if($res[1] <= 300 || $res[2] <= 300) $image->writeImage("$outputDir/$size[id].gif"); else $image->writeImage("$outputDir/$size[id].jpeg"); $res[3] = true; $image->destroy(); unset($image); return $res; } private function saveImageResizedCopies(?\Imagick $image, string $filename, string $hash): void { if(!$image) { $image = new \Imagick; $image->readImage($filename); } $dir = dirname($this->pathFromHash($hash)); $dir = "$dir/$hash" . "_cropped"; if(!is_dir($dir)) { @unlink($dir); # Added to transparently bypass issues with dead pesudofolders summoned by buggy SWIFT impls (selectel) mkdir($dir); } $sizes = simplexml_load_file(OPENVK_ROOT . "/data/photosizes.xml"); if(!$sizes) throw new \RuntimeException("Could not load photosizes.xml!"); $sizesMeta = []; if(OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["photos"]["photoSaving"] === "quick") { foreach($sizes->Size as $size) $sizesMeta[(string)$size["id"]] = [false, false, false, false]; } else { foreach($sizes->Size as $size) $sizesMeta[(string)$size["id"]] = $this->resizeImage(clone $image, $dir, $size); } $sizesMeta = MessagePack::pack($sizesMeta); $this->stateChanges("sizes", $sizesMeta); } protected function saveFile(string $filename, string $hash): bool { $image = new \Imagick; $image->readImage($filename); $h = $image->getImageHeight(); $w = $image->getImageWidth(); if(($h >= ($w * Photo::ALLOWED_SIDE_MULTIPLIER)) || ($w >= ($h * Photo::ALLOWED_SIDE_MULTIPLIER))) throw new ISE("Invalid layout: image is too wide/short"); $sizes = Image::calculateSize( $image->getImageWidth(), $image->getImageHeight(), 8192, 4320, Image::SHRINK_ONLY | Image::FIT ); $image->resizeImage($sizes[0], $sizes[1], \Imagick::FILTER_HERMITE, 1); $image->writeImage($this->pathFromHash($hash)); $this->saveImageResizedCopies($image, $filename, $hash); return true; } function crop(float $left, float $top, float $width, float $height): void { if(isset($this->changes["hash"])) $hash = $this->changes["hash"]; else if(!is_null($this->getRecord())) $hash = $this->getRecord()->hash; else throw new ISE("Cannot crop uninitialized image. Please call setFile(\$_FILES[...]) first."); $image = Image::fromFile($this->pathFromHash($hash)); $image->crop($left, $top, $width, $height); $image->save($this->pathFromHash($hash)); } function isolate(): void { if(is_null($this->getRecord())) throw new ISE("Cannot isolate unpresisted image. Please save() it first."); DB::i()->getContext()->table("album_relations")->where("media", $this->getRecord()->id)->delete(); } function getSizes(bool $upgrade = false, bool $forceUpdate = false): ?array { $sizes = $this->getRecord()->sizes; if(!$sizes || $forceUpdate) { if($forceUpdate || $upgrade || OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["photos"]["upgradeStructure"]) { $hash = $this->getRecord()->hash; $this->saveImageResizedCopies(NULL, $this->pathFromHash($hash), $hash); $this->save(); return $this->getSizes(); } return NULL; } $res = []; $sizes = MessagePack::unpack($sizes); foreach($sizes as $id => $meta) { if(isset($meta[3]) && !$meta[3]) { $res[$id] = (object) [ "url" => ovk_scheme(true) . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/photos/thumbnails/" . $this->getId() . "_$id.jpeg", "width" => NULL, "height" => NULL, "crop" => NULL ]; continue; } $url = $this->getURL(); $url = str_replace(".$this->fileExtension", "_cropped/$id.", $url); $url .= ($meta[1] <= 300 || $meta[2] <= 300) ? "gif" : "jpeg"; $res[$id] = (object) [ "url" => $url, "width" => $meta[1], "height" => $meta[2], "crop" => $meta[0] ]; } [$x, $y] = $this->getDimensions(); $res["UPLOADED_MAXRES"] = (object) [ "url" => $this->getURL(), "width" => $x, "height" => $y, "crop" => false ]; return $res; } function forceSize(string $sizeName): bool { $hash = $this->getRecord()->hash; $sizes = MessagePack::unpack($this->getRecord()->sizes); $size = $sizes[$sizeName] ?? false; if(!$size) return $size; if(!isset($size[3]) || $size[3] === true) return true; $path = $this->pathFromHash($hash); $dir = dirname($this->pathFromHash($hash)); $dir = "$dir/$hash" . "_cropped"; if(!is_dir($dir)) { @unlink($dir); mkdir($dir); } $sizeMetas = simplexml_load_file(OPENVK_ROOT . "/data/photosizes.xml"); if(!$sizeMetas) throw new \RuntimeException("Could not load photosizes.xml!"); $sizeInfo = NULL; foreach($sizeMetas->Size as $size) if($size["id"] == $sizeName) $sizeInfo = $size; if(!$sizeInfo) return false; $pic = new \Imagick; $pic->readImage($path); $sizes[$sizeName] = $this->resizeImage($pic, $dir, $sizeInfo); $this->stateChanges("sizes", MessagePack::pack($sizes)); $this->save(); return $sizes[$sizeName][3]; } function getVkApiSizes(): ?array { $res = []; $sizes = $this->getSizes(); if(!$sizes) return NULL; $manifest = simplexml_load_file(OPENVK_ROOT . "/data/photosizes.xml"); if(!$manifest) return NULL; $mappings = []; foreach($manifest->Size as $size) $mappings[(string) $size["id"]] = (string) $size["vkId"]; foreach($sizes as $id => $meta) { $type = $mappings[$id] ?? $id; $meta->type = $type; $res[$type] = $meta; } return $res; } function getURLBySizeId(string $size): string { $sizes = $this->getSizes(); if(!$sizes) return $this->getURL(); $size = $sizes[$size]; if(!$size) return $this->getURL(); return $size->url; } function getDimensions(): array { $x = $this->getRecord()->width; $y = $this->getRecord()->height; if(!$x) { # no sizes in database $hash = $this->getRecord()->hash; $image = Image::fromFile($this->pathFromHash($hash)); $x = $image->getWidth(); $y = $image->getHeight(); $this->stateChanges("width", $x); $this->stateChanges("height", $y); $this->save(); } return [$x, $y]; } function getPageURL(): string { if($this->isAnonymous()) return "/photos/" . base_convert((string) $this->getId(), 10, 32); return "/photo" . $this->getPrettyId(); } function getAlbum(): ?Album { return (new Albums)->getAlbumByPhotoId($this); } function toVkApiStruct(bool $photo_sizes = true, bool $extended = false): object { $res = (object) []; $res->id = $res->pid = $this->getVirtualId(); $res->owner_id = $res->user_id = $this->getOwner()->getId(); $res->aid = $res->album_id = NULL; $res->width = $this->getDimensions()[0]; $res->height = $this->getDimensions()[1]; $res->date = $res->created = $this->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(); if($photo_sizes) { $res->sizes = $this->getVkApiSizes(); $res->src_small = $res->photo_75 = $this->getURLBySizeId("miniscule"); $res->src = $res->photo_130 = $this->getURLBySizeId("tiny"); $res->src_big = $res->photo_604 = $this->getURLBySizeId("normal"); $res->src_xbig = $res->photo_807 = $this->getURLBySizeId("large"); $res->src_xxbig = $res->photo_1280 = $this->getURLBySizeId("larger"); $res->src_xxxbig = $res->photo_2560 = $this->getURLBySizeId("original"); $res->src_original = $res->url = $this->getURLBySizeId("UPLOADED_MAXRES"); } if($extended) { $res->likes = $this->getLikesCount(); # их нету но пусть будут $res->comments = $this->getCommentsCount(); $res->tags = 0; $res->can_comment = 1; $res->can_repost = 0; } return $res; } function canBeViewedBy(?User $user = NULL): bool { if($this->isDeleted() || $this->getOwner()->isDeleted()) { return false; } if(!is_null($this->getAlbum())) { return $this->getAlbum()->canBeViewedBy($user); } else { return $this->getOwner()->canBeViewedBy($user); } } static function fastMake(int $owner, string $description = "", array $file, ?Album $album = NULL, bool $anon = false): Photo { $photo = new static; $photo->setOwner($owner); $photo->setDescription(iconv_substr($description, 0, 36) . "..."); $photo->setAnonymous($anon); $photo->setCreated(time()); $photo->setFile($file); $photo->save(); if(!is_null($album)) { $album->addPhoto($photo); $album->setEdited(time()); $album->save(); } return $photo; } function toNotifApiStruct() { $res = (object)[]; $res->id = $this->getVirtualId(); $res->owner_id = $this->getOwner()->getId(); $res->aid = 0; $res->src = $this->getURLBySizeId("tiny"); $res->src_big = $this->getURLBySizeId("normal"); $res->src_small = $this->getURLBySizeId("miniscule"); $res->text = $this->getDescription(); $res->created = $this->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(); return $res; } }