getId(); $query = "SELECT id FROM\n" . file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/../sql/$filename.tsql"); $query .= "\n LIMIT " . $limit . " OFFSET " . ( ($page - 1) * $limit ); $rels = DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query($query, $id, $id); foreach($rels as $rel) { $rel = (new Users)->get($rel->id); if(!$rel) continue; yield $rel; } } protected function _abstractRelationCount(string $filename): int { $id = $this->getId(); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM\n" . file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/../sql/$filename.tsql"); return (int) DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query($query, $id, $id)->fetch()->cnt; } function getId(): int { return $this->getRecord()->id; } function getStyle(): string { return $this->getRecord()->style; } function getTheme(): ?Themepack { return Themepacks::i()[$this->getStyle()] ?? NULL; } function getStyleAvatar(): int { return $this->getRecord()->style_avatar; } function hasMilkshakeEnabled(): bool { return (bool) $this->getRecord()->milkshake; } function hasMicroblogEnabled(): bool { return (bool) $this->getRecord()->microblog; } function getMainPage(): int { return $this->getRecord()->main_page; } function getChandlerGUID(): string { return $this->getRecord()->user; } function getChandlerUser(): ChandlerUser { return new ChandlerUser($this->getRecord()->ref("ChandlerUsers", "user")); } function getURL(): string { if(!is_null($this->getShortCode())) return "/" . $this->getShortCode(); else return "/id" . $this->getId(); } function getAvatarUrl(string $size = "miniscule"): string { $serverUrl = ovk_scheme(true) . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; if($this->getRecord()->deleted) return "$serverUrl/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/camera_200.png"; else if($this->isBanned()) return "$serverUrl/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/banned.jpg"; $avPhoto = $this->getAvatarPhoto(); if(is_null($avPhoto)) return "$serverUrl/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/camera_200.png"; else return $avPhoto->getURLBySizeId($size); } function getAvatarLink(): string { $avPhoto = $this->getAvatarPhoto(); if(!$avPhoto) return "javascript:void(0)"; $pid = $avPhoto->getPrettyId(); $aid = (new Albums)->getUserAvatarAlbum($this)->getId(); return "/photo$pid?from=album$aid"; } function getAvatarPhoto(): ?Photo { $avAlbum = (new Albums)->getUserAvatarAlbum($this); $avCount = $avAlbum->getPhotosCount(); $avPhotos = $avAlbum->getPhotos($avCount, 1); return iterator_to_array($avPhotos)[0] ?? NULL; } function getFirstName(bool $pristine = false): string { $name = ($this->isDeleted() && !$this->isDeactivated() ? "DELETED" : mb_convert_case($this->getRecord()->first_name, MB_CASE_TITLE)); $tsn = tr("__transNames"); if(( $tsn !== "@__transNames" && !empty($tsn) ) && !$pristine) return mb_convert_case(transliterator_transliterate($tsn, $name), MB_CASE_TITLE); else return $name; } function getLastName(bool $pristine = false): string { $name = ($this->isDeleted() && !$this->isDeactivated() ? "DELETED" : mb_convert_case($this->getRecord()->last_name, MB_CASE_TITLE)); $tsn = tr("__transNames"); if(( $tsn !== "@__transNames" && !empty($tsn) ) && !$pristine) return mb_convert_case(transliterator_transliterate($tsn, $name), MB_CASE_TITLE); else return $name; } function getPseudo(): ?string { return ($this->isDeleted() && !$this->isDeactivated() ? "DELETED" : $this->getRecord()->pseudo); } function getFullName(): string { if($this->isDeleted() && !$this->isDeactivated()) return "DELETED"; $pseudo = $this->getPseudo(); if(!$pseudo) $pseudo = " "; else $pseudo = " ($pseudo) "; return $this->getFirstName() . $pseudo . $this->getLastName(); } function getMorphedName(string $case = "genitive", bool $fullName = true): string { $name = $fullName ? ($this->getLastName() . " " . $this->getFirstName()) : $this->getFirstName(); if(!preg_match("%^[А-яё\-]+$%", $name)) return $name; # name is probably not russian $inflected = inflectName($name, $case, $this->isFemale() ? Gender::FEMALE : Gender::MALE); return $inflected ?: $name; } function getCanonicalName(): string { if($this->isDeleted() && !$this->isDeactivated()) return "DELETED"; else return $this->getFirstName() . " " . $this->getLastName(); } function getPhone(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->phone; } function getEmail(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->email; } function getOnline(): DateTime { return new DateTime($this->getRecord()->online); } function getDescription(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->about; } function getStatus(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->status; } function getShortCode(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->shortcode; } function getAlert(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->alert; } function getTextForContentBan(string $type): string { switch ($type) { case "post": return "за размещение от Вашего лица таких записей:"; case "photo": return "за размещение от Вашего лица таких фотографий:"; case "video": return "за размещение от Вашего лица таких видеозаписей:"; case "group": return "за подозрительное вступление от Вашего лица в группу:"; case "comment": return "за размещение от Вашего лица таких комментариев:"; case "note": return "за размещение от Вашего лица таких заметок:"; case "app": return "за создание от Вашего имени подозрительных приложений."; default: return "за размещение от Вашего лица такого контента:"; } } function getRawBanReason(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->block_reason; } function getBanReason(?string $for = null) { $ban = (new Bans)->get((int) $this->getRecord()->block_reason); if (!$ban || $ban->isOver()) return null; $reason = $ban->getReason(); preg_match('/\*\*content-(post|photo|video|group|comment|note|app|noSpamTemplate)-(\d+)\*\*$/', $reason, $matches); if (sizeof($matches) === 3) { $content_type = $matches[1]; $content_id = (int) $matches[2]; if ($content_type === "noSpamTemplate") { $reason = "Подозрительная активность"; } else { if ($for !== "banned") { $reason = "Подозрительная активность"; } else { $reason = [$this->getTextForContentBan($content_type), $content_type]; switch ($content_type) { case "post": $reason[] = (new Posts)->get($content_id); break; case "photo": $reason[] = (new Photos)->get($content_id); break; case "video": $reason[] = (new Videos)->get($content_id); break; case "group": $reason[] = (new Clubs)->get($content_id); break; case "comment": $reason[] = (new Comments)->get($content_id); break; case "note": $reason[] = (new Notes)->get($content_id); break; case "app": $reason[] = (new Applications)->get($content_id); break; default: $reason[] = null; } } } } return $reason; } function getBanInSupportReason(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->block_in_support_reason; } function getType(): int { return $this->getRecord()->type; } function getCoins(): float { if(!OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["commerce"]) return 0.0; return $this->getRecord()->coins; } function getRating(): int { return OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["commerce"] ? $this->getRecord()->rating : 0; } function getReputation(): int { return $this->getRecord()->reputation; } function getRegistrationTime(): DateTime { return new DateTime($this->getRecord()->since->getTimestamp()); } function getRegistrationIP(): string { return $this->getRecord()->registering_ip; } function getHometown(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->hometown; } function getPoliticalViews(): int { return $this->getRecord()->polit_views; } function getMaritalStatus(): int { return $this->getRecord()->marital_status; } function getLocalizedMaritalStatus(): string { $status = $this->getMaritalStatus(); $string = "relationship_$status"; if($this->isFemale()) { $res = tr($string . "_fem"); if($res != ("@" . $string . "_fem")) return $res; # If fem version exists, return } return tr($string); } function getContactEmail(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->email_contact; } function getTelegram(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->telegram; } function getInterests(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->interests; } function getFavoriteMusic(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->fav_music; } function getFavoriteFilms(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->fav_films; } function getFavoriteShows(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->fav_shows; } function getFavoriteBooks(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->fav_books; } function getFavoriteQuote(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->fav_quote; } function getCity(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->city; } function getPhysicalAddress(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->address; } function getNotificationOffset(): int { return $this->getRecord()->notification_offset; } function getBirthday(): ?DateTime { if(is_null($this->getRecord()->birthday)) return NULL; else return new DateTime($this->getRecord()->birthday); } function getBirthdayPrivacy(): int { return $this->getRecord()->birthday_privacy; } function getAge(): ?int { return (int)floor((time() - $this->getBirthday()->timestamp()) / YEAR); } function get2faSecret(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()["2fa_secret"]; } function is2faEnabled(): bool { return !is_null($this->get2faSecret()); } function updateNotificationOffset(): void { $this->stateChanges("notification_offset", time()); } function getLeftMenuItemStatus(string $id): bool { return (bool) bmask($this->getRecord()->left_menu, [ "length" => 1, "mappings" => [ "photos", "videos", "messages", "notes", "groups", "news", "links", "poster", ], ])->get($id); } function getPrivacySetting(string $id): int { return (int) bmask($this->getRecord()->privacy, [ "length" => 2, "mappings" => [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "friends.add", "wall.write", "messages.write", ], ])->get($id); } function getPrivacyPermission(string $permission, ?User $user = NULL): bool { $permStatus = $this->getPrivacySetting($permission); if(!$user) return $permStatus === User::PRIVACY_EVERYONE; else if($user->getId() === $this->getId()) return true; switch($permStatus) { case User::PRIVACY_ONLY_FRIENDS: return $this->getSubscriptionStatus($user) === User::SUBSCRIPTION_MUTUAL; case User::PRIVACY_ONLY_REGISTERED: case User::PRIVACY_EVERYONE: return true; default: return false; } } function getProfileCompletenessReport(): object { $incompleteness = 0; $unfilled = []; if(!$this->getRecord()->status) { $unfilled[] = "status"; $incompleteness += 15; } if(!$this->getRecord()->telegram) { $unfilled[] = "telegram"; $incompleteness += 15; } if(!$this->getRecord()->email) { $unfilled[] = "email"; $incompleteness += 20; } if(!$this->getRecord()->city) { $unfilled[] = "city"; $incompleteness += 20; } if(!$this->getRecord()->interests) { $unfilled[] = "interests"; $incompleteness += 20; } $total = max(100 - $incompleteness + $this->getRating(), 0); if(ovkGetQuirk("profile.rating-bar-behaviour") === 0) if ($total >= 100) $percent = round(($total / 10**strlen(strval($total))) * 100, 0); else $percent = min($total, 100); return (object) [ "total" => $total, "percent" => $percent, "unfilled" => $unfilled, ]; } function getFriends(int $page = 1, int $limit = 6): \Traversable { return $this->_abstractRelationGenerator("get-friends", $page, $limit); } function getFriendsCount(): int { return $this->_abstractRelationCount("get-friends"); } function getFriendsOnline(int $page = 1, int $limit = 6): \Traversable { return $this->_abstractRelationGenerator("get-online-friends", $page, $limit); } function getFriendsOnlineCount(): int { return $this->_abstractRelationCount("get-online-friends"); } function getFollowers(int $page = 1, int $limit = 6): \Traversable { return $this->_abstractRelationGenerator("get-followers", $page, $limit); } function getFollowersCount(): int { return $this->_abstractRelationCount("get-followers"); } function getSubscriptions(int $page = 1, int $limit = 6): \Traversable { return $this->_abstractRelationGenerator("get-subscriptions-user", $page, $limit); } function getSubscriptionsCount(): int { return $this->_abstractRelationCount("get-subscriptions-user"); } function getUnreadMessagesCount(): int { return sizeof(DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("messages")->where(["recipient_id" => $this->getId(), "unread" => 1])); } function getClubs(int $page = 1, bool $admin = false, int $count = OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE, bool $offset = false): \Traversable { if(!$offset) $page = ($page - 1) * $count; if($admin) { $id = $this->getId(); $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `groups` WHERE `owner` = ? UNION SELECT `club` as `id` FROM `group_coadmins` WHERE `user` = ?"; $query .= " LIMIT " . $count . " OFFSET " . $page; $sel = DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query($query, $id, $id); foreach($sel as $target) { $target = (new Clubs)->get($target->id); if(!$target) continue; yield $target; } } else { $sel = $this->getRecord()->related("subscriptions.follower")->limit($count, $page); foreach($sel->where("model", "openvk\\Web\\Models\\Entities\\Club") as $target) { $target = (new Clubs)->get($target->target); if(!$target) continue; yield $target; } } } function getClubCount(bool $admin = false): int { if($admin) { $id = $this->getId(); $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS `cnt` FROM (SELECT `id` FROM `groups` WHERE `owner` = ? UNION SELECT `club` as `id` FROM `group_coadmins` WHERE `user` = ?) u0;"; return (int) DatabaseConnection::i()->getConnection()->query($query, $id, $id)->fetch()->cnt; } else { $sel = $this->getRecord()->related("subscriptions.follower"); $sel = $sel->where("model", "openvk\\Web\\Models\\Entities\\Club"); return sizeof($sel); } } function getPinnedClubs(): \Traversable { foreach($this->getRecord()->related("groups.owner")->where("owner_club_pinned", true) as $target) { $target = (new Clubs)->get($target->id); if(!$target) continue; yield $target; } foreach($this->getRecord()->related("group_coadmins.user")->where("club_pinned", true) as $target) { $target = (new Clubs)->get($target->club); if(!$target) continue; yield $target; } } function getPinnedClubCount(): int { return sizeof($this->getRecord()->related("groups.owner")->where("owner_club_pinned", true)) + sizeof($this->getRecord()->related("group_coadmins.user")->where("club_pinned", true)); } function isClubPinned(Club $club): bool { if($club->getOwner()->getId() === $this->getId()) return $club->isOwnerClubPinned(); $manager = $club->getManager($this); if(!is_null($manager)) return $manager->isClubPinned(); return false; } function getMeetings(int $page = 1): \Traversable { $sel = $this->getRecord()->related("event_turnouts.user")->page($page, OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE); foreach($sel as $target) { $target = (new Clubs)->get($target->event); if(!$target) continue; yield $target; } } function getMeetingCount(): int { return sizeof($this->getRecord()->related("event_turnouts.user")); } function getGifts(int $page = 1, ?int $perPage = NULL): \Traversable { $gifts = $this->getRecord()->related("gift_user_relations.receiver")->order("sent DESC")->page($page, $perPage ?? OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE); foreach($gifts as $rel) { yield (object) [ "sender" => (new Users)->get($rel->sender), "gift" => (new Gifts)->get($rel->gift), "caption" => $rel->comment, "anon" => $rel->anonymous, "sent" => new DateTime($rel->sent), ]; } } function getGiftCount(): int { return sizeof($this->getRecord()->related("gift_user_relations.receiver")); } function get2faBackupCodes(): \Traversable { $sel = $this->getRecord()->related("2fa_backup_codes.owner"); foreach($sel as $target) yield $target->code; } function get2faBackupCodeCount(): int { return sizeof($this->getRecord()->related("2fa_backup_codes.owner")); } function generate2faBackupCodes(): void { $codes = []; for($i = 0; $i < 10 - $this->get2faBackupCodeCount(); $i++) { $codes[] = [ owner => $this->getId(), code => random_int(10000000, 99999999) ]; } if(sizeof($codes) > 0) DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("2fa_backup_codes")->insert($codes); } function use2faBackupCode(int $code): bool { return (bool) $this->getRecord()->related("2fa_backup_codes.owner")->where("code", $code)->delete(); } function getSubscriptionStatus(User $user): int { $subbed = !is_null($this->getRecord()->related("subscriptions.follower")->where([ "model" => static::class, "target" => $user->getId(), ])->fetch()); $followed = !is_null($this->getRecord()->related("")->where([ "model" => static::class, "follower" => $user->getId(), ])->fetch()); if($subbed && $followed) return User::SUBSCRIPTION_MUTUAL; if($subbed) return User::SUBSCRIPTION_INCOMING; if($followed) return User::SUBSCRIPTION_OUTGOING; return User::SUBSCRIPTION_ABSENT; } function getNotificationsCount(bool $archived = false): int { return (new Notifications)->getNotificationCountByUser($this, $this->getNotificationOffset(), $archived); } function getNotifications(int $page, bool $archived = false): \Traversable { return (new Notifications)->getNotificationsByUser($this, $this->getNotificationOffset(), $archived, $page); } function getPendingPhoneVerification(): ?ActiveRow { return $this->getRecord()->ref("number_verification", "id"); } function getRefLinkId(): string { $hash = hash_hmac("Snefru", (string) $this->getId(), CHANDLER_ROOT_CONF["security"]["secret"], true); return dechex($this->getId()) . " " . base64_encode($hash); } function getNsfwTolerance(): int { return $this->getRecord()->nsfw_tolerance; } function isFemale(): bool { return (bool) $this->getRecord()->sex; } function isVerified(): bool { return (bool) $this->getRecord()->verified; } function isBanned(): bool { return !is_null($this->getBanReason()); } function isBannedInSupport(): bool { return !is_null($this->getBanInSupportReason()); } function isOnline(): bool { return time() - $this->getRecord()->online <= 300; } function getOnlinePlatform(bool $forAPI = false): ?string { $platform = $this->getRecord()->client_name; if($forAPI) { switch ($platform) { case 'openvk_refresh_android': case 'openvk_legacy_android': return 'android'; break; case 'openvk_ios': case 'openvk_legacy_ios': return 'iphone'; break; case 'vika_touch': // кика хохотач ахахахаххахахахахах case 'vk4me': return 'mobile'; break; case NULL: return NULL; break; default: return 'api'; break; } } else { return $platform; } } function getOnlinePlatformDetails(): array { $clients = simplexml_load_file(OPENVK_ROOT . "/data/clients.xml"); foreach($clients as $client) { if($client['tag'] == $this->getOnlinePlatform()) { return [ "tag" => $client['tag'], "name" => $client['name'], "url" => $client['url'], "img" => $client['img'] ]; break; } } return [ "tag" => $this->getOnlinePlatform(), "name" => NULL, "url" => NULL, "img" => NULL ]; } function prefersNotToSeeRating(): bool { return !((bool) $this->getRecord()->show_rating); } function hasPendingNumberChange(): bool { return !is_null($this->getPendingPhoneVerification()); } function gift(User $sender, Gift $gift, ?string $comment = NULL, bool $anonymous = false): void { DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("gift_user_relations")->insert([ "sender" => $sender->getId(), "receiver" => $this->getId(), "gift" => $gift->getId(), "comment" => $comment, "anonymous" => $anonymous, "sent" => time(), ]); } function ban(string $reason, bool $deleteSubscriptions = true, $unban_time = NULL, ?int $initiator = NULL): void { if($deleteSubscriptions) { $subs = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("subscriptions"); $subs = $subs->where( "follower = ? OR (target = ? AND model = ?)", $this->getId(), $this->getId(), get_class($this), ); $subs->delete(); } $iat = time(); $ban = new Ban; $ban->setUser($this->getId()); $ban->setReason($reason); $ban->setInitiator($initiator); $ban->setIat($iat); $ban->setExp($unban_time !== "permanent" ? $unban_time : 0); $ban->setTime($unban_time === "permanent" ? 0 : ($unban_time ? ($unban_time - $iat) : 0)); $ban->save(); $this->setBlock_Reason($ban->getId()); // $this->setUnblock_time($unban_time); $this->save(); } function unban(int $removed_by): void { $ban = (new Bans)->get((int) $this->getRawBanReason()); if (!$ban || $ban->isOver()) return; $ban->setRemoved_Manually(true); $ban->setRemoved_By($removed_by); $ban->save(); $this->setBlock_Reason(NULL); // $user->setUnblock_time(NULL); $this->save(); } function deactivate(?string $reason): void { $this->setDeleted(1); $this->setDeact_Date(time() + (MONTH * 7)); $this->setDeact_Reason($reason); $this->save(); } function reactivate(): void { $this->setDeleted(0); $this->setDeact_Date(0); $this->setDeact_Reason(""); $this->save(); } function getDeactivationDate(): DateTime { return new DateTime($this->getRecord()->deact_date); } function verifyNumber(string $code): bool { $ver = $this->getPendingPhoneVerification(); if(!$ver) return false; try { if(sodium_memcmp((string) $ver->code, $code) === -1) return false; } catch(\SodiumException $ex) { return false; } $this->setPhone($ver->number); $this->save(); DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext() ->table("number_verification") ->where("user", $this->getId()) ->delete(); return true; } function setFirst_Name(string $firstName): void { $firstName = mb_convert_case($firstName, MB_CASE_TITLE); if(!preg_match('%^[\p{Lu}\p{Lo}]\p{Mn}?(?:[\p{L&}\p{Lo}]\p{Mn}?){1,16}$%u', $firstName)) throw new InvalidUserNameException; $this->stateChanges("first_name", $firstName); } function setLast_Name(string $lastName): void { if(!empty($lastName)) { $lastName = mb_convert_case($lastName, MB_CASE_TITLE); if(!preg_match('%^[\p{Lu}\p{Lo}]\p{Mn}?([\p{L&}\p{Lo}]\p{Mn}?){1,16}(\-\g<1>+)?$%u', $lastName)) throw new InvalidUserNameException; } $this->stateChanges("last_name", $lastName); } function setNsfwTolerance(int $tolerance): void { $this->stateChanges("nsfw_tolerance", $tolerance); } function setPrivacySetting(string $id, int $status): void { $this->stateChanges("privacy", bmask($this->changes["privacy"] ?? $this->getRecord()->privacy, [ "length" => 2, "mappings" => [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "friends.add", "wall.write", "messages.write", ], ])->set($id, $status)->toInteger()); } function setLeftMenuItemStatus(string $id, bool $status): void { $mask = bmask($this->changes["left_menu"] ?? $this->getRecord()->left_menu, [ "length" => 1, "mappings" => [ "photos", "videos", "messages", "notes", "groups", "news", "links", "poster", ], ])->set($id, (int) $status)->toInteger(); $this->stateChanges("left_menu", $mask); } function setShortCode(?string $code = NULL, bool $force = false): ?bool { if(!is_null($code)) { if(strlen($code) < OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["shortcodes"]["minLength"] && !$force) return false; if(!preg_match("%^[a-z][a-z0-9\\.\\_]{0,30}[a-z0-9]$%", $code)) return false; if(in_array($code, OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["shortcodes"]["forbiddenNames"])) return false; if(\Chandler\MVC\Routing\Router::i()->getMatchingRoute("/$code")[0]->presenter !== "UnknownTextRouteStrategy") return false; $pClub = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("groups")->where("shortcode", $code)->fetch(); if(!is_null($pClub)) return false; $pAlias = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("aliases")->where("shortcode", $code)->fetch(); if(!is_null($pAlias)) return false; } $this->stateChanges("shortcode", $code); return true; } function setPhoneWithVerification(string $phone): string { $code = unpack("S", openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(2))[1]; if($this->hasPendingNumberChange()) { DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext() ->table("number_verification") ->where("user", $this->getId()) ->update(["number" => $phone, "code" => $code]); } else { DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext() ->table("number_verification") ->insert(["user" => $this->getId(), "number" => $phone, "code" => $code]); } return (string) $code; } # KABOBSQL temporary fix # Tuesday, the 7th of January 2020 @ 22:43 : implementing quick fix to this problem and monitoring # NOTICE: this is an ongoing conversation, add your comments just above this line. Thanks! function setOnline(int $time): bool { $this->stateChanges("shortcode", $this->getRecord()->shortcode); #fix KABOBSQL $this->stateChanges("online", $time); return true; } function updOnline(string $platform): bool { $this->setOnline(time()); $this->setClient_name($platform); $this->save(false); return true; } function changeEmail(string $email): void { DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("ChandlerUsers") ->where("id", $this->getChandlerUser()->getId())->update([ "login" => $email ]); $this->stateChanges("email", $email); $this->save(); } function adminNotify(string $message): bool { $admId = (int) OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["support"]["adminAccount"]; if(!$admId) return false; else if(is_null($admin = (new Users)->get($admId))) return false; $cor = new Correspondence($admin, $this); $msg = new Message; $msg->setContent($message); $cor->sendMessage($msg, true); return true; } function isDeleted(): bool { if($this->getRecord()->deleted == 1) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } function isDeactivated(): bool { if($this->getDeactivationDate()->timestamp() > time()) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /** * 0 - Default status * 1 - Incognito online status * 2 - Page of a dead person */ function onlineStatus(): int { switch ($this->getRecord()->online) { case 1: return 1; break; case 2: return 2; break; default: return 0; break; } } function getWebsite(): ?string { return $this->getRecord()->website; } # ты устрица function isActivated(): bool { return (bool) $this->getRecord()->activated; } function getUnbanTime(): ?string { $ban = (new Bans)->get((int) $this->getRecord()->block_reason); if (!$ban || $ban->isOver() || $ban->isPermanent()) return null; return date('d.m.Y', $ban->getEndTime()); } function canUnbanThemself(): bool { if (!$this->isBanned()) return false; $ban = (new Bans)->get((int) $this->getRecord()->block_reason); if (!$ban || $ban->isOver() || $ban->isPermanent()) return false; return $ban->getEndTime() <= time() && !$ban->isPermanent(); } function getNewBanTime() { $bans = iterator_to_array((new Bans)->getByUser($this->getid())); if (!$bans || count($bans) === 0) return 0; $last_ban = end($bans); if (!$last_ban) return 0; if ($last_ban->isPermanent()) return "permanent"; $values = [0, 3600, 7200, 86400, 172800, 604800, 1209600, 3024000, 9072000]; $response = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($values as $value) { $i++; if ($last_ban->getTime() === 0 && $value === 0) continue; if ($last_ban->getTime() < $value) { $response = $value; break; } else if ($last_ban->getTime() >= $value) { if ($i < count($values)) continue; $response = "permanent"; break; } } return $response; } function toVkApiStruct(): object { $res = (object) []; $res->id = $this->getId(); $res->first_name = $this->getFirstName(); $res->last_name = $this->getLastName(); $res->deactivated = $this->isDeactivated(); $res->photo_50 = $this->getAvatarURL(); $res->photo_100 = $this->getAvatarURL("tiny"); $res->photo_200 = $this->getAvatarURL("normal"); $res->photo_id = !is_null($this->getAvatarPhoto()) ? $this->getAvatarPhoto()->getPrettyId() : NULL; # TODO: Perenesti syuda vsyo ostalnoyie return $res; } use Traits\TBackDrops; use Traits\TSubscribable; }