<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace openvk\Web\Util; class Bitmask { protected $data; protected $length; protected $mapping; function __construct(int $data, int $length = 1, array $mapping = []) { $this->data = str_pad(decbin($data), 63, "0", STR_PAD_RIGHT); $this->length = $length; if((sizeof($mapping) - 1) > (64 / $length)) throw new \OutOfRangeException("Mapping contains more keys than a bitmask can fit in itself."); else $this->mapping = $mapping; } private function getOffsetByKey(string $key): int { $offset = array_search($key, $this->mapping); if($offset === false) throw new \OutOfBoundsException("Key '$key' is not present in bitmask."); return $offset; } function toInteger(): int { return (int) bindec($this->data); } function __toString(): string { return (string) $this->toInteger(); } function getNumberByOffset(int $offset): float { $offset *= $this->length; if($offset > (64 / $this->length)) return (float) 'NaN'; return (float) bindec(substr($this->data, $offset, $this->length)); } function getBoolByOffset(int $offset): ?bool { if($this->length !== 1) return NULL; $number = $this->getNumberByOffset($offset); return is_nan($number) ? NULL : (bool) $number; } function setByOffset(int $offset, int $number): void { $offset *= $this->length; if(($offset + $this->length) > 64) throw new \OutOfRangeException("$offset is invalid offset. Bitmask length is 64 bits."); $this->data = substr_replace($this->data, str_pad(decbin($number), $this->length, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), $offset, $this->length); } function set($key, int $data): Bitmask { if(gettype($key) === "string") $this->setByOffset($this->getOffsetByKey($key), $data); else if(gettype($key) === "int") $this->setByOffset($key, $data); else throw new TypeError("Key must be either offset (int) or a string index"); return $this; } function get($key) { if(gettype($key) === "string") $key = $this->getOffsetByKey($key); else if(gettype($key) !== "int") throw new TypeError("Key must be either offset (int) or a string index"); return $this->length === 1 ? $this->getBoolByOffset($key) : $this->getNumberByOffset($key); } }