<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Chandler\Database; use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection; use Nette\Database\Table\Selection; use Nette\Database\Table\ActiveRow; use Nette\InvalidStateException as ISE; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\CurrentUser; use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Logs; abstract class DBEntity { protected $record; protected $changes; protected $deleted; protected $user; protected $tableName; function __construct(?ActiveRow $row = NULL) { if(is_null($row)) return; $_table = $row->getTable()->getName(); if($_table !== $this->tableName) throw new ISE("Invalid data supplied for model: table $_table is not compatible with table" . $this->tableName); $this->record = $row; } function __call(string $fName, array $args) { if(substr($fName, 0, 3) === "set") { $field = mb_strtolower(substr($fName, 3)); $this->stateChanges($field, $args[0]); } else { throw new \Error("Call to undefined method " . get_class($this) . "::$fName"); } } private function getTable(): Selection { return DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table($this->tableName); } protected function getRecord(): ?ActiveRow { return $this->record; } protected function stateChanges(string $column, $value): void { if(!is_null($this->record)) $t = $this->record->{$column}; #Test if column exists $this->changes[$column] = $value; } function getId() { return $this->getRecord()->id; } function isDeleted(): bool { return (bool) $this->getRecord()->deleted; } function unwrap(): object { return (object) $this->getRecord()->toArray(); } function delete(bool $softly = true): void { $user = CurrentUser::i()->getUser(); $user_id = is_null($user) ? (int) OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["support"]["adminAccount"] : $user->getId(); if(is_null($this->record)) throw new ISE("Can't delete a model, that hasn't been flushed to DB. Have you forgotten to call save() first?"); (new Logs)->create($user_id, $this->getTable()->getName(), get_class($this), 2, $this->record->toArray(), $this->changes); if($softly) { $this->record = $this->getTable()->where("id", $this->record->id)->update(["deleted" => true]); } else { $this->record->delete(); $this->deleted = true; } } function undelete(): void { if(is_null($this->record)) throw new ISE("Can't undelete a model, that hasn't been flushed to DB. Have you forgotten to call save() first?"); $user = CurrentUser::i()->getUser(); $user_id = is_null($user) ? (int) OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["support"]["adminAccount"] : $user->getId(); (new Logs)->create($user_id, $this->getTable()->getName(), get_class($this), 3, $this->record->toArray(), ["deleted" => false]); $this->getTable()->where("id", $this->record->id)->update(["deleted" => false]); } function save(?bool $log = true): void { if ($log) { $user = CurrentUser::i(); $user_id = is_null($user) ? (int)OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["support"]["adminAccount"] : $user->getUser()->getId(); } if(is_null($this->record)) { $this->record = $this->getTable()->insert($this->changes); if ($log && $this->getTable()->getName() !== "logs") { (new Logs)->create($user_id, $this->getTable()->getName(), get_class($this), 0, $this->record->toArray(), $this->changes); } } else { if ($log && $this->getTable()->getName() !== "logs") { (new Logs)->create($user_id, $this->getTable()->getName(), get_class($this), 1, $this->record->toArray(), $this->changes); } if ($this->deleted) { $this->record = $this->getTable()->insert((array)$this->record); } else { $this->getTable()->get($this->record->id)->update($this->changes); $this->record = $this->getTable()->get($this->record->id); } } $this->changes = []; } function getTableName(): string { return $this->getTable()->getName(); } use \Nette\SmartObject; }