<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\VKAPI\Handlers;
use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Document;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Documents;

final class Docs extends VKAPIRequestHandler
    function add(int $owner_id, int $doc_id, ?string $access_key): string

        $doc = (new Documents)->getDocumentById($owner_id, $doc_id);
        if(!$doc || $doc->isDeleted())
            $this->fail(1150, "Invalid document id");

            $this->fail(15, "Access denied");

            $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: this document already added");

        $new_doc = $doc->copy($this->getUser());

        return $new_doc->getPrettyId();

    function delete(int $owner_id, int $doc_id): int
        $doc = (new Documents)->getDocumentByIdUnsafe($owner_id, $doc_id);
        if(!$doc || $doc->isDeleted())
            $this->fail(1150, "Invalid document id");

            $this->fail(1153, "Access to document is denied");

        return 1;

    function restore(int $owner_id, int $doc_id): int

        return $this->add($owner_id, $doc_id, "");

    function edit(int $owner_id, int $doc_id, ?string $title = "", ?string $tags = "", ?int $folder_id = 0, int $owner_hidden = -1): int

        $doc = (new Documents)->getDocumentByIdUnsafe($owner_id, $doc_id);
        if(!$doc || $doc->isDeleted())
            $this->fail(1150, "Invalid document id");
            $this->fail(1153, "Access to document is denied");
        if(iconv_strlen($title ?? "") > 128 || iconv_strlen($title ?? "") < 0)
            $this->fail(1152, "Invalid document title");
        if(iconv_strlen($tags ?? "") > 256)
            $this->fail(1154, "Invalid tags");


        if(in_array($folder_id, [0, 3]))
        if(in_array($owner_hidden, [0, 1]))

        try {
        } catch(\Throwable $e) {
            return 0;

        return 1;

    function get(int $count = 30, int $offset = 0, int $type = -1, int $owner_id = NULL, int $return_tags = 0, int $order = 0): object
            $owner_id = $this->getUser()->getId();
        if($owner_id > 0 && $owner_id != $this->getUser()->getId())
            $this->fail(15, "Access denied");

        $documents = (new Documents)->getDocumentsByOwner($owner_id, $order, $type);
        $res = (object)[
            "count" => $documents->size(),
            "items" => [],

        foreach($documents->offsetLimit($offset, $count) as $doc) {
            $res->items[] = $doc->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser(), $return_tags == 1);

        return $res;

    function getById(string $docs, int $return_tags = 0): array

        $item_ids = explode(",", $docs);
        $response = [];
        if(sizeof($item_ids) < 1) {
            $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: docs is undefined");

        foreach($item_ids as $id) {
            $splitted_id = explode("_", $id);
            $doc = (new Documents)->getDocumentById((int)$splitted_id[0], (int)$splitted_id[1], $splitted_id[2]);
            if(!$doc || $doc->isDeleted())

            $response[] = $doc->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser(), $return_tags === 1);

        return $response;

    function getTypes(?int $owner_id)
            $owner_id = $this->getUser()->getId();
        if($owner_id > 0 && $owner_id != $this->getUser()->getId())
            $this->fail(15, "Access denied");
        $types = (new Documents)->getTypes($owner_id);
        return [
            "count" => sizeof($types),
            "items" => $types,

    function getTags(?int $owner_id, ?int $type = 0)
            $owner_id = $this->getUser()->getId();
        if($owner_id > 0 && $owner_id != $this->getUser()->getId())
            $this->fail(15, "Access denied");
        $tags = (new Documents)->getTags($owner_id, $type);
        return $tags;

    function search(string $q = "", int $search_own = -1, int $order = -1, int $count = 30, int $offset = 0, int $return_tags = 0, int $type = 0, ?string $tags = NULL): object

        $params    = [];
        $o_order   = ["type" => "id", "invert" => false];

        if(iconv_strlen($q) > 512)
            $this->fail(100, "One of the parameters specified was missing or invalid: q should be not more 512 letters length");

        if(in_array($type, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]))
            $params["type"] = $type;

        if(iconv_strlen($tags ?? "") < 512)
            $params["tags"] = $tags;

        if($search_own === 1)
            $params["from_me"] = $this->getUser()->getId();

        $documents = (new Documents)->find($q, $params, $o_order);
        $res = (object)[
            "count" => $documents->size(),
            "items" => [],

        foreach($documents->offsetLimit($offset, $count) as $doc) {
            $res->items[] = $doc->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser(), $return_tags == 1);

        return $res;

    function getUploadServer(?int $group_id = NULL)

        return 0;
    function getWallUploadServer(?int $group_id = NULL)

        return 0;

    function save(string $file, string $title, string $tags, ?int $return_tags = 0)

        return 0;