requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $club = (new ClubsRepo())->get($group_id); if (!$club) { $this->fail(403, "Invalid club"); } if (!$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()) && !$club->isEveryoneCanCreateTopics()) { $this->fail(403, "Access to club denied"); } $flags = 0; if ($from_group == true && $club->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) { $flags |= 0b10000000; } $topic = new Topic(); $topic->setGroup($club->getId()); $topic->setOwner($this->getUser()->getId()); $topic->setTitle(ovk_proc_strtr($title, 127)); $topic->setCreated(time()); $topic->setFlags($flags); $topic->save(); if (!empty($text)) { $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setOwner($this->getUser()->getId()); $comment->setModel(get_class($topic)); $comment->setTarget($topic->getId()); $comment->setContent($text); $comment->setCreated(time()); $comment->setFlags($flags); $comment->save(); if (!empty($attachments)) { $attachmentsArr = explode(",", $attachments); # блин а мне это везде копировать типа if (sizeof($attachmentsArr) > 10) { $this->fail(50, "Error: too many attachments"); } foreach ($attachmentsArr as $attac) { $attachmentType = null; if (str_contains($attac, "photo")) { $attachmentType = "photo"; } elseif (str_contains($attac, "video")) { $attachmentType = "video"; } else { $this->fail(205, "Unknown attachment type"); } $attachment = str_replace($attachmentType, "", $attac); $attachmentOwner = (int) explode("_", $attachment)[0]; $attachmentId = (int) end(explode("_", $attachment)); $attacc = null; if ($attachmentType == "photo") { $attacc = (new PhotosRepo())->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId); if (!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted()) { $this->fail(100, "Photo does not exists"); } if ($attacc->getOwner()->getId() != $this->getUser()->getId()) { $this->fail(43, "You do not have access to this photo"); } $comment->attach($attacc); } elseif ($attachmentType == "video") { $attacc = (new VideosRepo())->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId); if (!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted()) { $this->fail(100, "Video does not exists"); } if ($attacc->getOwner()->getId() != $this->getUser()->getId()) { $this->fail(43, "You do not have access to this video"); } $comment->attach($attacc); } } } } return $topic->getId(); } public function closeTopic(int $group_id, int $topic_id) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $topic = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById($group_id, $topic_id); if (!$topic || !$topic->getClub() || !$topic->getClub()->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) { return 0; } if (!$topic->isClosed()) { $topic->setClosed(1); $topic->save(); } return 1; } public function createComment(int $group_id, int $topic_id, string $message = "", string $attachments = "", bool $from_group = true) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); if (empty($message) && empty($attachments)) { $this->fail(100, "Required parameter 'message' missing."); } $topic = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById($group_id, $topic_id); if (!$topic || $topic->isDeleted() || $topic->isClosed()) { $this->fail(100, "Topic is deleted, closed or invalid."); } $flags = 0; if ($from_group != 0 && !is_null($topic->getClub()) && $topic->getClub()->canBeModifiedBy($this->user)) { $flags |= 0b10000000; } if (strlen($message) > 300) { $this->fail(20, "Comment is too long."); } $comment = new Comment(); $comment->setOwner($this->getUser()->getId()); $comment->setModel(get_class($topic)); $comment->setTarget($topic->getId()); $comment->setContent($message); $comment->setCreated(time()); $comment->setFlags($flags); $comment->save(); if (!empty($attachments)) { $attachmentsArr = explode(",", $attachments); if (sizeof($attachmentsArr) > 10) { $this->fail(50, "Error: too many attachments"); } foreach ($attachmentsArr as $attac) { $attachmentType = null; if (str_contains($attac, "photo")) { $attachmentType = "photo"; } elseif (str_contains($attac, "video")) { $attachmentType = "video"; } else { $this->fail(205, "Unknown attachment type"); } $attachment = str_replace($attachmentType, "", $attac); $attachmentOwner = (int) explode("_", $attachment)[0]; $attachmentId = (int) end(explode("_", $attachment)); $attacc = null; if ($attachmentType == "photo") { $attacc = (new PhotosRepo())->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId); if (!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted()) { $this->fail(100, "Photo does not exists"); } if ($attacc->getOwner()->getId() != $this->getUser()->getId()) { $this->fail(43, "You do not have access to this photo"); } $comment->attach($attacc); } elseif ($attachmentType == "video") { $attacc = (new VideosRepo())->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId); if (!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted()) { $this->fail(100, "Video does not exists"); } if ($attacc->getOwner()->getId() != $this->getUser()->getId()) { $this->fail(43, "You do not have access to this video"); } $comment->attach($attacc); } } } return $comment->getId(); } public function deleteComment(int $comment_id, int $group_id = 0, int $topic_id = 0) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $comment = (new CommentsRepo())->get($comment_id); if ($comment->isDeleted() || !$comment || !$comment->canBeDeletedBy($this->getUser())) { $this->fail(403, "Access to comment denied"); } $comment->delete(); return 1; } public function deleteTopic(int $group_id, int $topic_id) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $topic = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById($group_id, $topic_id); if (!$topic || !$topic->getClub() || $topic->isDeleted() || !$topic->getClub()->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) { return 0; } $topic->deleteTopic(); return 1; } public function editComment(string $message, string $attachments, int $comment_id, int $group_id = 0, int $topic_id = 0) { # FIXME /* $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $comment = (new CommentsRepo)->get($comment_id); if($comment->getOwner() != $this->getUser()->getId()) $this->fail(15, "Access to comment denied"); $comment->setContent($message); $comment->setEdited(time()); $comment->save(); */ return 1; } public function editTopic(int $group_id, int $topic_id, string $title) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $topic = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById($group_id, $topic_id); if (!$topic || !$topic->getClub() || $topic->isDeleted() || !$topic->getClub()->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) { return 0; } $topic->setTitle(ovk_proc_strtr($title, 127)); $topic->save(); return 1; } public function fixTopic(int $group_id, int $topic_id) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $topic = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById($group_id, $topic_id); if (!$topic || !$topic->getClub() || !$topic->getClub()->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) { return 0; } $topic->setPinned(1); $topic->save(); return 1; } public function getComments(int $group_id, int $topic_id, bool $need_likes = false, int $start_comment_id = 0, int $offset = 0, int $count = 40, bool $extended = false, string $sort = "asc") { # start_comment_id ne robit $this->requireUser(); $topic = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById($group_id, $topic_id); if (!$topic || !$topic->getClub() || $topic->isDeleted()) { $this->fail(5, "Invalid topic"); } $arr = [ "items" => [], ]; $comms = array_slice(iterator_to_array($topic->getComments(1, $count + $offset)), $offset); foreach ($comms as $comm) { $arr["items"][] = $this->getApiBoardComment($comm, $need_likes); if ($extended) { if ($comm->getOwner() instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\User) { $arr["profiles"][] = $comm->getOwner()->toVkApiStruct(); } if ($comm->getOwner() instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Club) { $arr["groups"][] = $comm->getOwner()->toVkApiStruct(); } } } return $arr; } public function getTopics(int $group_id, string $topic_ids = "", int $order = 1, int $offset = 0, int $count = 40, bool $extended = false, int $preview = 0, int $preview_length = 90) { # order и extended ничё не делают $this->requireUser(); $arr = []; $club = (new ClubsRepo())->get($group_id); $topics = array_slice(iterator_to_array((new TopicsRepo())->getClubTopics($club, 1, $count + $offset)), $offset); $arr["count"] = (new TopicsRepo())->getClubTopicsCount($club); $arr["items"] = []; $arr["default_order"] = $order; $arr["can_add_topics"] = $club->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()) ? true : ($club->isEveryoneCanCreateTopics() ? true : false); $arr["profiles"] = []; if (empty($topic_ids)) { foreach ($topics as $topic) { if ($topic->isDeleted()) { continue; } $arr["items"][] = $topic->toVkApiStruct($preview, $preview_length > 1 ? $preview_length : 90); } } else { $topics = explode(',', $topic_ids); foreach ($topics as $topic) { $id = explode("_", $topic); $topicy = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById((int) $id[0], (int) $id[1]); if ($topicy && !$topicy->isDeleted()) { $arr["items"][] = $topicy->toVkApiStruct($preview, $preview_length > 1 ? $preview_length : 90); } } } return $arr; } public function openTopic(int $group_id, int $topic_id) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $topic = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById($group_id, $topic_id); if (!$topic || !$topic->getClub() || !$topic->isDeleted() || !$topic->getClub()->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) { return 0; } if ($topic->isClosed()) { $topic->setClosed(0); $topic->save(); } return 1; } public function restoreComment(int $group_id, int $topic_id, int $comment_id) { $this->fail(501, "Not implemented"); } public function unfixTopic(int $group_id, int $topic_id) { $this->requireUser(); $this->willExecuteWriteAction(); $topic = (new TopicsRepo())->getTopicById($group_id, $topic_id); if (!$topic || !$topic->getClub() || !$topic->getClub()->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) { return 0; } if ($topic->isPinned()) { $topic->setClosed(0); $topic->save(); } $topic->setPinned(0); $topic->save(); return 1; } private function getApiBoardComment(?Comment $comment, bool $need_likes = false) { $res = (object) []; $res->id = $comment->getId(); $res->from_id = $comment->getOwner()->getId(); $res->date = $comment->getPublicationTime()->timestamp(); $res->text = $comment->getText(false); $res->attachments = []; $res->likes = []; if ($need_likes) { $res->likes = [ "count" => $comment->getLikesCount(), "user_likes" => (int) $comment->hasLikeFrom($this->getUser()), "can_like" => 1, # а чё типо не может ахахаххахах ]; } foreach ($comment->getChildren() as $attachment) { if ($attachment->isDeleted()) { continue; } $res->attachments[] = $attachment->toVkApiStruct(); } return $res; } }