mirror of
synced 2025-01-03 22:31:59 +03:00
* Wall: add early suggestions * Fix br * Fix empty posts * fck * Add offset for api * Add notifications of new suggestion posts * Fix mentions in suggested posts * 🤮🤢 * Change regex Теперь оно удаляет все теги а не только <br> * Add da koroche pohuy * Эдд апи метходс Методы нестандартные немного * Pon * Add skloneniyia * newlines * int * Update loaders and add avtopodgruzka postov * Update JOERGK.strings * Blin * Remove repeated code, fix loaded buttons on chr... ...ome and fix getting suggested posts via API.Wall.getPost * Fix polls * Fihes Теперь уведомление о принятии поста не приходит, если вы приняли свой же пост Пофикшен баг перехода в предложку Добавлен старый вид постов в предложке Теперь счётчик постов в предложке у прикреплённой группы обновляется при принятии или отклонении поста Убрано всплывающее уведомление об отклонении поста (оно раздражает) Теперь если вы посмотрели все посты на одной странице (не на первой) и на ней не осталось постов, вас телепортирует на предыдущую страницу * Remove ability to delete your accepted psto * oi blin * Improvements 2 api * g * openvk.uk Возможно, приведение кода к кодстайлу (удаление скобочек то есть) * aiaks * al_wall.js -> al_suggestions.js * 👨💻 Add 👨💻 fading 👨💻 * Add "owner's posts' and "other's posts" Давайте рофлить👨💻👨💻👨💻 * planshet openvk Add tabs for post view, add signer's object in wall get and add person icon in microblog * Simplefai ze kod * PHP 8 FIX WATAFAK * Add indesk
308 lines
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308 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\Web\Models\Entities;
use openvk\Web\Models\Exceptions\TooMuchOptionsException;
use openvk\Web\Util\DateTime;
use \UnexpectedValueException;
use Nette\InvalidStateException;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\{Users, Posts};
use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection;
use openvk\Web\Models\Exceptions\PollLockedException;
use openvk\Web\Models\Exceptions\AlreadyVotedException;
use openvk\Web\Models\Exceptions\InvalidOptionException;
class Poll extends Attachable
protected $tableName = "polls";
private $choicesToPersist = [];
function getTitle(): string
return $this->getRecord()->title;
function getMetaDescription(): string
$props = [];
$props[] = tr($this->isAnonymous() ? "poll_anon" : "poll_public");
if($this->isMultipleChoice()) $props[] = tr("poll_multi");
if(!$this->isRevotable()) $props[] = tr("poll_lock");
if(!is_null($this->endsAt())) $props[] = tr("poll_until", $this->endsAt());
return implode(" • ", $props);
function getOwner(): User
return (new Users)->get($this->getRecord()->owner);
function getOptions(): array
$options = $this->getRecord()->related("poll_options.poll");
$res = [];
foreach($options as $opt)
$res[$opt->id] = $opt->name;
return $res;
function getUserVote(User $user): ?array
$ctx = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext();
$votedOpts = $ctx->table("poll_votes")
->where(["user" => $user->getId(), "poll" => $this->getId()]);
if($votedOpts->count() == 0)
return NULL;
$res = [];
foreach($votedOpts as $votedOpt) {
$option = $ctx->table("poll_options")->get($votedOpt->option);
$res[] = [$option->id, $option->name];
return $res;
function getVoters(int $optionId, int $page = 1, ?int $perPage = NULL): array
$res = [];
$ctx = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext();
$perPage = $perPage ?? OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE;
$voters = $ctx->table("poll_votes")->where(["poll" => $this->getId(), "option" => $optionId]);
foreach($voters->page($page, $perPage) as $vote)
$res[] = (new Users)->get($vote->user);
return $res;
function getVoterCount(?int $optionId = NULL): int
$votes = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("poll_votes");
return $votes->select("COUNT(DISTINCT user) AS c")->where("poll", $this->getId())->fetch()->c;
return $votes->where(["poll" => $this->getId(), "option" => $optionId])->count();
function getResults(?User $user = NULL): object
$ctx = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext();
$voted = NULL;
$voted = $this->getUserVote($user);
$result = (object) [];
$result->totalVotes = $this->getVoterCount();
$unsOptions = [];
foreach($this->getOptions() as $id => $title) {
$option = (object) [];
$option->id = $id;
$option->name = $title;
$option->votes = $this->getVoterCount($id);
$option->pct = $result->totalVotes == 0 ? 0 : min(100, floor(($option->votes / $result->totalVotes) * 100));
$option->voters = $this->getVoters($id, 1, 10);
if(!$user || !$voted)
$option->voted = NULL;
$option->voted = in_array([$id, $title], $voted);
$unsOptions[$id] = $option;
$optionsC = sizeof($unsOptions);
$sOptions = $unsOptions;
usort($sOptions, function($a, $b) { return $a->votes <=> $b->votes; });
for($i = 0; $i < $optionsC; $i++)
$unsOptions[$id]->rate = $optionsC - $i - 1;
$result->options = array_values($unsOptions);
return $result;
function isAnonymous(): bool
return (bool) $this->getRecord()->is_anonymous;
function isMultipleChoice(): bool
return (bool) $this->getRecord()->allows_multiple;
function isRevotable(): bool
return (bool) $this->getRecord()->can_revote;
function endsAt(): ?DateTime
return NULL;
return new DateTime($this->getRecord()->until);
function hasEnded(): bool
return true;
return time() >= $this->getRecord()->until;
return false;
function hasVoted(User $user): bool
return !is_null($this->getUserVote($user));
function canVote(User $user): bool
return !$this->hasEnded() && !$this->hasVoted($user) && !is_null($this->getAttachedPost()) && $this->getAttachedPost()->getSuggestionType() == 0;
function vote(User $user, array $optionIds): void
throw new PollLockedException;
throw new AlreadyVotedException;
$optionIds = array_map(function($x) { return (int) $x; }, array_unique($optionIds));
$validOpts = array_keys($this->getOptions());
if(empty($optionIds) || (sizeof($optionIds) > 1 && !$this->isMultipleChoice()))
throw new UnexpectedValueException;
if(sizeof(array_diff($optionIds, $validOpts)) > 0)
throw new InvalidOptionException;
foreach($optionIds as $opt) {
"user" => $user->getId(),
"poll" => $this->getId(),
"option" => $opt,
function revokeVote(User $user): void
throw new PollLockedException;
->where("user", $user->getId())->delete();
function setOwner(User $owner): void
$this->stateChanges("owner", $owner->getId());
function setEndDate(int $timestamp): void
throw new PollLockedException;
$this->stateChanges("until", $timestamp);
function setEnded(): void
$this->stateChanges("ended", 1);
function setOptions(array $options): void
throw new PollLockedException;
if(sizeof($options) > ovkGetQuirk("polls.max-opts"))
throw new TooMuchOptionsException;
$this->choicesToPersist = $options;
function setRevotability(bool $canReVote): void
throw new PollLockedException;
$this->stateChanges("can_revote", $canReVote);
function setAnonymity(bool $anonymous): void
$this->stateChanges("is_anonymous", $anonymous);
function setMultipleChoice(bool $mc): void
$this->stateChanges("allows_multiple", $mc);
function importXML(User $owner, string $xml): void
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
$this->setTitle($xml["title"] ?? "Untitled");
$this->setMultipleChoice(($xml["multiple"] ?? "no") == "yes");
$this->setAnonymity(($xml["anonymous"] ?? "no") == "yes");
$this->setRevotability(($xml["locked"] ?? "no") == "no");
if(ctype_digit((string) ($xml["duration"] ?? "")))
$this->setEndDate(time() + ((86400 * (int) $xml["duration"])));
$options = [];
foreach($xml->options->option as $opt)
$options[] = (string) $opt;
throw new UnexpectedValueException;
static function import(User $owner, string $xml): Poll
$poll = new Poll;
$poll->importXML($owner, $xml);
return $poll;
function save(?bool $log = false): void
throw new InvalidStateException;
foreach($this->choicesToPersist as $option) {
"poll" => $this->getId(),
"name" => $option,
function getAttachedPost()
$post = DatabaseConnection::i()->getContext()->table("attachments")
["attachable_type" => static::class,
"attachable_id" => $this->getId()])->fetch();
return (new Posts)->get($post->target_id);
return NULL;