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namespace openvk\Web\Util\Makima;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Photo;
class Makima
private $photos;
public const ORIENT_WIDE = 0;
public const ORIENT_REGULAR = 1;
public const ORIENT_SLIM = 2;
public function __construct(array $photos)
if (sizeof($photos) < 2) {
throw new \LogicException("Minimum attachment count for tiled layout is 2");
$this->photos = $photos;
private function getOrientation($photo, &$ratio): int
[$width, $height] = $photo->getDimensions();
$ratio = $width / $height;
if ($ratio >= 1.2) {
return Makima::ORIENT_WIDE;
} elseif ($ratio >= 0.8) {
return Makima::ORIENT_REGULAR;
} else {
return Makima::ORIENT_SLIM;
private function calculateMultiThumbsHeight(array $ratios, float $w, float $m): float
return ($w - (sizeof($ratios) - 1) * $m) / array_sum($ratios);
private function extractSubArr(array $arr, int $from, int $to): array
return array_slice($arr, $from, sizeof($arr) - $from - (sizeof($arr) - $to));
public function computeMasonryLayout(float $maxWidth, float $maxHeight): MasonryLayout
$orients = [];
$ratios = [];
$count = sizeof($this->photos);
$result = new MasonryLayout();
foreach ($this->photos as $photo) {
$orients[] = $this->getOrientation($photo, $ratio);
$ratios[] = $ratio;
$avgRatio = array_sum($ratios) / sizeof($ratios);
if ($maxWidth < 0) {
$maxWidth = $maxHeight = 510;
$maxRatio = $maxWidth / $maxHeight;
$marginWidth = $marginHeight = 2;
switch ($count) {
case 2:
if (
$orients == [Makima::ORIENT_WIDE, Makima::ORIENT_WIDE] # two wide pics
&& $avgRatio > (1.4 * $maxRatio) && abs($ratios[0] - $ratios[1]) < 0.2 # that can be positioned on top of each other
) {
$computedHeight = ceil(min($maxWidth / $ratios[0], min($maxWidth / $ratios[1], ($maxHeight - $marginHeight) / 2)));
$result->colSizes = [1];
$result->rowSizes = [1, 1];
$result->width = ceil($maxWidth);
$result->height = $computedHeight * 2;
$result->tiles = [new ThumbTile(1, 1, $maxWidth, $computedHeight), new ThumbTile(1, 1, $maxWidth, $computedHeight)];
} elseif (
$orients == [Makima::ORIENT_WIDE, Makima::ORIENT_WIDE]
|| $orients == [Makima::ORIENT_REGULAR, Makima::ORIENT_REGULAR] # two normal pics of same ratio
) {
$computedWidth = ($maxWidth - $marginWidth) / 2;
$height = min($computedWidth / $ratios[0], min($computedWidth / $ratios[1], $maxHeight));
$result->colSizes = [1, 1];
$result->rowSizes = [1];
$result->width = ceil($maxWidth);
$result->height = ceil($height);
$result->tiles = [new ThumbTile(1, 1, $computedWidth, $height), new ThumbTile(1, 1, $computedWidth, $height)];
} else { /* next to each other, different ratios */
$w0 = (
($maxWidth - $marginWidth) / $ratios[1] / ((1 / $ratios[0]) + (1 / $ratios[1]))
$w1 = $maxWidth - $w0 - $marginWidth;
$h = min($maxHeight, min($w0 / $ratios[0], $w1 / $ratios[1]));
$result->colSizes = [ceil($w0), ceil($w1)];
$result->rowSizes = [1];
$result->width = ceil($w0 + $w1 + $marginWidth);
$result->height = ceil($h);
$result->tiles = [new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w0, $h), new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w1, $h)];
case 3:
# Three wide photos, we will put two of them below and one on top
if ($orients == [Makima::ORIENT_WIDE, Makima::ORIENT_WIDE, Makima::ORIENT_WIDE]) {
$hCover = min($maxWidth / $ratios[0], ($maxHeight - $marginHeight) * (2 / 3));
$w2 = ($maxWidth - $marginWidth) / 2;
$h = min($maxHeight - $hCover - $marginHeight, min($w2 / $ratios[1], $w2 / $ratios[2]));
$result->colSizes = [1, 1];
$result->rowSizes = [ceil($hCover), ceil($h)];
$result->width = ceil($maxWidth);
$result->height = ceil($marginHeight + $hCover + $h);
$result->tiles = [
new ThumbTile(2, 1, $maxWidth, $hCover),
new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w2, $h), new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w2, $h),
} else { /* Photos have different sizes or are not wide, so we will put one to left and two to the right */
$wCover = min($maxHeight * $ratios[0], ($maxWidth - $marginWidth) * (3 / 4));
$h1 = ($ratios[1] * ($maxHeight - $marginHeight) / ($ratios[2] + $ratios[1]));
$h0 = $maxHeight - $marginHeight - $h1;
$w = min($maxWidth - $marginWidth - $wCover, min($h1 * $ratios[2], $h0 * $ratios[1]));
$result->colSizes = [ceil($wCover), ceil($w)];
$result->rowSizes = [ceil($h0), ceil($h1)];
$result->width = ceil($w + $wCover + $marginWidth);
$result->height = ceil($maxHeight);
$result->tiles = [
new ThumbTile(1, 2, $wCover, $maxHeight), new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w, $h0),
new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w, $h1),
case 4:
# Four wide photos, we will put one to the top and rest below
if ($orients == [Makima::ORIENT_WIDE, Makima::ORIENT_WIDE, Makima::ORIENT_WIDE, Makima::ORIENT_WIDE]) {
$hCover = min($maxWidth / $ratios[0], ($maxHeight - $marginHeight) / (2 / 3));
$h = ($maxWidth - 2 * $marginWidth) / (array_sum($ratios) - $ratios[0]);
$w0 = $h * $ratios[1];
$w1 = $h * $ratios[2];
$w2 = $h * $ratios[3];
$h = min($maxHeight - $marginHeight - $hCover, $h);
$result->colSizes = [ceil($w0), ceil($w1), ceil($w2)];
$result->rowSizes = [ceil($hCover), ceil($h)];
$result->width = ceil($maxWidth);
$result->height = ceil($hCover + $marginHeight + $h);
$result->tiles = [
new ThumbTile(3, 1, $maxWidth, $hCover),
new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w0, $h), new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w1, $h), new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w2, $h),
} else { /* Four photos, we will put one to the left and rest to the right */
$wCover = min($maxHeight * $ratios[0], ($maxWidth - $marginWidth) * (2 / 3));
$w = ($maxHeight - 2 * $marginHeight) / (1 / $ratios[1] + 1 / $ratios[2] + 1 / $ratios[3]);
$h0 = $w / $ratios[1];
$h1 = $w / $ratios[2];
$h2 = $w / $ratios[3] + $marginHeight;
$w = min($w, $maxWidth - $marginWidth - $wCover);
$result->colSizes = [ceil($wCover), ceil($w)];
$result->rowSizes = [ceil($h0), ceil($h1), ceil($h2)];
$result->width = ceil($wCover + $marginWidth + $w);
$result->height = ceil($maxHeight);
$result->tiles = [
new ThumbTile(1, 3, $wCover, $maxHeight), new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w, $h0),
new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w, $h1),
new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w, $h2),
// как лопать пузырики
$ratiosCropped = [];
if ($avgRatio > 1.1) {
foreach ($ratios as $ratio) {
$ratiosCropped[] = max($ratio, 1.0);
} else {
foreach ($ratios as $ratio) {
$ratiosCropped[] = min($ratio, 1.0);
$tries = [];
$firstLine = null;
$secondLine = null;
$thirdLine = null;
# Try one line:
$tries[$firstLine = $count] = [$this->calculateMultiThumbsHeight($ratiosCropped, $maxWidth, $marginWidth)];
# Try two lines:
for ($firstLine = 1; $firstLine < ($count - 1); $firstLine++) {
$secondLine = $count - $firstLine;
$key = "$firstLine&$secondLine";
$tries[$key] = [
$this->calculateMultiThumbsHeight(array_slice($ratiosCropped, 0, $firstLine), $maxWidth, $marginWidth),
$this->calculateMultiThumbsHeight(array_slice($ratiosCropped, $firstLine), $maxWidth, $marginWidth),
# Try three lines:
for ($firstLine = 1; $firstLine < ($count - 2); $firstLine++) {
for ($secondLine = 1; $secondLine < ($count - $firstLine - 1); $secondLine++) {
$thirdLine = $count - $firstLine - $secondLine;
$key = "$firstLine&$secondLine&$thirdLine";
$tries[$key] = [
$this->calculateMultiThumbsHeight(array_slice($ratiosCropped, 0, $firstLine), $maxWidth, $marginWidth),
$this->calculateMultiThumbsHeight($this->extractSubArr($ratiosCropped, $firstLine, $firstLine + $secondLine), $maxWidth, $marginWidth),
$this->calculateMultiThumbsHeight($this->extractSubArr($ratiosCropped, $firstLine + $secondLine, sizeof($ratiosCropped)), $maxWidth, $marginWidth),
# Now let's find the most optimal configuration:
$optimalConfiguration = $optimalDifference = null;
foreach ($tries as $config => $heights) {
$config = explode('&', (string) $config); # да да стринговые ключи пхп даже со стриктайпами автокастует к инту (см. 187)
$confH = $marginHeight * (sizeof($heights) - 1);
foreach ($heights as $h) {
$confH += $h;
$confDiff = abs($confH - $maxHeight);
if (sizeof($config) > 1) {
if ($config[0] > $config[1] || sizeof($config) >= 2 && $config[1] > $config[2]) {
$confDiff *= 1.1;
if (!$optimalConfiguration || $confDiff < $optimalDifference) {
$optimalConfiguration = $config;
$optimalDifference = $confDiff;
$thumbsRemain = $this->photos;
$ratiosRemain = $ratiosCropped;
$optHeights = $tries[implode('&', $optimalConfiguration)];
$k = 0;
$result->width = ceil($maxWidth);
$result->rowSizes = [sizeof($optHeights)];
$result->tiles = [];
$totalHeight = 0.0;
$gridLineOffsets = [];
$rowTiles = []; // vector<vector<ThumbTile>>
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($optimalConfiguration); $i++) {
$lineChunksNum = $optimalConfiguration[$i];
$lineThumbs = [];
for ($j = 0; $j < $lineChunksNum; $j++) {
$lineThumbs[] = array_shift($thumbsRemain);
$lineHeight = $optHeights[$i];
$totalHeight += $lineHeight;
$result->rowSizes[$i] = ceil($lineHeight);
$totalWidth = 0;
$row = [];
for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($lineThumbs); $j++) {
$thumbRatio = array_shift($ratiosRemain);
if ($j == sizeof($lineThumbs) - 1) {
$w = $maxWidth - $totalWidth;
} else {
$w = $thumbRatio * $lineHeight;
$totalWidth += ceil($w);
if ($j < (sizeof($lineThumbs) - 1) && !in_array($totalWidth, $gridLineOffsets)) {
$gridLineOffsets[] = $totalWidth;
$tile = new ThumbTile(1, 1, $w, $lineHeight);
$result->tiles[$k++] = $row[] = $tile;
$rowTiles[] = $row;
sort($gridLineOffsets, SORT_NUMERIC);
$gridLineOffsets[] = $maxWidth;
$result->colSizes = [$gridLineOffsets[0]];
for ($i = sizeof($gridLineOffsets) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
$result->colSizes[$i] = $gridLineOffsets[$i] - $gridLineOffsets[$i - 1];
foreach ($rowTiles as $row) {
$columnOffset = 0;
foreach ($row as $tile) {
$startColumn = $columnOffset;
$width = 0;
$tile->colSpan = 0;
for ($i = $startColumn; $i < sizeof($result->colSizes); $i++) {
$width += $result->colSizes[$i];
if ($width == $tile->width) {
$columnOffset += $tile->colSpan;
$result->height = ceil($totalHeight + $marginHeight * (sizeof($optHeights) - 1));
return $result;