mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:29:52 +03:00
* feat(lint): add php-cs-fixer for linting Removing previous CODE_STYLE as it was not enforced anyway and using PER-CS 2.0. This is not the reformatting commit. * style: format code according to PER-CS 2.0 with php-cs-fixer * ci(actions): add lint action Resolves #1132.
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443 lines
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namespace openvk\Web\Presenters;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\{Club, Photo, Album, User};
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\{Photos, Albums, Users, Clubs};
use Nette\InvalidStateException as ISE;
final class PhotosPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
private $users;
private $photos;
private $albums;
protected $presenterName = "photos";
public function __construct(Photos $photos, Albums $albums, Users $users)
$this->users = $users;
$this->photos = $photos;
$this->albums = $albums;
public function renderAlbumList(int $owner): void
if ($owner > 0) {
$user = $this->users->get($owner);
if (!$user) {
if (!$user->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->user->identity ?? null)) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("forbidden_comment"));
$this->template->albums = $this->albums->getUserAlbums($user, (int) ($this->queryParam("p") ?? 1));
$this->template->count = $this->albums->getUserAlbumsCount($user);
$this->template->owner = $user;
$this->template->canEdit = false;
if (!is_null($this->user)) {
$this->template->canEdit = $this->user->id === $user->getId();
} else {
$club = (new Clubs())->get(abs($owner));
if (!$club) {
$this->template->albums = $this->albums->getClubAlbums($club, (int) ($this->queryParam("p") ?? 1));
$this->template->count = $this->albums->getClubAlbumsCount($club);
$this->template->owner = $club;
$this->template->canEdit = false;
if (!is_null($this->user)) {
$this->template->canEdit = $club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity);
$this->template->paginatorConf = (object) [
"count" => $this->template->count,
"page" => (int) ($this->queryParam("p") ?? 1),
"amount" => null,
public function renderCreateAlbum(): void
if (!is_null($gpid = $this->queryParam("gpid"))) {
$club = (new Clubs())->get((int) $gpid);
if (!$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) {
$this->template->club = $club;
if (empty($this->postParam("name")) || mb_strlen(trim($this->postParam("name"))) === 0) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("error_segmentation"));
} elseif (strlen($this->postParam("name")) > 36) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("error_data_too_big", "name", 36, "bytes"));
$album = new Album();
$album->setOwner(isset($club) ? $club->getId() * -1 : $this->user->id);
if (isset($club)) {
$this->redirect("/album-" . $album->getOwner()->getId() . "_" . $album->getId());
} else {
$this->redirect("/album" . $album->getOwner()->getId() . "_" . $album->getId());
public function renderEditAlbum(int $owner, int $id): void
$album = $this->albums->get($id);
if (!$album) {
if ($album->getPrettyId() !== $owner . "_" . $id || $album->isDeleted()) {
if (is_null($this->user) || !$album->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity) || $album->isDeleted()) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_access_denied_short"), tr("error_access_denied"));
$this->template->album = $album;
if (strlen($this->postParam("name")) > 36) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("error_data_too_big", "name", 36, "bytes"));
$album->setName((empty($this->postParam("name")) || mb_strlen(trim($this->postParam("name"))) === 0) ? $album->getName() : $this->postParam("name"));
$album->setDescription(empty($this->postParam("desc")) ? null : $this->postParam("desc"));
$this->flash("succ", tr("changes_saved"), tr("new_data_accepted"));
public function renderDeleteAlbum(int $owner, int $id): void
$album = $this->albums->get($id);
if (!$album) {
if ($album->getPrettyId() !== $owner . "_" . $id || $album->isDeleted()) {
if (is_null($this->user) || !$album->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_access_denied_short"), tr("error_access_denied"));
$name = $album->getName();
$owner = $album->getOwner();
$this->flash("succ", tr("album_is_deleted"), tr("album_x_is_deleted", $name));
$this->redirect("/albums" . ($owner instanceof Club ? "-" : "") . $owner->getId());
public function renderAlbum(int $owner, int $id): void
$album = $this->albums->get($id);
if (!$album) {
if ($album->getPrettyId() !== $owner . "_" . $id || $album->isDeleted()) {
if (!$album->canBeViewedBy($this->user->identity)) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("forbidden_comment"));
if ($owner > 0 /* bc we currently don't have perms for clubs */) {
$ownerObject = (new Users())->get($owner);
if (!$ownerObject->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->user->identity ?? null)) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("forbidden_comment"));
$this->template->album = $album;
$this->template->photos = iterator_to_array($album->getPhotos((int) ($this->queryParam("p") ?? 1), 20));
$this->template->paginatorConf = (object) [
"count" => $album->getPhotosCount(),
"page" => (int) ($this->queryParam("p") ?? 1),
"amount" => sizeof($this->template->photos),
"perPage" => 20,
"atBottom" => true,
public function renderPhoto(int $ownerId, int $photoId): void
$photo = $this->photos->getByOwnerAndVID($ownerId, $photoId);
if (!$photo || $photo->isDeleted()) {
if (!$photo->canBeViewedBy($this->user->identity)) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("forbidden"), tr("forbidden_comment"));
if (!is_null($this->queryParam("from"))) {
if (preg_match("%^album([0-9]++)$%", $this->queryParam("from"), $matches) === 1) {
$album = $this->albums->get((int) $matches[1]);
if ($album) {
if ($album->hasPhoto($photo) && !$album->isDeleted()) {
$this->template->album = $album;
$this->template->photo = $photo;
$this->template->cCount = $photo->getCommentsCount();
$this->template->cPage = (int) ($this->queryParam("p") ?? 1);
$this->template->comments = iterator_to_array($photo->getComments($this->template->cPage));
$this->template->owner = $photo->getOwner();
public function renderAbsolutePhoto($id): void
$id = (int) base_convert((string) $id, 32, 10);
$photo = $this->photos->get($id);
if (!$photo || $photo->isDeleted()) {
$this->template->_template = "Photos/Photo.xml";
$this->renderPhoto($photo->getOwner(true)->getId(), $photo->getVirtualId());
public function renderThumbnail($id, $size): void
$photo = $this->photos->get($id);
if (!$photo || $photo->isDeleted()) {
if (!$photo->forceSize($size)) {
chandler_http_panic(588, "Gone", "This thumbnail cannot be generated due to server misconfiguration");
$this->redirect($photo->getURLBySizeId($size), 8);
public function renderEditPhoto(int $ownerId, int $photoId): void
$photo = $this->photos->getByOwnerAndVID($ownerId, $photoId);
if (!$photo) {
if (is_null($this->user) || $this->user->id != $ownerId) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_access_denied_short"), tr("error_access_denied"));
$photo->setDescription(empty($this->postParam("desc")) ? null : $this->postParam("desc"));
$this->flash("succ", tr("changes_saved"), tr("new_description_will_appear"));
$this->redirect("/photo" . $photo->getPrettyId());
$this->template->photo = $photo;
public function renderUploadPhoto(): void
if (is_null($this->queryParam("album"))) {
$album = $this->albums->getUserWallAlbum($this->user->identity);
} else {
[$owner, $id] = explode("_", $this->queryParam("album"));
$album = $this->albums->get((int) $id);
if (!$album) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("error_adding_to_deleted"), 500, true);
# Для быстрой загрузки фоток из пикера фотографий нужен альбом, но юзер не может загружать фото
# в системные альбомы, так что так.
if (is_null($this->user) || !is_null($this->queryParam("album")) && !$album->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_access_denied_short"), tr("error_access_denied"), 500, true);
if ($this->queryParam("act") == "finish") {
$result = json_decode($this->postParam("photos"), true);
foreach ($result as $photoId => $description) {
$phot = $this->photos->get($photoId);
if (!$phot || $phot->isDeleted() || $phot->getOwner()->getId() != $this->user->id) {
if (iconv_strlen($description) > 255) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("description_too_long"), 500, true);
$album = $phot->getAlbum();
$this->returnJson(["success" => true,
"album" => $album->getId(),
"owner" => $album->getOwner() instanceof User ? $album->getOwner()->getId() : $album->getOwner()->getId() * -1]);
if (!isset($_FILES)) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("no_photo"), tr("select_file"), 500, true);
$photos = [];
if ((int) $this->postParam("count") > 10) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("no_photo"), "ты еблан", 500, true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->postParam("count"); $i++) {
try {
$photo = new Photo();
$photo->setFile($_FILES["photo_" . $i]);
$photos[] = [
"url" => $photo->getURLBySizeId("tiny"),
"id" => $photo->getId(),
"vid" => $photo->getVirtualId(),
"owner" => $photo->getOwner()->getId(),
"link" => $photo->getURL(),
"pretty_id" => $photo->getPrettyId(),
} catch (ISE $ex) {
$name = $album->getName();
$this->flashFail("err", "Неизвестная ошибка", "Не удалось сохранить фотографию в $name.", 500, true);
$this->returnJson(["success" => true,
"photos" => $photos]);
} else {
$this->template->album = $album;
public function renderUnlinkPhoto(int $owner, int $albumId, int $photoId): void
$album = $this->albums->get($albumId);
$photo = $this->photos->get($photoId);
if (!$album || !$photo) {
if (!$album->hasPhoto($photo)) {
if (is_null($this->user) || !$album->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity)) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_access_denied_short"), tr("error_access_denied"));
$this->flash("succ", tr("photo_is_deleted"), tr("photo_is_deleted_desc"));
$this->redirect("/album" . $album->getPrettyId());
public function renderDeletePhoto(int $ownerId, int $photoId): void
$this->willExecuteWriteAction($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "POST");
$photo = $this->photos->getByOwnerAndVID($ownerId, $photoId);
if (!$photo) {
if (is_null($this->user) || $this->user->id != $ownerId) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_access_denied_short"), tr("error_access_denied"));
if (!is_null($album = $photo->getAlbum())) {
$redirect = $album->getOwner() instanceof User ? "/id0" : "/club" . $ownerId;
} else {
$redirect = "/id0";
$this->returnJson(["success" => true]);
$this->flash("succ", tr("photo_is_deleted"), tr("photo_is_deleted_desc"));
public function renderLike(int $wall, int $post_id): void
$photo = $this->photos->getByOwnerAndVID($wall, $post_id);
if (!$photo || $photo->isDeleted() || !$photo->canBeViewedBy($this->user->identity)) {
if (!is_null($this->user)) {
'success' => true,