mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 10:48:14 +03:00
Xmas theme will be applied from 15 December to 15 January Themes supports xmas modifications too, just put your "xmas.css" file in the same folder as "styles.css" there
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178 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\Web\Presenters;
use Chandler\Signaling\SignalManager;
use Chandler\MVC\SimplePresenter;
use Chandler\Session\Session;
use Chandler\Security\Authenticator;
use Latte\Engine as TemplatingEngine;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users;
abstract class OpenVKPresenter extends SimplePresenter
protected $banTolerant = false;
protected $errorTemplate = "@error";
protected $user = NULL;
private function calculateQueryString(array $data): string
$rawUrl = "tcp+stratum://fakeurl.net$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; #HTTP_HOST can be tainted
$url = (object) parse_url($rawUrl);
$path = $url->path;
return "$path?" . http_build_query(array_merge($_GET, $data));
protected function flash(string $type, string $title, ?string $message = NULL, ?int $code = NULL): void
Session::i()->set("_error", json_encode([
"type" => $type,
"title" => $title,
"msg" => $message,
"code" => $code,
protected function flashFail(string $type, string $title, ?string $message = NULL, ?int $code = NULL): void
$this->flash($type, $title, $message, $code);
$referer = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] ?? "/";
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header("Location: $referer");
protected function assertUserLoggedIn(bool $returnUrl = true): void
if(is_null($this->user)) {
$loginUrl = "/login";
if($returnUrl && $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === "GET") {
$currentUrl = function_exists("get_current_url") ? get_current_url() : $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$loginUrl .= "?jReturnTo=" . rawurlencode($currentUrl);
$this->flash("err", "Недостаточно прав", "Чтобы просматривать эту страницу, нужно зайти на сайт.");
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header("Location: $loginUrl");
protected function hasPermission(string $model, string $action, int $context): bool
if(is_null($this->user)) {
if($model !== "user") {
$this->flash("info", "Недостаточно прав", "Чтобы просматривать эту страницу, нужно зайти на сайт.");
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header("Location: /login");
return ($action === "register" || $action === "login");
return (bool) $this->user->raw->can($action)->model($model)->whichBelongsTo($context === -1 ? null : $context);
protected function assertPermission(string $model, string $action, int $context, bool $throw = false): void
if($this->hasPermission($model, $action, $context)) return;
throw new SecurityPolicyViolationException("Permission error");
$this->flashFail("err", "Недостаточно прав", "У вас недостаточно прав чтобы выполнять это действие.");
protected function assertCaptchaCheckPassed(): void
$this->flashFail("err", "Неправильно введены символы", "Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы правильно заполнили поле с капчей.");
protected function signal(object $event): bool
return (SignalManager::i())->triggerEvent($event, $this->user->id);
protected function logEvent(string $type, array $data): bool
$db = eventdb();
return false;
$data = array_merge([
"timestamp" => time(),
"verified" => (int) true,
], $data);
$columns = implode(", ", array_map(function($col) {
return "`" . addslashes($col) . "`";
}, array_keys($data)));
$values = implode(", ", array_map(function($val) {
return "'" . addslashes((string) (int) $val) . "'";
}, array_values($data)));
$db->getConnection()->query("INSERT INTO " . $type . "s($columns) VALUES ($values);");
return true;
* @override
protected function sendmail(string $to, string $template, array $params = []): void
parent::sendmail($to, __DIR__ . "/../../Email/$template", $params);
function getTemplatingEngine(): TemplatingEngine
$latte = parent::getTemplatingEngine();
$latte->addFilter("translate", function($s) {
return tr($s);
return $latte;
function onStartup(): void
$user = Authenticator::i()->getUser();
if(!is_null($user)) {
$this->user = (object) [];
$this->user->raw = $user;
$this->user->identity = (new Users)->getByChandlerUser($user);
$this->user->id = $this->user->identity->getId();
$this->template->thisUser = $this->user->identity;
$this->template->userTainted = $user->isTainted();
$this->template->isXmas = intval(date('d')) >= 15 && date('m') == 12 || intval(date('d')) <= 15 && date('m') == 1 ? true : false;
if($this->user->identity->isBanned() && !$this->banTolerant) {
header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");
$this->getTemplatingEngine()->render(__DIR__ . "/templates/@banned.xml", [
"thisUser" => $this->user->identity,
setlocale(LC_TIME, ...(explode(";", tr("__locale"))));
function onBeforeRender(): void
if(!is_null(Session::i()->get("_error"))) {
$this->template->flashMessage = json_decode(Session::i()->get("_error"));
Session::i()->set("_error", NULL);