Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/openvk/openvk synced 2025-01-12 11:03:13 +03:00
mrilyew a60c990838
feat(users): ignore users and groups ()
* rewrite

* Update install/sqls/00049-ignored-sources.sql

Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <weryskok@gmail.com>


Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <weryskok@gmail.com>
2024-11-03 17:17:34 +03:00

389 lines
12 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use Chandler\Database\DatabaseConnection;
use Chandler\Session\Session;
use openvk\Web\Util\Localizator;
use openvk\Web\Util\Bitmask;
use function PHP81_BC\strftime;
function _ovk_check_environment(): void
$problems = [];
if(file_exists(__DIR__ . "/update.pid"))
$problems[] = "OpenVK is updating";
if(!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "7.3.0", ">="))
$problems[] = "Incompatible PHP version: " . PHP_VERSION . " (7.3+ required, 7.4+ recommended)";
if(!is_dir(__DIR__ . "/vendor"))
$problems[] = "Composer dependencies missing";
$requiredExtensions = [
if(sizeof($missingExtensions = array_diff($requiredExtensions, get_loaded_extensions())) > 0)
foreach($missingExtensions as $extension)
$problems[] = "Missing extension $extension";
if(sizeof($problems) > 0) {
require __DIR__ . "/misc/install_err.phtml";
function ovkGetQuirk(string $quirk): int
static $quirks = NULL;
$quirks = chandler_parse_yaml(__DIR__ . "/quirks.yml");
return !is_null($v = $quirks[$quirk]) ? (int) $v : 0;
function ovk_proc_strtr(string $string, int $length = 0): string
$newString = iconv_substr($string, 0, $length);
return $newString . ($string !== $newString ? "" : ""); #if cut hasn't happened, don't append "..."
function knuth_shuffle(iterable $arr, int $seed): array
$data = is_array($arr) ? $arr : iterator_to_array($arr);
$retVal = [];
$ind = [];
$count = sizeof($data);
srand($seed, MT_RAND_PHP);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i)
$ind[$i] = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
do {
$index = rand() % $count;
} while($ind[$index] != 0);
$ind[$index] = 1;
$retVal[$i] = $data[$index];
# Reseed
return $retVal;
function bmask(int $input, array $options = []): Bitmask
return new Bitmask($input, $options["length"] ?? 1, $options["mappings"] ?? []);
function tr(string $stringId, ...$variables): string
$localizer = Localizator::i();
$lang = Session::i()->get("lang", "ru");
if($stringId === "__lang")
return $lang;
$output = $localizer->_($stringId, $lang);
if(sizeof($variables) > 0) {
if(gettype($variables[0]) === "integer") {
$numberedStringId = NULL;
$cardinal = $variables[0];
switch($cardinal) {
case 0:
$numberedStringId = $stringId . "_zero";
case 1:
$numberedStringId = $stringId . "_one";
$numberedStringId = $stringId . ($cardinal < 5 ? "_few" : "_other");
$newOutput = $localizer->_($numberedStringId, $lang);
if($newOutput === "@$numberedStringId") {
$newOutput = $localizer->_($stringId . "_other", $lang);
if($newOutput === ("@" . $stringId . "_other"))
$newOutput = $output;
$output = $newOutput;
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($variables); $i++)
$output = preg_replace("%(?<!\\\\)(\\$)" . ($i + 1) . "%", (string) $variables[$i], $output);
return $output;
function setLanguage($lg): void
if (isLanguageAvailable($lg))
Session::i()->set("lang", $lg);
trigger_error("The language '$lg' is not available", E_USER_NOTICE);
function getLanguage(): string
return Session::i()->get("lang", "ru");
function getLanguages(): array
return chandler_parse_yaml(OPENVK_ROOT . "/locales/list.yml")['list'];
function isLanguageAvailable($lg): bool
$lg_temp = false;
foreach(getLanguages() as $lang) {
if ($lang['code'] == $lg) $lg_temp = true;
return $lg_temp;
function getBrowsersLanguage(): array
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] != NULL) return mb_split(",", mb_split(";", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])[0]);
else return array();
function eventdb(): ?DatabaseConnection
$conf = OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["credentials"]["eventDB"];
return NULL;
$db = (object) $conf["database"];
return DatabaseConnection::connect([
"dsn" => $db->dsn,
"user" => $db->user,
"password" => $db->password,
"caching" => [
"folder" => __DIR__ . "/tmp",
#NOTICE: invalid name, kept for compatability
function ovk_proc_strtrim(string $string, int $length = 0): string
trigger_error("ovk_proc_strtrim is deprecated, please use fully compatible ovk_proc_strtr.", E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return ovk_proc_strtr($string, $length);
function ovk_strftime_safe(string $format, ?int $timestamp = NULL): string
$sessionOffset = intval(Session::i()->get("_timezoneOffset"));
$str = strftime($format, $timestamp + ($sessionOffset * MINUTE) * -1 ?? time() + ($sessionOffset * MINUTE) * -1, tr("__locale") !== '@__locale' ? tr("__locale") : NULL);
if(PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX === "dll" && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "8.1.0", "<")) {
$enc = tr("__WinEncoding");
if($enc === "@__WinEncoding")
$enc = "Windows-1251";
$nStr = iconv($enc, "UTF-8", $str);
$str = $nStr;
return $str;
function ovk_is_ssl(): bool
if(!isset($GLOBALS["requestIsSSL"])) {
$GLOBALS["requestIsSSL"] = false;
if(isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] !== "off") {
$GLOBALS["requestIsSSL"] = true;
} else {
if($forwardedProto === "https")
$GLOBALS["requestIsSSL"] = true;
else if(($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL"] ?? "") === "on")
$GLOBALS["requestIsSSL"] = true;
return $GLOBALS["requestIsSSL"];
function parseAttachments(string $attachments): array
$attachmentsArr = explode(",", $attachments);
$returnArr = [];
foreach($attachmentsArr as $attachment) {
$attachmentType = NULL;
if(str_contains($attachment, "photo"))
$attachmentType = "photo";
elseif(str_contains($attachment, "video"))
$attachmentType = "video";
elseif(str_contains($attachment, "note"))
$attachmentType = "note";
elseif(str_contains($attachment, "audio"))
$attachmentType = "audio";
$attachmentIds = str_replace($attachmentType, "", $attachment);
$attachmentOwner = (int) explode("_", $attachmentIds)[0];
$gatoExplotano = explode("_", $attachmentIds);
$attachmentId = (int) end($gatoExplotano);
switch($attachmentType) {
case "photo":
$attachmentObj = (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Photos)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
$returnArr[] = $attachmentObj;
case "video":
$attachmentObj = (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Videos)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
$returnArr[] = $attachmentObj;
case "note":
$attachmentObj = (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Notes)->getNoteById($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
$returnArr[] = $attachmentObj;
case "audio":
$attachmentObj = (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Audios)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
$returnArr[] = $attachmentObj;
return $returnArr;
function get_entity_by_id(int $id)
if($id > 0)
return (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users)->get($id);
return (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Clubs)->get(abs($id));
function get_entities(array $ids = []): array
$main_result = [];
$users = [];
$clubs = [];
foreach($ids as $id) {
$id = (int)$id;
if($id < 0)
$clubs[] = abs($id);
if($id > 0)
$users[] = $id;
if(sizeof($users) > 0) {
$users_tmp = (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users)->getByIds($users);
foreach($users_tmp as $user) {
$main_result[] = $user;
if(sizeof($clubs) > 0) {
$clubs_tmp = (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Clubs)->getByIds($clubs);
foreach($clubs_tmp as $club) {
$main_result[] = $club;
return $main_result;
function ovk_scheme(bool $with_slashes = false): string
$scheme = ovk_is_ssl() ? "https" : "http";
$scheme .= "://";
return $scheme;
function check_copyright_link(string $link = ''): bool
if(!str_contains($link, "https://") && !str_contains($link, "http://"))
$link = "https://" . $link;
# Existability
if(is_null($link) || empty($link))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Empty link");
# Length
if(iconv_strlen($link) < 2 || iconv_strlen($link) > 400)
throw new \LengthException("Link is too long");
# Match URL regex
# stolen from http://urlregex.com/
if (!preg_match("%^(?:(?:https?|ftp)://)(?:\S+(?::\S*)?@|\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}|(?:(?:[a-z\d\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}]+-?)*[a-z\d\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}]+|xn--[a-z\d-]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\d\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}]+-?)*[a-z\d\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}]+)*(?:\.(?:xn--[a-z\d-]+|[a-z\x{00a1}-\x{ffff}]{2,6})))(?::\d+)?(?:[^\s]*)?$%iu", $link))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid link format");
$banEntries = (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\BannedLinks)->check($link);
if(sizeof($banEntries) > 0)
throw new \LogicException("Suspicious link");
return true;
return (function() {
require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php";
setlocale(LC_TIME, "POSIX");
# TODO: Default language in config
if(Session::i()->get("lang") == NULL) {
$languages = array_reverse(getBrowsersLanguage());
foreach($languages as $lg) {
if(isLanguageAvailable($lg)) setLanguage($lg);
$showCommitHash = true; # plz remove when release
if(is_dir($gitDir = OPENVK_ROOT . "/.git") && $showCommitHash)
$ver = trim(`git --git-dir="$gitDir" log --pretty="%h" -n1 HEAD` ?? "Unknown version") . "-nightly";
$ver = "Public Technical Preview 4";
# Unix time constants
define('MINUTE', 60);
define('HOUR', 60 * MINUTE);
define('DAY', 24 * HOUR);
define('WEEK', 7 * DAY);
define('MONTH', 30 * DAY);
define('YEAR', 365 * DAY);
define("nullptr", NULL);
define("OPENVK_DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME", "OpenVK", false);
define("OPENVK_VERSION", "Altair Preview ($ver)", false);
define("OPENVK_DEFAULT_PER_PAGE", 10, false);
define("__OPENVK_ERROR_CLOCK_IN_FUTURE", "Server clock error: FK1200-DTF", false);