mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 05:25:21 +03:00
* feat(lint): add php-cs-fixer for linting Removing previous CODE_STYLE as it was not enforced anyway and using PER-CS 2.0. This is not the reformatting commit. * style: format code according to PER-CS 2.0 with php-cs-fixer * ci(actions): add lint action Resolves #1132.
376 lines
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376 lines
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namespace openvk\VKAPI\Handlers;
use openvk\Web\Models\Exceptions\InvalidUserNameException;
final class Account extends VKAPIRequestHandler
public function getProfileInfo(): object
$user = $this->getUser();
$return_object = (object) [
"first_name" => $user->getFirstName(),
"photo_200" => $user->getAvatarURL("normal"),
"nickname" => $user->getPseudo(),
"is_service_account" => false,
"id" => $user->getId(),
"is_verified" => $user->isVerified(),
"verification_status" => $user->isVerified() ? 'verified' : 'unverified',
"last_name" => $user->getLastName(),
"home_town" => $user->getHometown(),
"status" => $user->getStatus(),
"bdate" => is_null($user->getBirthday()) ? '01.01.1970' : $user->getBirthday()->format('%e.%m.%Y'),
"bdate_visibility" => $user->getBirthdayPrivacy(),
"phone" => "+420 ** *** 228", # TODO
"relation" => $user->getMaritalStatus(),
"screen_name" => $user->getShortCode(),
"sex" => $user->isFemale() ? 1 : 2,
#"email" => $user->getEmail(),
$audio_status = $user->getCurrentAudioStatus();
if (!is_null($audio_status)) {
$return_object->audio_status = $audio_status->toVkApiStruct($user);
return $return_object;
public function getInfo(): object
return (object) [
"2fa_required" => $this->getUser()->is2faEnabled() ? 1 : 0,
"country" => "CZ", # TODO
"eu_user" => false, # TODO
"https_required" => 1,
"intro" => 0,
"community_comments" => false,
"is_live_streaming_enabled" => false,
"is_new_live_streaming_enabled" => false,
"lang" => 1,
"no_wall_replies" => 0,
"own_posts_default" => 0,
public function setOnline(): int
return 1;
public function setOffline(): int
# Цiй метод є заглушка
return 1;
public function getAppPermissions(): int
return 9355263;
public function getCounters(string $filter = ""): object
return (object) [
"friends" => $this->getUser()->getFollowersCount(),
"notifications" => $this->getUser()->getNotificationsCount(),
"messages" => $this->getUser()->getUnreadMessagesCount(),
# TODO: Filter
public function saveProfileInfo(string $first_name = "", string $last_name = "", string $screen_name = "", int $sex = -1, int $relation = -1, string $bdate = "", int $bdate_visibility = -1, string $home_town = "", string $status = ""): object
$user = $this->getUser();
$output = [
"changed" => 0,
if (!empty($first_name) || !empty($last_name)) {
$output["name_request"] = [
"id" => random_int(1, 2048), # For compatibility with original VK API
"status" => "success",
"first_name" => !empty($first_name) ? $first_name : $user->getFirstName(),
"last_name" => !empty($last_name) ? $last_name : $user->getLastName(),
try {
if (!empty($first_name)) {
if (!empty($last_name)) {
} catch (InvalidUserNameException $e) {
$output["name_request"]["status"] = "declined";
return (object) $output;
if (!empty($screen_name)) {
if (!$user->setShortCode($screen_name)) {
$this->fail(1260, "Invalid screen name");
# For compatibility with original VK API
if ($sex > 0) {
$user->setSex($sex == 1 ? 1 : 0);
if ($relation > -1) {
if (!empty($bdate)) {
$birthday = strtotime($bdate);
if (!is_int($birthday)) {
$this->fail(100, "invalid value of bdate.");
# For compatibility with original VK API
switch ($bdate_visibility) {
case 0:
$this->fail(946, "Hiding date of birth is not implemented.");
case 1:
case 2:
if (!empty($home_town)) {
if (!empty($status)) {
if ($sex > 0 || $relation > -1 || $bdate_visibility > 1 || !empty("$first_name$last_name$screen_name$bdate$home_town$status")) {
$output["changed"] = 1;
return (object) $output;
public function getBalance(): object
if (!OPENVK_ROOT_CONF['openvk']['preferences']['commerce']) {
$this->fail(105, "Commerce is disabled on this instance");
return (object) ['votes' => $this->getUser()->getCoins()];
public function getOvkSettings(): object
$user = $this->getUser();
$settings_list = (object) [
'avatar_style' => $user->getStyleAvatar(),
'style' => $user->getStyle(),
'show_rating' => !$user->prefersNotToSeeRating(),
'nsfw_tolerance' => $user->getNsfwTolerance(),
'post_view' => $user->hasMicroblogEnabled() ? 'microblog' : 'old',
'main_page' => $user->getMainPage() == 0 ? 'my_page' : 'news',
return $settings_list;
public function sendVotes(int $receiver, int $value, string $message = ""): object
if (!OPENVK_ROOT_CONF["openvk"]["preferences"]["commerce"]) {
$this->fail(-105, "Commerce is disabled on this instance");
if ($receiver < 0) {
$this->fail(-248, "Invalid receiver id");
if ($value < 1) {
$this->fail(-248, "Invalid value");
if (iconv_strlen($message) > 255) {
$this->fail(-249, "Message is too long");
if ($this->getUser()->getCoins() < $value) {
$this->fail(-252, "Not enough votes");
$receiver_entity = (new \openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users())->get($receiver);
if (!$receiver_entity || $receiver_entity->isDeleted() || !$receiver_entity->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(-250, "Invalid receiver");
if ($receiver_entity->getId() === $this->getUser()->getId()) {
$this->fail(-251, "Can't transfer votes to yourself");
$this->getUser()->setCoins($this->getUser()->getCoins() - $value);
$receiver_entity->setCoins($receiver_entity->getCoins() + $value);
(new \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Notifications\CoinsTransferNotification($receiver_entity, $this->getUser(), $value, $message))->emit();
return (object) ['votes' => $this->getUser()->getCoins()];
public function ban(int $owner_id): int
if ($owner_id < 0) {
return 1;
if ($owner_id == $this->getUser()->getId()) {
$this->fail(15, "Access denied: cannot blacklist yourself");
$config_limit = OPENVK_ROOT_CONF['openvk']['preferences']['blacklists']['limit'] ?? 100;
$user_blocks = $this->getUser()->getBlacklistSize();
if (($user_blocks + 1) > $config_limit) {
$this->fail(-7856, "Blacklist limit exceeded");
$entity = get_entity_by_id($owner_id);
if (!$entity || $entity->isDeleted()) {
return 0;
if ($entity->isBlacklistedBy($this->getUser())) {
return 1;
return 1;
public function unban(int $owner_id): int
if ($owner_id < 0) {
return 1;
if ($owner_id == $this->getUser()->getId()) {
return 1;
$entity = get_entity_by_id($owner_id);
if (!$entity) {
return 0;
if (!$entity->isBlacklistedBy($this->getUser())) {
return 1;
return 1;
public function getBanned(int $offset = 0, int $count = 100, string $fields = ""): object
$result = (object) [
'count' => $this->getUser()->getBlacklistSize(),
'items' => [],
$banned = $this->getUser()->getBlacklist($offset, $count);
foreach ($banned as $ban) {
if (!$ban) {
$result->items[] = $ban->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser(), $fields);
return $result;
public function saveInterestsInfo(
string $interests = null,
string $fav_music = null,
string $fav_films = null,
string $fav_shows = null,
string $fav_books = null,
string $fav_quote = null,
string $fav_games = null,
string $about = null,
) {
$user = $this->getUser();
$changes = 0;
$changes_array = [
"interests" => $interests,
"fav_music" => $fav_music,
"fav_films" => $fav_films,
"fav_books" => $fav_books,
"fav_shows" => $fav_shows,
"fav_quote" => $fav_quote,
"fav_games" => $fav_games,
"about" => $about,
foreach ($changes_array as $change_name => $change_value) {
$set_name = "set" . ucfirst($change_name);
$get_name = "get" . str_replace("Fav", "Favorite", str_replace("_", "", ucfirst($change_name)));
if (!is_null($change_value) && $change_value !== $user->$get_name()) {
$user->$set_name(ovk_proc_strtr($change_value, 1000));
$changes += 1;
if ($changes > 0) {
return (object) [
"changed" => (int) ($changes > 0),