mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 20:30:30 +03:00
* Wall: add early suggestions * Fix br * Fix empty posts * fck * Add offset for api * Add notifications of new suggestion posts * Fix mentions in suggested posts * 🤮🤢 * Change regex Теперь оно удаляет все теги а не только <br> * Add da koroche pohuy * Эдд апи метходс Методы нестандартные немного * Pon * Add skloneniyia * newlines * int * Update loaders and add avtopodgruzka postov * Update JOERGK.strings * Blin * Remove repeated code, fix loaded buttons on chr... ...ome and fix getting suggested posts via API.Wall.getPost * Fix polls * Fihes Теперь уведомление о принятии поста не приходит, если вы приняли свой же пост Пофикшен баг перехода в предложку Добавлен старый вид постов в предложке Теперь счётчик постов в предложке у прикреплённой группы обновляется при принятии или отклонении поста Убрано всплывающее уведомление об отклонении поста (оно раздражает) Теперь если вы посмотрели все посты на одной странице (не на первой) и на ней не осталось постов, вас телепортирует на предыдущую страницу * Remove ability to delete your accepted psto * oi blin * Improvements 2 api * g * openvk.uk Возможно, приведение кода к кодстайлу (удаление скобочек то есть) * aiaks * al_wall.js -> al_suggestions.js * 👨💻 Add 👨💻 fading 👨💻 * Add "owner's posts' and "other's posts" Давайте рофлить👨💻👨💻👨💻 * planshet openvk Add tabs for post view, add signer's object in wall get and add person icon in microblog * Simplefai ze kod * PHP 8 FIX WATAFAK * Add indesk
231 lines
9.4 KiB
231 lines
9.4 KiB
function endSuggestAction(new_count, post_node) {
if(document.getElementById("cound") != null)
document.getElementById("cound").innerHTML = tr("suggested_posts_in_group", new_count)
document.getElementById("cound_r").innerHTML = tr("suggested_by_everyone", new_count)
if(document.querySelector("object a[href='"+location.pathname+"'] b") != null) {
document.querySelector("object a[href='"+location.pathname+"'] b").innerHTML = new_count
if(new_count < 1) {
u("object a[href='"+location.pathname+"']").remove()
if(new_count < 1 && document.querySelector(".sugglist") != null) {
$(".sugglist a").click()
post_node.style.transition = "opacity 300ms ease-in-out";
post_node.style.opacity = "0";
setTimeout(() => {post_node.outerHTML = ""}, 300)
if(document.querySelectorAll("#postz .post").length < 1 && new_count > 0 && document.querySelector(".paginator") != null)
// "Опубликовать запись"
$(document).on("click", "#publish_post", async (e) => {
let id = Number(e.currentTarget.dataset.id)
let post;
let body = `
<textarea id="pooblish" style="max-height:500px;resize:vertical;min-height:54px;"></textarea>
<label><input type="checkbox" id="signatr" checked>${tr("add_signature")}</label>
MessageBox(tr("publishing_suggested_post"), body, [tr("publish"), tr("cancel")], [(async () => {
let id = Number(e.currentTarget.dataset.id)
let post;
let formData = new FormData()
formData.append("id", id)
formData.append("sign", document.getElementById("signatr").checked ? 1 : 0)
formData.append("new_content", document.getElementById("pooblish").value)
formData.append("hash", u("meta[name=csrf]").attr("value"))
ky.post("/wall/accept", {
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [
(_request) => {
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("value", "")
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("id", "")
afterResponse: [
async (_request, _options, response) => {
json = await response.json()
if(json.success) {
NewNotification(tr("suggestion_succefully_published"), tr("suggestion_press_to_go"), null, () => {window.location.assign("/wall" + json.id)});
endSuggestAction(json.new_count, e.currentTarget.closest("table"))
} else {
MessageBox(tr("error"), json.flash.message, [tr("ok")], [Function.noop]);
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("value", tr("publish_suggested"))
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("id", "publish_post")
body: formData
}), Function.noop]);
document.getElementById("pooblish").innerHTML = e.currentTarget.closest("table").querySelector(".really_text").dataset.text
document.querySelector(".ovk-diag-body").style.padding = "9px";
// "Отклонить"
$(document).on("click", "#decline_post", async (e) => {
let id = Number(e.currentTarget.dataset.id)
let formData = new FormData()
formData.append("id", id)
formData.append("hash", u("meta[name=csrf]").attr("value"))
ky.post("/wall/decline", {
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [
(_request) => {
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("value", "")
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("id", "")
afterResponse: [
async (_request, _options, response) => {
json = await response.json()
if(json.success) {
endSuggestAction(json.new_count, e.currentTarget.closest("table"))
} else {
MessageBox(tr("error"), json.flash.message, [tr("ok")], [Function.noop]);
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("value", tr("decline_suggested"))
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("id", "decline_post")
body: formData
function loadMoreSuggestedPosts() {
let link = location.href
if(!link.includes("/suggested")) {
link += "/suggested"
ky.get(link, {
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [
(_request) => {
document.getElementById("postz").innerHTML = `<img src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">`
afterResponse: [
async (_request, _options, response) => {
let text = await response.text()
let parser = new DOMParser()
let body = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/html")
if(body.querySelectorAll(".post").length < 1) {
let url = new URL(location.href)
url.searchParams.set("p", url.searchParams.get("p") - 1)
if(url.searchParams.get("p") < 1) {
return 0;
history.pushState({}, "", url)
document.getElementById("postz").innerHTML = body.getElementById("postz").innerHTML
// нажатие на "x предложенных записей"
$(document).on("click", ".sugglist a", (e) => {
if(e.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-toogled") == null || e.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-toogled") == "false") {
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("data-toogled", "true")
document.getElementById("underHeader").style.display = "none"
document.querySelector(".insertThere").style.display = "block"
history.pushState({}, "", e.currentTarget.href)
// если ещё ничего не подгружалось
if(document.querySelector(".insertThere").innerHTML == "") {
ky(e.currentTarget.href, {
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [
(_request) => {
document.querySelector(".insertThere").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", `<img src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">`)
afterResponse: [
async (_request, _options, response) => {
let parser = new DOMParser
let result = parser.parseFromString(await response.text(), 'text/html').querySelector(".infContainer")
document.querySelector(".insertThere").innerHTML = result.innerHTML
} else {
// переключение на нормальную стену
e.currentTarget.setAttribute("data-toogled", "false")
document.getElementById("underHeader").style.display = "block"
document.querySelector(".insertThere").style.display = "none"
history.pushState({}, "", e.currentTarget.href.replace("/suggested", ""))
// нажатие на пагинатор у постов предложки
$(document).on("click", "#postz .paginator a", (e) => {
ky(e.currentTarget.href, {
hooks: {
beforeRequest: [
(_request) => {
if(document.querySelector(".sugglist") != null) {
document.querySelector(".sugglist").scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth"})
} else {
document.querySelector(".infContainer").scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth"})
setTimeout(() => {document.getElementById("postz").innerHTML = `<img src="/assets/packages/static/openvk/img/loading_mini.gif">`}, 500)
afterResponse: [
async (_request, _options, response) => {
let result = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(await response.text(), "text/html").querySelector(".infContainer")
document.getElementById("postz").innerHTML = result.innerHTML
history.pushState({}, "", e.currentTarget.href)