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synced 2025-03-14 13:35:33 +03:00
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805 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\VKAPI\Handlers;
use Nette\InvalidStateException;
use Nette\Utils\ImageException;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\{Photo, Album, Comment, Club};
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Albums;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Photos as PhotosRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Clubs;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users as UsersRepo;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Comments as CommentsRepo;
final class Photos extends VKAPIRequestHandler
private function getPhotoUploadUrl(string $field, int $group = 0, bool $multifile = false): string
$secret = CHANDLER_ROOT_CONF["security"]["secret"];
$uploadInfo = [
(int) $multifile,
0, # this is unused but stays here base64 reasons (X2 doesn't work, so there's dummy value for short)
$uploadInfo = pack("vZ10v2P3S", ...$uploadInfo);
$uploadInfo = base64_encode($uploadInfo);
$uploadHash = hash_hmac("sha3-224", $uploadInfo, $secret);
$uploadInfo = rawurlencode($uploadInfo);
return ovk_scheme(true) . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/upload/photo/$uploadHash?$uploadInfo";
private function getImagePath(string $photo, string $hash, ?string& $up = NULL, ?string& $group = NULL): string
$secret = CHANDLER_ROOT_CONF["security"]["secret"];
if(!hash_equals(hash_hmac("sha3-224", $photo, $secret), $hash))
$this->fail(121, "Incorrect hash");
[$up, $image, $group] = explode("|", $photo);
$imagePath = __DIR__ . "/../../tmp/api-storage/photos/$up" . "_$image.oct";
$this->fail(10, "Invalid image");
return $imagePath;
function getOwnerPhotoUploadServer(int $owner_id = 0): object
if($owner_id < 0) {
$club = (new Clubs)->get(abs($owner_id));
if(!$club || $club->isDeleted())
$this->fail(0404, "Club not found");
else if(!$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()))
$this->fail(200, "Access: Club can't be 'written' by user");
return (object) [
"upload_url" => $this->getPhotoUploadUrl("photo", isset($club) ? 0 : $club->getId()),
function saveOwnerPhoto(string $photo, string $hash): object
$imagePath = $this->getImagePath($photo, $hash, $uploader, $group);
if($group == 0) {
$user = (new \openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users)->get((int) $uploader);
$album = (new Albums)->getUserAvatarAlbum($user);
} else {
$club = (new Clubs)->get((int) $group);
$album = (new Albums)->getClubAvatarAlbum($club);
try {
$avatar = new Photo;
$avatar->setOwner((int) $uploader);
$avatar->setDescription("Profile photo");
"tmp_name" => $imagePath,
"error" => 0,
} catch(ImageException | InvalidStateException $e) {
$this->fail(129, "Invalid image file");
return (object) [
"photo_hash" => NULL,
"photo_src" => $avatar->getURL(),
function getWallUploadServer(?int $group_id = NULL): object
$album = NULL;
if(!is_null($group_id)) {
$club = (new Clubs)->get(abs($group_id));
if(!$club || $club->isDeleted())
$this->fail(0404, "Club not found");
else if(!$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()))
$this->fail(200, "Access: Club can't be 'written' by user");
} else {
$album = (new Albums)->getUserWallAlbum($this->getUser());
return (object) [
"upload_url" => $this->getPhotoUploadUrl("photo", $group_id ?? 0),
"album_id" => $album,
"user_id" => $this->getUser()->getId(),
function saveWallPhoto(string $photo, string $hash, int $group_id = 0, ?string $caption = NULL): array
$imagePath = $this->getImagePath($photo, $hash, $uploader, $group);
if($group_id != $group)
$this->fail(8, "group_id doesn't match");
$album = NULL;
if($group_id != 0) {
$uploader = (new \openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Users)->get((int) $uploader);
$album = (new Albums)->getUserWallAlbum($uploader);
try {
$photo = new Photo;
$photo->setOwner((int) $uploader);
"tmp_name" => $imagePath,
"error" => 0,
if (!is_null($caption))
} catch(ImageException | InvalidStateException $e) {
$this->fail(129, "Invalid image file");
return [
function getUploadServer(?int $album_id = NULL): object
# Not checking rights to album because save() method will do so anyways
return (object) [
"upload_url" => $this->getPhotoUploadUrl("photo", 0, true),
"album_id" => $album_id,
"user_id" => $this->getUser()->getId(),
function save(string $photos_list, string $hash, int $album_id = 0, ?string $caption = NULL): object
$secret = CHANDLER_ROOT_CONF["security"]["secret"];
if(!hash_equals(hash_hmac("sha3-224", $photos_list, $secret), $hash))
$this->fail(121, "Incorrect hash");
$album = NULL;
if($album_id != 0) {
$album_ = (new Albums)->get($album_id);
$this->fail(0404, "Invalid album");
else if(!$album_->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()))
$this->fail(15, "Access: Album can't be 'written' by user");
$album = $album_;
$pList = json_decode($photos_list);
$imagePaths = [];
foreach($pList as $pDesc)
$imagePaths[] = __DIR__ . "/../../tmp/api-storage/photos/$pDesc->keyholder" . "_$pDesc->resource.oct";
$images = [];
try {
foreach($imagePaths as $imagePath) {
$photo = new Photo;
"tmp_name" => $imagePath,
"error" => 0,
if (!is_null($caption))
$images[] = $photo->toVkApiStruct();
} catch(ImageException | InvalidStateException $e) {
foreach($imagePaths as $imagePath)
$this->fail(129, "Invalid image file");
return (object) [
"count" => sizeof($images),
"items" => $images,
function createAlbum(string $title, int $group_id = 0, string $description = "", int $privacy = 0)
if($group_id != 0) {
$club = (new Clubs)->get((int) $group_id);
if(!$club || !$club->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser()) || $club->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(20, "Invalid club");
$album = new Album;
$album->setOwner(isset($club) ? $club->getId() * -1 : $this->getUser()->getId());
return $album->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser());
function editAlbum(int $album_id, int $owner_id, string $title, string $description = "", int $privacy = 0)
$album = (new Albums)->getAlbumByOwnerAndId($owner_id, $album_id);
if(!$album || $album->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(2, "Invalid album");
if(empty($title)) {
$this->fail(25, "Title is empty");
if($album->isCreatedBySystem()) {
$this->fail(40, "You can't change system album");
if($album->getOwner()->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(24, "User or club was deleted");
if(!$album->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(2, "Access to album denied");
return $album->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser());
function getAlbums(int $owner_id, string $album_ids = "", int $offset = 0, int $count = 100, bool $need_system = true, bool $need_covers = true, bool $photo_sizes = false)
$res = [];
if(empty($album_ids)) {
if($owner_id > 0) {
$user = (new UsersRepo)->get($owner_id);
$res = [
"count" => (new Albums)->getUserAlbumsCount($user),
"items" => []
$this->fail(2, "Invalid user");
if($user->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(66, "User was deleted");
if(!$user->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser() ?? NULL))
$this->fail(8, "Access denied");
if(!$user->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser()))
$this->fail(21, "Access denied: This user chose to hide his albums.");
$albums = array_slice(iterator_to_array((new Albums)->getUserAlbums($user, 1, $count + $offset)), $offset);
foreach($albums as $album) {
if(!$need_system && $album->isCreatedBySystem()) continue;
$res["items"][] = $album->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser(), $need_covers, $photo_sizes);
else {
$club = (new Clubs)->get($owner_id * -1);
$res = [
"count" => (new Albums)->getClubAlbumsCount($club),
"items" => []
$this->fail(2, "Invalid club");
if($club->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(66, "Club was deleted");
$albums = array_slice(iterator_to_array((new Albums)->getClubAlbums($club, 1, $count + $offset)), $offset);
foreach($albums as $album) {
if(!$need_system && $album->isCreatedBySystem()) continue;
$res["items"][] = $album->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser(), $need_covers, $photo_sizes);
} else {
$albums = explode(',', $album_ids);
$res = [
"count" => sizeof($albums),
"items" => []
foreach($albums as $album)
$id = explode("_", $album);
$album = (new Albums)->getAlbumByOwnerAndId((int)$id[0], (int)$id[1]);
if($album->getOwner()->isDeleted()) continue;
if($album && !$album->isDeleted()) {
if(!$need_system && $album->isCreatedBySystem()) continue;
$res["items"][] = $album->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser(), $need_covers, $photo_sizes);
return $res;
function getAlbumsCount(int $user_id = 0, int $group_id = 0)
if($user_id == 0 && $group_id == 0 || $user_id > 0 && $group_id > 0) {
$this->fail(21, "Select user_id or group_id");
if($user_id > 0) {
$us = (new UsersRepo)->get($user_id);
if(!$us || $us->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid user");
if(!$us->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser() ?? NULL))
$this->fail(8, "Access denied");
if(!$us->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(21, "Access denied: This user chose to hide his albums.");
return (new Albums)->getUserAlbumsCount($us);
if($group_id > 0)
$cl = (new Clubs)->get($group_id);
if(!$cl || $cl->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid club");
return (new Albums)->getClubAlbumsCount($cl);
if($group_id < 0) {
$this->fail(88, "Remove - bruh");
function getById(string $photos, bool $extended = false, bool $photo_sizes = false)
$phts = explode(",", $photos);
$res = [];
foreach($phts as $phota) {
$ph = explode("_", $phota);
$photo = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID((int)$ph[0], (int)$ph[1]);
if(!$photo || $photo->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid photo");
if($photo->getOwner()->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(21, "Owner of this photo is deleted");
if(!$photo->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(21, "This user chose to hide his photos.");
if(!$photo->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser() ?? NULL)) {
$this->fail(8, "Access denied");
$res[] = $photo->toVkApiStruct($photo_sizes, $extended);
return $res;
function get(int $owner_id, int $album_id, string $photo_ids = "", bool $extended = false, bool $photo_sizes = false, int $offset = 0, int $count = 10)
$res = [];
if(empty($photo_ids)) {
$album = (new Albums)->getAlbumByOwnerAndId($owner_id, $album_id);
if(!$album || $album->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid album");
if(!$album->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(21, "This user chose to hide his albums.");
if(!$album->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser() ?? NULL)) {
$this->fail(8, "Access denied");
$photos = array_slice(iterator_to_array($album->getPhotos(1, $count + $offset)), $offset);
$res["count"] = sizeof($photos);
foreach($photos as $photo) {
if(!$photo || $photo->isDeleted()) continue;
$res["items"][] = $photo->toVkApiStruct($photo_sizes, $extended);
} else {
$photos = explode(',', $photo_ids);
$items = [];
$count = 0;
foreach($photos as $photo)
$id = explode("_", $photo);
$phot = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID((int)$id[0], (int)$id[1]);
if($phot && !$phot->isDeleted()) {
if(!$phot->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser() ?? NULL)) {
$count += 1;
$items[] = $phot->toVkApiStruct($photo_sizes, $extended);
$res = [
"count" => $count,
"items" => $items
return $res;
function deleteAlbum(int $album_id, int $group_id = 0)
$album = (new Albums)->get($album_id);
if(!$album || $album->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid album");
if($album->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(22, "Album already deleted");
if($album->getOwner()->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(1, "No escape");
return 1;
function edit(int $owner_id, int $photo_id, string $caption = "")
$photo = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($owner_id, $photo_id);
if(!$photo) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid photo");
if($photo->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(21, "Photo is deleted");
if($photo->getAlbum() && $photo->getAlbum()->getOwner()->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(2, "Owner is deleted");
if(!empty($caption)) {
return 1;
function delete(int $owner_id, int $photo_id, string $photos = "")
if(empty($photos)) {
$photo = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($owner_id, $photo_id);
if($this->getUser()->getId() !== $photo->getOwner()->getId()) {
$this->fail(21, "You can't delete another's photo");
if(!$photo) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid photo");
if($photo->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(21, "Photo already deleted");
} else {
$photozs = explode(',', $photos);
foreach($photozs as $photo)
$id = explode("_", $photo);
$phot = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID((int)$id[0], (int)$id[1]);
if($this->getUser()->getId() !== $phot->getOwner()->getId()) {
$this->fail(21, "You can't delete another's photo");
if(!$phot) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid photo");
if($phot->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(21, "Photo already deleted");
return 1;
function getAllComments(int $owner_id, int $album_id, bool $need_likes = false, int $offset = 0, int $count = 100)
$this->fail(501, "Not implemented");
function deleteComment(int $comment_id, int $owner_id = 0)
$comment = (new CommentsRepo)->get($comment_id);
if(!$comment) {
$this->fail(21, "Invalid comment");
if(!$comment->canBeModifiedBy($this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(21, "Forbidden");
if($comment->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(4, "Comment already deleted");
return 1;
function createComment(int $owner_id, int $photo_id, string $message = "", string $attachments = "", bool $from_group = false)
if(empty($message) && empty($attachments)) {
$this->fail(100, "Required parameter 'message' missing.");
$photo = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($owner_id, $photo_id);
if($photo->getAlbum() && $photo->getAlbum()->getOwner() instanceof User && !$photo->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(21, "This user chose to hide his albums.");
$this->fail(180, "Photo not found");
$this->fail(189, "Photo is deleted");
if(!$photo->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser() ?? NULL)) {
$this->fail(8, "Access denied");
if($photo->getAlbum() && $photo->getAlbum()->getOwner()->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(18, "Owner is deleted");
$comment = new Comment;
if(!empty($attachments)) {
$attachmentsArr = explode(",", $attachments);
if(sizeof($attachmentsArr) > 10)
$this->fail(50, "Error: too many attachments");
foreach($attachmentsArr as $attac) {
$attachmentType = NULL;
if(str_contains($attac, "photo"))
$attachmentType = "photo";
elseif(str_contains($attac, "video"))
$attachmentType = "video";
$this->fail(205, "Unknown attachment type");
$attachment = str_replace($attachmentType, "", $attac);
$attachmentOwner = (int)explode("_", $attachment)[0];
$attachmentId = (int)end(explode("_", $attachment));
$attacc = NULL;
if($attachmentType == "photo") {
$attacc = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Photo does not exists");
if($attacc->getOwner()->getId() != $this->getUser()->getId())
$this->fail(43, "You do not have access to this photo");
} elseif($attachmentType == "video") {
$attacc = (new VideosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($attachmentOwner, $attachmentId);
if(!$attacc || $attacc->isDeleted())
$this->fail(100, "Video does not exists");
if($attacc->getOwner()->getId() != $this->getUser()->getId())
$this->fail(43, "You do not have access to this video");
return $comment->getId();
function getAll(int $owner_id, bool $extended = false, int $offset = 0, int $count = 100, bool $photo_sizes = false)
if($owner_id < 0) {
$this->fail(4, "This method doesn't works with clubs");
$user = (new UsersRepo)->get($owner_id);
if(!$user) {
$this->fail(4, "Invalid user");
if(!$user->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(21, "This user chose to hide his albums.");
if(!$user->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser() ?? NULL)) {
$this->fail(8, "Access denied");
$photos = array_slice(iterator_to_array((new PhotosRepo)->getEveryUserPhoto($user, 1, $count + $offset)), $offset);
$res = [];
foreach($photos as $photo) {
if(!$photo || $photo->isDeleted() || $photo->isAnonymous()) continue;
$res["items"][] = $photo->toVkApiStruct($photo_sizes, $extended);
return $res;
function getComments(int $owner_id, int $photo_id, bool $need_likes = false, int $offset = 0, int $count = 100, bool $extended = false, string $fields = "")
$photo = (new PhotosRepo)->getByOwnerAndVID($owner_id, $photo_id);
if(!$photo) {
$this->fail(4, "Invalid photo");
$comms = array_slice(iterator_to_array($photo->getComments(1, $offset + $count)), $offset);
if(!$photo->getOwner()->getPrivacyPermission('photos.read', $this->getUser())) {
$this->fail(21, "This user chose to hide his photos.");
if($photo->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(4, "Photo is deleted");
if($photo->getOwner()->isDeleted()) {
$this->fail(4, "Owner is deleted");
if(!$photo->canBeViewedBy($this->getUser() ?? NULL)) {
$this->fail(8, "Access denied");
$res = [
"count" => sizeof($comms),
"items" => []
foreach($comms as $comment) {
$res["items"][] = $comment->toVkApiStruct($this->getUser(), $need_likes, $extended);
if($extended) {
if($comment->getOwner() instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\User) {
$res["profiles"][] = $comment->getOwner()->toVkApiStruct();
return $res;
} |