veselcraft a3843e8417
FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better
- Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo
- Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments
2023-01-20 02:46:17 +03:00

22 lines
940 B

<h4 n:if="$showTitle ?? true">{_comments} ({$count})</h4>
<div n:ifset="$thisUser">
{var $commentsURL = "/al_comments/create/$model/" . $parent->getId()}
{var $club = $parent instanceof \openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Post && $parent->getTargetWall() < 0 ? (new openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\Clubs)->get(abs($parent->getTargetWall())) : $club}
{if !$readOnly}
{include "textArea.xml", route => $commentsURL, postOpts => false, graffiti => (bool) ovkGetQuirk("comments.allow-graffiti"), club => $club, custom_id => $custom_id}
{if sizeof($comments) > 0}
{foreach $comments as $comment}
{include "comment.xml", comment => $comment}
<div style="margin-top: 11px;">
{include "paginator.xml", conf => (object) ["page" => $page, "count" => $count, "amount" => sizeof($comments), "perPage" => 10]}
{script "js/al_comments.js"}