Vladimir Barinov a859fa13a5
[WIP] Textarea: Upload multiple pictures (#800)
* VKAPI: Fix bug when DELETED user appear if there is no user_ids

* Textarea: Make multiple attachments

* постмодернистское искусство

* Use only attachPic for grabbing pic attachments

TODO throw flashFail on bruh moment with pic attachments

* draft masonry picture layout in posts xddd

где мои опиаты???

* fix funny typos in computeMasonryLayout

* Fix video bruh moment in textarea

* Posts: add multiple kakahi for microblog

* Photo: Add minimal implementation of миниатюра открывашка

Co-authored-by: Daniel <>

* Photo: Add ability to slide trough photos in one post

This also gives ability to easily implement comments and actions

* Photo: The Fxck Is This implementation of comments under photo in viewer

* FloatingPhotoViewer: Better CSS

- Fix that details background issue
- Make slide buttons slightly shorter by height

* FloatingPhotoViewer: Refactor, and make it better

- Now you can actually check the comments under EVERY photo
- Fix for textarea. Now you can publish comments

* Fix funny typos xddd

* Kinda fix poll display in non-microblog posts

* Posts: Fix poll display in microblog posts

* Add photos picker (#986)

* early implementation of photos pickir

Добавлен пикер фоточек и быстрая загрузка фото. Так же пофикшен просмотрщик фото в группах. Но, правда, я сломал копипейст, но это ладн.

* Fiks fotos viver four coments.

* Add picking photos from clubs albums

Копипейст и граффити так и не пофикшены

* Fix graffiti and copypaste

Какого-то хуя копипаста у постов срабатывает два раза.

* some fixesx

* dragon drop

* Fix PHP 8 compatibility

* 5 (#988)


Co-authored-by: celestora <>
Co-authored-by: Daniel <>
Co-authored-by: lalka2016 <>
Co-authored-by: Alexander Minkin <>
2023-10-03 19:40:13 +03:00

165 lines
6.2 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace openvk\Web\Presenters;
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\{Comment, Notifications\MentionNotification, Photo, Video, User, Topic, Post};
use openvk\Web\Models\Entities\Notifications\CommentNotification;
use openvk\Web\Models\Repositories\{Comments, Clubs, Videos, Photos};
final class CommentPresenter extends OpenVKPresenter
protected $presenterName = "comment";
private $models = [
"posts" => "openvk\\Web\\Models\\Repositories\\Posts",
"photos" => "openvk\\Web\\Models\\Repositories\\Photos",
"videos" => "openvk\\Web\\Models\\Repositories\\Videos",
"notes" => "openvk\\Web\\Models\\Repositories\\Notes",
"topics" => "openvk\\Web\\Models\\Repositories\\Topics",
function renderLike(int $id): void
$comment = (new Comments)->get($id);
if(!$comment || $comment->isDeleted()) $this->notFound();
if ($comment->getTarget() instanceof Post && $comment->getTarget()->getWallOwner()->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
if(!is_null($this->user)) $comment->toggleLike($this->user->identity);
function renderMakeComment(string $repo, int $eId): void
$repoClass = $this->models[$repo] ?? NULL;
if(!$repoClass) chandler_http_panic(400, "Bad Request", "Unexpected $repo.");
$repo = new $repoClass;
$entity = $repo->get($eId);
if(!$entity) $this->notFound();
if($entity instanceof Topic && $entity->isClosed())
if($entity instanceof Post && $entity->getTargetWall() < 0)
$club = (new Clubs)->get(abs($entity->getTargetWall()));
else if($entity instanceof Topic)
$club = $entity->getClub();
if ($entity instanceof Post && $entity->getWallOwner()->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));
$flags = 0;
if($this->postParam("as_group") === "on" && !is_null($club) && $club->canBeModifiedBy($this->user->identity))
$flags |= 0b10000000;
$photo = NULL;
if($_FILES["_pic_attachment"]["error"] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
try {
$photo = Photo::fastMake($this->user->id, $this->postParam("text"), $_FILES["_pic_attachment"]);
} catch(ISE $ex) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_when_publishing_comment"), tr("error_when_publishing_comment_description"));
$photos = [];
if(!empty($this->postParam("photos"))) {
$un = rtrim($this->postParam("photos"), ",");
$arr = explode(",", $un);
if(sizeof($arr) < 11) {
foreach($arr as $dat) {
$ids = explode("_", $dat);
$photo = (new Photos)->getByOwnerAndVID((int)$ids[0], (int)$ids[1]);
if(!$photo || $photo->isDeleted())
$photos[] = $photo;
$videos = [];
if(!empty($this->postParam("videos"))) {
$un = rtrim($this->postParam("videos"), ",");
$arr = explode(",", $un);
if(sizeof($arr) < 11) {
foreach($arr as $dat) {
$ids = explode("_", $dat);
$video = (new Videos)->getByOwnerAndVID((int)$ids[0], (int)$ids[1]);
if(!$video || $video->isDeleted())
$videos[] = $video;
if(empty($this->postParam("text")) && sizeof($photos) < 1 && sizeof($videos) < 1)
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_when_publishing_comment"), tr("error_comment_empty"));
try {
$comment = new Comment;
} catch (\LengthException $ex) {
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error_when_publishing_comment"), tr("error_comment_too_big"));
foreach($photos as $photo)
if(sizeof($videos) > 0)
foreach($videos as $vid)
if($entity->getOwner()->getId() !== $this->user->identity->getId())
if(($owner = $entity->getOwner()) instanceof User)
(new CommentNotification($owner, $comment, $entity, $this->user->identity))->emit();
$excludeMentions = [$this->user->identity->getId()];
if(($owner = $entity->getOwner()) instanceof User)
$excludeMentions[] = $owner->getId();
$mentions = iterator_to_array($comment->resolveMentions($excludeMentions));
foreach($mentions as $mentionee)
if($mentionee instanceof User)
(new MentionNotification($mentionee, $entity, $comment->getOwner(), strip_tags($comment->getText())))->emit();
$this->flashFail("succ", tr("comment_is_added"), tr("comment_is_added_desc"));
function renderDeleteComment(int $id): void
$comment = (new Comments)->get($id);
if(!$comment) $this->notFound();
$this->throwError(403, "Forbidden", tr("error_access_denied"));
if ($comment->getTarget() instanceof Post && $comment->getTarget()->getWallOwner()->isBanned())
$this->flashFail("err", tr("error"), tr("forbidden"));